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is yours: doubt not the truth of His promise, or the all-sufficiency of His Grace; but we entreat you, by every motive that can influence-by the variety and greatness of your difficulties-by the subtlety and malice of your enemies by our hopes and sympathies in your labours-by the love which you bear to Christ-by your readiness to live and to die in His service and by your zeal for His glory, draw constantly and largely, from the Living Fountain, that faith and grace, that zeal and love, that deadness to the world and devotedness to God, that patient spirit of en.

durance, that holy constancy, that determined courage, without which, however well prepared in other respects, you will be unequal to the exigencies of your warfare !

To the gracious guidance and blessing of the Chief Shepherd we commend you. May He send you forth to your holy enterprise in the power of the Holy Ghost! May the pleasure of the Lord prosper in your hand! And may your labours be abundantly instrumental in gathering in the wandering sheep of Christ, and redound to the glory of His Name!

(See Page 86.)


I. THAT the Seminary for the Education of Missionaries' Children belonging to this Society be established at Ootacamund, on the Nilgherry Hills.

II. That a Subscription be set on foot, through the Three Presidencies and Ceylon, for the purpose of raising Funds to erect the requisite Buildings on the Nilgherry Hills; and that the Subscription Papers be accom. panied by a few Remarks, explanatory of the object of the proposed Institution.

III. That, in the event of an Appeal to the Public being unsuccessful, Buildings merely sufficient for the probable number of Missionaries' Children shall be erected; but, if successful, that the Buildings shall be on a proportionately larger scale.

IV. That, in addition to the Children of the Society's Missionaries, as many other Children of respectable Parents shall be admitted as circumstances may permit; a suitable sum for board and education of each being demanded.

V. That the Venerable the Archdeacon be requested to address a Letter to the Bishop of Calcutta, stating the nature of the proposed Seminary, and forwarding the accom

panying Prospectus thereof; at the same time requesting his Lordship to patronize the Institution.


1. A School conducted by dulyqualified Members of the Church of England has long been a desideratum in India. The climate has been hitherto the chief obstacle to such an Establishment; but since the salubrity of the Nilgherry Hills has been so well established, this important difficulty has been removed.

11. The Church Missionary Society has had it in contemplation, for a considerable time, to establish an efficient School on the Nilgherry Hills, for the Education of the Children of its Missionaries; and has accordingly, after mature deliberation, directed its Corresponding Committee in Madras to adopt immediate steps for carrying this important measure into operation. It has at the same time undertaken to send to India two Clergymen of the Church of England, in every respect qualified to undertake the superintendence of the Seminary.

III. Anticipating the benefit which may be expected to result generally

to European Residents in India from such an Institution, the Madras Corresponding Committee have determined to extend the original plan, by receiving into the Seminary as many Children of Respectability as circumstances may permit, although their Parents be unconnected with the Society.

IV. Whether an Institution like that proposed above be viewed as simply affording a substantial education to Youth, or as preparing them for the prosecution of higher studies, it must, for obvious reasons, be an object of great interest to Parents in India.

v. To enable the Madras Corresponding Committee to erect Build. ings on the Nilgherry Hills that are suited to an Establishment on the enlarged plan herein proposed, they have resolved to make an Appeal to the Indian Public, in order to raise funds; and they entertain no doubt, when the value and importance of this Institution are considered, that all who have Children will most glad ly answer the call thus made upon their liberality; and that those who are less interested will give their assistance, from the conviction that such an Establishment is calculated

to be a great blessing to the country at large.

VI. When the great expense of building on the Nilgherry Hills is considered, it is probable that a less sum than from 40 to 50,000 Rupees will not suffice to make the erections on that scale of comfort and respectability, on which the Corresponding Committee would desire to see them: and as it would be quite impossible that the funds of a Charitable Institution, like that of the Church Missionary Society, could admit of so large a demand upon them as this is, (nor, indeed, would such an appropriation of their funds be just,) the Corresponding Committee will be obliged eventually to adopt a scale for the Establishment in some degree proportioned to the means furnished by this Appeal to the Public Bounty.

VII. The principles on which the School will be conducted will be those of the Church of England: and as, in the education of Missionaries' Children, the object in view will be to prepare them for Bishop's College, should it be seen fit to send them there, and eventually for the work of the Ministry, a good guarantee is thereby offered, as respects Education, to Parents generally.


THE distance from home at which the labours of the Church Missionary Society are carried on, and the extent of its Missions, have presented, from time to time, various difficulties, that were not originally anticipated.

An adequate provision for the due education of Missionaries' Children without interfering with their spiritual duties, are among difficulties of this kind.

With an anxious desire to do every thing in their power to relieve the Missionary from those cares which would harass his mind and interfere with his high office, the Committee, some time since, formed the plan of an Institution for giving to his sons a suitable Education.

The Nilgherry Hills, in the Madras Presidency, were pointed out to the Society as a peculiarly desirable situation for such an Establishment: and the testimony of various friends of the Society, who have resided there, and received benefit from the salubrity of the air, has satisfied the Committee on this point.

The object of the Establishment, generally, is, the education of the sons of Missionaries of the Society, labouring in the Three Presidencies of India, and in the Island of Ceylon. It is proposed, also, to admit a limited number of Youths who are not children of Missionaries, but whose Parents may be desirous of giving them the advantage of a sound and reli

gious education, and be willing to render an adequate remuneration for that purpose.

While the comparative facility of communication with the Society's Stations in India and Ceylon, and a temperature between 45° and 75° recommend the situation as a residence, the Committee, in selecting it, have been influenced by the advantages which it presents for training up the Children of Missionaries, should God be pleased to call them by His Grace, for labouring in that field in which their Parents are occupied. In this point of view, the situation appears to be one singularly adapted for the purpose. It may reasonably be expected, that those who have from infancy been accustomed to a tropical climate will be less susceptible of its enervating influence, and less subject to inflammatory attacks, than those who at a maturer age resort to it from a colder region; and will therefore be enabled to pursue their labours with more vigour and less interruption.

Early familiarity with an Oriental Language is another important advantage which will be possessed by those who are educated in this establishment. The native pronunciation, which Europeans cannot attain till after several years' residence in India, will be natural to them, and they will be qualified to address the Natives with fluency and ease. By an early acquaintance with the language, they will be in a great measure prepared for the critical study of it; and, being acquainted with its idioms, will soon be qualified for the Translation of the Scriptures.

For the work both of Preaching and Translating, they will possess superior facilities, in their familiarity with the Native Character and modes of thought; their minds will be stored with the same images as those of the persons among whom they are employed; and their assimilation in many respects to the Natives will enable them to address them rather as fellow-countrymen than foreigners. In connection with this point, the Com

mittee deem it most important that the greatest simplicity should pervade the Institution. An approximation to the habits of more refined Society would hinder, rather than help, the future Missionary; and the more simple he is in his dress and his food, the fewer will be his wants, and the less will be feel the privations to which he may afterwards be exposed; and, being unincumbered by numerous wants, his mind and body will be more at liberty for the performance of his sacred duties.

The Committee have great pleasure in sending you forth to conduct this very important and interesting Establishment; which, if it please God to bless the design, will greatly relieve the minds of our Missionaries, and become a spring of blessing to every part of India. You will in due time be followed by a Fellow-labourer, who will assist, under your direction, in conducting the business of the Establishment: and we pray God that your mutual labours may be abundantly prospered! The Committee do not now enter at large on instructions of a general nature; but refer you to those which have been delivered to Missionaries on former occasions; and by which your conduct will be regulated, so far as they may be applicable to your particular circumstances.

It will doubtless be the wish of your Brethren, that, wherever God shall dispose the hearts of their Children to Missionary Employment, they should be trained up, as in the Schools of the Prophets, for that high and holy office. It cannot be anticipated, however, that God should call every Child of the Missionaries, that may be brought up under your care, to this blessed work; and no man taketh this honour upon him, but he that is called of God. You will, therefore, diligently mark their dispositions; and, while you follow that course in their education which may best enable them usefully and honourably to fulfil the duties of their future stations, you will train up the most promising among them with a direct

view to Missionary Employment, should they afterwards appear duly qualified for it.

The Committee can only give general views respecting the Educa tion to be given to the Youths at this Institution. They are mainly anxious that the instruction should be truly Christian, and that the at tainments of the Youths should be solid and useful.

RELIGION, as an object of supreme importance, will occupy the first consideration in your mind. And here it will be your aim, that the whole spirit of the Seminary be the kind, cheerful, affectionate piety of a wise Christian Parent; rather than any thing of the harsh and severe character of a dry system of mere technical instruction.

In order to excite and cherish that filial spirit of confidence and love, which is an essential ingredient in the Missionary Character, it seems desirable that the Institution should be formed on the plan of a Family, rather than that of a School. By partaking of the same meals as those who are the objects of your care, by entering into their feelings and wants as a Parent with a Child, and by individually praying with them on such occasions as circumstances may sug. gest, you will not only obtain a more intimate acquaintance with their characters than can be acquired in any other way, but an union of sympathy and affection will be produced, which will both bind them with increased attachment to yourself, and impart an attractive influence to their general character.

The first and most simple Principles of our Religion, illustrated in the incidents of daily occurrence, must constantly be brought forward; such as, our Fallen State-our Daily Sinfulness--the Free Pardon which there is for all Sin through the Redemption of Christ-God thus reconciled to us; and, while infinitely holy, full of love and pity, graciously promis ing and richly bestowing the gift of His Holy Spirit, which all who ask shall assuredly receive; and by whose

power alone we can be enabled to bring forth the fruits of righteousness, and be made meet for a heavenly inheritance.

Let the plan of your Religious Instruction be eminently Scriptural. Portions of Scripture should be daily read, and a verse or more learned by heart: and by your familiar explanations of the Word of God, it will be your endeavour to imbue their minds with Scriptural Principles, and to impart to them a relish for Divine Truth. You will feel here, not as a common-place truth, but as the mainspring of all your efforts, your entire dependence on Divine Aid, and the assurance that this aid will not fail you. As you use the means of divine appointment in faith and prayer, in wisdom and love, for the religious instruction of the Youths committed to you, so will the Holy Spirit give unction, life, and power to your la bour, and make it effectual to their spiritual good.

Respecting CLASSICAL INSTRUCtion, including herein such Languages as it may be requisite to teach, we need not say much. You are well qualified to give that sound and well-grounded education which it is desirable should be given, and to pursue it to that extent which the varied characters and abilities of the Children may require.

You will not fail, as the Children advance in Classics, and are able to enter into the spirit of the Authors which they read, to point out the great deficiency in true religious principles which characterize all their writings. They risé not to those holy lessons of doing the will of God, and seeking with a single eye His glory, which are the grand principles by which human conduct should be regulated: they give not those animating motives which spring from the faith, hope, and love of the Gospel. Not to speak of more polluting and debasing motives and conduct, pride and self-sufficiency and self-elevation are the great springs of their most splendid actions. To develope the real character of Hea. then Authors, so as to guard the

youthful mind and unmask the mystery of iniquity lurking beneath the glory of an outwardly magnificent conduct, will be an important part of your office, as a Christian Classical Instructor. Augustine's City of God, of which you have a valuable Abstract in Milner's Church History, will furnish you with many excellent hints for this purpose.

The GENERAL INSTRUCTION, such as Geography, History, &c., and every thing not comprised in Religious and Classical Instruction, must be attended to according to your means and op. portunities, and the capacities of the Youths, the time which they continue with you, and their future destination in life. That which will be useful and beneficial in future life must be mainly pursued. While you have a system of instruction, be not the slave of that system. Regular hours for commencing and closing your instruction-a wise and arranged plan for the whole of your course of tuition -appointed times for each part-and a regular adherence to your plan, will be found to be the most economical mode of employing your time and strength, and most effective in its results. Yet circumstances may arise, that will justify an occasional deviation from your system: and experience will, doubtless, enable you greatly to improve any system which you may at first think it expedient to adopt.

The Establishment being in the Presidency of Madras, its regulations must be planned and its proceedings conducted under the direction of the Corresponding Committee of the Society in that place. They will confer with you on your arrival at Madras; and prepare Regulations for the government of the Establishment, and the management of its affairs. As you will board in the Institution, the Committee refer the adjustment of your salary to the Corresponding Committee.

The Committee cannot send you

forth without expressing hope that it may please God to make you an instrument for training up the interesting Youths that shall be committed to your care, so that they may rise to be a comfort to their parents, a blessing to the country in which they were born, and burning and shining lights in their day and generation; and thus advance in India the Saviour's Kingdom, the good of man, and the Glory of the Most High.

How much you yourself need for this, the anointing of the Holy One, you are deeply conscious. Our confi. dence is, that you will daily look up to the Source of Help for help, and to the Father of Lights for light.

Finally-Be instant in season, out of season, endeavouring in every way to spread abroad the savour of the knowledge of Christ.

There is nothing which you can need, that is not already treasured up in Christ for your use: live upon His fulness, and daily receive from Him the sufficient supply of all your wants.

In entering on so new and untried a sphere, you will find, as you have already doubtless anticipated, obstructions, trials, and hindrances : but it is the property of Faith and Prayer to turn those very obstruc tions into advantages; those very trials into blessings; those very hindrances into helps. You have an Omnipotent Saviour on your side; all power in heaven and earth is His; and He will display that power for the benefit of those who trust in Him, and will assuredly help all them who seek Him.

To that Divine Redeemer, the Head of the Universal Church, we commit you; and in His name we send you forth to His Work, with our hearty prayers, that He may make you a blessing to the rising generation, and, through them, to multitudes of the wretched inhabitants of. the East.

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