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grace," they do indeed “obtain to intimate, that at the period to mercy, and find grace to help in which the prophecy relates, an time of need : ” but even these irresistible attack would be made communications of comfort are upon the Romish doctrine, that the subject to suspensions; and again works and merits of the saints they mourn under their weakness remain as a treasure in possession and heavy labour.

of the church to be applied for the Who, then, can conceive the benefit of others, at the discretion sweetness of heaven's eterpal rest of the Pope and his agents. On to the weary wanderer through the this absurd idea were grounded all rough and intricate mazes of this the abominations of indulgences, evil world ? “There, sorrow and which first stirred up the holy sighing shall flee away.” There, indignation of Luther and his no more tears shall ever flow. brethren. But no,“ saith the There, the heart shall never ache. Spirit,” by his servants the ReformThere, desire shall never fail. ers, “ Their works do follow them.” There, the Lord God and the Lamb The meritorious efficacy of good shall shine upon the soul, with works, we, and all the protestant beams so healing, that every sorrow churches, utterly renounce. Christ, shall be turned to joy; every com. and his merits and sufferings, are plaint to praise; every hope and the only basis on which we rest our every wish into full fruition. We hope of salvation : yet still good who are mourning under the loss works maintain a place of the of one so dear to us, can meditate bighest importance, under the dison the delightful repose she is en pensation of grace. If in one sense joying in the presence of her God · we are justified by faith only, in and Saviour, after a life of pain, another we are justified by works ; anxiety, and sorrow, till we are inasmuch as that faith through ready to doubt our love to her, which we receive the gospel, and because we lament an exchange so become righteous before God, is an exquisitely blessed. The tears of unfailing source of holy obedience her afflicted mother and bereaved to the divine law; and where this husband, and the plaintive moans is wanting, we hesitate not to proof her vuhappy infants, cannot nounce that “ faith is dead, being reach her now :-she has “entered alone ;” and if dead, then utterly into rest.” She knows, what before worthless, and incapable of saving she only hoped and believed :---she the soul of him who depends upon knows that all is well.'


“ Their works do follow them," "Oh! think, that while you're weeping

and shall all be produced in that

day wben “every man shall receive here, Her hand a golden harp is stringing :

according to the things done in the And with a voice serene and clear,

body." The precious record is on Her ransom'd soul, without a tear,

high. God, who “remembereth Her Saviour's praise is singing.

all the wickedness ” of the ungodly, And think that all her pains are fled, “is not unrighteous to forget the

Her toils and sorrows clos'd for ever : While He, whose blood for man was shed,

work of faith and labour of love” Has plac'd upon his servant's head

of his pious and devoted servants. A crown, that fadeth never.'

They shall not lose their reward.

Though done in privacy, in the But again, the voice from heaven retirement of domestic life, and in proclaims, “ Blessed are the dead duties which are held of little acwhich die in the Lord, for their count in the world; yet, being works do follow them.

done as God had willed and comProbably these words are intended nanded them to be done,' done from faith in Christ, from love to inroad, look well to ourselves. Our God, and for the honour of the only consolation is the confidence Saviour, they shall be accepted we feel, that she, whom we have graciously, and rewarded abund- lost,“ died in the Lord.” We antly.

recal with feelings most satisfactory, In this way, we doubt not but all those evidences of genuine the patient and resigned labours of piety which we have seen in her life. our dear departed sister have already We can remember how she recomfollowed her, and shall be produced mended religion to others; and we in that day when “ The Lord Jesus have seen how she illustrated it in shall be revealed from heaven with her conduct and conversation. But his mighty angels :—to be glorified now a separation has taken place. in his saints, and to be admired in She is “receiving the end of her all them that believe.”

faith, even the salvation of her And now, my brethren, let me soul :” but we are yet in danger of conclude, by calling the thoughts “ failing of the grace of God;”of each one home to himself. On in danger of being carried away by this day fortnight, she, to whose the snares of the world, the lusts memory we are now paying this of the flesh, and the temptations of last tribute of affection, was in the devil :--we are in danger of unusual health and spirits ; yet for living without the power of religion eleven of those fourteen days, she in our hearts, or the practice of it bas been an inhabitant of the eter- in our lives. And should it be so, nal world. “ Our life, too, is but that separation which we now a vapour, that appeareth for a little lament, will prove an eternal sepawhile, and then vanisheth away.” ration !-How can we bear the We are standing on the verge of thought ! Every assurance we feel eternity. Let us each, with all the of her happiness, gives fresh terror seriousness the subject demands, to the idea. Let us, then, with ‘ask ourselves, If a call thus sud. renewed vigour, devote ourselves den and unexpected should reach to the grand object for which we us, should we “die in the Lord,” came into the world. Let us or should we “ die in our sins ?” “work out our salvation with fear Should we die as penitent believers and trembling: ” then may we live in Christ, washed in his blood, and in the happy expectation of dying sanctified by bis Spirit; or should in the Lord, and having our everwe die as the wicked dieth? Think, lasting portion among those, whọ my friends, think often, think now" by faith and patience inherit deeply, on the awful alternative, the promises." The hour of your departure is quickly approaching; but whether *** The Sermon from which you shall be blessed in your death or these pages are extracted has been not, depends on the preparation printed but not published; we gladly you are making for it. What that avail ourselves therefore of the oppreparation is, I have been endea- portunity to give the greater part vouring to explain and illustrate of its valuable contents a more May God dispose and enable you extended circulation. It may be to apply yourselves to this grand proper to add that Mrs. B. Scott concern without delay; “for there was, prior to her marriage, a reguis no work, nor device, nor know- lar attendant at Gawcott Church, ledge, nor wisdom, in the grave and one of the earliest seals of the whither ye are going.”

Author's ministry. She was reAnd let us, especially, my dear moved almost immediately after friends, into whose family connect. having given birth to a daughter ions death has made this distressing who still survives.



SIR.-I have observed in your It is not probable that she would valuable publication for March, a leave the sepulchre previous to the harmony of the four evangelists' angel's address; it is not probable account of the resurrection, and of that she would leave during the the different appearances, and visits time he was delivering his address; of our Lord after his resurrection. nor is it probable that she would This harmony I think is liable to leave at all without entering the the following objections:

sepulchre, especially when he said First. It supposes that the visit unto her, “ Come, see the place made by Mary Magdalene, and where the Lord lay.” Mary the mother of James, and As your correspondent says that Salome, to our Lord's sepulchre, he shall be thankful for any sugas related in Mark xvi, 1–7, Matt. gestions which Biblical students xxviii. 1-7, and John xx. 1. to be may offer, I have sent you the the same as that of which we have following harmony, which I humbly an account in Luke xxiv. 1-7. hope will be found less objecThis hypothesis involves the ac- tionable. counts in utter confusion. Mark “When the sabbath was passed,”* states, verse 5, that “ entering into “ very early in the morning of the the sepulchre they saw a young first day of the week, Mary Magman sitting ;Luke says, verse 3, dalene, and Mary the mother of 4. “ And they entered in, and found James, and Salome, came unto the not the body of the Lord Jesus, sepulchre. And as they came near, And it came to pass as they were ard beheld the stone which was much perplexed thereabout, two placed before the door, by Joseph men stood by them.” Mark asserts of Arimathea, “ they said among that they saw one man sitting; themselves, Who shall roll us away Luke, two men, standing. Besides the stone from the door of the would they have been “much per- sepulchre ?And, behold, there plexed” at not finding “ the body was a great earthquake: for the of the Lord Jesus," when, accord- angel of the Lord descended ing to this hypothesis, they had just from heaven, and came and rolled been told by an angel, that “he back the stone from the door, and was not there : for he was risen?” sat upon it. His countenance was Matt. xxviii. 6.

like lightning, and his raiment Secondly. According to this ar- white as snow: and for fear of him rangement, Mary Magdalene, being the keepers did shake and became in the company of the other women, as dead men.And when they first perceives that the sepulchre looked, they saw the stone was was safe, as the stone was not re- rolled away.” And the angel anmoved; then immediately after she swered t and said, Fear not ye : for sees it miraculously taken away by I know that ye seek Jesus, which a messenger from heaven; she con- was crucified. He is not here : for vinces herself that these are real he is risen, as he said. Come see events and not vision, and instantly the place where the Lord lay. And concludes, that the body has been go quickly, and tell his disciples elandestinely removed; she quits ber companions, and runs to tell her It is supposed several women agreed fears to Peter and John. This

to meet at the sepulchre, in order to embalm

the body of Jesus.-Scott. conduct attributed to Mary is pos t to the questions which their fears sible, though not very probable. suggested. MAY 1829.


that he is risen from the dead; and Mary of the disappearance of our behold he goeth before you into Lord's body, came running unto Galilee; there shall ye see him : lo, the sepulchre, followed by Peter I have told you.” “And entering and the affectionate Mary. “ And into the sepulchre, they saw a he stooping down, and looking in, young man sitting on the right saw the linen clothes lying, yet side, clothed in a long white gar- went he not in. Then cometh ment; and they were affrighted. Simon Peter following him, and And he saith unto them, Be not went into the sepulchre, and seeth affrighted : Ye seek Jesus of Naza- the linen clothes lie, and the napreth which was crucified: he is kin that was about his head, not risen; he is not here: behold the lying with the linen clothes, but place where they laid him. But go wrapped together in a place by your way, tell his disciples and itself. Then went in also that Peter that he goeth before you into disciple, which came first to the Galilee : there shall ye see him, as sepulchre, and he saw and believed. he said unto you. And they went For as yet they knew not the Scripout quickly, and fled from the ture, that he must rise again from sepulchre, with fear and great the dead. Then the disciples went joy;” “ for they trembled and away unto their own home. But were amazed: neither said they Mary stood without at the sepulchre any thing to any man,but “ did weeping. And as she wept, she run to bring his disciples word.” stooped down and looked into the Then cometh Mary Magdalene, sepulchre, and seeth two angels in who as yet knew not the scripture, white, sitting, the one at the head, that he must rise ugain from the and the other at the feet, where the dead, and saith unto Peter and body of Jesus bad lain. And they John “ They have taken away the say unto her, woman, why weepest Lord out of the sepulchre, and we thou? She saith unto them, Because know not where they have laid they have taken away my Lord, him.” In the mean time, Joanna and I know not where they have and other women visit the sepulchre, laid him. And when she had thus bringing with them spices which said, she turned herself back, and they had prepared. “ And they saw Jesus standing, and knew not found the stone rolled away from that it was Jesus. Jesus saith unto the sepulchre. And they entered her, Woman, why weepest thou ? in, and found not the body of the whom seekest thou? She, supposLord Jesus. And it came to pass, ing him to be the gardener, saith as they were much perplexed there. unto him, Sir, if thou have borne about, behold two men stood by him hence, tell me where thou hast them in shining garmients. And as laid him, and I will take him away. they were afraid, and bowed down Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She their faces to the earth, they said turned herself, and saith unto him. unto them, Why seek ye the living Rabboni, which is to say, Master. among the dead ? He is not here, Jesus saith unto her, Touch me but is risen: remember how he not: for I am not yet ascended to spake unto you when he was yet in my Father : but go to my brethren, Galilee, saying, the Son of man and say unto them, I ascend unto must be delivered into the hands of my Father, and your Father, and sinful men, and be crucified, and to my God, and your God.” Imme. the third day rise again. And they diately after this, our Lord met remembered his words, and returned Mary the mother of James, and from the sepulchre.”

Salome, as they were returning to Immediately after John, who Jerusalem, "saying, All bail. And had been previously informed by they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then With respect to the arrangement said Jesus unto them, Be not of the history of the remaining afraid ; but go, tell my brethren part of the resurrection, I perfectly that they go before me into Galilee, agree with your correspondent. I and there shall they see me.”* think that our Lord appeared to

" And they told these things unto the “five hundred brethren at once,” the apostles. And their words when his disciples were in Galilee, seemed unto them as idle tales, and because that appearance was so they believed them not.” Then often spoken of, and predicted. also, “ Mary Magdalene came and Your correspondent may perhaps , told the disciples," as they mourned say, that Mary Magdalene's conand wept, “ that she had seen the duct is still unnatural. I can only Lord, and that he had spoken unto answer, that she is a fit emblem her; ” but they “ believed not." of many in the present day : she Immediately Peter t again “arose, saw a miracle performed; she was and ran unto the sepulchre; and twice told by angels that her Lord stooping down, he beheld the linen was risen, yet she did not believe. clothes by themselves, and departed They see prophecy fulfilled, and wondering in himself at that wbich fulfilling daily, they are often told was come to pass.”

by their consciences, that they need * Joseph's garden, in which was our

a risen Saviour, yet, they will not Lord's sepulchre, was “in the place where

believe. May God open their blind he was crucified,” which was “ nigh unto eyes, and soften their callous hearts, the city.” Perhaps nearly equally distant and by the force of his incontro.. from two of the gates. Mary Magdalene vertible truth, and the mighty inprobably runs toward one, Mary the

fluence of his Holy Spirit, bring mother of James, and Salome toward the other. Mary Magdalene, according to the

them, like Mary, to a saying belief request of the angel to tell Peter, goes to in the resurrection of his dear Son, Peter and John; the other Mary and and may they, like her, when they Salome overtake the guards; they are afraid

see Him coming in power and great of them, and fly towards the other gate, on their journey to which they are hailed

glory, be enabled to exclaim, by Jesus, who tells them not to be afraid. “ Rabboni,” my Master. + Peter's ardent temper was, perhaps,

G. H. R. excited by his name being mentioned by one of the angels. .

selves,” was nothing new, nor wonderful, I "Wondering in himself at that which for he had only just before seen them in was come to pass.” This seems to imply the same situation. I have, no doubt, that he believed in “that which was come therefore, but that this was the time when to pass." This supposition is further con our Lord appeared unto Peter, spoken of in firmed by the context, “he beheld the Luke xxiv. 34, and 1 Cor. xv.5, and that linen clothes by themselves,” and departed, Peter, not only departed wondering, but wondering at that which was come to pass. also believing “ that which was come to The sight of “the linen clothes by them- pass.”


MR. EDITOR,—The reading of newspapers on the Sabbath-day cannot be viewed, if rightly considered, but as murdering those precious hours which ought to be, and certainly might be, employed to much better purpose. Who. ever reflects soberly for a moment on the design of a gracious God in instituting the Sabbath ; on the

value of the soul, and the vast importance of its salvation, and has any solid thought about a future state, will see the importance of employing the time of the Sabbath in quite a different way. But how much more natural (to use no other term) is it, for one to look to those whose office it is to pronounce with an audible voice, as ministers of

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