The Man HuntersJ. H. Sears, Incorporated, 1926 - 348 pagine |
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able appear arrested assassin authorities bank examiner blade blood bloodstains burglar Camorra carefully cashier cipher constable court cracksman crime criminal agent criminal investigation Criminal Investigation Department criminal mystery criminologist Crœsus crook dead detective centers determined device discovered distinguishing clew door entered evidence evidential signs expert fact finally finger prints floor footprints force forger German German Empire glass gold hand heel imprint indicated indicatory inspector Italian letters marks ment method mold murder night organization paper Paris paying teller peculiar person Petrograd photographs plaster of Paris police precisely Prefect prisoner robbery Russia safety match scientific Scotland Yard secret sent sheet Sherlock Holmes shoe Sir Robert Anderson stains stearin Stephen's Day story suspected taken thing thousand dollars tion tool trace track usually victim walking weapon window words writing yegg
Brani popolari
Pagina 258 - ... frequently employed for signaling purposes, though when snow was on the ground a black flag was used, and with varying backgrounds the red flag with a white center could be seen at greater distances than the white. To secure secrecy all important messages were enciphered by means of a cipher disk. Two concentric disks, of unequal size and revolving on a central pivot, were divided along their outer edges into thirty equal compartments. The inner and smaller disk contained in its compartments...
Pagina 258 - Brown cammer Toby ax the have turnip me Harry bitch rustle silk adrian counsel locust you another only of children serenade flea Knox county for wood that awl ties get hound who was war him suicide on for was please village large bat Bunyan give sigh incubus heavy Norris on trammeled cat knit striven without if Madrid quail upright martyr Stewart man much bear since ass skeleton tell the oppressing Tyler monkey.
Pagina 233 - ... only oracles among men, sends these presents in acknowledgment of your discoveries ; and now asks whether he should lead an army against the Persians, and whether he should join any auxiliary forces with his own.
Pagina 207 - The surveyor then reminded him that there was a balance of excise duties alone of about 300/. standing against him from the previous Monday, which was a receipt day, at Tarforley.
Pagina 48 - A man of middle age, of robust constitution, black hair intermingled with gray, recently cut; commencing to grow bald." 3 The range of topics covered by these analytic methods is wide and varied. The practices of a criminal in disguising his face, in using false names, in pretending illness or insanity, in shamming blindness, deafness, epilepsy, or paralysis; the customs of the underworld in the employment of ciphers...
Pagina 195 - But the criminal is thrown in upon his own denuded and sterile nature, such as vice and profligacy have left him...
Pagina 205 - ... and in all respects satisfactory to the examiner. The same examiner had made semiannual examinations of this bank and of this paying teller's department from the time of his appointment, in 1898, having made, in all, five examinations previously to this one, made on May 8, 1901, and on each occasion had found the cash in the hands of the paying teller to correspond with the general book of the bank, and the condition of the paying teller's department to be in all respects satisfactory. Some time...
Pagina 207 - Witness asked him, what he had done with it ? He said he had pawned it at Mr. Turner's, Bridgesstreet, Strand, on the Saturday preceding; which was the fact. His coat appeared to have been sponged very recently in the sleeves, outside and inside, between the hand and the elbow. It was nlso sponged in the front.
Pagina 24 - Paris is the only romantic city remaining in the world. It is a rendezvous of all the soldiers of fortune, the adventurers, and flying squadrons of picturesque undesirables. With some knowledge of the French temperament one can understand why the department of criminal investigation in Paris could be expected to use a certain diplomacy in its romantic man hunting.
Pagina 205 - ... included $55,000 of what is called clearing house certificates, which were treated and accepted as cash, and included the eight certificates .procured by Folger. The examination was thorough, and in all respects satisfactory to the examiner. The same examiner had made semiannual examinations of this bank and of this paying teller's department from the time of his appointment, in 1898, having made, in all, five examinations previously to this one, made on May 8, 1901, and on each occasion had...