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a single city, vI.; unus quisque, each one, each, XXI.


ūnus-quisque, ūnum-quicque, indef. pron. G. 175; 190, 2) foot-n. 1. Each one, each. LIX. urbānus, a, um, adj. (urbs). Of or relating to the city, in the city. urbs, urbis, f. A city; the city of Rome, XXIV., etc.

urgeo, ēre, ursi, v. tr. To press, urge; faucibus urgere, to seize by the throat, LII.

usque, adv. Continuously; even until; usque eo, to such an extent,


ūsus, a, um, part. from utor. ūsus, us, m. (utor). Use, employment; practice, exercise, experience; service, advantage, interest, LI.; usui esse, to be useful, advantageous, or serviceable, be of use, XXXII., XXXIX. ; in usu cotidiano, in articles of daily use, XLVIII.

ut or uti, adv. and conj. How; as, just as, like; in proportion as; that, in order that.

ǎter-que, utraque, utrumque, adj. G.151,note 2. (uter, which of the two? either of the two). Each of the two, both, each.

ŭti, adv. and conj. See ut. utilis, e, adj. (ūtor). Useful, serviceable, profitable, advantageous, beneficial.

útor, i, ūsus sum, v. dep. To use, make use of, avail one's self of, employ, exercise, take advantage of, enjoy.

utpote, adv. Inasmuch as, since; utpote qui, since or because he, LVII.

ǎtrimque, adv. (uterque). From or on both sides.


văcuus, a, um, adj. (văco, to be vacant). Free from, devoid of, without; vacant; accessible, open to attack, unguarded, defenceless, LII.

văgor, āri, ātus sum, v. dep. (văgus, roaming). To wander, roam, range.

văleo, ere, ui, itum, v. intr. To be strong or powerful, have strength, power, or force, have weight or influence; to be effectual, prevail, succeed; to be in force.

Vălĕrius, ii, m. L. Valerius Flaccus, a praetor under Cicero, XLV.

vălidus, a, um, adj. (văleo). Strong, energetic, active, effective, efficient.

vānītas, ātis, f. (vānus). Emptiness; indiscretion, XXIII.

vānus, a, um, adj. Empty; idle, vain, futile, LII.; ineffective, inefficient, inert, xx.

Vargunteius, ii, m. L. Vargunteius, a senator, one of Catiline's accomplices, XVII., XXVIII., XLVII. vărie, adv. (varius). In different ways, variously, differently. vărius, a, um, adj. Diverse, manifold, various; versatile, v. vās, vāsis, n., pl. vāsa, ōrum. A vessel; a vase.

vasto, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. (vastus). To devastate; to harass, distract, XV.

vastus, a, um, adj. Waste, desolate; enormous, monstrous, insatiate, insatiable, v.

vě, conj. enclitic. (vel). Or. vēcordia, ae, f. (vēcors, sense

less). Senselessness; madness, in- | To revere; to fear, dread, apprehend.

sanity, insensate character.

vectigal, ālis, n. (veho, to carry).

A tax, tribute; revenue.

vectīgālis, e, adj. (vectīgal).

Tributary, paying tribute.

vēro, adv. and conj. (vērus). In truth, in fact, indeed, truly, assuredly; but.

verso, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. freq.

vehemens, entis, adj. Eager, (verto, to turn). To turn repeatedly.

violent, impetuous.

vehementer, adv. (vehemens). Ardently, strongly, very much,



Versor, āri, ātus sum, to turn one's self; to be occupied, engaged, or busied, LX.

versus, adv. Turned in the di

věl, conj. Or; vel. vel, eith-rection of, toward; in Galliam versus, in the direction of Gaul, LVI. versus, us, m. (verto, to turn). A

er... or.

velle. See võlo.

věl-ut, věl-ŭti, adv. Even as, just as, like as, as, like; just as if, as if.

vēnālis, e, adj. (vēnus, sale). For sale; to be bought and sold, x.

vendo, ère, didi, ditum, v. tr. (vēnus, sale, do, to place). To sell., věnēnum, i, n. A drug, medicine; venenum malum, poison, xi.

věnio, īre, vēni, ventum, v. intr. To come, arrive; in passive impersonally ad eum ventum est, he was reached, his turn arrived, L.; ventum est (ab illis), they arrived, they came, LX.

vēnor, āri, ātus sum, v. dep. To hunt, engage in the chase.


vērum, i, n. (vērus). The truth, reality, fact; pro vero, as true, LI. vērum, adv. and conj. Truly, indeed; but.

vērus, a, um, adj. True; right, proper.

vescor, i, v. dep. To eat. Vesta, ae, f. Vesta, the goddess of the household.

vester, tra, trum, poss. pron. adj. (vos). Your.

vestimentum, i, n. (vestio, to clothe). A garment, an article of clothing.

větěrānus, a, um, adj. (větus). Old, veteran. Větěrāni, pl., veteran

venter, tris, m. The belly; ap- soldiers, veterans, LX.


věto, āre, větui, větītum, v. tr.

verber, ĕris, n. A lash; a lash- To forbid, prohibit. ing, scourging.

verbĕro, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. (verber). To lash, scourge, flog, beat.

verbum, i, n. A word; verba, words, language, description, narration, VIII.; verbis, orally, XLIV.

vēre, adv. (vērus). Truly, correctly, exactly, accurately.

věreor, ēri, věrìtus sum, v. dep.

větus, ĕris, adj. G. 167, 2. Old, long-standing, ancient; former, XVI.

vexo, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. freq. (veho, to carry). To agitate, disturb; to trouble, vex, harass, disquiet; to corrupt, v.; to waste, squander, lavish, dissipate, xx. vīci. See vinco.

vīcīnītas, ātis, f. (vicīnus, neigh

boring). The neighborhood, vicin- | intr. To conquer, overcome, defeat, ity; those dwelling in the neighbor- vanquish; to exhaust, xx.; to be hood. victorious, prevail.

victor, ōris, m. (vinco). A conqueror, victor; as adj. victorious, when victorious.

vinculum, i, n. (vincio, to bind). A bond, fetter, chain; imprisonment, confinement; in vincula con

victōria, ae, f. (victor). Victory, jicere, to throw into prison, impris


victus, a, um, part. from vinco.

victus, us, m. (vivo). Mode of living; food, XXXVII.

on, XLII.

vindex, icis, m. and f. (vindico). A vindicator; an executioner, LV. vindico, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. To

vicus, i, m. A quarter or dis- claim; to reassume; to restore; nostrict of the city, a street. met in libertatem, restore ourselves to freedom, xx.; to punish, inflict punishment, IX.

vidēlicet, adv. (= vidère licet). Clearly, plainly, evidently, manifestly, of course, forsooth, doubtless.

video, ēre, vīdi, visum, v. tr. To see, behold, perceive; to discover. Videor, ēri, visus sum, to seem, appear.

vigeo, ère, v. intr. To be vigorous; aetas, to be in its vigor or bloom, xx.; to prevail, be rife, III. vigēsimus or vicēsimus, a, um, num. adj. (viginti, twenty). The twentieth.

vigilia, ae, f. (vigil). A keeping awake, wakefulness, sleeplessness, vigil; neque vigiliis neque quietibus, neither by vigils nor by slumbers, neither awake nor asleep, xv.; a watching, watch, guard.

vigilo, āre, āvi, ātum, v. intr. (vigil, awake). To watch, keep awake; to be watchful or vigilant, be on the alert.

vilis, e, adj. Cheap; vilem habere, to disdain, disregard, make light of, hold in contempt, set at naught, XVI.

villa, ae, f. A country-house, country-seat, farm, villa.

vinco, ĕre, vīci, victum, v. tr. and

vinum, i, n. Wine.

violentia, ae, f. (violentus, violcnt). Violence, ferocity, cruclty. vir, viri, m. A man; a husband. vires, ium. Sce vis. virgo, ìnis, f. (vìreo, to bloom). A maid, maiden, virgin.

virīlis, e, adj. (vir). Of man, man's, XI.; of a man, masculine, like that of a man, xxv.; manly, worthy of a man, xx.

virtus, ūtis, f. (vir). Manliness; strength, vigor, energy, power, principle; bravery, courage, valor; worth, excellence, ability; goodness, virtue; per virtutem, bravely, XX.; virtus animi, courageous spirit, LIII.

vīs, vis, f. G. 66. Strength, force, power; tanta vis hominis, a man of so great power, XLVIII.; violence; vires, pl., strength, physical powers, I.

viso, ĕre, visi, visum, v. tr. freq. (video). To look at, view, behold; to examine, inspcct, or view the scene, LXI.; to go to see, visit.

vīsus, a, um, part. from video.

vīta, ae, f. (vivo). Life, existence; vitam habere, to live, LI.

vítium, ii, n. A fault, vice, crime.

võluntas, ätis, f. (volo). Will, wish, desire.

võluptărius, a, um, adj. (voluptas). Delightful, fascinating, attrac

vīvo, ĕre, vixi, victum, v. intr. To tive.

live, exist.

võluptas, ātis, f. (võlupe, agree

vīvus, a, um, adj. (vīvo). Alive, ably). Satisfaction, enjoyment, living, while living.

vix, adv. With difficulty, hardly,



volvo, ĕre, volvi, võlūtum, v. tr. To roll; to turn or roll over,

vŏcăbŭlum, i, n. (võco). An ap- LXI.; to turn over in mind, ponder, consider, meditate upon, XXXII.,

pellation, designation, name.

vŏco, āre, āvi, atum, v. tr. call, summon.


võlens, entis, part. and adj. (võlo). Willing; favorable; volentibus bonis, with the consent or approval of the nobles, XXXIII.

vělo, velle, võlui, v. tr. G. 293. To be willing; to wish, desire.

Volturcius, ii, m. T. Volturcius, a Crotonian, one of Catiline's accomplices, XLIV.—L., LII. võluntārius, ii, m. (voluntas). A volunteer.

võtum, i, n. (vŏveo, to vow). A vow; a prayer.

VOX, vōcis, f. A voice.

vulgus, i, n. The multitude, populace, XXIX.; the rabble, xX.

vulnĕro, āre, āvi, ātum, v. tr. (vulnus). To wound, hurt, injure. vulnus, ĕris, n. A wound. vultus, us, m. The expression of the countenance, expression, countenance; the features, looks, aspect; the face.


The grammatical references in this work are made to the Standard Edition (1881) of the author's Latin Grammar; but for the convenience of those who may have the previous edition, this table is inserted, showing the corresponding sections in the two editions:

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