ACT I Luc. Fire that's closest kept burns most of all. Luc. 30 Peruse this paper, Madam. That the contents will show. JUL. To Julia. -Say, from whom? JUL. Say, say, who gave it thee? Luc. Sir Valentine's page; and sent, I think, from Proteus. He would have given it you; but I, being in the way, Did in your name receive it: pardon the fault, I pray. JUL. Now, by my modesty, a goodly broker!1 40 There, take the paper: see it be return'd; Or else return no more into my sight. Luc. To plead for love deserves more fee than hate. Luc. [aside.] That you may ruminate. [exit. JUL. And yet I would I had o'erlook'd the letter : It were a shame to call her back again, And pray her to a fault for which I chid her. 50 What fool is she, that knows I am a maid, And would not force the letter to my view! Since maids, in modesty, say No to that Fie, fie, how wayward is this foolish Love, And presently, all humbled, kiss the rod ! 1 matchmaker. 60 Luc. Re-enter LUCETTA. ACT I What would your Ladyship? I would it were, JUL. Is 't near dinner time? That you might kill your stomach on your meat, And not upon your maid. 71 JUL. Then let it lie for those that it concerns. Luc. Madam, it will not lie where it concerns, Unless it have a false interpreter. JUL. Some love of your's hath writ to you in rhyme. Give me a note: your Ladyship can set. JUL. As little by such toys as may be possible. Best sing it to the tune of Light o' love. Luc. It is too heavy for so light a tune. JUL. Heavy! belike it hath some burthen, then ? Luc. Ay; and melodious were it, would you sing it. JUL. And why not you? 80 Luc. I cannot reach so high. JUL. Let's see your song. Why, how now, minion ! Luc. Keep tune there still, so you will sing it out : And yet methinks I do not like this tune. JUL. You do not ? Luc. No, Madam; it is too sharp. JUL. You, minion, are too saucy. Nay, now you are too flat, And mar the concord with too harsh a descant :1 JUL. The mean is drown'd with your unruly bass. 90 Luc. Indeed, I bid the bass for Proteus. JUL. This babble shall not henceforth trouble me : Go get you gone, and let the papers lie: You would be fingering them, to anger me. Luc. She makes it strange; but she would be best pleas'd To be so anger'd with another letter. JUL. Nay, would I were so anger'd with the same! [exit. 100 Poor wounded name! my bosom, as a bed, But twice or thrice was Proteus written down : Be calm, good wind, blow not a word away, Till I have found each letter in the letter, Except mine own name: that some whirlwind bear And throw it thence into the raging sea!- Luc. Madam, Re-enter LUCETTA. Dinner is ready, and your father stays. JUL. Well, let us go. Luc. What, shall these papers lie like tell-tales here? JUL. I see you have a month's mind to them. 120 130 ACT I [exeunt. Luc. Ay, Madam, you may see what sights you think; SCENE III. The Same. A Room in ANTONIO'S House. Enter ANTONIO and PANTHION. ANT. Tell me, Panthion, what sad1 talk was that Wherewith my brother held you in the cloister? PAN. 'Twas of his nephew Proteus, your son. PAN. He wonder'd that your Lordship Would suffer him to spend his youth at home, Put forth their sons to seek preferment out : And how he cannot be a perfect man, And perfected by the swift course of time. PAN. I think your Lordship is not ignorant 20 PAN. Twere good, I think, your Lordship sent him thither: Hear sweet discourse, converse with noblemen, 30 1 serious. 2 reproach upon. ACT I Sc. III And be in eye of every exercise Even with the speediest expedition I will dispatch him to the Emperor's Court. ANT. Good company; with them shall Proteus go : Enter PROTEUS. PRO. Sweet love! sweet lines! sweet life! ANT. How now! what letter are you reading there? Wishing me with him, partner of his fortune. 40 50 60 1 open to. 2 allowance. |