337. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Celebration of the Introduction of Water into Boston, [1848]; Old South Meeting-House Report. Address by Lowell, 1877; Dedication of New Library Building at Chelsea, Mass., 1886; What American Authors think about Int. Copyright, 1888. 4 pamphlets. 8vo, sewn and wrappers. v.p., v.d. FIRST EDITIONS. A MAP OF EXCESSIVE RARITY 338. MAP. Description de la Novvelle France ou sont remarquées les diuerses habitations des Francois, despuis la premiere descouuerte jusques a present, receuillie et dressée sur diuerses relations modernes, 1643. Double folio, folded in centre. OF EXCESSIVE RARITY. This map was reproduced in Thwaites' reprint of the "Jesuit Relations" from the only copy which at that time was known to the editors, Prof. Thwaites of the Wisconsin University, and Mr. Paltsits of the N. Y. Public Library, namely the one in the New York Public Library. Thus far, this seems to be THE ONLY OTHER COPY WHICH CAN BE TRACED RY STUDENTS IN THIS COUNTRY. The map shows Lake Ontario, Huron, and Erie, the course of St. Lawrence River and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 339. MAP. L'Hemisphere Septentrional pour voir plus distinctment Les Terres Arctiques. Par Guillaume de Lisle. Engraved map, in colors. Double Amsterdam, [1740] folio. Fine copy. 340. MAPS. Popple's Maps of the Coasts of America. French Edition. 10 maps, 4to and folio. In color. Paris, 1740 A fine and scarce collection, comprising: Plans des Isles, Rades, et Ports; Ports de la Nouvelle York et de Pertamboy; Isle de la Jamaica; Ports de St. Augustin, Providence, etc., etc. 341. MAP. Map of Virginia, belonging to Smith's "Virginia." With inset engraving of Powhatan. 4to. London, 1606 This is the 9th state of the map. It is somewhat imperfect in the centre, and has a tear in the left-hand margin. It has been trimmed close on the left edge. 342. MAP. L'Amerique Septentrionale, Dressé sur les Memoires le plus recens des meilleurs Geographes, & publiée par Covens & Morties. Engraved map, boundaries in colors. Double folio. Amsterdam, 1757 Fine copy. 343. ΜΑΡ. America Meridionalis accuratissima. Fine engraved map, with inset scenes; map in colors. Double folio. Amsterdam, n.d. A very fine map by P. Schenk. California is shown as an island. 344. MAP. Mappemonde suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Mess. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. 4to. Leyden, n.d. A fine engraved map. 345. ΜΑΡ. Nova Hispania, et Nova Galicia. By Guiljelmus Blaeuw. n.p., n.d. Double folio. SCARCE. A brilliant map in colors, and engraved inset figures and arms. 346. MAP. A Map of Pennsylvania, Laid down from actual surveys and chiefly from the late maps of W. Scull. Inscribed to Thomas Penn and Richard Penn. Large folio (torn in folds, with some repairs). London, 1775 A scarce map, with boundaries printed in colors. 347. MAP. A Topographical Chart of the Bay of Narraganset in the Province of New England, with all the Isles contained therein, among which Rhode Island and Connonicut have been particularly Surveyed. Taken by Order of the Principal Farmers on Rhode Island. By Charles Blaskowitz. Engraved and printed for William Faden. Large folio. London, 1777 Fine copy. Rare. 348. ΜΑΡ. A Plan of the Town of Newport in Rhode Island. Engraved by William Faden. Oblong folio. London, 1777 349. MAP. Grande Mappemonde Geographique Hydrographique of the Voyages and Discoveries of Capt. Cook, measuring 35 x 57 inches, and folded into 4to, board covers. Paris, 1789 A very fine colored map. SCARCE. 350. MAP. Map of the Northern Part of the State of Maine. By S. L. Dashiell. 4to, folded. Washington, 1830 351. MAP. Travellers' Map of Long Island (Colton's). Oblong folio (mounted and one corner torn). New York, 1848 352. MARKHAM (EDWIN). The Man with the Hoe. Small 4to, original wrappers. San Francisco, 1899 FIRST EDITION. 356. MARTHA BREWSTER'S POEMS (imperfect), New London, 1757; Discourse delivered on the Annual Fast in Massachusetts, April 9, 1801 (Emmons), New York, 1801; Inauguration of the Halleck Statue Programme, New York, 1877, and others. 7 vols. 8vo, cloth and wrappers. 357. MARTYR (PETER). Vermilius. Most Fruitfull & learned Comentaries of Doctor Peter Mastir Vermil Florentine, Professor of Devinitie, in the Universitye of Tygure with a very profitable tract of the matter and places. Title within woodcut border, large woodcut device on verso. mottled calf. Folio, Imprinted at London, by John Day, dwellyng over Aldersgate, [1560] 358. MATHER (SAMUEL). The Life of the Very Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather late Pastor of the North Church in Boston, who died Feb. 13, 1727, 8. 12mo, original sheep (hinges weak). FIRST EDITION. RARE. Boston: Printed for Samuel Gerrish, 1729 359. MAXCY (JONATHAN). An Oration delivered in the First Congregational Meeting-House in Providence, on the Fourth of July, 1799. Small 4to, original blue paper wrappers. VERY SCARCE. Crisp copy. Providence: Printed by John Carter, 1799 360. MEDICAL. Elyot (Sir Thomas). The Castell of Helth corrected, and in some places augmented by the first author thereof, Sir Thomas Elyot, Knight. And nowe newely imprinted the yere of our Lorde, 1572. 16mo, sheep, red edges. Imprinted at London, by Thomas Marshe, [1572] Fine, tall copy. Manuscript marginal notes throughout and forty additional pages, back and front, containing some curious old recipes beautifully written in English, in various contemporary hands, one, a remedy for hiccoughs, reads as follows: "Stoppe both your eares with your fingers the hychkop will goe awaye within a whyle after." Title within a woodcut border. 361. MEDICAL. Moller (Justus). Fasciculus Remediorum Ex Dioscoride et Mathiolo Omnibus Humani corporis affectibus methodice accommodatorum. Small 8vo, old calf. Basileae: Ex Officina Petri Pernae, 1579 362. MELANCTHON (PHILIP). Loci Præcipui Theologici, nunc postremo summa diligentia recogniti; & aucti per Philippum Melanthonem. Thick small 8vo, original stamped pigskin on wooden boards, with brass clasps. Basileae, per Ioannem Oporinum, 1555 Interesting old binding. A photograph of a portrait of Melancthon is pasted on back of title. 363. MEMOIRS of Washington: Portrait. New Haven, 1810; The Great Metropolis, N. Y., 1846; Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson), [1787]; Two Years in Oregon (Nash), N. Y., 1882; Laws of the United States in relation to the Naval Establishment and the Marine Corps, Wash., 1826. 5 vols., various sizes and bindings. 364. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Roadside, with Poems and Ballads. FIRST EDITION. Scarce. Modern Love and Poems of the English 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Chapman and Hall, 1862 365. MISCELLANEOUS ORIGINAL PARTS of, Little Dorrit (Dickens), Part 1; A Tale of Two Cities, Part 1; Mystery of Edwin Drood, Part 1; Our Mutual Friend, Part 1; Sketches by "Boz," Parts 1 and 3; "Ask Mamma" (Surtees), Parts 1 and 9; Plain or Ringlets, Parts 1-3; Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour, Parts 4, 6, and 11; Handy Andy (Lover), Part 1; The Virginians (Thackeray), Parts 1 and 2; The Comic History of Rome (Beckett), Part 6; etc.; 26 parts, mainly in original wrappers, uncut. Sold London, v.d. w.a.f. 366. MISSISSIPPI. A Message to the Senate and House of Representatives, of the Territory of Mississippi, by the Governor. A folio broadside sheet, printed at Natchez, early 19th Century (upper portion torn away, none of the text of the Message affected). 367. MOMACHUS (ROBERTUS). Bellum Christianorum Principum Praecipue Gallorum Contra Saracenos Anno. Salutis M.-LXXXVIII. pro terra sancta gestem. Etc., etc., Folio, vellum. [Colophon:] Basileae excudebat Henricus Petrus, 1533 This compilation is of interest to American collectors because it contains on pp. 116-121 a reprint of Cosco's Latin translation of Columbus' letter to Gabriel Sanchez. This is the edition from which most early writers quote. A fine copy with seven lines in a contemporary hand on the last leaf. 368. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Two Sides of the River. Hapless Love and First Foray of Aristomenes. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1876 FIRST EDITION. Privately Printed and Very Scarce. 369. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Story of Sigurd the Volsung, 1880; Hopes and Fears for Art, 1883; Socialist Pamphlets (4), 1884-1891; The Tables Turned, 1887; Arts and Crafts Essays, 1893; Arts and Crafts Essays, 1899. 9 vols., various sizes and bindings. 370. MORSE (JEDEDIAH). The American Universal Geography, or, a View of the Present State of all the Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republibs in the known world, and of the United States of America in particular. 2 vols., 8vo, original sheep. Boston, 1793 The entire first volume of nearly 700 pages is devoted to the Western Hemisphere, largely to the United States. 371. NEBRASKA. Laws, Joint Resolutions, and Memorials, Passed at the Sessions of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Nebraska, Begun and held at Omaha City, N. T. Together with the Constitution of the United States and the Organic Law. Third, fourth, fifth, seventh and eight sessions. 4 vols. 8vo, unbound, and wrappers. Brownville, Omaha City and Nebraska City, 1857-1862 372. NEW ENGLAND. The New England Psalter or Psalms of David: with the Proverbs of Solomon, and Christ's Sermon on the Mount. 12mo, original sheep (part of fly-leaf missing).. VERY SCARCE. Boston, Benjamin Edes & Sons, 1784 373. NEW ENGLAND PRIMER (THE). The New England Primer, Enlarged. For the more easy attaining the true Reading of English. To which is added, The Assembly's Catechism. With woodcut portrait of George the Third on verso of half title, with the Arms of Great Britain on verso of final printed leaf. The woodcuts to the alphabet, as well as the cut of the Burning of John Rogers, are also present. Size 34 x 3% inches, with original back cover. Enclosed in half morocco case. Philadelphia, Printed and Sold by D. Hall and W. Sellers, in Market-Street, 1773 A PRIMER OF EXCESSIVE RARITY, APPARENTLY HERETOFORE UNKNOWN, not mentioned by Evans, Hildeburn, Ford, Sabin, or Heartman in his original check-list, although it is now included in the recently issued supplement; and not in any of the important collections. The connecting of so important a piece of Americana as the New England Primer with Franklin's old firm is particularly interesting. In 1764 Franklin and Hall published a New England Primer of which only one copy is known. Hall and Sellers in 1768 and in 1771 issued a New England Primer with 40 leaves. With the exception of the present copy, these are the only two occasions when that firm appears to have published editions of the Primer. This precious volume consists of 40 printed leaves, with the last leaf blank. The front cover is supplied; the first leaf and title are damaged, slightly affecting the portrait and border of the title. It is difficult to find any of the old primers in really good condition, and all things considered, this may be described as a good copy. 374. NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER, IMPROVED (THE). Illustrations, including 2 on wrappers. 32mo, original wrappers (somewhat worn). Newark, 1824 VERY SCARCE. 375. NEW ENGLAND PRIMER IMPROVED (THE). New York, 1829; Another copy of the same, Boston, 1844; Ming's United States Register and New York Pocket Almanac for 1813. 3 vols. 32mo, boards and wrappers. 376. NEW NETHERLANDS. Amboyna Tragedy. simile report of the very rare original. 8vo, boards. 95 copies printed. 377. Another copy of the same. 378. NEWPORT MERCURY; or The Weekly Advertiser of Tuesday, December 19, 1758. Four pages together with a facsimile reproduction of the same issue. This is the second oldest paper in the United States and was founded by James Franklin. This issue contains an account of the capture of Fort Duquesne and an advertisement by James Franklin of Poor Richard's Almanac for the year 1759. 379. NEWPORT. Illustrated in a series of Pen and Pencil Sketches, N. Y., [1854]; Parker's Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains (no map), Ithaca, 1838; History of the Discovery of America, Norwich, 1811; Personal Experiences (Hood), New Orleans, 1880; A General Atlas, Philadelphia, 1817. 5 vols., various sizes and bindings. 380. NEW YORK CITY. Rules and Regulations for the Government of the House of Refuge. 1 page oblong, folio. Circa, 1825 This is in the form of a prospectus headed "Requisites which the House of Refuge Possesses for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents." It gives a list of the occupations that are taught, describes food, clothing, method of punishment, government, staff, etc., together with a list of the officers of the Society, headed by Cadwallader D. Colden. 381. NEW YORK VIEW. South Prospect of the City of New York in America. A good copy of this desirable print, done in London, 1761. 382. NEW YORK VIEW. Crystal Palace, New York. A Baxter lithograph published Sept. 1, 1863. SCARCE. 383. NEW YORK VIEWS. A series of 6 original sketches in ink, colored. I. New York Harbor from Pierpont's Distillery on Long Island. Original colored sketch. II. A view in Brooklyn, near the Navy Yard. Original colored sketch. 12% by 74. III. Brooklyn from Fulton Market. Original colored sketch. 71⁄2 by 4%. IV. U. S. Brig. Enterprise off New York Harbor. Unfinished. Original colored sketch. 12% by 7%. V. Battle of Stonington, August, 1814. A colored sketch of Stonington and Harbor. VI. Observatory at the Balize, Mississippi River. The Block House at the Balize, Mouth of Miss. River. 13 by 74. Original colored sketches. A most interesting series, probably done in 1814. 384. NEW YORK. Valentine's Manual of the City of New York, for 1917-1918. Edited by Henry Collins Brown. Illustrated with numerous views of New York, some in color. 12mo, full brown morocco, gilt top. New York, [1917] No. 2 of New Series. 385. OREGON. Greenhow (Robert). The History of Oregon and California, and the Other Territories on the North-west Coast of North America; Accompanied by a Geographical View and Map of those Countries, and a Number of Documents as Proofs and Illustrations of the History. 8vo, wrappers. Boston, 1845 The second edition, revised, corrected and enlarged. 386. OVERBURY (SIR THOMAS). Sir Thomas Overbury His Wife. With Addition of many new Elegies upon his untimely and much lamented death. As also New Newes, and divers more Characters (never before annexed), written by himselfe and other learned Gentlemen. The ninth impression augmented (some headlines and text cut into). Small 8vo, old calf. London, Printed by Edward Griffin for Lawrence, L'Isle, 1616 On the last page (blank) is a manuscript note on "A Purveiour of Tobacco." "Sir John Falstaffe robbed with a bottle of sack, so doth he take men's purses with a wicked rowle of tobacco," etc. |