5. ACORN CLUB. Charles Jeremy Hoadly, LL.D. A Memoir by W. N. Chattin Carlton. 8vo, original parchment wrappers, Acorn Club, 1902 uncut. One of 102 copies. Two portraits inserted. 6. AESCHYLUS. Tragœdiæ VII. Quæ cum omnes multo quan antea castigatio res eduntur, tum vero una, quæ mutila & decurtata prius erat, integra nunc profertur. Scholia in easdem, plurimis in locis locupletata, & in pene infinitis emendata. Petri Victorii Cura et Diligentia. Large 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, the back and sides tooled in a design of triple circles meeting to form a shell form, azured borders, silk doublures and ends, gilt edges, by Lardière. [Paris], Henrici Stephani, 1557 Fine copy of this desirable edition. 7. ESOP. Select Fables of Aesop and other Fabulists. Illustrated with numerous fine copperplates. 8vo, full blue straightgrain morocco, gilt and blind tooling on back and sides, panel covers, gilt edges, by Kalthoeber, with his ticket. Birmingham: Baskerville, 1761 Fine copy of the beautifully printed Baskerville Edition. With the Armorial Chippendale bookplate of John Towneley de Towneley. 8. ESOP. Trois Cent Soixante et Six Apologues d'Esope. Traduicts en rithme Françoise par Maistre Guillaume Haudent. Reproduits fidèlement texte et figures d'apres l'édition de 1547. Avec Introduction, Table et Glossaire par Ch. Lormier. 4to, full maroon levant morocco, decorated with interlaced borders of 4 lines, with leaf sprays in the corners; doublures of olive levant, handsomely tooled with panels and corners of leaf sprays, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Pierson. Rouen, 1877 Tirage Extraordinaire a 40 examplaires. Société des Bibliophiles Normands. Inserted is a Document subscribed and signed by Haudent. 9. AIKIN (JOHN). A View of the Character and Public Services of the late John Howard, Esq. 2 portraits of Howard, 1 inserted. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back, side borders and inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Kalthoeber, with his ticket. London, 1792 10. ALBERTI (LEANDRO). Libro primo della deca prima delle historie di Bologna. Titles within engraved borders, and woodcuts on backs; engraved initials. Small 4to, old dark red morocco with blind-tooled line fillets, and Aldine ornamentation in gold; single rosettes in back panels, gilt edges. N. p., 1541-42 VERY FINE ITALIAN BINDING OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. From the library of Demetrio Canevari, physician to Pope Urban VII, with his painted cameo medallion representing Apollo driving his chariot over the waves of the sea, and his motto on each cover. The title "Historie di Bologna" in gold on sides. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 11. ALCIATI (ANDREA). Les Emblemes de Maistre Andre Alciat, mis en rime Francoyse, et puis nagueres reimprime avec curieuse correction. 113 emblematic woodcuts. Small 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt fleurons and corner ornaments, gilt edges, by Lortic. Paris: Chrestien Wechel, 1540 Fine copy. Green No. 17. 12. ALMANAC. Etrennes Mignones, Curieuses et Utiles, Avec plusieurs augmentations & corrections. Pour l'Année Bissextile Mil Sept Cent Quatre-Vingt. 32mo, white satin, decorated with gold thread and green silk, with flowers, torches, and other emblems in tinsel, mirror inside front cover, gilt edges. In a red morocco slip-case of contemporary date, tooled in gilt. Paris: Claude J. C. Durand, 1780 13. ALMANACH Iconologique, ou des Arts pour l'Année 1766. Orné de figures avec leurs explications par M. Gravelot. Engraved titles and 20 plates after H. Gravelot, by Legrand, N. le Mire, Prevost, and others. 18mo, contemporary French red morocco, gilt line borders and corners ornaments. Paris: Chez Lattre, [1765] The text is engraved throughout. The date on the first title has been partly inked in. Almanac Dédié aux Dames. 14. ALMANACK. Engraved title, and engraved souvenir at end, with exquisite medallions. 18mo, full old red straight-grain morocco, gilt back and sides: monogram R. D. in gold on both covers, gilt edges. Paris [1825] Contains poems by Victor Hugo and A. de La Martine. RARE POEM ABOUT WASHINGTON 15. ALSOP (RICHARD). A Poem: Sacred to the Memory of George Washington. Adapted to the 22d. of Feb. 1800. 8vo, Hartford, 1800 sewn. VERY SCARCE. 16. AMERICAN TOILET (The). 20 plates in color. Square 18mo, original boards. New York: Imbert's Lithographic Office, n. d. 17. ANACREON. The Odes of Anacreon, in Greek and Latin. Præfixo Commentario quo Poetæ genus traditur et Bibliotheca Anacreonteia adumbratur. Vignettes. Square 12mo, full green levant morocco, gilt back, gilt and blind-tooled borders on the sides, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Lortic. Parma: in Aedibus Palatinis, 1791 Beautifully printed at the Bodoni Press on large papier vélin. 18. ANACREON. Another copy in a smaller form. 18mo, full red straight-grain morocco, gilt tooling, silk doublures, gilt edges. Parmæ in Aedibus Palatinis, 1791 Inscribed on fly-leaf: "Achete a Paris par Marie Balmaine et offert par elle a George, Augustus Montgomery. Wilton-house 1er Janvier 1816.' 19. ANACREON. Odes d'Anacreon, avec LIV compositions par Girodet. Traduction d'Amb. Firman Didot. 12mo, full crimson levant morocco, the back and sides elaborately tooled in a design of interlaced bands with dentelle background, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: F. Didot, 1864 20. ANEAU (BARTHOLOMEW). Picta Poesus. Vt pictvra poesis erit. Device on title. Woodcut vignettes. Small 8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt back, inlaid panel border of a darker shade of morocco, gilt corner and centre ornaments, inside borders, gilt over marbled edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Lugduni, 1564 VERY FINE COPY. Rare. 21. ANGLO-SAXON REVIEW (THE). Edited by Lady Randolph Spencer Churchill. Vol. 1. Illustrated. Folio, full morocco, richly gilt tooled and painted, with arms of James I. on sides, gilt top, uncut. London, 1899 The binding on this volume is in facsimile of Thevet's "Vies des Hommes illustres" executed for James I. about 1604. 22. ANTONINUS. Itenerarium Antonini Augusti, et Burdigalense. Quorum hoc nunc primum est editum, etc. Vignette on title. Thick 12mo, full green straight-grain morocco, richly gilt back, sides ornamented with double borders filled with pointillé tooling, enclosing a diamond in gilt, gilt inside borders, doublures and ends of silk, gilt and gauffred edges, by R. Storr, Grantham, with his ticket. Coloniae Agrippinae, 1600 With the Syston Park bookplate. 23. ANTONINUS. The Thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Reprinted from the revised Translation of George Long. 12mo, full brown levant morocco, flowers in gilt and red inlay on the sides and back, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London: George Bell and Sons, 1890 24. APPLETON (JAMES). The Origin of the Maine Law and of Prohibition Legislation, with a brief Memoir of James Appleton. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, by Stikeman. Four portraits are inserted. New York, 1886 25. ARIOSTO (LUDOVICO). Roland Furieux, Compose premierement en ryme Thuscane par messire Loys Arioste, noble Ferraroys, & maintenant traduiet en prose Francoyse: partie suyuat la phrase de l'auteur, partie aussi le style de ceste nostre langue. Woodcut vignettes and initials. Small 8vo, full calf, decorated with painted interlaced bands and scrolls in green, white, yellow, and black. Rosettes and gold dots on the back, gilt edges. In a brown levant slip-case. Paris: Arnoul Langelier, 1552 A remarkably fine example of Lyonnese painted binding of the 16th Century. With bookplates of Quentin Bauchart, St. Genies, and J. Renard. |