175. CÆREMONIALE Episcoporum jussu Clementis VIII, Pontificis Maximi, nouissime reformatum. Rubrications, music and 1 plate. Folio, stamped pigskin over bevelled boards. Venetiis: Nicolai Misserini, Mense Septembris, MDC. In a contemporary German binding of stamped pigskin, with elaborate borders and figures of Fides with infant and child; Spes, with ruffled collar, bodice and draped skirt; and Caritas, with anchor at her feet. This latter is dated 1586 on each impression, showing that the design had been used before. 176. CALENDAR. Historisch Genealogischer Calender, oder Jahrbuch der merkwurdigsten neuen Welt-Begebenheiten fur 1784. Engraved title, folding map of America, and 12 plates of Revolutionary scenes. 18mo, boards, gilt-tooled, gilt edges. Lipzig, 1784 177. CAMOENS. Love Poems from the Portuguese of Luis de Camoens. By Lord Viscount Strangford. 4to, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. Privately reprinted, 1886 One of 50 copies printed on Japan paper. 178. CAMOES pela Visconde de Almeida Garrett. Prefaciado por Jose de Sousa Monteiro. Head- and tail-pieces in tints and gold. Folio, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Neumann. Lisboa, 1900 Beautiful specimen of printing by the Imprensa Nacional de Lisboa, with an autograph letter from the manager, Dr. Venancio Deslandes. WITH AUTOGRAPH AND NOTES BY GROLIER 179. CAPELLA (GALEAZZO FLAVIO). Anthropologia. Small 8vo, old polished vellum, gilt and blind-tooled panel and borders, gilt edges. In brown calf case. Colophon: Venetia nelle case delli heredi d'Aldo Romano et d'Andrea d'Asola, 1533. A PRECIOUS VOLUME FORMERLY OWNED BY JEAN GROLIER, WITH HIS AUTOGRAPH AT THE END OF THE LAST PAGE "Io Grolierij Lugdunen et amitorum,'' and a number of notes in his handwriting on the margins of the text. The volume later passed into the possession of M. de Joubert, Treasorier des Etats de Languedoc, whose bookplate by Maugein is inserted. The binding is a beautiful example of 16th Century workmanship, the vellum being aged and colored by time to a handsome ivory finish. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 180. CAPELLA (MARTIANUS). Satyricon, in quo de nuptiis Philologiæ & Mercurii libri duo, & de septem artibus liberalibus libri singulares. Omnes, & emendati, & Notis, sive Februis Hug. Grotii illustrati. Portraits of Grotius and Henry, Prince de Conde, and plates. 8vo, full green morocco, gilt back, sides decorated with DELL'ANTHROPOLOGIA marinari lungo tempo balestrati da contrária Form» na. Ne la ignoranza di ciò` che segua,può̟` al fanie metter paura che fe doppo' morte, fentimento non refa;che male puo acadere a` chi non fente? Se ancora le anime fono immortali fecondo la dottrina di Platone, de Chriftiani: ueramente è da creder che deb biano tornar al cielo. Et s'egli è uero,che Iddio gufto giudice habbia ordinato un'altra uita, la pena e'l premio fecondo i meriti di ciascuno,laricordáza della morte a deé effer uno famolo piu pungente, che quelli dal Mufiola recitan di far tali operationi di quả, che di la non habbiamo a perder quella infinita, & uera,per quefta uana & caduca gloria:quella certa utilita,per quefta adombrata:quei fempiterni piaæri,per queft fallaci et che non durano. di che se uï uolessi piu ragionare, bifogneria entrare in nuova materia: forfe non ne potrei uenire a capo che la notte qui non a fopragiungeffe. veramente per uoi diffe il Poeta é fiato hoggi difputato affai,fenza paffare in piu lungo ragionamento:lo quale con maggiore agro in altro tempo fi potra fare. Et cofidette indi con questa perfuafione partirono che l'openione di maeftro Girola mo à madonna Iphigenia piu uera, a' glialtri pareffe piu alla uerita quella di meffer Lancino appreffarfi. Lo. Groliery Lugdunen et am corum ALDUS VOLUME FORMERLY OWNED BY GROLIER borders of rosettes within interlaced strapwork, center inlaid in buff around which is an eight-pointed star, gilt edges. Lugduno-Bat.: Ex Officina Plantiniana, 1599 Scarce. Dutch binding of the 18th Century. Contains notes by Michael Wodhull, and his signature. Inserted are rare portraits of Grotius. The book was edited by Grotius at the age of 15. 181. [CARACCIOLI (L. A., Marquis de).] Le Livre a la Mode. A Verte-Feuille, De l'Imprimerie du Printemps, au Perroquet. L'Année Nouvelle. 12mo, full red and green morocco, deep gilt borders in dentelle tooling on the sides, gilt edges. N. p. [1759-60] A curious work, in 2 parts, printed in green and in red. The binding matches the text, one cover being in red morocco and the other in green. With bookplate of Count Kalnoky. 182. CARADOC PRESS. Quia Amore Langueo. Printed in red and black. Frontispiece, borders and ornamental initials. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut, silk ties. Bedford Park: Caradoc Press, 1902 One of 20 copies printed on vellum. 183. [CARLYLE (THOMAS).] The Life of Friedrich Schiller. Comprehending an Examination of his Works. Portrait. 8vo, contemporary half russia, gilt edges. London, 1825 FIRST EDITION. With 4 pages of Manuscript notes in pencil, in the handwriting of William Beckford, the author of "Vathek. 184. CARLYLE (THOMAS). The Life of John Sterling. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth. London, 1851 Edmund Venables' copy, with his bookplate, autograph and notes. 185. CARY (ROBERT). Memoirs of the Life of Robert Cary, Baron of Leppington and Earl of Monmouth. Now published from an original Manuscript in the custody of John Earl of Corke and Orrery. With some Explanatory Notes. Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, full sprinkled calf, carmine edges, by Holloway. London, 1859 186. CASTELLANIUS (JULIUS FAVENT). Adversus M. Tullii Ciceronis Academicas quæstiones disputatio. Small 8vo, full citron morocco. [Bononiæ: Antonius Giaccarellus & Peregrinus Bonardus, MDLVIII.] Old French morocco, with the arms of Jacques Auguste De Thou and Marie Barbancon, his first wife, on the sides. The back contains their initials in the panels. Bought at the Seillière sale. 187. CASTIGLIONE (BALDASSAR). Il Cortegiano, or The Courtier: Written by the Learned Conte Baldassar Castiglione, etc. Portrait by G. Vertue. 4to, contemporary red morocco, gilt back and sides (hinges weak). London: Olive Payne, 1737 188. CASTILIO (COUNT BALDESSAR). The Courtyer, divided into foure bookes. Very necessary and profitable for Yonge Gentilmen & Gentilwomen abiding in Court, Palaice or Place, done into Englyshe by Thomas Hoby. Woodcut initials. 4to, limp vellum, silk ties. London: Essex House Press, 1900 Limited to 200 copies. 189. CASTRUCCIO. Le Attioni di Castruccio Castracane de gli Antelminelli, Signore di Lvcca. Con la Genealogia della Famiglia. Estratte dalla Nuoua Discrittione d'Italia, di Aldo Manucci. Vignette on title, with portrait. Small 4to, full green levant morocco, tooled in four-line intersected frame ornaments, with a fleur-de-lis at each corner, and device of a lion in the centers, rich inside dentelles, gilt over marbled edges, by Niedrée. Roma: Heredia di Gio. Gigliotti, 1590 RARE. A superb specimen of a modern imitation of a Grolier binding. 190. CATALOGUE. L'Euvre de Ch. Jacque. L'Euvre de Ch. Jacque. Catalogue de ses Eaux-Fortes et Pointes Seches dresse par J. J. Guiffrey. With an unpublished frontispiece. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1866 With pencil annotations by Mr. Avery. With 2 A. L's. S. of Jacque inserted. 191. CATALOGUE. Another copy of the same. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1866 With pencil annotations by Mr. Avery. Inserted are two portraits, one by Jacque; another, a proof portrait of Jacque. The proof impression of the frontispiece is signed by Jacque. 192. CATALOGUE des Livres Rares et Précieux. Manuscrits et Imprimés composant la Bibliothèque de feu M. le Baron S. de la Roche Lecarelle. Profusely illustrated with reproductions, some in gold and colors. Small folio, full blue morocco, gilt back, fillets on sides, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. Paris, 1888 193. CATALOGUE of the Collection of Paintings and Bronzes in the South Kensington Museum, lent by Sir Richard Wallace. London, 1872; Catalogue of the Second Special Exhibition of National Portraits. London, n. d. Large Paper copy. 2 vols. 8vo and 4to, half morocco. Paris, 1880 (3 194. CATALOGUES. Cercle de la Librairie. copies); Guide to the Printed Books in the King's Library, British Museum, 1891; Catalogue of the Hippisley Collection of Chinese Porcelains, 1890; Catalogue Raisonne de Euvre Grave et Lithographie de Theophile Chauvel, 1890. 6 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth and half morocco. 195. CATULLUS. Thirty-eight Variations of a Verse from Catullus. By W. J. Linton. 8vo, full chocolate levant morocco, gilt fillet back, Greek gilt border on sides. On the obverse is the verse from Catullus in Latin, with "W. J. Linton" in gold in lower right corner; doublures of green levant morocco, with olive branches, and monogram "S. P. A." in corners, flys of light brown moire silk, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by KauffmannPetit. Appledore Private Press, 1886 One of 25 printed at Linton's private Press. Autograph presentation copy from the author, with inscription: "S. P. Avery from W. J. Linton. Written and printed by the same. " Inserted is an A. L. S. from Mr. Linton to Mr. Avery, submitting two verses. 196. CATULLUS: With the Pervigilium Veneris. Edited by S. G. Owen. Illustrated by J. R. Weguelin. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1893 One of 110 copies printed on Japan paper. 197. CAULFIELD (JAMES). Calcographiana: The Printsellers Chronicle and Collectors Guide to the Knowledge and Value of Engraved British Portraits. Frontispiece portrait of Caulfield. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1814 FIRST EDITION. With 4 portraits inserted. 198. [CAVEIRAC (JEAN NOVI DE, Abbe).] Nouvel appel a la raison, des ecrits et libelles publies par la passion contre les Jesuites de France. 8vo, full red morocco, with an elaborate pattern painted on the sides and back in imitation of mosaic, in black, dark blue, green and red, outlined in gold; all except center panel covered with gold dots. The name Padeloup is introduced in the ornamentation on the obverse cover, gilt gauffred edges, in A Bruxelles: chez Vandenberghen, 1762 morocco case. AN ELABORATE FRENCH BINDING OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, executed by the younger Padeloup in imitation of one of the sumptuous Italian bindings of Canevari's period. The end-papers are checkered in gold bronze. 199. CAXTON CLUB. Joutel's Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage. A reprint (page for page and line for line) of the first English Translation, London, 1714; with the Map of the original French edition, 1713, in facsimile; and Notes by Melville B. Anderson. 8vo, half parchment boards, uncut. Limited to 203 copies. 200. CAXTON CLUB. Il Pesceballo. Chicago, 1896 Opera in One Act. Italian Words by Francis James Child; English version by James Russell Lowell. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. One of 210 copies. Chicago: The Caxton Club, 1899 201. CAXTON CLUB. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Etchings and Dry-Points of James Abbott McNeill Whistler. By Howard Mansfield. Portrait. 4to, boards, cloth back, gilt top, uncut. Edition limited to 300 copies. Chicago, 1909 |