747. PALAIRET (J.). Description Abrégée des Possessions Angloises et rançoises du Continent Septentrional de L'Amérique, Pour servir d'Explicaon à la Carte publiée sous ce même Titre. (Several pages repaired, and nall hole in 3 leaves.) FIRST EDITION, very scarce. London, 1755 748. PENHALLOW (SAMUEL). The History of the Wars of New-Engnd with the Eastern Indians, or a Narrative of their Continued Perfidy and ruelty, from 1703 to 1726. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Cincinnati, 1859 749. PENNSYLVANIA. The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennylvania. 12mo, half blue morocco. Philadelphia, 1790 750. PENNSYLVANIA. The Trial of Alexander Addison, President of the Court of Common Pleas on an Impeachment by the House of Representatives, efore the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 8vo, new half calf. Lancaster, 1803 One of the more important impeachment trials of the last century, whose decision established a precedent. 751. [PENN (WILLIAM).] Three Considerations proposed to Mr. William Penn, concerning the Validity and Security of the New Magna Charta for the Liberty of Conscience, by a Baptist, which may be worthy the Consideration of all Quakers and of all my Dissenting Brethren also that have Votes in the Choice of Parliament-Men. 4 pp. 4to. [London, circa 1680] A very rare tract. 752. PENN (WILLIAM). Some Queries concerning Liberty of Conscience, irected to William Penn and Henry Care. Small quarto, 4 pages. Very rare. n. p., n. d. (prior to 1699) 753. PETERS (DEWITT). Pioneer Life and Frontier Adventures. An Authentic Record of the Romantic Life and daring exploits of Kit Carson and his Companions. With illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1881 754. PETROLEUM. Eaton (S. J. M.). Petroleum; a history of the oil region of Venango County, Pennsylvania. Its resources, mode of development, and value: embracing a discussion of ancient oil operations; with a map, and illustrations of oil scenes and boring implements. Map. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1866 755. PHILADELPHIA. Remarks on a Second Publication of the B. Henry Latrobe, said to be printed by Order of the Committee of the Councils (of the City) and distributed among the Members of the Legislature. 7 pp. 8vo, cloth. [Philadelphia, 1799] SCARCE. On the controversy relating to the City's Water Supply. 756. PHIPS (HON. SPENCER). Instructions for treating with the Eastern Indians, given to the Commissioners. 8 pp. Small 4to, paper. Boston, 1865 757. PICKERING (TIMOTHY). A Letter from the Hon. Timothy Pickering, a Senator of the United States from the State of Massachusetts, Exhibiting to His Constituents a View of the Imminent Danger of an Unneces sary and Ruinous War. Portrait inserted. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Boston, 1808 758. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). The Hong Kong Monthly Magazine, No. 3, (September, 1857). 8vo, original wrappers. Hong Kong (China) 1857 Rare. Containing an article by the editor, Mrs. Annie E. Beecher, a relative of Mrs. H. B. Stowe on Poe and his genius. The type of ephemera which is rarely noted by the bibliographer but so eagerly sought for by the collector. 759. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). Edgar Poe and his Critics. By Sarah Helen Whitman. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1860 760. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). Moran (John J.). A Defense of E Allan Poe, Life, Character and Dying Declarations of the Poet. An Of Account of his Death, by his attending Physician. Portrait. 8vo, wrap Washington, 1 Scarce. A defense of Poe, which disproves the claim that be under the influence of intoxicants. 761. PORTER (DAVID). Minutes of Proceedings of the Courts of Lagen and Court Martial in relation to Captain David Porter; convened at Wis ington, D. C. 8vo, half green morocco. Washington, IN 762. PORTER (NOAH). A Historical Discourse, delivered by Requen before the Citizens of Farmington, Nov. 4, 1840, in commemoration of Original Settlement of the Ancient Town, in 1640. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 15 763. PORTLAND IMPRINT. Freeman (Samuel). The Probate Auxila or, a Director and Assistant to Probate Courts, Executors, etc. 16mo, old e (title stained). Portland: Mass., 17: 764. PUBLIC LANDS. Report of the Sundry Resolutions relative to the Appropriations of Public Lands for the Purposes of Education to the Sent of Maryland, Jan. 30, 1821. 8vo, sewn. [Baltimore, 182 Rare. A most important chapter in the history of our Public Lands the development of our national education. It will be remembered, that at the close of the Revolution the states, one by one, gave up all chin to the North West Territory, with the understanding that a portion of t proceeds arising from the sale of these lands was to be given to these statefor educational purposes. Maryland did not get what she considered "'square deal."' The importance of the pamphlet lies in the fact that setting forth her claim she reviews the situation carefully, giving f historical and statistical data. Very little has survived the ravages t time on this important phase of our national life. 765. PUBLIC LANDS. Blunt (Joseph). A Historical Sketch of the For mation of the Confederacy, particularly with Reference to the Provincia Limits and the Jurisdiction of the General Government over the Indian Tribes and the Public Territory. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1827 SCARCE. A presentation copy from the author to William Betts. Az important summary and history of the legislation relating to the publi lands up to this period, including an account of the Yazoo land claims. the North West Territory, the treaties with the Indians, etc., etc. 766. PUBLIC LANDS. Massachusetts Defrauded in Relation to the Public Lands. 8vo, sewn. Boston, 1840 (2) Scarce. Published by the Whig Republican Association. Advocating the division of the Western Public Lands among the People. If Harrison were elected each voter in Massachusetts would receive $134.00. 767. PUBLIC LANDS. Address of Mr. Faulkner, of Virginia, on the Lar! Policy of the United States. 8vo, sewn. Washington, 1857 An answer to the suggestion that the proceeds arising from the se of the Public Lands be divided among the several eastern states, which once held claims on the territory. This measure was particularly popular in Virginia. 768. PYLE (HOWARD). The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. Writte and illustrated by Howard Pyle. FIRST EDITION. Square Svo, morocco (re backed). New York, 1883 769. RAFINESQUE (C. S.). Genius and Spirit of the Hebrew Bible, including the Biblic Philosophy of Celestial Wisdom, Religion and Theology, Astronomy and Realization, Ontology and Mythology, Chronometry and Mathe matics. Being the First Series of Bible Truths Ascertained and Explained by restored Names and Words in English Letters of Religious and Philosophical Conceptions of OBRI or Hebrew Language, etc. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, Philadelphia, 1838 Rare. 770. RAFINESQUE (C. S.). The Pleasures and Duties of Wealth. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1840 sewn. Rare. 771. [RAFN (C. C.).] Antiquitates Americanæ, sive Scriptores. Septentrionales rerum ante-Columbianarum in America. Samling af de i nordens olds krifter indeholte efterretninger om de gamle nordboers opdagelsesreiser til America fra det 10de til det 14de Aarhundrede. Edidit Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium. Folding and other maps, plates of facsimiles, etc. Thick 4to, cloth, uncut (binding worn and a few pages foxed). Large Paper copy of this valuable work. Hafniæ, 1837 morocco. 772. RAILROADS. Jackson (Wm.). A Lecture on Rail Roads, delivered before the Massachusetts Mechanic Association, January 12, 1829. 8vo, half Boston, 1829 The scarce FIRST EDITION of one of the first popular lectures on the subject on American Railroads, delivered with idea of influencing the State to build and own a railroad from Boston to Albany-the first attempt of a State to control a railroad. 773. RAILROADS. 8vo, boards, uncut. Renwick (James). Treatise on the Steam Engine. New York, 1830 RARE. A fine copy of this early American work on the Steam Engine, with the nine folding plates which are frequently lacking. The author was Professor of Chemistry in Columbia College. 774. RAMSAY (DAVID). The History of the American Revolution. Volume one only. 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Philadelphia, 1789 FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. 775. RAWLINSON (JOHN). Quadriga Salutis; Foure quadragesimal or Lent Sermons preached at White-Hall (contains the first sermon only, "The Dove-like Soul"). Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Oxford, 1625 With the autograph on the title-page of the Rev. John Baily dated "Boston in N. E. March 8, 1686." Rev. John Baily was pastor at Watertown and later minister of the First Church, Boston. 776. RHODE ISLAND. Humphrey (Hosea). A Dissertation on Fire, or Miscellaneous Inquiries and Reflections concerning the Laws of Nature. With an Appendix containing Thoughts on Memory, Reflection, Decision, Muscular Motion, etc. By Hosea Humphrey. 8vo, calf. Providence, 1814 Quaint New England philosophy on first principles and the natural phenomena, by a Rhode Island man. 777. [ROBINSON (MATTHEW).] Considerations on the Measures Carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North-America. Fourth Edition. 12mo, half roan. Boston, 1774 778. ROBINSON (SARA T. L.). Kansas; its Interior and Exterior Life. 2 illustrations. 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1856 779. ROGERS (JOHN). The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God Gave Unto Him. 12mo, original sheep. Second New London Edition: Printed by Samuel Green, 1817 The original edition is hard to procure, but this edition is also of great rarity. One of the most influential and most-talked-of books of its period. 780. ROSS (SIR JOHN). Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-West Passage, etc. Illustrations, some in colors, and a map. 4to, cloth (rebacked, stamp on some pages). London, 1835 Scarce. Columbia College duplicate. 781. RUGGLES (DAVID). The "Extinguisher' Extinguished! or David M. Reese, M.D., "Used Up." 12mo, half morocco, original covers bound in. New York, 1834 782. RUPP (I. DANIEL). History of the Counties of Berks and Lebanez: Containing a Brief Account of the Indians. 2 plates. 8vo, original_sheep. Scarce. Lancaster, Pa., 1844 783. SAMPSON (DEBORAH). The Female Review: Life of Deborah Sampson, the Female Soldier in the War of the Revolution. With an Intro duction and Notes by James Adams Vinton. Portrait. Square 8vo, three quarter brown levant morocco, uncut. Edition limited to 285 copies. Boston, 1966 784. SANBORN (F. B.). The Personality of Thoreau. Facsimile and plate. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston, 1901 Limited to 500 copies printed at the Merrymount Press. 785. SANDWICH ISLANDS. Memoirs of Henry Obookian, a Native of Owyhee, and a Member of the Foreign Mission School. 12mo, boards. New Haven, 1819 786. SCHAEFFER (L. M.). Sketches of Travels in South America, Mexico and California. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1860 787. SENECA INDIANS. The Case of the Seneca Indians in the State of New York. Illustrated by facts. 8vo, unbound. Philadelphia, 1840 788. SEWALL (JOSEPH, Pastor of a church in Boston). Jehovah is the King and Saviour of His People. A Sermon preached at the Boston Lecture upon the Awful Tidings of the Death of late Majesty, King George, June 11. 8vo, sewn. Boston, 1727 789. SEWALL (JOSEPH). The Holy Spirit Convincing the World of Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment. Considered in four Sermons in Boston. 16mo, full calf (rebacked). Boston, 1741 Very rare. 790. SHELDON (GEORGE W.). The Story of the Volunteer Fire Department of the City of New York. Illustrated. Large 8vo, cloth. New York, 1882 791. SHIPWRECK. An Authentic Narrative of the Shipwreck and Sufferings of Mrs. Eliza Bradley. Folding frontispiece (worn). Small 8vo, original boards. Boston: James Walden, 1820 Very scarce. 792. SHIPWRECK. Turkish Barbarity. An affecting Narrative of the unparalelled Sufferings of Mrs. Sophia Mazo, a Greek Lady of Missolonghi, who with her two Daughters were made Prisoners by the Barbarians and were inhumanly put to Death in his Presence. Folding plate. 12mo, wrappers. Providence, 1828 793. SHIPWRECK. Dreadful Shipwreck of the Medusa Frigate, detailing a Mass of Human Suffering almost without parallel, in which out of One Hundred and Fifty Persons exposed on a Raft in the Open Sea, Eleven only survived, after Feeding on the Dead Bodies of their unhappy Comrades. Woodcut vignette on title. 12mo, sewn. New York [1830?] 794. SHIPWRECK. Melancholy Shipwreck and remarkable Instance of the Interposition of Divine Providence in the Preservation of 12 unfortunate Persons who were Shipwrecked December 3, 1833, on their Passage from Portsmouth and after being 17 days in an open boat, were picked up by a homeward bound Whaleman. Crude woodcut frontispiece. 8vo, sewn. [New York], 1834 A gruesome narrative of unbelievable hardship and suffering. 795. SHIPWRECK. Awful Calamities, or the Shipwrecks of 1839, being a Full Account of the dreadful Hurricanes of 15, 21 and 27 on the Coast of Massachusetts, in which more than 90 Vessels were lost and more than 150 Lives destroyed, etc. 8vo, wrappers. Boston, 1840 A rare chapbook. 796. SHIPWRECKS. Awful Calamities, or the Shipwrecks of December, 1839. Being a full Account of the dreadful Hurricanes on the Coast of Massachusetts in which were lost more than 90 Vessels and nearly 200 disnasted, driven ashore and more than 100 Lives destroyed, etc., etc. 8vo, jewn. Boston, 1840 797. SHOEMAKER (HENRY W.). Pennsylvania Deer and Their Horns. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo, wrappers. Reading, 1915 798. SINGLETON (ESTHER). A Daughter of the Revolution. 12mo, New York, 1915 cloth. FIRST EDITION. Inscribed by the author, with quotation. 799. SLAVERY. Benezet (Anthony). Some Historical Account of Guinea, its Situation, Produce and Disposition of its Inhabitants. With an Inquiry into the Rise and Progress of the Slave Trade, its Nature and lamentable Effects. 12mo, original calf. Philadelphia, 1771 800. SLAVERY. A Forensic Dispute on the Legality of Enslaving the Africans, held at the public Commencement in Cambridge, New England, July 21st, 1773, by Two Candidates for the Bachelor's Degree. 8vo, wrappers. Boston, 1773 Of great Rarity and Importance, being the first (of thousands of tracts subsequently published) to consider the legality of Slave Holding in America. 801. SLAVERY. Speech of William Pinkney, Esq., in the House of Delegates of Maryland at their Session in November, 1789. 8vo, sewn, uncut. Philadelphia, 1790 RARE. A plea to his fellow members of the House of Delegates to free all the Slaves in the State of Maryland. 802. SLAVERY. Tucker (St. George). A Dissertation on Slavery: With a Proposal for the Gradual Abolition of it in the State of Virginia. 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, 1796 The RARE original edition of this legal, ethical and historical study of Slavery in Virginia; with plans for its abolition. 803. SLAVERY. Free Remarks on the Spirit of the Federal Constitution, the Practice of the Federal Government, and the Obligations of the Union respecting the Exclusion of Slavery from the Territories and New States. By a Philadelphian. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Philadelphia, 1819 804. SLAVERY. Narrative of the Late Riotous Proceedings against the Liberty of the Press in Cincinnati, etc. 8vo, sewn. Cincinnati, 1836 SCARCE. A riot which resulted in the destruction of an anti-Slavery paper by a Kentucky mob. 805. SLAVERY. Bondage a Moral Institution sanctioned by the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and the preaching and practice of the Saviour and his Apostles. By a Southern Farmer. 8vo, sewn. Macon, 1837 RARE. A bold attack on the Northern Abolitionists and a clever example of Southern reasoning. 806. SLAVERY. [Ker (John).] A Brief History of an attempt during the Last Session of the Legislature in 1841, to Interfere with the Judgments of the Courts, in relation to the Wills of the Late Captain Ross and Mrs. Reed. 8vo, Natchez, 1842 sewn. Very rare. Under the provision of the wills of Capt. Ross and his daughter, Mrs. Reed, all of their slaves were liberated and their passage paid to Liberia. The Legislature of the State attempted to annul the wills, but without success. One of the most important legal and moral issues in the early history of American Slavery. 807. SLAVERY. The New Fugitive Slave Law. Speech of E. C. Larned at Chicago, October 25, 1850, in Reply to Hon. S. A. Douglas. 8vo, half morocco, original covers bound in (small piece missing from upper margin of front cover). Chicago, 1850 |