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Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Mr. Charles Davis, Mr. John Tuckwell, and William Puckey, have, through Divine Mercy, been preserved to labour at this Station.

The Services at the Station, and on board one of the Ships, and the Visits to the Natives, have been continued and the various Members of the Mission having appropriated a stated portion of their time to the study of the language, considerable proficiency has been made in attaining it: a translation of some parts of the Scriptures has been effected. On this subject Mr. W. Williams writes in November

Great improvement has been made in the knowledge of the Language by every individual, so that now there is no difficulty in making ourselves understood by the Natives. We have under preparation a Dictionary of New Zealand and English, and English and New Zealand, with Examples under each word: this of course will be a work of time. The translation of the Scriptures goes on better than it did, though but slowly; the reason of which partly is, that every verse undergoes two public examinations before it is allowed to pass.

There were in the Boys' SCHOOL, in July, 39 Scholars; of whom Mr. W. Williams reported, that they continued to make steady progress: there were 15 in the Girls' School.

In November, Mr. W. Williams writes

Our Native Boys' School continues to give us much satisfaction, though it is not likely that we can much increase our numbers, owing to the scarcity of provisions. We are almost entirely dependent on flour brought from the Colony, and the potatoes which are purchased from the Southward.

The education of the European Children connected with the Mission, who are now become numerous, has engaged the attention of the Committee; and an arrangement has been made, by which, it is hoped, this important object will be attained.

It is a subject of thankfulness to God, that the beneficial labours of the PRESS have reached this land of darkness, and that parts of His written Word are now accessible to the inhabitants. A plan having been in agitation, after the outrage at Whangarooa,

to form a Settlement of New Zealanders in New South Wales, Mr. Davis, when the "Herald" made her annual voyage for the supply of stores for the Mission, visited the Colony, for the purpose of consulting with Mr. Marsden and other friends on the expediency of such a measure; and Mr. Davis, during his visit, carried through the press a translation of the First Three Chapters of Genesis, the 20th of Exodus, part of the 5th chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel, the 1st of St. John's Gospel, the Lord's Prayer, and some Hymns.

The last Report noticed the breaking up of the Wesleyan Mission at Whangarooa by the violence of the Natives, and the apprehensions which this outrage excited in the minds of the other Servants of God, who are labouring in New Zealand, lest they should meet with similar treatment. Full particulars, illustrative of the state of the Natives before this disturbance, of the encouragements at the time of its occurrence, and of the subsequently improving prospects of the Mission, have been given in the Missionary Register of last year (pp. 621-627). It appears, from the general tenor of more recent despatches, that the aspect of affairs is still encouraging; though the lengths of violence to which, if God permit, Satan may instigate his unhappy subjects against those who seek their welfare, render their continuance there, to the human eye, a matter of extreme uncertainty. The following extracts from the various communications will shew the general view which is taken of the Mission by those who are employed at this Station. In May, Mr. Williams writes

Several reports respecting Shunghee's movements and intentions are circulated. Returned an answer to the Brethren at the Kiddeekiddee, to stand their ground until driven away; expressing also our desire to be with them when Shunghee may return to them, should they give us notice. We also heard this day that the Natives of Kauakaua and

Waikadi had met in counsel; when it was determined that Tekoki should not go to the Colony, as it was considered that the remainder would undoubtedly fall. The Arch-fiend is certainly at work in this land, and is attempting utter destruction: civil wars seem inevitable. Shunghee hangs by a hair, and all is ripe for confusion and bloodshed: but we commit our cause unto the Lord, and know that He cannot err: we may yet have to depart. These late transactions have certainly slackened our temporal exertions, but redoubled those of a spiritual nature. All our efforts have been, for some months past, directed to the acquisition of the language, in which considerable progress has been made.

In July, he states

The Natives around us are at present quiet, but I do not expect that they will continue so long: there is much ill-will existing among the Tribes in this part of the Island. Shunghee is much recovered, and will probably resume his operations in the Spring, if he can assemble a force: but there is no calculating on their movements; for those who are acting in alliance one month may the following be at war, and the third month acting in conjunction against the common foe.

He afterwards adds

Our prospects are more pleasing than they have been; and we now hope to go out regularly among the Natives who live within our reach, so that the greater number may be visited once a fortnight: we have made the attempt; and find it practicable, with a few exceptions. We all continue in health and peace.

On a review of the whole Mission, I think I may say that all our operations are proceeding decently and in order: for this we may praise the Lord of all! We need daily the renewing influence of the Holy Spirit: and that we may obtain it, we would beseech you to bear us up by your supplicationsthat you have done so is manifest, and it has encouraged us greatly.

The demand for additional assistance, in order to conduct the visits to the Natives on a regular and more efficient plan, is thus stated by Mr. W. Williams:

Our hands are still much tied for want of Labourers. We have been enabled of late to go more among the Natives since the Buildings we had projected have been set aside : but yet at this Settlement, which is much the strongest, we have not hands enough to carry on the work effectually; and at Kiddeekiddee and Rangheehoo our Brethren are still much hindered from leaving home, for want of further assistance. To

put the Settlements on an efficient footing, there should be Four Missionaries at Rangheehoo, Four at the Kiddeekiddee, and at least Eight at this place. So great a number at each Settlement, when the population is so small, may seem superfluous; but the situation of the country renders it necessary. If two Families alone reside at one place, it will be seldom prudent for one person to be absent beyond a few hours, in consequence of the importunities of the Natives. If two persons, then, are left at home, and others go out to the Native Settlements two and two, the number which I have mentioned will find full employment in this Bay. When the Natives shall hear the Gospel regularly, we may expect to see the fruit of it as abundant in this land as in any other; whereas now we hear from day to day fresh designs for cruelty and mutual destruction.

The following view of the Mission is given by Mr. Davis in November :

The New-Zealand Mission was never in the state before in which it is now. It is evident that a spirit of grace and unity and love has been poured out on its Missionaries: they are now going forth preaching the Gospel; and, with their present acquirements, are enabled to proclaim fluently in the native language the unsearchable riches of Christ. Although the Natives often have quarrels and broils among themselves, yet their general behaviour towards us is much better than it was some time ago. My soul rejoices in the prospects which we have before us; never were they so bright as they are at present.

Mr. W. Williams writes, under the same date

It is expected that the Natives will proceed again to the southward this Summer, against the people of the River Thames, if they can obtain Shunghee's assistance; otherwise they will be afraid to encounter their enemies. I believe that there are many who would gladly abandon the present system, but they draw on one another; and when there is a general muster, the consequence is serious to those who refuse to gothe loss of all their property and food. But in whatever way the enemy may work to drive them on to destruction, we feel persuaded that his kingdom will speedily fall: the state in which we see the Natives now, and their conduct towards us, is an assurance that the day is not far distant.



Ir was stated in the Twenty-seventh Report, that a Corresponding Committee had been formed in this Island. After zealously co-operating with the Parent Committee, with considerable effect, in its plans for promoting the spiritual welfare of the Negro Slaves and Free Persons of Colour in Jamaica, the Corresponding Committee merged in the JAMAICA AUXILIARY CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY, which was formed on the 5th of March 1828. The Right Hon. Sir George Henry Rose, M.P. was elected Patron; James B. Wildman, Esq. President; William Stirling, Esq., Rev. John M. Trew, William Stothart, Esq., Arthur Foulkes, Esq., James Miller, Esq., and Archibald Stirling, Esq., Vice-Presidents; Matthew Farquharson, Esq., E. F. Coke, Esq., William Whitehorne, Esq., George Kinghorn Prince, Esq. M.D., Rev. John Thorpe, Rev. Hugh Seymour Yates, and Rev. H. Beams, Committee; William Taylor, Esq. Treasurer; the Rev. Griffith Griffiths, Secretary ;. and Mr. John Jones, Assistant Secretary.

The Grant of 2007. to the Bishop of Jamaica, mentioned in the preceding Report, was thus acknowledged by His Lordship, in a Letter to the Secre


I beg you will convey to the Committee of the Church Missionary Society my grateful sense of this well-timed and most acceptable assistance; as it will enable me to afford that support to the rising Establishments of Sunday and Parochial Schools which they so much require, and will also give me an opportunity of appointing another Catechist.

I have already destined a part of the Donation to the Free School and School of Industry at Kingston; which was established in December last, and has succeeded beyond my most sanguine expectations. The pupils of all classes, ages, and colours, amount at present to 436; and, I have every reason to think, will increase to 500 in the course of a very short time, which is as many as the Building will contain.

On the Bishop's arrival in this country, he furnished the Committee with a statement of the appropriation of the Grant; which besides 847. currency given

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