Roman Civilization: The RepublicColumbia University Press, 1951 |
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Pagina 12
Naphtali Lewis Meyer Reinhold. POLYBIUS ( c . 200 - C . 117 B.C. ) Polybius of Megalopolis in southern Greece , " the sun in the field of Roman history , " as Mommsen called him , is our most trustworthy authority for the period from the ...
Naphtali Lewis Meyer Reinhold. POLYBIUS ( c . 200 - C . 117 B.C. ) Polybius of Megalopolis in southern Greece , " the sun in the field of Roman history , " as Mommsen called him , is our most trustworthy authority for the period from the ...
Pagina 70
... Polybius dates the first treaty between Rome and Carthage in the first year of the Republic , 509 B.C. This date was rejected by Mommsen and others , primarily on the ground that Rome was at that time not an important enough power to be ...
... Polybius dates the first treaty between Rome and Carthage in the first year of the Republic , 509 B.C. This date was rejected by Mommsen and others , primarily on the ground that Rome was at that time not an important enough power to be ...
Pagina 179
... Polybius ( XXI . xlii ) as well as in Livy . Neither text purports to be an exact copy of the document . Polybius ' version was fuller , but the manuscript of this part of his Histories is extraordinarily marred by lacunae and omis ...
... Polybius ( XXI . xlii ) as well as in Livy . Neither text purports to be an exact copy of the document . Polybius ' version was fuller , but the manuscript of this part of his Histories is extraordinarily marred by lacunae and omis ...
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accordance Adapted from LCL aediles Aetolians alliance allies ancient Antiochus army Asia assembly assigned brought Brutus Caesar called Campanians Carthage Carthaginians Cato censors century B.C. Cicero citizenship civil colony command concerning consul consulship Cornelius court death decemvirs declared decree decurions Dionysius of Halicarnassus duovir election enemy envoys extant Forum friends Gaius Gaul Gnaeus gods Gracchus grain granted Greece Greek Hannibal History of Rome hold honor Italy Jupiter king land or ground Latin legions Livy Lucius Lucius Cornelius Sulla magistracy magistrates Marcus matter military municipality patricians peace person plebeians plebs political Polybius Pompey pontiffs possess praetor province punishment quaestor Quintus Republic rites Roman citizens Roman History sacred sacrifice Samnites Scaptius Scipio senate sent sesterces ships Sicily slaves soldiers temple Termessus territory tion town treaty tribes tribunes Valerius Verres victory vote