West. He is both king and Duke of Lancaster; And that the Lord of Westmoreland shall maintain. War. And Warwick shall disprove it. You forget That we are those which chased you from the field And slew your fathers, and with colours spread March'd through the city to the palace gates. North. Yes, Warwick, I remember it to my grief; And, by his soul, thou and thy house shall rue it. Thy kinsmen and thy friends, I'll have more lives Clif. Urge it no more; lest that, instead of words, War. Poor Clifford! how I scorn his worthless threats. If not, our swords shall plead it in the field. K. Hen. What title hast thou, traitor, to the crown? Who made the Dauphin and the French to stoop, When I was crown'd I was but nine months old. He is the Lord. 90 95 100 105 ΙΙΟ maintain] 82-84. Be... Why? he is. . . the Earle... mainetaine Q. 89-92. And Warwick . . those which chased fathers palace gates] 85-88. And Warwike.. father pallas gates Q. 93, 94. Yes. rew it Q. 95-97. Plantagenet. . . these thy Plantagenet. of thy Then . vaines Q. ... that, instead of words stir] 93-95. . head] 105-109. Talk . . since ... . . Urge it. . . those that chaste rue it] 89, 90. No . . . Than... veins] 91-93. 98-100. Urge it. in revenge thereof ... Will you. If thy worthles. Wil 107-109. I am . . . Who made ... who tamde the French, And made the 110-114. Talk... sith . . . usurper's Vsurper's head Q. VI. II. ii. 8; and Troilus and Cressida, Iv. i. 69 :— "For every false drop in her bawdy veins A Grecian's life hath sunk." 107. I am the son] Johnson says Henry the Fifth's military reputation was the sole support of his son. The name dispersed the followers of Cade. 112. When I was crown'd] Henry Rich. You are old enough now, and yet, methinks, you lose. Rich. Sound drums and trumpets, and the king will fly. York. Sons, peace! 115 K. Hen. Peace thou! and give King Henry leave to speak. 120 War. Plantagenet shall speak first: hear him, lords ; And be you silent and attentive too, For he that interrupts him shall not live. K. Hen. Think'st thou that I will leave my kingly throne, And now in England to our heart's great sorrow, 125 115. Sweet... head] 110. Do so sweet father, set . . . head Q. 116-119. Good brother Sons, peace !] III-114. Good brother . . . Peace sonnes Q. 120. K. Hen. Peace thou!... speak] 115. Northum. Peace thou speake Q. 121-123. War. Plantagenet shall . not live] omitted Q. 124. Think'st thou throne] 116-120. King. Ah Plantagenet, why seekest thou to depose me? Are we not both Plantagenets by birth, And from two brothers lineallie discent? Suppose by right and equitie thou be king, Thinkst thou seate Q. 125-130. Wherein my grandsire. . father their colours. title's good ... his] 121-126. Wherein my father. titles better far than his Q. was crowned at Westminster, November 6, 1429. See 2 Henry VI. II. iii. 22-24 for the period (1437) when he assumed the responsibility of govern ment. The reference here is to the proclamation of "Prince Henry beyng then about the age of ix Moneths with sounde of Trumpets openly . . . King of England & of Fraunce, the last daye of August, 1422," by his uncles and "the other Lordes of the counsayle" (Grafton, i. 549). For his coronation at Paris (at nine months old), see Richard III. 11. iii. 16, 17. 118. lineallie discent] in Q. See note below at III. iii. 87. 118. Sound drums and trumpets] See again Part II. v. iii. 32, and note. And below, v. vii. 45; and in Richard III. Several times in Locrine. 120. give leave to speak] See Henry VIII. IV. ii. 32. And below, 1. ii. I (Quarto). This speech is given to Northumberland in Q. But it may properly belong to Henry. Like ... grandsire.. . our colours ... all weak characters, he is petulantly authoritative at times. 66 126. unpeople this my realm] So Peele in David and Bethsabe (472, b, Dyce, 1874): 'Unpeople Rabbah and the streets thereof." See Antony and Cleopatra, I. v. 78. The King, in this whole scene, shows how his vacillations have been carefully attended to. And Marlowe, Tamburlaine, Part I. III. iii. (Dyce, 22, a) : "Let him bring millions infinite of Unpeopling Western Africa and 129. winding-sheet] grave-clothes. Not again in Shakespeare, except below, II. V. I14. Nashe (?) uses it in An Almond for a Parrot (ed. M'Kerrow, iii. 362), 1590: "hee will wrappe all your cleargie once agayne in Lazarus winding sheete." 129. Why faint you] "why funk you "would be the synonym. Shakespeare dropped this use later. He has My title's good, and better far than his. 130 War. Prove it, Henry, and thou shalt be king. K. Hen. Henry the Fourth by conquest got the crown. K. Hen. [Aside.] I know not what to say: my title's weak. Tell me, may not a king adopt an heir? 135 York. What then? K. Hen. An if he may, then am I lawful king; And made him to resign his crown perforce. But that the next heir should succeed and reign. 140 145 K. Hen. Art thou against us, Duke of Exeter? 150 K. Hen. [Aside.] All will revolt from me, and turn to him. North. Plantagenet, for all the claim thou lay'st, Think not that Henry shall be so deposed. War. Deposed he shall be in despite of all. North. Thou are deceived: 'tis not thy southern power, 155 ... an 131-135. Prove it Henry the Fourth .. against his king. heir?] 127-131. Proue it... Why Henrie the fourth. gainst his soueraigne an heire? Q. 136. York. What then?] 132. War. What then? Q. 137. An if he may] omitted Q. 137-140. then am I... For Richard his am his] 133-136. Then am I. For Richard The second . . am his Q. 141, 142. He rose his crown perforce] 137, 138. I tell thee he rose . the crown perforce Q. 143, 144. Suppose, my lords 'twere . crown?] 139, 140. Suppose my Lord... that were the Crowne? Q. 145, 146. No ... his crown should... reign] 141, 142. No . . . the Crowne. must raigne Q. 147, 148. Art thou. me] 143, 144. Art thou. Q. 149, 150. York. Why whisper Exe. My conscience...] omitted Q. 151-154. All will . that Henry so deposed.. of all] 145-148. All will King Henry thus deposde?... of thee Q. 158. Thou art power... Kent, Which . . . of me] 149-152. Tush Warwike, Thou art ... powers of Essex, Suffolke, Norffolke, and of Kent that of me Q. ... ... Of Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, nor of Kent, Which makes thee thus presumptuous and proud, K. Hen. O Clifford! how thy words revive my heart. What mutter you, or what conspire you, lords? Or I will fill the house with armed men, 160 165 [He stamps with his foot, and the Soldiers K. Hen. My Lord of Warwick, hear me but one word: York. Confirm the crown to me and to mine heirs, 170 175 my 159-162. Clif. King Henry shall kneel · father] 153-156. Cliff. King Henrie do kneale . father Q. 163-169. O Clifford . heart... And o'er the chair. usurping blood] 157-163. O Clifford .. my soule. [Enter souldiers] And over the chaire.. thy usurping bloud Q. 170, 171. K. Hen. My Lord... king] 164, 165. King. O Warwike, heare me speake. Let me but raigne in quiet whilst I liue Q. 172-175. Confirm. thou liv'st. K. Hen. I am content decease] 166-169. Confirme. livest. King. Conuey the souldiers hence, and then I will. War. Captaine conduct them into Tuthill fieldes Q. 161. ground gape and swallow me] Compare Richard III. 1. ii. 65: “earth, gape open wide and eat him quick." Both from Peele perhaps : "Gape earth and swallow me, and let my soul Sink down to hell." (Edward I. 408, a.) As it comes off in Edward I., it would be impressive. Steevens quotes from Phaer's translation of the fourth Æneid: "But rather would I wish the ground to gape for me below." I have not verified it. See in Kyd, Cornelia: "O earth, why op'st thou not?" (bad news) (v. 39). 162. slew my father] See above, line 9, and line 55. thou Clif. What wrong is this unto the prince your son! Clif. Come, cousin, let us tell the queen these news. In whose cold blood no spark of honour bides. 180 185 [Exeunt North., Clif., and West. War. Turn this way, Henry, and regard them not. Exe. They seek revenge and therefore will not yield. K. Hen. Ah! Exeter. War. Why should you sigh, my lord? K. Hen. Not for myself, Lord Warwick, but my son, Whom I unnaturally shall disinherit. But be it as it may; I here entail The crown to thee and to thine heirs for ever; ... 190 195 Henry! Clif. Come ... wronged go tell the 185-188. Be 176, 177. What wrong to England. . . himself!]_170, 171. What wrong... for England and himselfe ? Q. 178-182. West. Base. Clif. How injured... us! articles. North. Nor I. news] 172-175. Northum. Base Henry. Clif. How vs?... Articles. [Exit.] Clif. Nor I. Come cosen lets 183, 184. West. Farewell. bides] omitted Q. unmanly deed. despised] 176-179. Be thou . unkingly deede. despisde. Exit. Q. 189. Turn. not] omitted Q. 190-195. .. yield.. thine heirs for ever] 180-186. They seeke... yield thine heires, conditionallie Q. Queene Q. They seek my lord 186. die in bands] in confinement. Marlowe has it in Edward II.: "Weaponless must I fall, and die in bands?" (beginning of Act iii.) (Dyce, 202, a). A later play than The True Tragedie. ... 66 192-201. Not for myself. This oath .] Grafton says: After long arguments made.. among the Peeres, Prelates, and commons of the realme; upon the vigile of all Saintes, it was condescended and agreed, by the three estates, for so much as King Henry had beene taken as King, by the space of xxxviij. yeres and more that he should enioy the name and tytle of king and haue possession of the realme, during his life naturall; And if he eyther died or resigned, or forfeited the same, for infringing any point of this concorde, then the sayde Crowne and aucthoritie royall should immediately dissende to the Duke of Yorke, if he then lyued, or else to the next heyre of his line or linage, and that the Duke from thenceforth should be Protector and Regent of the land. Provided alway, that if the King did closely or apertly studie or go about to breake or alter this agrement, or to compasse or imagine the death or destruction of the sayde Duke or hys bloud, then he to forfeit the crowne, and the Duke of Yorke to take it. These articles with many other, were not only written, sealed and sworne by the two parties; but also were enacted in the high court of Parliament |