of Cattle Driving and Bear Hunting, and a Final Expedition Across the Plains through Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, etc., in Sixty-Five. 12mo, cloth. Privately Printed. St. Joseph, n. d. 236. CALIFORNIA. Coffin (G. C.). A Pioneer Voyage to California, 1849 to 1852. Ship Alhambra, Captain George Coffin. Illustrated with original views of San Francisco, etc., by the author. 8vo, 235 pp. Privately Printed from the Original MS. (1908) for the Family. N. p., n. d. A splendid pioneer narrative of three years' life and adventures in California. 237. CALIFORNIA. Cady (J.). The Narrative of John H. Cady, Pioneer · An Interesting Journal of a Trip Across the Plains, with the Argonauts, to California; through Mexico, and back to Arizona, with details of Indian Warfare; Ventures and Adventures. Portrait and early views. 12mo, 120 pp. Privately Printed by D. B. Woon. N. p., n. d. An important, and extremely interesting Pioneer Narrative. 238. CALIFORNIA. Bidwell (Gen. John). Echoes of the Past: An Aecount of the First Emigrant Train to California, Fremont in the Conquest of California, the Discovery of Gold and Early Reminiscences. Portrait and plates. 12mo. pp. 92 in the original wrappers. Chico: Privately Printed, n. d. Personal Narrative of Gen. Bidwell's Overland Expedition Across the Plains in 1841. The General became one of the foremost of California's citizens, and his reminiscences stand in the front rank of Western pioneer historical sources. 239. CALNEK (W. A.). Old Port Royal and Acadia. portraits and illustrations. History of the County of Annapolis, including Edited and Completed by A. W. Savary. With 8vo, cloth. Toronto, 1897 240. CAMP-MEETINGS. An Apology for Camp-Meetings, illustrative of their Good Effects and Answering the principal Objections urged against Them. 12mo, original wrappers. New York, 1810 241. CANADA. Engraving entitled "Canadiens au Tombeau de Leur Infant." Engraved by Barbier after Ingouf. 1786 242. CANADA. Willard (Simon). The Columbian Union, containing General and Particular Explanations of Government and the Columbian Constitu tion, being an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States providing for a yearly Revenue of about Forty Million Dollars and the Inevitable Union of the People by a Rule of Voting and Exemption from unnecessary Taxation, consequently their Permanent and Perpetual Freedom. 12mo, boards. Albany, 1815 Scarce. The plan was to form a Union of the United States and Canada, with the capital somewhere in OHIO!!! 243. CANADA. Bouchette (J.). The British Dominions in America, or a Topographical and Statistical Description of Upper and Lower Canada, Newfoundland, etc. Numerous fine maps and lithograph views. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. London, 1832 244. CANADA. Ferland (J. B. A.). Cours d'histoire du Canada. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 1235. Quebec, 1882 The chef-d'œuvre of one of the most eminent among French Canadian historians. 245. CANADA. Voyages de Découverte au Canada, entre les Années 1534 et 1542, par Jacques Quartier, Le Sieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonse de Xanctiogne, etc. 2 folding plates. 8vo, original wrappers (back missing). Quebec, 1843 246. CANADA. Mr. Colman's Notes taken in Ottawa City, April 17, 1855. 8vo, sewn. Hartford, 1855 Shrewd observations of a Connecticut Yankee on the commercial future of the newly founded capital of Canada. 247. CANADA. Meekins (T. C. M.). Parliamentary Reform. Should the Colonies be Represented? 8vo, sewn. London, 1859 A suggestion that the British colonies be represented in Parliament. The author uses Canada as an example and speculates on the possibility of a war between Great Britain and the United States in which Canada would have no voice. He shows the impolicy of "taxation without representation" and quotes Franklin ad lib. 248. CANADA. 12mo, wrappers. Tetu (Horace). Historique de Journaux de Quebec. Very scarce. A sketch of the newspapers and periodicals of Quebec from 1764 to the present date. A comprehensive bibliography. 249. CANADA. Fenian Raid. An Open Letter from Archbishop Tache to the Hon. Gilbert McMicken. 16mo, sewn. [St. Boniface, 1871] Very scarce. 250. CANADA. Rules and Regulations for the Guidance of the North West Mounted Police. 4 pp. 8vo, wrappers. Ottawa, 1874 Very scarce. The first code ever compiled for this famous organization. 251. CANADA. Report of the Commission appointed by Direction of the President of the United States to meet the Sioux Indian Chief, Sitting Bull, with a view to avert hostile Incursions into the Territory of the United States from the Dominion of Canada. 8vo, wrappers. Washington, 1877 Scarce. Sitting Bull and his followers after terrorizing the settlers of Dakota escaped into Canada here replenished their stock of ammunition and prepared for a further warfare in American territory. 252. CANADA. Tassé (E.). Le Nord-Ouest. La Province de Manitoba et les Territoires du Nord Ouest, leur Etendue, Salubrité du Climat, Produits en general, etc. 8vo, wrappers. Ottawa, 1880 A comparison of the resources of Manitoba with the Dakotas and Minnesota. 253. CANADA. La Rebellion de 1837 A Saint Eustache. 8vo, sewn. Scarce. (Saint Eustache, 1884?) 254. CANADA. Acadiensis. Edited by David Russell Jack. .Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. [Canada], 1904 Champlain Number, and Vol. 4 of the work. 255. CANADA. Sellar (R.). The Tragedy of Quebec. The Expulsion of its Protestant Farmers. 8vo, cloth. Huntington (Que.), 1907 A complete history (for a century and more) of the conflict between the English and French in the rural districts of Quebec. 256. CAREW (BAMFYLDE-MOORE). The Life and Adventures of Bamfylde-Moore Carew, The King of the Beggars. Being an Account of his Life, from his leaving School at the Age of Fifteen, and entering into a Society of Gypsies; wherein the Motive of his Conduct are related and explained: The great Number of Characters he has appeared in through Great Britain, Ireland, etc., with his Travels twice through great Part of America: Giving an Account of the Origin, Government, Laws, and Customs of the Gypsies and a Dictionary of the Cant Languages used by the Mendicants. Portrait inserted. 8vo, calf. London, 1794 Contains an account of Newfoundland and its Fisheries, Maryland and its Indian tribes, Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Boston, etc. 257. CARMAN (BLISS). A Seamark: a Threnody for Robert Louis Steven12mo, wrappers. son. Boston, 1895 Boston, 1902 FIRST EDITION. One of 50 copies printed on hand-made paper. 258. CARMAN (BLISS). Ode on the Coronation of King Edward. Square 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. FIRST EDITION. A. L. S. of the author inserted. 259. CARMAN (BLISS). Sappho. One Hundred Lyrics. With an Introduction by Charles G. D. Roberts. Large 8vo, boards, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1903 FIRST EDITION. One of 500 copies printed on deckle edge paper. 260. CARMAN (BLISS). From the Green Book of the Bards. Bost. 1903; Songs of the Sea Children. Bost. 1904; Songs from a Northern Garden. Bost. 1904; From the Book of Valentines. Bost. 1905. Together 4 vols. 12mo, original green cloth, gilt tops, uncut. FIRST EDITIONS. Pipes of Pan Series, Nos. 2 to 5. Boston, 1903-05 261. CARMAN (BLISS). Songs from Vagabondia. By Carman and Hovey. 12mo, limp leather. Inscribed and signed by Bliss Carman Boston, 1911 262. CARMAN (BLISS). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT of "Decoration Day." 4 pp. 4to. Signed at the end, B. C.” 263. CARMAN (BLISS). Ballads of Lost Haven. Bost. 1897; A Winter Holiday. Bost. 1899; The Vengeance of Noel Brassard. One of 100 copies printed. Cambridge, 1899. Together 3 vols. 12mo, cloth and boards. 264. CARMAN (BLISS). Low Tide on Grand Pré. N. Y. 1893; By the Aurelian Wall. Bost. 1898; Northland Lyrics. Bost. 1899; Last Songs from Vagabondia. Bost. 1901. Together 4 vols. 12mo, cloth and boards. FIRST EDITIONS. 265. CENTRAL AMERICA. Brief Statement, supported by original documents, of the Important grants conceded to the Central American Agricultural Company by Guatemala. Folding Maps. 8vo, pp. 136. London, 1829 CENTRAL AMERICA 266. CENTRAL AMERICA. Report of the Secretary of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Guatemala to the National Legislative Assembly concerning the Capture and Death of General J. Martin Barrundia. 8vo, wrappers. Guatemala, 1891 Gen. Barrundia, ex-Minister of War, was discovered misappropriating funds and formenting a Revolution, so wisely fled to Mexico. In the attempt to return to his native country he was killed. Were it not for this tragic element it would make an excellent plot for a comic opera, but, as it is, it makes an interesting though complicated study in international law. 267. CHABERT (JOSEPH BERNARD DE). Voyage fait par Ordre du Roi en 1750 et 1751, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, pour rectifier les Cartes des Côtes de l'Acadie, de l'Isle Royale & de l'Isle de Terreneuve; et pour en fixer les principaux points par des Observations Astronomiques. 8 maps and charts, and a vignette. 4to, old calf (covers weak). Paris, 1753 The first part contains an Account of the author's Voyage from Brest to Louisburg, and his four Expeditions to the neighboring coasts. 268. CHASE (S. B.). Manual of Exposition of the Independent Order of Good Templars, embracing its History, Objects and Workings. 12mo, half green morocco. Chicago, 1864 Not mentioned by bibliographers. 269. CHAUNCY (CHARLES). The Benevolence of the Deity, Fairly and Impartially Considered. 8vo, old calf (name on title). Boston, 1884 270. [CHECKLEY (JOHN).] A Short and Easie Method with the Deists. Wherein the Certainty of the Christian Religion is demonstrated by infallible proof from Four Rules which are Incompatiable to any Imposture that ever yet has been, or that can possibly be. In a Letter to a Friend. The Eighth Edition. 132 pp. London: Printed by J. Applebee and sold by John Checkley at the Sign of the Crown and Blue Gate over against the West End of the Town House in Boston, 1723. (2) The Speech of Mr. John Checkley upon his Tryal at Boston in New England for publishing The Short and Easy Method with the Deists: To which is added, A Discourse concerning the Episcopacy; In Defence of Christianity and the Church of England, against the Deists and Dissenters. To which is added: The Jury's Verdict; His Plea in arrest of Judgment; and the Sentence of the Court. London, Printed for J. Wilford, behind the Chapter House in St. Paul's Church Yard. 1730. 30 pp. (3) A Discourse Shewing Who is a True Pastor of the Church of Christ. 17 pp. (London, 17319) (4) A Specimen of True Dissenting Catechism, upon Right True-Blue Dissenting Principles, with learned Notes by way of explanation. (London, 17319) Together four items. 8vo, original calf. 1 p. London, 1723-31 OF GREAT RARITY AND IMPORTANCE, and seldom found together as above in the original binding. The importance of the Checkley trial in the history of the freedom of the press in America can scarcely be overestimated. Henry Stevens in his "Historical Nuggets" states "Considerable interest attaches to this very rare book in consequence of the alarm that it raised in New England and the litigation that ensued. It contains Leslie's "Short and Easie Method with the Deists' but with the preface omitted? Instead is appended "A Discourse concerning Episcopacy" (by John Checkley), wherein he endeavors to prove that Dissenters not being episcopally ordained are no ministers and comments rather harshly on the Church Courses of New England. This naturally gave great offence and Checkley was prosecuted in 1724 for publishing a false and scandalous libel. He was convicted." His Speech is given in the second item, above. The Third tract was published without title-page or imprint. Stevens says that it was probably published in London soon after Mr. Checkley's trial. The point has been advanced by a noted bibliographer that the above four tracts were published secretly in Boston and that imprints are fictitious. Stevens collection, not together in the original binding, was priced (1862) at £8-0-0. 271. CHEEVER (REV. GEORGE B.). Protest Against the Robbery of the Colored Race by the Proposed Amendment of the Constitution. 8vo, half moNew York, 1866 Госсо. 272. CHEVALIER (E. EMILE). Jacques Cartier. 12mo, half calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in (a new imprint has been pasted over the original publisher's name). Paris, n. d. 273. CHILE. Febres (P. Andres). Arte de la Lengua General del Reyno de Chile. Con un Dialogo Chileano-Hispano muy curioso y Vocabulario Hispano-Chileno y un Calepino Chileno Hispano mas copioso. 12mo, original vellum. Lima, 1765 EXCESSIVELY RARE. A fine crisp copy of this famous Chilean dictionary published in Lima (Peru) by Father Febres after years of association with the Indians as a missionary and traveller. 274. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Eddy (Mary Baker G.). Historical Sketch of Metaphysical Heeling. 12mo, original wrappers. Boston: Published by the Author, 1885 The RARE FIRST EDITION. In reality, this is Mrs. Eddy's autobiography, giving in detail her work in founding Christian Science. 275. CIVIL WAR. Humphrey (Rev. Heman, D.D.). The Missouri Compromise: an Address delivered before the Citizens of Pittsfield, Feb. 26, 1854. 8vo, wrappers. Pittsfield, 1854 Scarce. 276. CIVIL WAR. Craik (J.). The Union: National and State Sovereignty alike Essential to American Liberty. 8vo, pp. 36, original wrappers. Louisville, 1860 277. CIVIL WAR. Bushnell (Horace). Reverses Needed. A Discourse delivered on the Sunday after the Disaster of Bull Run. 8vo, half morocco, original covers bound in. Hartford, 1861 278. CIVIL WAR. The Reconstruction of the Government of the United States of America. A Democratic Empire advocated and an Imperial Constitution proposed. By W. B. Wedgwood. 8vo, wrappers. New York, 1851 A proposal to split up the country (or in fact the entire continent) int republics, which were to be founded on the inequality of man and thus avoid civil war. 279. CIVIL WAR. Extracts from "The Army Regulations" for the us of the Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the 51st Regiment, N. Y. V. Compiled by R. Charlton Mitchell, Capt., 51st Reg., N. Y. V. 8vo, wrappers. Annapolis, 1861 VERY SCARCE. On the title is written "The proceeds of the sales of this compilation are for the Benefit of the Regiments fund.'' Presentation copy to the Governor of the State of New York. 280. CIVIL WAR. Barnard (J.). The C. S. A. and the Battle of Bull Run. With 5 folding maps. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1862 281. CIVIL WAR. Acts of the General Assembly [of West Virginia] passed at the Extra Session, held May 6, 1862, at the City of Wheeling. Svo, wrappers. Scarce. Wheeling, 1862 282. CIVIL WAR. Chesney (C. C.). A Military View of Recent Campaigns in Virginia and Maryland. With maps. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1863 283. CIVIL WAR. Flanders (H.). Must the War Go On? An Inquiry whether the Union can be Restored by any other Means than War and whether Peace on any other Basis would be Safe and Durable. 8vo, wrappers. Scarce. Phila. 1863 284. CIVIL WAR. Don't Unchain the Tiger! Folio, broadside. New York, July 24th, 1863. RARE. Signed "A Democratic Workingman'; an Anti-Tammany appeal issued by the Democratic party. 285. CIVIL WAR. Bacon's Guide to American Politics; or a Complete view of the National and State Governments, with the respective powers of each. 12mo, wrappers. A scarce handbook published for the British reader. London, 1863 286. CIVIL WAR. An Address to the People and Congress of the United States. 8vo, original wrappers. Louisville, Ky., 1863 RARE. Title varies from wrappers. A petition of a number of prominent members of the Democratic party of Kentucky demanding an investigation of the election of Governor Brumlette, claiming that he was elected by disfranchising his political opponents and other unconstitutional means. A contribution to the border history of great importance. 287. CIVIL WAR. The Great Northern Conspiracy of the "O. S. L." "Resistance to Tyrants is Obedience to God.'' 8vo, sewn. N. p. (1864) Published before the election of '64, urging all loyal men to defeat the "Order of the American Knights" (and the Democratic party), by electing Lincoln by a large majority. The "Sons" were the successors of the "Knights of the Golden Circle" and were even better organized to carry out the nefarious schemes of the traitors. 288. CIVIL WAR. Dickerson (E. N.). The Navy of the United States. An Exposure of its Condition and the Causes of its Failure. 8vo, wrappers. New York, 1864 SCARCE. An exposition of the lack of efficiency and ordinary intelligence in the Navy-particularly in regard to new and improved machinery. 289. CIVIL WAR. De Chanal (Gen.). The American Army in the War of Secession. Trans. by Lieut. M. J. O'Brien. 8vo, cloth. Leavenworth, 1894 Only a few copies of this translation were issued. The author was sent by the French government to observe military operations. |