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Of his general prospects, and of the circulation of the Scriptures in Greece, he writes:

With regard to Missionary Labour, there are good prospects, though they do not shine so brightly at present as some time ago. Scriptures have been sold in Greece to a considerable amount: I have myself sold in Egina 224 copies of the Large Testaments, and 148 of the Small; and might have sold many more of the large, had I possessed them. In other places, also, a considerable number has been sold. I have not yet received an exact account, but I imagine that nearly 2000 have been put in circulation in different parts of Greece since the month of September. Thus has an important object been effected, which will not be without useful results. I have sold a few copies of the Commentary on the Acts, and 45 copies of Mr. Wilson's Spelling-book. I believe that thousands of Mr. Wilson's work would be purchased, if we had them. Of other Publications we have dispersed a very considerable number. The two works of Mr. Temple Porteus's Evidences, and Lyttleton on the Conversion of St. Paul, have been rendered very useful. I am particularly anxious to obtain other works on the Evidences of Christianity. There is not, as yet, much taste for the other books; but these are spoken of in raptures by many persons.

He afterwards adds

I have had conversation with many persons on religious subjects; and I would not hesitate to say, that not a few have obtained more correct ideas on the truths of Scripture. One young man appears to be truly awakened; and should he go on as he has commenced, I shall not hesitate to bless God for his conversion. For seven years he has been an infidel: now, his chief delight is to learn of Christ, and to attend to the salvation of his soul. Thus you perceive that we are not altogether without encouragement, though the sanguine expectations, which I had formed some time ago, have been greatly lowered.

During his tour in the Morea, Mr. Hartley had several opportunities of preaching in the Churches, and often to large and attentive Congregations: of one of these occasions he thus speaks in his Journal:—

In the large Monastery of Megaspelaion, I preached to a Congregation of probably more than a hundred Monks, with the sanction of the Superiors of the Monastery; and in that very Chapel where they preserve and worship the Picture of the Virgin which is attributed to the pencil of St. Luke. Whatever may be the future state of Greece, I shall always cherish, amongst my fondest remembrances, these instances of kindly feeling; and I shall earnestly pray, May God bestow on this Church the privilege of Philadelphia: (Rev. iii. 8.) Behold, I have set before thee an open door; and no man can shut it!

On leaving the Morea, Mr. Hartley thus expresses his sentiments

My stay in Argos was of a month's duration. I had hoped, during this interval, to be able to aid the circulation of the Scriptures in the various parts of the Morea which I had visited; but, unfortunately, the plague had excited such alarm, that Napoli was barred against all ingress, and I had no opportunity of obtaining the New Testaments which had arrived from Syra. I found occasion, however, to make known the Truth to various individuals; and I rejoice to recollect the names of several young men who lent an attentive ear to my remarks. I now repeat an observation which I made more than two years ago that everywhere I discover some persons to whom Religious Truth is a grateful subject. On the one hand, they become enlightened as to the various corruptions of their own communion; and, on the other, they escape from the still more dangerous gulf of Infidelity, into which so many fall headlong. God has bestowed on me the inexpressible favour to sow the incorruptible seed of Revealed Truth at Argos, and in various other places; and I feel strongly persuaded that He will also give the increase. It is manifest, that, in various parts of the East, a work of preparation for the reception of Christian Truth is most decidedly going forward. I say not, that many persons have arrived at that establishment of Christian character which is designated by the term "Regeneration;" but I do affirm, that many have had their minds so far enlightened, and so far interested in this important subject, that, when the door for proclaiming the Gospel shall be more widely and effectually opened, there is a good hope that more individuals will gladly come forward, will embrace the wished-for opportunities, and will become willing converts to the true doctrine of Christianity. At present, every one, who is interested in the Cause of Christ, contemplates the Political aspect of Greece with intense interest. He frequently inquires, Whether the New Government will lend assistance, or otherwise, to the efforts which are in progress for the benefit of its subjects? Whatever the answer may be, convinced I am, that our labour has not been in vain. If not the great good which we hope, yet some good will assuredly be the result. Thousands of copies of the New Testament are gone forth, to proclaim the Word of God; and thousands of other testimonies to the Truth, both oral and printed, have been given. Thus are thousands of voices crying in the wilderness, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God." (Isaiah xl.) We leave, then, our humble efforts to the blessing of the Most High.

Mr. Hartley, while resident at Smyrna, has under


taken the duties of the English Chaplaincy, during Mr. Arundel's absence. Of his labours he writes, in October

It has been a cause of much satisfaction to me, to see many of the Officers and Crews of the English and American Ships of war frequent in their attendance at Church. After having been almost silent in my own language for four years, I have found it most agreeable once more to employ it in the exercise of duties. Besides preaching in English, I also preach in Modern Greek. It is rather singular, that this language is more intelligible to many of the Ladies in the English Families than even their own tongue: hence, a Sermon in Modern Greek is directed, not only to the Greeks who may be present, but also to them.


At the same date he writes

I have just been reading the Report of visits to Andros, Zea, Naxos, and Paros, sent me by a Young Man well known to Mr. Leeves, and long employed by him in the sale of the Scriptures at Constantinople. This Young Man was sent by Dr. Korck to sell Scriptures and Tracts; and, as I recommended him to keep à Journal of his proceedings, he has It has pleased me so much, accordingly sent one to me. considered as the production of a person brought up in the errors of the Greek Church and now zealous to enlighten his countrymen, that I shall, if possible, find time to translate it and send it to you. He has not only sold and distributed many books, but has preached the clear doctrine of JustificaHe is tion by Faith in Jesus Christ to his countrymen. designated in my Journals from Constantinople by the letter G, and greatly endeared himself to us by his faithful and unwearied attention to the Converted Jews.

The unexpected release of these poor Jews, by the kind providence of God, must have been already welcomed by those who had been acquainted with their sufferings; and they will further hear, with pleasure, that God appears to have used one of them as an instrument of blessing, both to some of his own countrymen, and to one or two individuals of the Turkish Nation. With reference to this, Mr. Hartley writes from Smyrna, in January

John Baptist, one of the Jews whom I baptized at Constantinople, has been here about two weeks. It gives me great pleasure to have the opportunity of reading and praying daily with him. He has great zeal for the conversion of his countrymen and of others, and has already been rendered useful to several persons. There are 8 or 12 Jews at Constantinople who thirst for an opportunity of being baptized. To one of

them, in particular, I wish to direct your attention. He is a young man 18 years old, of a very rich family, and related by marriage to a distinguished Jew at Constantinople. After John Baptist's release from prison, he came to visit him, in order to hold controversies with him. The issue has been, that he has become a Believer in Jesus Christ, and is exceedingly eager to be baptized. He professes himself willing to lose all the wealth of his family, and to part with Father, Mother, and Friends, for the sake of Jesus Christ: nay, what is most extraordinary, undeterred by the sufferings from which our two young friends have so recently escaped, he expresses a willingness to prove all the horrors of the prison, and of death itself, if God should call him to that trial.

Mr. Hartley adds

John Baptist has also been the means of bringing two Turks to an acknowledgment of the Truth as it is in Jesus. One of them is a man of some consequence: having heard of the cause for which our friends were imprisoned, he sent for John Baptist, and laboured to convince him of the truth of the Mussulman Religion: day after day the controversy was renewed: the common Mahomedan arguments, of the corruption of the Sacred Writings by the Christians, were examined and exploded; and, after some time, John Baptist procured for his antagonist the Arabic Scriptures, both Old and New Testament: he read them with much attention; nay, appeared to abandon every other occupation. Finally, he expressed himself, both to John Baptist and an Armenian Friend, fully persuaded of the truth of Christianity, and of the necessity of Baptism. Soon afterwards, he was compelled to accompany one of the Pachas to the Russian War, in character of Secretary. After our friend's release from prison, another Turk sent for him, to converse on the subject of religion. This individual adhered obstinately to the creed of his nation; but one of his Tchochodars became convinced of the truth, and secretly confessed his faith to John Baptist.

In the same Letter, Mr. Hartley further statesBenefit has also been conferred on several Armenians, by means of our friend's conversations. Not a few persons of this communion appear to be opening their eyes to the corruptions which have so long disfigured their Church. Here, at Smyrna, I have become acquainted with an interesting character, who is one of the chief Masters of the Armenian School. He rejects all doctrines unfounded on the Scriptures, and is now on the point of introducing the reading of the New Testament into the School. He assures me that the Armenians have no law which authorises the use of pictures in Churches; and that this practice is merely a custom, which

has gained ground without any authority. John Baptist has been treated with much kindness by the Armenians; nor am I aware that they have extracted from him any observance inconsistent with a good conscience. He partook daily of the table of the Armenian Bishop, and has also been furnished by him with lodgings. I feel myself much interested for the Armenian Church: and as I am gradually laying hold of the Turkish Language, I hope daily to be better acquainted with them.

Dr. Korck's health, which for some time had been very delicate, has much improved since the commencement of his residence at Syra; and he has undertaken the superintendence of a large School, which bids fair to be most beneficial to the Greeks. Of this Mr. Hartley writes—

I scarcely know any thing connected with Missionary Undertakings in these parts which has given me so much pleasure. It is the precise employment in which Dr. Korck is likely to be most useful: he himself takes delight in the duties to which it calls him, and he is exceedingly beloved by the Children.

The following account of the School is given by Dr. Korck, in August:

Since the month of April I have been steadily employed, here in Syra, at a School of Mutual Instruction, which Mr. Brewer had begun. On his departure for America, we had about 40 Children under our care; but, soon after my arrival, I was enabled to increase the number to upward of 60. Having been so happy as to find some Schoolmasters in Egina, the Greek Merchants here began to take a higher interest in the work, and to erect a building for 300 Children, as they had promised several months before to Mr. Brewer and myself; Mr. Brewer engaging to pay the Master for six months, and I to undertake the direction of the work. After much delay, we have at last been able to enter the New Building, and already the number of Children is nearly 250: these Children, of whom about 80 are Girls, are daily instructed out of the Gospel, or out of School-Books prepared by our Brethren in Malta. Twice a-week I explain to them-still, indeed, with a stammering tongue, but understood by my Childrensuch parts of the Word of God as are suited to them; and this I do in the way of conversation. Twice a-week they learn a portion of Scripture by heart; and, in this, they shew so much application, that I am obliged to restrain some of the Girls, for fear their health might be injured: they will learn 20-80-120 and even 180 lines more than I prescribe them; and in order to do so, they will rise again, when their parents think them asleep, kindle a light, and study. You

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