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100. BAXTER (W.). British Phænogamous Botany; or, Figures and Descriptions of the Genera of British Flowering Plants. Illustrated with several hundred plates in color. 6 vols. 8vo, half green morocco. Oxford, 1834

FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. From the estate of F. R. Halsey.

101. BEACON (RICHARD). Solon His Follie, or, A Politique Discourse, touching the Reformation of common-weales conquered, declined or corrupted. By Richard Beacon Gent. Small 4to, original limp vellum. Oxford: Joseph Barnes, 1594

A very rare Elizabethan allegory. Written in the form of a dialogue, and dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. Very fine copy in the original vellum, with the leaf 11 preceding the title. On the title is the signature of "Wm. Harvey" and there are numerous notes in a contemporary hand. Not in Huth or Hoe Sales.


102. BEAUMARCHAIS (PIERRE AUGUSTIN CARON DE). Oeuvres Completes. 4 vols., 8vo, contemporary calf binding with the CROWN AND MONOGRAM OF MARIE ANTOINETTE on sides, gilt edges. In morocco case. No Place [Kehl], 1780


Caron de Beaumarchais' writings are composed of his wonderful Memoirs and his still more wonderful Plays. In 1775 he memorialized the king in advocacy of aiding the American colonies in their struggle with the British Crown. He held negotiations with Arthur Lee, agent of the colonists, and finally persuaded the prime minister, Maurepas, to sanction a loan of 1,000,000 livres and to secure the advance of an equal sum from the Spanish government. Arms and ammunition for the Americans were delivered from the public arsenals to Beaumarchais, operating under the firm name of Roderique Hortalez & Co., on his entering into an obligation to replace them. In the early part of 1777 he shipped, in three of his own vessels, 200 guns, 25,000 muskets, and 200,000 pounds of gunpowder, and sent over on the Amphitrite" 50 European officers, among the number La Rouerie, Pulaski, and Baron Steuben. The shipments were continued, but, owing to an erroneous impression that the supplies were a gift from the French government, Congress failed to make remittances, and the French government advanced another million francs to relieve Beaumarchais from his embarrassments, and he persevered in forwarding supplies until 1779. The United States were indebted to Beaumarchais at the end of the transactions in the sum of 4,000,000 francs, an obligation which the American Government was unable to meet, and which was finally compromised in 1835, by the payment of 800,000 francs to his heirs.

103. BEAUMARCHAIS ET SES OEUVRES, par E. Lintilhac. Portrait and facsimile. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top.

Paris, 1887

Beaumarchais, Lafayette and the American Revolution are here treated from original documents.

104. BEAUX AND BELLES OF ENGLAND. A Series of Notable Monographs by Famous Authors, on many of the leading characters in English Life and History. With numerous illustra tions, many being in colors, and portraits. 14 vols. 8vo, full blue morocco, gold borders and corner inlays on sides, gilt panelled backs, doublures and flies of crimson morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Lalauze. London: Grolier Society, n.d.

Princess Edition, limited to seventeen numbered and registered copies. The personages treated in this collection include Beau Brummell, Lord Chesterfield, Mrs. Robinson, Lady Blessington, Count Grammont, Nell Gwyn, Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson, Mrs. Siddons, and the Sheridans.

105. [BECKFORD (WILLIAM).] An Arabian Tale, [Vathek], from an Unpublished Manuscript: with Notes Critical and Explanatory. 8vo, half brown morocco, uncut.

London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1786

THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION, in unusual state, all edges being UNCUT. This edition was unauthorised, being a translation not made by the Author or by his consent. The original authorised edition was published in French, at Lausanne, a year later. From the estate of F. R. Halsey.

106. [BECKFORD (WILLIAM).] An Arabian Tale, [Vathek], from an Unpublished Manuscript: with Notes Critical and Explanatory. Proof portrait of the author, and 2 proof plates inserted. 8vo, full citron levant morocco, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges, by Holloway.

London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1786 FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, LARGE PAPER COPY on Thick Paper. VERY RARE. With the Hoe bookplate.


107. BENTIVOLUS, ANTONINUS GALEAZIUS. (Fol. la: blanc, fol. 1b:) ¶ Ferdinandus de Salazar decretorum docttor || excellentissimo & famo sissimo utriusq uris || interpreti domino Ioanni de Sala præceptori || & domino quo. S. P. D. (fol. 2a:) ¶ Oratio Antonii Galeacii Bentiuoli Prothonota- || rii Apostolici oratoris nomine Bononienfium habi || ta apud Alexandrum. VI. Pont. Max. (fol. 2b:) . . . regere ac moderari. Dixi. || Quarto, paper S. 1. n. d. (Rome, Plannck, cr. 1492—1493).


BESANT (SIR WALTER). Fifty Years Ago. Illustrated. 8vo, half blue polished morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1888

EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 44 fine old copper and steel engraved portraits and views of London.

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109. BESANT (SIR WALTER). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT of his celebrated novel, "The Demoniac. Written in ink on upwards of 200 quarto pages, (one side of the paper only), ENTIRELY IN THE HANDWRITING OF THE AUTHOR. Bound in a royal 4to volume, full dark crimson crushed levant morocco, gold line borders on sides, back and inside borders, by Sangorski & Suteliffe.

The manuscript, which is SIGNED IN FULL in numerous places at the chapter headings, is written on blue tinted paper, and contains many corrections and cancellations in the author's hand.


Histoire de La Virginie

Les productions naturelles, etc. Par un Auteur natif et habitant du Pais. Engraved title in red and black and with 14 plates exhibiting curious details of Indian manners, sports, canoe making, etc. Small 8vo, original mottled calf, red edges.

Amsterdam, 1707

THE FIRST AMSTERDAM EDITION. Contains a history of Virginia, and an account of the Native Indians, including their laws, customs, religion, ete. A fine clean copy.

111. BIBLE IN LATIN. Biblia Sacra Latina, cum postilla Nicolai de Lyra. Gothic character, larger for the text and smaller for the gloss, 61 and 83 lines to the page. In all, 1512 leaves, with signatures and catchwords. 6 vols. folio, appropriately bound in full pig-skin, blind tooled back and sides, with Crosses in a lighter shade of pig-skin on backs and sides.

Venetiis: Paganinus de Paganinis, 1495

AN EXCEPTIONALLY CRISP COPY OF THE FIRST BIBLE PRINTED WITH CATCHWORDS THROUGHOUT. There are a few woodcuts in the text, chiefly illustrating the temple and its contents. Hain-Copinger, 3174; Proctor,




112. BIBLIA SACRA, sive Testamentum Vetus ab I. Tremellio et F. Junio ex Hebræo latine redditum et Testamentum Novum a T. Beza e græco in latinum versum. Engraved title. 12mo, English binding in vellum, the sides and back covered with fine and delicate pointillé tooling in gold and silver, with colored bands, gilt edges, attributed to Samuel Mearne, and of his style and period. In brown morocco solander case. Amsterdam, 1669

From the library of Horatio Walpole, with his bookplate; also bookplate of H. W. Poor.



BIBLE. Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God Naneeswe Nukkone Testament Kah Wonk Wusku Testament. Ne

quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wuttinneumoh CHRIST noh asoowesit JOHN ELIOT. Nahohtoeu ontchetoe Printeuoomuk. Thick 4to, ORIGINAL SHEEP, in full brown levant morocco solander case.

Cambridge: Samuel Green, 1685-1680

ELIOT'S FAMOUS BIBLE, NEXT TO THE BAY PSALM BOOK, IS THE MOST SOUGHT FOR TREASURE FOR ANY AMERICAN LIBRARY. The First Edition was printed in 1660-1663. Of this, the Second Edition, The Old Testament was begun in 1683 and finished in 1684, The New Testament occupying from 1680 to 1681. Two thousand Copies were printed at a cost of £900.0.0 and the text of the First Edition was corrected by MR. JOHN COTTON, another Famous Student of the Indian Tongue, in preparing this Issue for the Press, as recorded by the Rev. Thomas Prince, the New England Annalist. Much of the Types were set up by an Indian who adopted the name of James Printer.


The Title of the New Testament reads:

"Wusku Wuttestamentum Nul Lordumun Iesus Christ Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun.'' Cambridge, Printed for the Right Honourable Corporation in London, for the propagation of the Gospel among the Indians in New England, 1680.

This Copy contains many UNCUT leaves, and measures 7 7/16 inches by 64 inches, being larger than either of the two Lenox Copies or the Carter Brown Copy which was the Finest in the Brinley Collection. THIS COPY IS THE ONLY ONE KNOWN IN THE ORIGINAL BINDING. However, like in nearly all Copies extant the Binder carelessly omitted to bind in one signature and misplaced another.

This translation of the Bible by John Eliot is scarcely inferior in interest to the noble work first executed by Gutenberg about 1455. As an instance of Learning, Industry, Piety and Zeal it is unexcelled. The Old World was indebted to Gutenberg for its First Printed Bible and Eliot was the first to give it to the New World. Cotton Mather exclaimed, when he saw it: "Behold ye Americans, the greatest honour that ever you were partakers of! This is the only Bible that ever was printed in America from the very foundation of the World." Eliot was the Pastor of Roxbury, when he commenced, at the age of 42 the study of the Natick dialect, in which this work is printed. He began and finished his task after a labour of 8 years. The Printers required a week for each sheet and there were about 150 sheets. The Names of the Book are retained in English and such words as were unknown to the Indians are retained with an Indian termination, such as cherubimlah. The longest word is Mark I, v. 40 "Wutteppesittukqussunnoowehtunkquoh," signifying "kneeling down to him.'

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114. BIBLE. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha. Illustrated. Large 8vo. 14 vols. Three-quarter pigskin, gilt top, uncut. (One binding damaged). Boston: R. H. Huntley Co., n.d.

Limited edition 1000 copies. This is No. 69. Printed at t De mount Press. With bookplate of H. S. Van Duzer.

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The Let

115. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. Lamb (Charl). ters of. In which many mutilated words and passages have bee restored to their original form; with Letters never before p lished, and facsimiles of Original MS. Letters and Poems Introduction by Henry H. Harper. Illustrated with

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views, etched by Bicknell, &c. 4 vols., 8vo, and 1 vol., folio (containing the facsimiles), full green levant morocco, gilt backs and inside borders, gilt tops, uncut.

Boston: Bibliophile Society, 1905

One of only 10 copies printed throughout on Japan vellum.

116. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. Burns (Robert). To Mary in Heaven. With facsimile and introduction by William K. Bixby. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1916

Privately printed for members only. From the estate of F. R. Hal


117. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. Poems by Robert Louis Stevenson. Hitherto unpublished, with Introduction and Notes, by George S. Hellman. Portrait, engraved title, and facsimiles. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half parchment, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1916

One of 484 copies. From the estate of F. R. Halsey.

118. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. Verse and Prose by Eugene Field. From the George H. Yenowine collection of Books and Manuscripts. Edited by Henry H. Harper, with an Introduction by William P. Trent. Facsimiles. 4to, half parchment, uncut. Boston, 1917

From the estate of F. R. Halsey.

119. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. The First, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Year Books of the Bibliophile Society. 3 vols. 8vo, boards and parchment, uncut. Boston, v.d.

One of 500 copies. From the estate of F. R. Halsey.

120. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Joannis de Turrecremata Explanatio in Psalterium und einige Typographische Seltenheiten. Eine Litterarisch-Bibliographische Abhandlung vom G. Zapf. With six facsimile plates. 4to full old red levant morocco.

Fine copy. Very scarce.

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Nurnberg, 1803

BIESTON (ROGER).] The bayte and snare of Fortune. W nere. aay be seen that money is not the only cause of mischefe and vnfortunat endes; but a necessary mean to mayntayne a virtuous qut lyfe. Treated in a Dialoge betwene man and money. Black Lefter, title within a woodcut border. Folio, full red morocco. Imprinted at London, by John Wayland [abt. 1558] NF, TALL COPY OF THIS EXTREMELY RARE WORK. The name of the is given in an acrostic on the verso of B4.

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