Immagini della pagina

A very handsome and elaborate specimen of silver ornamented binding of German workmanship. The designs are chiselled in heavy silver and in deep relief, with an openwork background; birds, fruits, flowers, crowns, and religious emblems being used in the decorations.

75. BINDING. Bijbel, dat is: De Gansche Heilige Schrift, etc. Illustrations. 12mo, contemporary leather, the sides with borders and rims of silver, and with clasps of the same metal. Amsterdam, 1849 A very good specimen of Dutch workmanship. The silver clasps are of openwork and the side ornaments are heavily embossed, in a conventional design of flowers.

76. BINDING. Die Gedachtniss feier des Christen, etc. Illustrated. 12mo, stamped leather, corner ornaments and clasp ornaments of silver filigree, with clasp to match. Regensburg, 1852

77. BINDING. The Church Service: containing the Book of Common Prayer, etc. Illustrated. 16mo, velvet back, ivory sides, the front cover being decorated with a handsome panel and center ornament of silver. The covers are held together with a silver clasp. New York, 1853

78. BINDING. The Book of Common Prayer. Illustrations. 12mo, velvet back, each side cover formed of a piece of mother of pearl, with corner ornaments of chased silver and panels of tortoise shell, gauffred gilt edges, silver clasp. New York, 1863

79. BINDING. No Name: A Drama in Four Acts. By Wilkie Collins. 12mo, bound in a piece of embroidered linen executed in Smyrna about 100 years ago. London, 1870

This unusual cover is done in gold and silver thread, and in colored silks. The design is one of flowers and spray in an Oriental effect. 80. BINDING. Silver Book Cover, with hinged back, the sides decorated with raised design of children in fancy dress, with border of scrolls, silver clasp.

81. BINDING. Hymn Book and Testament in German. 12mo, brown velvet, gilt edges, with silver-gilt clasps and side ornaments, handsomely chased and with porcelain centers bearing miniature paintings of the four Evangels.

82. BIOGRAPHY. Balzac. By Ferdinand Brunetiere, London, 1906; Jane Austen and her Times (Mitton), London, n.d.; Life and Remains of Rev. R. H. Quick (Storr), Cambridge, 1899; Rahel Varnhagen (Key), N. Y., 1913. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth.

83. BIOGRAPHY. Records of Shelley, Byron, and the Author (Trelawny), London, 1887; Charles Dickens (Kitton), N. Y., 1908; Henry Irving (Daly), London, 1884; and others. 5 vols. various sizes, cloth.

84. BJORNSON (BJORNSTJERNE). Writings in Norwegian, including his stories, plays, etc. 33 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth.

Kobenhavn and Kristiania, v.d.

85. BLANC (CHARLES). Histoire des Peintres de toutes les Ecoles. Profusely illustrated. Folio, half morocco (rubbed), gilt edges. Paris, 1870 86. BLITH (WALTER). The English Improver, Or a New Survey of Husbandry. Small 4to, full brown calf. London: J. Wright, 1649


87. BLOUNT (SIR THOMAS P.). De Re Poetica: or, Remarks upon Poetry. Small 4to, original calf (cracked). London, 1694

Fine copy of the First Edition.

88. BOHN'S LIBRARIES. Livy's History, 4 vols. London, 1892; Butler's Analogy and Sermons, London, 1893; Montaigne's Essays, 3 vols. London, 1892. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth.


$9. BONNYCASTLE (SIR RICHARD HENRY). Newfoundland in 1842. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1842

FIRST EDITION. From the library of Mr. Eames, with his autograph and note on fly-leaf.

90. BORROMEE (ST. CHARLES). Vita Caroli Borromei Card. S. Praxedis Archiepiscopi Mediolani item opuscula du Episcopus & Cardinalis ab Augustino Card. Veronae Conscripta. Printer's device on title. Small 4to, original vellum. Veronae, 1586

91. BORROW (GEORGE). Works, comprising: Lavengro; The Bible in Spain; The Zincali; The Romany Rye; Wild Wales. 5 vols. 12mo, half blue calf, by Riviere.

London, 1896

92. BOSTON PORT BILL. An Act to discontinue . . the landing and discharging, lading or shipping, of Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, etc. Folio, stitched.

London, 1774

93. BOSWELL (JAMES). The Life of Samuel Johnson. Engraved portrait by Worthington, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1826

Very fine copy, in the original binding.

94. BOUCHER (JONATHAN). A View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution; in Thirteen Discourses, Preached in North America between the Years 1763 and 1775. With an Historical Preface. 8vo, half morocco (covers loose).

Very Scarce.

London, 1797

95. BOURCARD (GUSTAVE). Graveurs et Gravures. France et Etranger. Essai de Bibliographie 1540-1910. Royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut.

Edition limited to 400 copies.

Paris, 1910

96. BOURGUET (J. B. E. DU). Traité de Navigation. 3 folding plates. 4to, original sheep.

The genuine edition, signed by the author.

Paris, 1808

97. BOURRIENNE (M. DE). The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Illustrated with portraits, battle scenes, etc. 3 vols. 12mo, half straight-grain morocco, gilt edges.

Bookplate of Henry C. Keene.

London, 1831

98. BREREWOOD (EDWARD). A Learned Treatise of the Sabaoth. To Nicholas Byfield. With Mr. Byfield's answer and Mr. Brerewood's Reply. Small 4to, old panelled calf. Oxford, 1630 Bound in, is: "A Second Treatise of the Sabbath, Oxford, 1632. First Edition of each part.

[ocr errors]

99. BRIDGES (ROBERT). The Growth of Love. 4to, full parchment boards, uncut and unopened. Portland: Printed for Thomas B. Mosher, 1894 One of 50 copies on LARGE PAPER.

100. BRIEFS for Debate (Brookings and Ringwalt), London, 1911; Justice and Liberty (Dickinson), N. Y., 1908; The Martyrdom of Man (Reade), London, 1912, and 2 others. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth.

101. BRINE (LINDESAY). Travels amongst American Indians, their ancient Earthworks and Temples. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1894

FIRST EDITION. Includes account of a journey in Guatemala, Mexico, and Yucatan, and a visit to the Ruins of Patinamit, Utatlan, Palenque and Uxmal.

102. BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (J. P.). Nouveau Voyage dans les EtatsUnis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, fait en 1788. Vols. 1 and 2 only. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf (hinges weak). Paris, 1791

FIRST EDITION. These volumes contain the result of the author's enquiries respecting a suitable place to establish a French Colony.

103. BROME (RICHARD). Five New Playes. (Viz.) The Madd Couple well matcht; The Novella; The Court Beggar; The City Witt; The Demoiselle. Portrait wanting. Small 8vo, full blue straight-grain morocco, gilt edges. London: Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1653 FIRST EDITION. Extremely Scarce. With bookplates of John T. Brockett and Thomas Bell.

104. BROUGHAM (LORD). Albert Lunel. A Novel. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, n.d. The original edition of this Novel was suppressed on the eve of publication in 1844 and it is said that not above 5 copies are extant.

105. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Casa Guidi Windows. A Poem. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1851


106. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Last Poems, 1862; The Greek Christian Poets, etc., 1863. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut (Publishers' presentation stamp on titles). London, 1862-63

107. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Sonnets from the Portuguese. Ornamental initials. Small 4to, full green levant morocco, the sides very elaborately tooled in a conventional design of flowers, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Bost.: Copeland and Day, 1896 A very handsome specimen of binding. With bookplate of Emilie Grigsby. Laid in is a A.L.S. by John Barrett, father of Elizabeth.


108. BROWNING (ROBERT). Poems by Robert Browning. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1850 With a most interesting inscription by the author on the fly-leaf: "Mrs. Jameson-with R. B's affectionate regards. Paris, May 8, '52." A number of passages are marked in pencil and there is a notation of the page numbers, probably by Mrs. Jameson.

109. BROWNING (ROBERT). The Agamemnon of Eschylus, 1877; La Saisiaz, 1878; Asolando, 1890. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, v.d.


110. BRYANT AND GAY. A Popular History of the United States, from the First Discovery of the Western Hemisphere by the Northmen, to the End of the First Century of the Union of the States. Profusely illustrated. 4 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth.

London, 1876

111. BRYCE (JAMES). The American Commonwealth. Second Edition, revised. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1889

112. BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). The Population and Riches of Nations, considered together, etc. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1819

113. BUCKINGHAM (L. S. F.). Memoirs of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland. Frontispiece portraits. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth..

London, 1844

114. BUNBURY (H. W.). An Academy for Grown Horsemen; also, Annals of Horsemanship. By Geoffrey Gambado. 27 finely colored plates by H. W. Bunbury. 16mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. London, 1825 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 12 colored plates by Rowlandson from the edition of 1803. Fine copy.

115. BURNABY (ANDREW). Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America. In the Years 1759-1760. With Observations upon the State of the Colonies. SECOND EDITION. 8vo, calf (cover loose).

London, 1775

116. [BURNETT (THOMAS).] A Second Tale of a Tub: or, The History of Robert Powel, the Puppet-Show-Man. Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back, canary edges. London: Printed for J. Roberts, 1715 FIRST EDITION. This piece is a satire on Sir Robert Walpole. It is sometimes attributed to Thomas Duffet.

117. BURNS (ROBERT). Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Portrait by Nasmyth, engraved by I. Beugo. 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, rough edges. Edinburgh: Printed for the Author, 1787 The First Edinburgh Edition, with the "skinking" spelling in the Ode to a Haggis. A fine and clean copy of this scarce edition, with the added interest of having belonged to Robert Chambers, who used it in compiling the earliest edition of the Life and Works of Burns, in 1840. Many of the pages contain additions to the original text and comments, in the handwriting of Chambers and of Robert Hogg, a younger brother of the "Ettrick Shepherd," at one time secretary to Sir Walter Scott.

118. BURNS (ROBERT). The Works of Robert Burns; with his Life, by Allan Cunningham. With engraved titles and frontispieces. 8 vols. 12mo, half olive morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Morrell. London: Cochrane, 1834

Very fine copy.

119. BURNS (ROBERT). The Poetical Works. Engraved portrait. 3 vols. 12mo, full dark green morocco, gilt edges.

The Aldine Edition.

London: Wm. Pickering, 1839

120. BURNS (ROBERT). The Burns Calendar: A Manual of Burnsiana. With a Concise Bibliography, and a Record of Burns Relics. Portrait. 4to, original boards, uncut. Kilmarnock: James McKie, 1874

Only 600 copies printed, each signed by publisher.

121. BURROUGHS (JOHN). The Writings of Burroughs. With portraits and other illustrations. Vols. 1 to 15 inclusive. 15 vols. 8vo, buckram, uncut.

The Autograph Edition, limited to 750 copies. roughs and Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Beautifully side Press.

Boston, 1904-08 Signed by John Burprinted at the River

122. [BURTON (ROBERT).] The Anatomy of Melancholy. Engraved title and frontispiece. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top.

123. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. In Three Parts. Time of the late Wars. With Annotations, and an Index. of Butler by Ridley and woodcuts in the style of Bewick. morocco, gilt top, uncut.

New York, 1847

Written in the Engraved portrait 8vo, half green London, 1800

LARGE PAPER COPY, and the first with these illustrations. 124. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras, a Poem. With Notes, selected from Grey and other Authors, to which are prefixed, a Life of the Author, and a preliminary Discourse on the Civil War, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, old English morocco, richly tooled backs, gilt borders, gilt edges (one back neatly repaired.) London, 1819

A very desirable edition of this famous work, with the series of full-page colored plates by Clark. Plates and text in fine clean condition.

125. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. With Notes by the Rev. Treadway Russel Nash. Illustrated with numerous steel portraits, views, etc. 2 vols. Evo, half green levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1847

126. BYRON (LORD). Hebrew Melodies. 8vo, half green straight-grain morocco, ornamental corners, gilt top, uncut.

London, 1815

A fine, clean copy of the First Edition, with the half-title. 127. BYRON (LORD). Poetical Works. Portrait. 8 vols. imp. 8vo, full polished calf (a little rubbed, one signature loose).


London: Murray, 1839

128. CABALA: sive Scrinia Sacra. Mysteries of State & Government: in Letters Of illustrious Persons, and great Agents; in the Reigns of Henry_the Eighth, Queen Elizabeth, K. James, and the late King Charles. In Two Parts. In which the Secrets of Empire, and Publique manage of Affairs are contained. With many remarkable passages nowhere else Published. Title in red and black. Small 4to, half calf.

London: Printed for G. Bedel, and T. Collins, 1654 Scarce. The word Cabal is formed from the initial letters of the names of five ministers in Charles the Second's time; viz., Clifford, Ashby, Buckingham, Arlington and Lauderdale.

129. CABINET de l'art de Sculpture. Par le fameux sculpteur Francis Van Bossuit, exécuté en Ivoire ou ebauché en terre. Gravé d'après les dessins de Graat par Mattys Pool. Small folio, half red morocco, gilt top, Amsterdam, 1727


FIRST EDITION of this rare collection, with the engraved title page, dedication portrait of Bossuit and Barent Graat, and 103 engravings of the Sculptor's statuettes of Venus, Cleopatra, Leda and the Swan, etc., etc.

Beautiful Copy.

130. CABLE (GEORGE W.). The Creoles of Louisiana. FIRST EDITION. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1884 131 CAINE (HALL). The Bondman. A New Saga. 3 vols. 12mo, origiLondon, 1890 also by Mary

nal cloth.

Presentation from author with inscription; signed
Hale Caine.

132. CALDCLEUGH (ALEXANDER). Travels in South America, during the Years 1819-21, containing an Account of the Present State of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Chile. Colored frontispiece, maps, and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf. London: Murray, 1825

133. Caldecott (Randolph). A Complete Set of First Editions of his charming Children's Books, comprising: Come Lasses and Lads. Hey Diddle Diddle.

The Fox Jumps Over the Farmer's

The Queen of Hearts.

Ride a Cock Horse, and A Farmer
went Trotting upon a Gray Mare.
This is the House that Jack Built.
The Babes in the Wood.

The Three Jovial Huntsmen.
With the series of admirably colored
Caldecott. 16 vols. bound in two, 4to,
pictorial wrappers bound as issued.

The Farmer's Boy.

An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog.
Sing a Song of Sixpence.

A Frog He Would a-Wooing Go.
The Milkmaid.

The Diverting History of John

The Great Panjandrum Himself.
Elegy to the Glory of Her Sex.

and other illustrations by Randolph and oblong 4to, cloth, with the original London: Geo. Rutledge and Sons, n.d. COMPLETE SETS OF THESE CHARMING BOOKS ARE NOW VERY SCARCE. 134. CAMDEN (WILLIAM). Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarvm, regnante Elizabetha, ad Annum Salutis M. D. LXXXIX. 2 vols. in one. Folio, contemporary calf, rebacked (corner of title repaired).

Londini, 1615

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