Immagini della pagina

in gilt, with numerous inlays in red, blue, green leathers, silk ends and flys, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London, John Murray, 1841

A beautiful book in an appropriate binding.

133. BINDING with miniatures. Clayton (Ellen C.). Queens of Song: Being Memoirs of Some of the Most Celebrated Female Vocalists who have appeared on the Lyric Stage. Engraved Portraits. 2 volumes, full blue levant morocco, the sides of each volume adorned WITH FOUR LOVELY MINIATURE PORTRAITS, painted by Miss E. B. Currie, making a total of SIXTEEN MINIATURES ON IVORY, each surrounded by a border of gold tooling, gilt corners, richly gilt backs, doublures and flies of flowered brocade, gilt tops, uncut; by Riviere. Each volume in a brown levant morocco pull-off case. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1863

The Miniature Portraits comprise: Mrs. Billington, Mme. Viardot Garcia, Mrs. Anastasia Robinson, Mme. Catalani, Mme. Pasta, Mme. Grisi, Miss Paton, Miss Stephens, Mlle. Falcon, Mme. Fodor, Mrs. Cronch, Signora Storace, Mme. Malibran, Mme. Clara Vovello, Fanny Parsiani, Henrietta Sontag.

134. BIOGRAPHY of the BRITISH STAGE: correct narratives of the Lives of all the principal Actors and Actresses at Drury Lane, &c. Illustrated by the insertion of 84 scarce portraits, some coloured, and autograph letters. 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere.

London, 1824

Unique copy, with the bookplate of Wm. Crampton. The inserted portraits are generally rare, and the autograph letters very interesting. The binder has preserved the original covers.

135. BIÖRCK (TOBIAS E.). Dissertatio Gradualis de Plantatione Ecclesiæ Svencanæ in America. Folding Map. Brilliant Impression, containing portions of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and New York, including Staten Island, Manhattan Island, etc. With curious woodcut at page 27 inscribed “MANETTO INDIANORUM." Small 4to, half green levant, rough edges. Upsala: Literis Wernerianis, [1731]

The author was a native-born American, the son of the Swedish missionary, Eric Biörck, who, in 1697, was sent as a Minister to New Sweden on the Delaware. This is the first book written by a native American and published in Sweden. It is full of interesting historical details of the founding of the Swedish Church in America and of its earliest pastors. The matter relating to the Indians displays the author's great knowledge of the subject and is of great historical importance.

136. BIRDS. Essay towards a Natural History of British Song Birds. Illustrated by eighty beautifully colored plates, including the nests and eggs. 2 vols. in 1. 4to, half green morocco, gilt edges. London, 1845

The illustrations are colored by hand, and have the appearance of

water-color drawings.

137. BIRDS. Sixty beautifully colored plates of Birds with habitat accessories, culled from the Galeric Ornithologique, with descriptive text. Robin: Paris, [1850]

138. BLACKMORE (R. D.). Lorna Doone. A Romance of Exmoor. Profusely illustrated with full-page and text wood engravings. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half blue morocco, richly gift ornamentation, gilt tops, uncut, in wooden box. Cleveland, 1890

Fine copy, with a duplicate set of the full-page engravings on calendered paper. From the estate of F. R. Halsey.


139. BLAKE (WILLIAM). Ballads, by William Hayley, Esq. Founded on Anecdotes Relating to Animals, with Prints, Designed and Engraved by William Blake. Full-page copperplates. Small 8vo, contemporary mottled calf gilt. Enclosed in cloth wrapper, and blue levant morocco solander case. Chichester: Printed by J. Seagrave, for Richard Phillips.


London, 1805

PRESENTATION COPY, WITH AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION ON FLY-LEAF: "Mr. Weller, With grateful remembrance from William Blake."

Accompanying the volume is an autograph letter from the President of the William Blake Society, identifying Mr. Weller as an intimate friend of Blake and Flaxman.



140. BLANE (WILLIAM). Cynegetica; or, Essays on Sporting. Consisting of Observations on Hare Hunting.... To which is added, The Chace: A Poem. By William Somerville. Illustrated with engraved title and frontispiece by Heath after Stothard. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, fillet back and border on sides, with a blind tooled medallion of a sportsman and his lady off to the hunt, gilt edges, in slip case, by Riviere.

Fine copy.

London: John Stockdale, 1788

141. BLOUNT (THOMAS POPE). De Re Poetica; or, Remarks upon Poetry, with Characters and Censures of the Most Considerable Poets, whether Ancient or Modern. Small 4to, full sprinkled calf, gilt edges, by Lloyd.

London: Printed by Ric. Everingham, for R. Bentley, 1694 FIRST EDITION. The Life of Shakespeare will be found at pages 202206.


142. ВОССACCIO (GIOVANNI). Il Decamerone di M. Giovanni Boccaccio nuovamente corretto et con diligentia stampato. 4to, full blue straight-grain morocco, gilt tooled borders of vines and grapes on the sides, watered silk linings, gilt inside borders and edges, by BOZERIAN.

Firenze: per li heredi di Philippo Giunta, 1527

A GENUINE COPY OF THIS FAMOUS AND RARE EDITION, called the ventiseltana, one of the most celebrated for accuracy of the text. A fine copy, measuring 8%x51⁄2 inches. On the fly-leaf is written: "Ex. de M. Montcalm, the finest copy known." With the Hoe bookplate.

143. BOCCACCIO (GIOVANNI). [The Decameron.] The Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence, and Conuersation. Framed in Ten Dayes, of an hundred curious Pieces, by seven Honourable Ladies, and three Noble Gentlemen. Preserued to Posterity by the Renouwned Iohn Boccaccio, the first Refiner of Italian prose: And now translated into English. Woodcut title and oval woodcuts. Printed by Isaac laggard, for Mathew Lownes, 1625. The Decameron: Containing An hundred pleasant Nouels. Wittily discoursed, betweene seuen Honourable Ladies, and three Noble Gentlemen. The last Fiue Dayes. Woodcut title in six oval compartments, and oval woodcuts in the text. London, Printed by Isaac Iaggard, 1620. 2 vols., in one, folio, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled back, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by W. Pratt. 1625-1620


144. ВОССACCIO (GIOVANNI). The Decameron, now first completely done into English Prose and Verse by John Payne. Illustrated with the Etchings of Leopold Flameng, the plates being in TWO STATES, India proofs, and proofs on plate paper. 3 vols., large 8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt backs and inside borders, gold edges.

London: Printed by Private Subscription and for Private

Circulation only, 1886

JAPAN PAPER EDITION, limited, and printed from type.

145. BOHN'S EXTRA VOLUMES. The Novels of Cervantes; The Memoirs of the Court of Charles the Second, by Count Grammont; Fairy Tales and Romances. By Count Anthony Hamilton; The Decameron of Boccaccio; The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre; The Works of Francis Rabelais, 2 vols. 7 vols. 12mo, full blue calf, backs richly gilt, with morocco labels, gilt tops, un


cut, by Riviere.

London, 1846-61

Fine copies of these much sought for volumes.

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146. BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. The / Booke of / Common / Prayer, with the / Psalter or Psalmes / of David / of that Translation which / is appointed to be used / in Churches. Title within woodcut border. Folio, full sprinkled calf, gilt edges, by Wallis & Lloyd.

London: Imprinted by Robert Barker, Printer to the
Kings most Excellent Maiestie, 1616

VERY RARE EDITION, which is not mentioned by Lowndes.


147. BOOK OF CHRISTIAN PRAYERS, collected out of the Ancient Writers, and best learned in our Time; worthy to be read with an earnest minde of all christians in these daungerous and troublesome daies, that God for Christs sake will stil be merciful unto us. BLACK LETTER. Full length Woodcut portrait of Queen Elizabeth at her Devotions, elaborate woodcut border to title, and woodcut borders in the style of Durer, Cranach and Holbein to each page of text, containing Dances of Death, Portraits of the Saints, Biblical Incidents and numerous Grotesque Subjects, with Dayes fine full page woodcut device on last page. 8vo, fine old English black morocco, gilt edges.

At London: Printed by John Daye, 1578

KNOWN AS QUEEN ELIZABETH'S PRAYER BOOK. The only Early English Devotional Book issued in the style of the French Books of Hours, produced by the Hardouyns, Simon Vostre, Kerver, and Geoffrey Tory of Paris. Two of the Holbein borders were used by Francis Douce in his "Illustrations of the Clowns and Fools of Shakespeare." The ten-page preface, "To the Christian Reader," is signed Richard Daye and the Authorship is sometimes attributed to him and John Foxe.


148. BOOKBINDING. La Reliure de Luxe. Le Livre et l'Amateur, par L. Derome: numerous illustrations from the designs of Fraipont, Kurner, Perret &c. Royal 8vo., brown levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris, 1888

The illustrations cover the entire field of design, both classic and


149. BOOKBINDING, etc. Some Minor Arts as Practised in England. By A. H. Church, W. Y. Fletcher, and others. Profusely illustrated with full-page plates and text cuts, some in color. Folio, cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1894

From the estate of F. R. Halsey.

150. BOOKCASES. Five mahogany bookcases, each divided into 4 compartments, with the same number of drawers at the bottom. The fronts decorated with columns having brass capitals,

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