AN ENGLISHMAN, WITH SIGNATURES, DEVICES, AND MOTTOES OF JAMES I., PRINCE HENRY, EARL OF ESSEX, HENRY WOTTON, INIGO JONES, BEN JONSON, NICHOLAS BRETON, SIR WALTER RALEIGH, AND A LARGE NUMBER OF OTHER CELEBRITIES. ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE OF ITS KIND. 1599-1611. SEGAR (FRANCIS) THE ALBUM OR STAMP BOOK OF CAPTAIN FRANCIS SEGAR, Brother to Sr. Wm. Segar Knight alias Garter Principal King of Armes, a SWORN COUNSELL TO PRINCE MORRIS LANDGRAVE OF HESSEN, Howes Cro: F. 1002. Wherein Kings, Princes, the Great Turk & many noblemen and learned men in favour of the said Francis have subscribed their Names, with devices & mottos, &c. . . . [1599-1611] (122 ll.) old calf, with 58 emblazoned and engraved coats-of-arms. Small 4to. MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER. Beneath the title as given above is written: "The above mentioned Francis Segar as Agent for his Master above mentioned in the 3 & 10th years of King James the first was rewarded by the King with two Chains of Gold with medals weighing 38 oz 5d wt of the value of 135 as appears upon the Account of the Masters of the Kings Jewell House in the respective years of the said Kings Reign. THIS IS PROBABLY THE MOST VALUABLE ALBUM AMICORUM EVER FORMED BY AN ENGLISHMAN, CONTAINING SIGNATURES OF SOME OF THE MOST EMINENT MEN OF LETTERS IN ENGLAND at the beginning of the seventeenth century, as well as a great number of royal and courtly personages eminent in their day, but whose names are no longer remembered. Among the names worthy of notice are the following, with mottoes in their autograph: 1. 2. JACOBUS R. Parcere subiectis & debellare superbos. 1604. 3. Mauritius Hassia Landgravius, did wright this in fauor of his seruaunt Sir francis seagar. 4. Jacobus Haius Baro Britanus. Aulica vita splendida miseria. 5. Robertus comes Essexiæ Anglus. Virtutis comes invidia. Shawabas: great Sophie. Senalebeag Chawn. [Inscriptions in 6. Arabic.] 7. Bordeaux, 12e Septembre 1602. Maurice de Nassau. Je Maintiendray. 1611. 9. Edw. Dymoke. Miles Regius Agonista Coronæ Angliæ. Virga directionis virga Regni tui. 10. Georgius Buck eques Anglus A regiis spectaculis. Londini 24, Aug. 1604. 11. HENRY WOTTON. [Signature to the following letter.] My auncient frend I have heard my father saye who served the Duke of Somerset that faithful Counsaylor of his bad him look unto his feete: vppon which the Duke demaunding the reason: because, Sir, sayd he It is the nature of greatenesse not to descend, but to fall: which was true in his fortune though the uncle of a King, and whom owre storie doth yeat call a iust man. By which I obserue two things: first, that the absolutest Prince of all Courts and tymes is passion, next, that when vertue is gonn yeat the memorie of yt doth remayne with peradventure would be extinguished as wel as the bodies of men: if we might be commaunded to forgett: Well let us goe on in this world with a clere conscience, howe darke soever oure reason be ..... At Cassells. 26. of January, 1602. 12. INIGO JONES. Basta quel che Contenta. 13. BEN JONSON. Preter aquas Helicon, pserta, Lyrasq, Deoru Ni! habet: Cordatissimo Generosissimo et nobis post nullos memorando. D. Fran. Segar. Amoris & Amicitiæ ergo Beniamin Jonsonius Londinensis Apollinis & Musarum Sacerdos subscripsit Magnum hoc ego duco Quid placui tibi, qui turpi secernis Honestum Ista notaui vnus-cui non sit publica bena Da Virtu l'honore: Nicholo Bretono. 15. SIR WALTER RALEIGH.. Opus peragunt labor et amor. W. Ralegh. There are 213 other signatures and mottoes of Englishmen and foreigners of less note, including: Sir Robert Aytoun, poet; Sir Thomas Parry; Matthew Royden, poet, and friend of Sidney, Marlowe, Spenser, Chapman, and Lodge; the Stadtholder, Maurice of Nassau; Sir Thomas Edmondes; Sir George Buck, poet, Master of the Revels and Licenser of Plays; Sir Adam Newton; Sir Richard Martin; Nicholas Hill, author; Sir Horace Vere; Sir Charles Morgan; William Trumbull, and others, amongst them several foreign personages of distinction. There are also quotations and mottoes with no signature accompanying them, which would form an interesting, if difficult, task to identify. Of the 200 odd names to be found in the album, all of persons doubtless distinguished in their day for some reason or other, there are some twenty who rank among the most eminent men of letters in England, and from the nature of the Album, friends, or at least acquaintances of Segar. King James the First heads the list, and is followed by the lamented Prince Henry, then only ten years of age. Henry Wotton was not knighted until later. Until an earlier example is found, it must be taken for granted that Captain Segar's Album Amicorum was one of the first to be formed by an Englishman. From the Library of James Bindley, with his bookplate, and also from the Huth Collection, with ex-libria stamp. Enclosed in straight-grained morocco solander case. ROBINSON CRUSOE'S WILL 895. SELKIRK (ALEXANDER). (The original of Robinson Crusoe.) His last Will and Testament, 1 p. folio, signed and dated Jan. 13, 1717. Mounted on linen, folded and bound, with memoranda relating to it by George Chalmers, and extract from the Reliquary, etc. 4to, full calf. The testator speaks of himself as "of Largo in the Sheir of Fife," and says that he makes his will "being now bound out on a Voyage to Sea, but calling to minde the Perrills and Dangers of the Seas and other Uncertaintys of this Transitory Life," etc. SECOND FOLIO SHAKESPEARE 896. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Originall Copies. The Second Impression. Portrait by Droeshout on title, with Verses "To the Reader" oppo site. Folio. Crushed red morocco extra, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Riviere. Printed by Tho. Cotes for Robert Allot, etc., 1632 THE SECOND FOLIO. Leaf of Verses inlaid; otherwise an excellent copy. 897. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Pericles. The Late,/and much admired Play,/Pericles, Prince of/Tyre,/with the true Relation of the His/tory, adventures and fortunes of/the said Prince/written by W. Shakespeare. Small 4to, full morocco, by Pratt. Printed at London by Thomas Cotes, 1635 The SIXTH and last Quarto Edition. Size 64x5 1/16 inches. Title and headline of last leaf in facsimile, otherwise a sound and genuine copy. 898. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Merchant of Venice. The most excellent/Historie of the Merchant/of Venice./ With the extreme crueltie of Shylocke/the Jewe towards the said Merchant, in/cutting a just pound of his flesh: and the ob/taining of Portia by the choice/of three Chests./ As it hath been divers times acted by the/Lord Chamberlaine his Servants./ Written by William Shakespeare. 4to, full morocco, by Pratt. Printed by M. P. for Lawrence Hayes and are to be sold at his Shop on Fleet Bridge, 1637 The THIRD QUARTO EDITION, reprinted from the Second of 1600. It is excessively rare, even more rare than the second, as only two copies (according to Book-Prices Current) have been sold at auction within the last twenty years. This copy has imprint cut off and replaced in MS., and a few catchwords and signatures shorn, otherwise it is a sound and genuine copy, with good margins, measuring 6 15/16x5 3/16 inches. 899. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Poems: Written by Wil. Shakespeare, Gent. Portrait by Marshall. Portrait by Marshall. Small 8vo, full crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Printed at London by Tho. Cotes, and are to be sold by John Benson, dwelling in St. Dunstan's Church-Yard, 1640 THE EXCESSIVELY RARE FIRST EDITION. This copy has in excellent facsimile the portrait, first title, x4, M1, and M4. The second Title (which is a repetition of the first but without date, and is usually missing) is here present, and genuine. This copy is very tall, equal in size to the Ное сору. 900. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Macbeth, a Tragedy with all the Alterations, Amendments, Additions and New Songs. As It is now acted at the Duke's Theatre. Small quarto, polished calf, gilt edges, by De Coverly. London: Printed by P. Chetwin, 1674 THE EXCESSIVELY RARE SECOND SEPARATE EDITION AND THE FIRST EDITION WITH ALTERATIONS BY SIR WILLIAM DAVENANT. This play was so popular that for a long time it superseded the genuine play. Fine copy. 901. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. As it is now Acted by Her Majesties Servants. By William Shakespeare. 4to, half calf. Extremely rare. London: Printed for Rich. Wellington, 1703 902. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). A Collection of Poems, In Two Volumes; Being all the Miscellanies of Mr. William Shakespeare, which were Publish'd by himself in the Year 1609, and now correctly Printed from those Editions. 2 vols. in one, small 8vo, old panelled calf, gilt back. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, [1709] THE SECOND EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE'S POEMS. It was edited by Charles Gildon, forming the 7th volume of the first small edition of the Works. Very rare. 903. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespeare. Collated with the Oldest Copies and Corrected; with Notes, Explanatory and Critical: by Mr. THEOBALD. Fine portrait of Shakespeare and a curious, copper-plate engraving to each Play, designed by Gravelot. 8 vols., 12mo, half morocco. London: Printed for H. Woodfall and others, 1767 AN EDITION OF CONSIDERABLE MERIT notwithstanding the abuse of it by Pope and Warburton. The Plates are considered curious as showing the Costume of the time in the dressing of the Characters. At the end of the eighth Volume is "A Table of the Several Editions of Shakespeare's Plays, collated by the Editor," this is divided into "Editions of Authority, ""Editions of Middle Authority" and "Editions of No Authority. Then follows a 66 page "Index of the Characters, Sentiments, Similes, Speeches and Descriptions in Shakespeare.'' 904. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Julius Caesar, A Tragedy, As it is now acted at the Theatre Royal. Written by William Shakespeare. Ornament. London, Printed by H. H. Jun, for Hen Herringman and R. Bentley in Russell Street, in Covent Garden, and sold by Joseph Knight and Francis Saunders at the Blew Anchor in the Lower Walk of the New Exchange in the Strand, n.d. About half the headlines are cut and the beginning of one line of text on page 8 is very slightly cut. Size 84x5 5/16 inches. As shown by the catchwords this is the second edition, or the first of the four undated editions between 1684 and 1691. According to the Bartlett-Pollard census of Shakespeare's plays in quarto, but two copies of this second edition are owned in America, and only seven altogether are therein described. 905. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Dramatic Works of. With a Glossary. Printed in diamond type. 12mo, full green morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Chiswick Printed by C. Whittingham, 1823 INDIA PAPER COPY. Rare. 906. [SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM)]. Relics of Shake speare. From Drawings by Mrs. Phoebe Dighton. 9 coloured plates and 1 plain of places of interest in and around Stratford-on-Avon. Oblong folio, original wrappers. Stratford-upon-Avon, 1835 VERY RARE. Comprising:-The House in which Shakespeare was born; The Room in which Shakespeare was born, A. D. 1563; Shakespeare's Desk at Stratford on Avon; The Font at which Shakespeare was Baptized; Church at Stratford on Avon; Shakespeare's Tomb; The Hall at Charlecote; Interior of Ann Hathaway's House; The House of Ann Hathaway; Ann Hathaway's Bed and Chair. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). 907. Shakspere's Works. Titles printed in red and black. 12 vols., 12mo, full blue levant morocco, backs and sides sumptuously tooled with a rich background of gold exhibiting the floral and foliage designs in relief; doublures of red levant morocco elaborately tooled in gold, flys of crimson moire silk, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. A HANDSOME SET. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1886 908. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of William Shakespeare. The text revised by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Por trait frontispiece. 10 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 In these volumes Mr. Halsey has inserted very many character portraits from the periodicals of the day, together with magazine and news clippings, etc. From the estate of F. R. Halsey. 909. PRESENTATION SET FROM SIR HENRY IRVING SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). WORKS OF. Edited by Henry Irving and Frank A. Marshall. With Notes and Instructions of each Play by F. A. Marshall, and other Shakespearian Scholars. With numerous illustrations by Gordon Browne. 8 vols., 4to, most handsomely and elaborately bound by Zaehnsdorf, in full crushed. levant morocco, super extra, sides elaborately tooled with floral sprays, full gilt back, contents lettered, g e. London, 1890 PRESENTATION SET FROM SIR HENRY IRVING to Sir Edward Russell, the Celebrated Dramatic Critic, with the following inscription: 910. "To E. R. Russell, 1890.'' SHAKESPEARE. The Comedies of William Shakespeare. With many Drawings by Edwin A. Abbey. Beautifully illustrated with Etchings and Photogravures. 4 vols., royal 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gold panel borders on sides, gilt backs, title label inlaid in green morocco, gilt inside borders, gilt tops, New York: Harper & Bros., 1900 uncut. AUTOGRAPH EDITION, limited to 26 lettered copies. The illustrations, 131 in number, are printed on Imperial Japan paper, and the frontispiece of each volume is signed by Mr. Abbey. |