The Works of Shakespeare, Volume 7Macmillan and Company, limited, 1904 |
Dall'interno del libro
Risultati 1-5 di 15
Pagina 145
... Lord Chamberlain . Lord Chancellor . GARDINER , Bishop of Winchester . Bishop of Lincoln . LORD ABERGAVENNY . LORD SANDS . SIR HENRY GUILDFORD . SIR THOMAS LOVELL . SIR ANTHONY DENNY . SIR NICHOLAS VAUX . Secretaries to Wolsey ...
... Lord Chamberlain . Lord Chancellor . GARDINER , Bishop of Winchester . Bishop of Lincoln . LORD ABERGAVENNY . LORD SANDS . SIR HENRY GUILDFORD . SIR THOMAS LOVELL . SIR ANTHONY DENNY . SIR NICHOLAS VAUX . Secretaries to Wolsey ...
Pagina 180
... LORD CHAMBERLAIN and Lord Sands . Cham . Is ' t possible the spells of France should juggle Men into such strange mysteries ? Sands . Though they be never so ridiculous , New customs , Nay , let ' em be unmanly , yet are follow'd ...
... LORD CHAMBERLAIN and Lord Sands . Cham . Is ' t possible the spells of France should juggle Men into such strange mysteries ? Sands . Though they be never so ridiculous , New customs , Nay , let ' em be unmanly , yet are follow'd ...
Pagina 184
... LORD CHAMBERLAIN , LORD SANDS , and SIR THOMAS LOVELL . The very thought of this fair company Clapp'd wings to me . Cham . You are young , Sir Harry Guildford . Sands . Sir Thomas Lovell , had the cardinal But half my lay thoughts in ...
... LORD CHAMBERLAIN , LORD SANDS , and SIR THOMAS LOVELL . The very thought of this fair company Clapp'd wings to me . Cham . You are young , Sir Harry Guildford . Sands . Sir Thomas Lovell , had the cardinal But half my lay thoughts in ...
Pagina 186
... lord chamberlain , Go , give ' em welcome ; you can speak the French tongue ; And , pray , receive ' em nobly , and conduct ' em Into our presence , where this heaven of beauty Shall shine at full upon them . [ Exit Chamberlain , Some ...
... lord chamberlain , Go , give ' em welcome ; you can speak the French tongue ; And , pray , receive ' em nobly , and conduct ' em Into our presence , where this heaven of beauty Shall shine at full upon them . [ Exit Chamberlain , Some ...
Pagina 187
... LORD CHAMBERLAIN . They pass directly before the CARDINAL , and gracefully salute him . A noble company ! what are their pleasures ? Cham . Because they speak no English , thus they pray'd To tell your grace , that , having heard by ...
... LORD CHAMBERLAIN . They pass directly before the CARDINAL , and gracefully salute him . A noble company ! what are their pleasures ? Cham . Because they speak no English , thus they pray'd To tell your grace , that , having heard by ...
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The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes ; Collated with the ..., Volume 7 William Shakespeare Visualizzazione completa - 1757 |
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Aaron Alençon Andronicus art thou Bassianus bear behold Benvolio blood brother Capulet cardinal Cham Chiron dead dear death dost doth Duke emperor empress England English Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair father fear France French friar Gent gentle give Goths grace hand Harfleur hath hear heart heaven Henry Henry VIII Holinshed honour Juliet Kath Katharine king king's lady Lavinia live look lord LORD CHAMBERLAIN Lucius madam majesty Mantua Marc Marcus married Mercutio Montague never night noble Nurse peace Pist play pray prince queen Rome Romeo Romeo and Juliet Saturninus SCENE Shakespeare SIGILLUM Sir Thomas Lovell soul speak sweet sword Tamora tears tell thee thine thou art thou hast Titus Titus Andronicus tongue Tybalt unto VERITAS villain wilt Wolsey word