Immagini della pagina

This work is frequently, but erroneously attributed to Bernal Diaz del Castillo. It is a translation of the Relation of the Conquest of Mexico, being Englished by Thomas Nicholas.

313. GOSSE (EDMUND W.). King Erik. Vignette on title. 12mo, cloth.

FIRST EDITION. Presentation copy, with inscription: with the Author's compliments & kind regards."

London, 1876 “Mrs. Trubner,

314. GOUNOD (CHARLES). Bright Star of Eve. No. 4 of Six New Part-Songs Dedicated to the Royal Albert Hall Choral Society of 1872. [Words and score.] Thin royal 8vo, half crimson morocco. London, 1872 Presentation copy from the composer, with signed inscription on title.

315. GOUPIL MONOGRAPH. Oliver Cromwell. By Samuel R. Gardner. With colored portrait of Cromwell in armour, and a large number of portraits and other illustrations in photogravure, reproduced from contemporary works of art, together with facsimiles, etc. Royal 4to, original wrappers, uncut. London, Paris, etc., Goupil & Co., 1899

Limited and numbered issue on fine paper.

316. GRAHAM (J. A.). A Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont, one of the United States of America. Portrait of the author by Evans and woodcuts by Bewick. 8vo, sprinkled calf (hinges weak).

London, 1797

FIRST EDITION. The work is beautifully printed. The author, at the time it was published, was in England, as agent from the Episcopal Church of Vermont to the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts.

317. GRAY (THOMAS). Poetical Works, English and Latin. Edited, with an Introduction, Life, Notes, and a Bibliography, by John Bradshaw. 12mo, half citron calf, gilt top, leather label, uncut. London: Bell and Sons, 1903

Aldine Edition.

318. GREGOIRE (H.). De La Litterature des Négres, ou Recherches sur leurs facultes intellectuelles, leur litterature, etc. 8vo, old half calf. Paris, 1808

Contains a very interesting reference to the possibilities of a canal at Panama.

319. GRIMMS' FAIRY TALES. A new translation by Mrs. Edgar Lucas. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham, London, n.d.; Stories of India's Gods and Heroes. By W. D. Monro. Illustrations in color by Evelyn Paul. N. Y., n.d. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth.

320. GROTE (GEORGE). A History of Greece With portrait, maps and Index. 12 vols., 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt tops. London: John Murray, 1846-56

The best large type Library Edition.

321. GROVE (SIR GEORGE). A Dictionary of Music Edited by George Grove. With illustrations and woodcuts. vols. 8vo, cloth.

and Musicians. With Index. 5 London, 1890

322. GUIGARD (JOANNIS). Armorial du Bibliophile, avec illustrations dans le texte. 8vo, 2 vols. in one, half morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1870-73

Indispensable work to the collector of old and historical Bindings. This work is illustrated with hundreds of reproductions of coats of arms of the most celebrated collections and royalty of France with a brief bibliographical sketch of each. Rare.

323. HAKLUYT (RICHARD). The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or Ouerland, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeeres: Divided into three seuerall Volumes, according to the positions of the Regions, whereunto they were directed. 3 vols. in two. Folio, old russia (rubbed).

Imprinted at London by George Bishop, Ralph Newberie and Robert Barker,


A VERY SCARCE EDITION of these important narratives of voyages.

The title to the first volume is slightly imperfect, and that to the third volume has been re-margined. As usual, the first volume ends with page 606, the "Voyage to Cadiz" having been suppressed by order of Queen Elizabeth after the disgrace of the Earl of Essex. There is no map.

324. HALL (CAPTAIN BASIL). Travels in North America, in the Years 1827 and 1828. Folding map in colors. 3 vols. 12mo, half polished calf, gilt tops, uncut. Edin., 1829

FIRST EDITION. Presentation copy from the author with inscription on fly leaf.

325. HALL (H. BYNG). The Bric-a-Brac Hunter; or, Chapters on Chinamania. Frontispiece. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, full morocco, blind tooling, gilt edges, by The Sandringham Bindery. London, 1875

326. HALVORSEN (J. B.). Norsk Forfatter-Lexicon, 1814-1880. 6 vols. 8vo, half roan. Kristiania, 1885-1908

327. HAMILTON (COUNT ANTHONY). Fairy Tales and Romances, London, 1849; Memoirs of the Court of Charles the Second. Frontispiece portrait of Nell Gwynne. London, 1864. 2 vols. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt tops. London: Bohn, 1849-64

Fine copies of Bohn's Extra Volumes.

328. HANSEN (P.). Illustreret Dansk Litteratur Historie. Profusely illustrated with woodcuts, and numerous facsimiles. 3 vols. in two, square 8vo, stamped pig-skin. Kjobenhavn, 1902

329. HARDEN (MAXIMILIAN). Monarchs and Men, Phila., 1913; Word Portraits. Edinb., 1911. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth.

330. HARDIE (JAMES). The Description of the City of New York. . .Το which is prefixed a brief account of its First Settlement by the Dutch in the Year 1629, etc. Folding map. 12mo, sheep. New York, 1827


331. HARINGTON (SIR JOHN, Translator). Orlando Furioso in English Heroical Verse. By Sr. Iohn Harington of the Bathe Knight. Now thirdly revised and amended with the Addition of the Author's Epigrams. Engraved title and 46 engraved plates. Folio, contemporary blind panelled calf.

London: Printed by G. Miller, 1634

SCARCE. The second title reads: "The Most Elegant and Wittie Epigrams of Sir John Harington, Knight." London: Printed by George Miller, 1633.

332. HARPER (HENRY H.). A Journey in Southeastern Mexico. Frontispiece. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut.

New York: Privately printed for the Author, 1910

Issued privately for distribution among the author's friends. A narrative of experiences, and observations on Agricultural and Industrial conditions.

333. HARPER (HENRY H.). Random Verses. 8vo, half parchment and boards, uncut. Boston: Privately Printed, 1914 334. HARRIS (STANLEY). Old Coaching Days; The Coaching Age. Illustrations by John Sturgess. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1882-85


335. HARRISON (FREDERICK). Memories and Thoughts, 1906; The Creed of a Layman, 1907; The Philosophy of Common Sense, 1907; Realities and Ideals, 1908; Autobiographic Memoirs, 2 vols., 1911. ALL FIRST EDITIONS, two with publisher's blind presentation stamps on titles. 6 vols. 12mo, and 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, v.d.

336. HARTE (BRET). Gabriel Conroy. Illustrated. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, Hartford, 1876


337. HAWKINS (FREDERICK). Annals of the French Stage from its Origin to the Death of Racine. 2 vols. 1884; The French Stage in the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols. 1888. Frontispiece portraits. Together 4 vols. 8vo, full new brown levant morocco, elaborately tooled backs, fine inside borders, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1884-88

FIRST EDITIONS of these most interesting Dramatic Annals, in handsome bindings.

338. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Complete Writings of Hawthorne. With Portraits, Illustrations, and Facsimiles. 22 vols.; Nathaniel Hawthorne. By George E. Woodberry, Portrait. Large Paper copy. 1 vol. Together 23 vols. 8vo, buckram, uncut. Boston, 1900-02

The Autograph Edition, limited to 500 copies; signed by Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, and Houghton, Mifflin & Co. The best and most complete set of Hawthorne, notable for its fine typography.

339. HEARNE (THOMAS). Ectypa Varia. Ad Historiam Britannicam illustrandam Aere olim Insculpta Studio et Cura. Frontispiece portrait by Vertue, engraved title, and 56 plates and facsimiles. 4to, old boards, covers loose. London, 1737


Scarce. A note on the inside cover, in the hand of Gabriel Furman, states that but 25 copies of this work were published.

340. HEGEL (G. W. F.). Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. Translated from the Second German Edition. The translation edited by the Rev. E. B. Speirs. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. London, 1895

341. HEINE (Heinrich). The Works of Heinrich Heine. Translated from the German by Charles Godfrey Leland. 12 vols. 12mo, half red calf, leather labels, gilt tops, uncut, by Mansell. London, 1892

Fine set.

342. HERALDRY. Honor rediviuus, or An analysis of Honor and Armory by Matt. Carter. Numerous plates. 12mo, half morocco. London: Henry Herringman, 1660

343. HERODIAN'S History of the Roman Emperors, containing many Strange and Wonderful Revolutions of State in Europe, Asia, and Africa, etc. Done from the Greek, By a Gentleman at Oxford. 8vo, old sheep (covers loose).

London, 1698

344. HEWLETT (MAURICE). The Road in Tuscany. A Commentary. Profusely illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1904

345. HEWLETT (MAURICE). Fond Adventures Tales of the Youth of the World. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. London, 1905

346. HILDRETH (RICHARD). Japan as it Was and Is. [3 copies.] 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1855-60

Two of the copies are First Editions.


347. HILLIARD D'AUBERTEUIL. A Collection of 9 maps and 9 plates from "Essais Historiques et Politiques sur les Anglo-Americains. 8vo, mottled [Bruxelles, 1782] The plates, by Le Barbier and others, are finely' engraved and include First Assembly of Congress, Portraits of Hancock, Washington, Franklin and Pitt, Fire in New York, Plan of the Battle of Monmouth, Maps of New York, etc.

348. HIND (HENRY YOULE). Narrative of the Canadian Red River Exploring Expedition of 1857, and of the Assinniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition of 1858. Beautifully illustrated with colored lithograph plates. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1860

349. HISTORY of Clubs and Club Life (Timbs); A History of Booksellers (Curwen); English Eccentrics and Eccentricities (Timbs); The Genial Showman (Artemus Ward); Choice Humorous Works of Theodore Hook. Illustrations. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut.

London, n.d.

350. HOBBES (THOMAS). Tracts of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmsbury. Svo, old calf (one cover loose).

London, 1682

351. HODGSON (REV. JOHN). Memoirs of the Lives of Thomas Gibson, Jonathan Harle, John Horsley, and William Turner. Svo, half morocco. Newcastle, 1831

Inserted are a few letters and plates regarding the author.

352. HOGAN-Moganides; or, The Dutch Hudibras. London, 1674; Relation du Voyage Fait a la Chine par le sieur Gio Ghirardini. Paris, 1700; Morceaux Divers, prononces a Boston par Joseph L. Artiguenave. Boston, 1817. 3 vols. various sizes and bindings.

353. HOLBEIN (HANS). Todtentanz in 53 getreu nach den Holzschnitten lithographirten Blattern. Herausgegeben von J. Schlotthauer. 53 mounted lithographs. 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt top. Munchen, 1832

354. HOLLAND. Binnen-landtse Borgerlyke Beroerten in Holland en Zeelandt. Portraits of the De Witts on title-page, and 2 folding plates. Small 4to, wrappers. Amsterdam, 1676

355. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). Our Hundred Days in Europe. Portrait. 4to, cloth, uncut, paper label (stain on front cover). London, 1888

One of 100 copies on Large Paper.

356. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). The Works of Holmes. Illustrated with steel portraits and photogravures. 13 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut (one volume slightly water-stained). Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., n.d.

The Artists' Edition, limited to 750 copies.

357. HORAE. Manuscript Book of Hours, consisting of 149 leaves. Written on Vellum, with several hundred beautifully illuminated initials, in gold and colors. The text is slightly imperfect. 12mo, full vellum, gilt edges.

Circa last half XV. Cent.

An interesting specimen of late XVth century work, with illuminated initials.

358. HORSMANDEN (DANIEL). The New York Conspiracy; or, a History of the Negro Plot, with the Journal of the Proceedings against the Conspirators at New York in the Years 1741-2. 8vo, full sheep. New York, 1810

Second Edition. Scarce.

359. HUBBARD (WILLIAM). A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, From the First Planting thereof in the Year 1607, to the Year 1677. Containing a Relation of the Occasion, Rise, and Progress of the War

with the Indians, in the Southern, Western, Eastern and Northern Parts of said Country. 12mo, half morocco (hinges weak).

Boston, 1775

Second American Edition, altered and abridged.

360. HULME (F. EDWARD). Suggestions in Floral Design. Illustrated with 52 plates in gold and colors. 4to, cloth.

London, n.d.

361. HUMPHREYS (R., Editor). The Memoirs of J. Decastro, Comedian.... Accompanied by an Analysis of the Life of the late Philip Astley. Illustrated. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt edges.

London: Published by Sherwood, Jones and Co., 1824

Fine copy. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 50 very fine dramatic portraits, many being character portraits, some on India paper, and inlaid to size where necessary. Among the inserted portraits are: Mrs. Barry as Sir Harry Wildair; Mrs. Lessingham in the Character of Silvia; Mr. Parsons in the Character of Periwinkle; Mr. Braham as Lord Aimworth; George Colman, by Ridley; Madame Simonet in the Character of the Princess; Shakespeare at the age of 40, by Hall; Miss Phillips as Juliet, by W. Holl, Jr., and others.

362. HUMPHRIES (SYDNEY). Oriental Carpets, Runners and Rugs and some Jacquard Reproductions. Numerous colored plates. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1910

363. HUNTER (JOHN D.). Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians of North America, from childhood to the age of nineteen. The Third Edition, with Additions. Portrait. 8vo, half calf. London, 1824

364. HUTCHINSON (THOMAS). The History of the Colony of Massachusett's Bay, from the First Settlement thereof in 1628, until its incorporation with the Colony of Plymouth, Province of Main, &c. by the Charter of King William and Queen Mary, in 1691. Second Edition. 8vo, tree calf (hinges weak, and top of one leaf torn away).

London, 1765

365. IBSEN. Samliv med Ibsen. By John Paulsen. Kristiania, 1913; Henrik Ibsen. Von Roman Woerner. 2 vols. Munchen, 1912. 3 vols. 8vo, paper and cloth.

366. IBSEN. Gleanings from Ibsen. Selected and Edited by Emmie A. Keddell, London, 1897; Ibsen. By Haldane Macfall, N. Y., 1907; The Ibsen Secret (Lee), N. Y., 1907; Henrik Ibsen (Rose), London, 1913; Ibsen's Brand (Olson), Chicago, 1908. 5 vols. 16mo and 12mo, cloth and boards.

367. INCUNABULA. Johannes (Abbas Nivicellensis). Concordantiae Bibliae et Canonum totiusque Iuris civilis. Gothic character, double columns. 75 unnumbered leaves; signatures a-m. Folio, boards, parchment back (broken) Basileae [Johannes de Amorbach], 1489

A fine and very large copy of this scarce book.

368. IN DARKEST AFRICA (Stanley), 2 vols., N. Y., 1890; Divine Providence (Swedenborg), Phila., 1868; An Unknown Country (Mulock), N. Y., 1887; Fielding's Works. In one volume, Edinb. 1872. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth.

369. INDIANS. A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee, appointed in the Year 1795, by the Yearly Meeting of Friends of Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, etc., for Promoting the Improvement and gradual Civilization of the Indian Natives. 8vo, half calf, uncut.

Philadelphia printed: London, reprinted, 1806

Also contains an account of a meeting in Baltimore, in 1805.

370. INDIANS. A Sketch of the further Proceedings of the Committees appointed by the Yearly Meetings of Friends of Pennsylvania, etc., and Maryland, for Promoting the Improvement and gradual Civilization of the Indian Natives, in some parts of North America. Svo, half calf, uncut. London, 1812

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