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Brewster's (Sir David) More Worlds than One, the Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian. Small crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. Brillat-Savarin's Gastronomy as a Fine 66 Art; or, The Science of Good Living. A Translation of the Physiologie du Goût" of BRILLAT-SAVARIN, with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by R. E. ANDERSON, M.A. "We have read it with rare enjoyment, just as we have delightedly read and re-read quaint old Izaak. Mr. Anderson has done his work of translation daintily, with true appreciation of the points in his original; and altogether, though late, we cannot but believe that this book will be welcomed and much read by many."-NONCONFORMIST. Demy 8vo, profusely Illustrated in Colours, price 30s. The British Flora Medica: A History of the Medicinal Plants of Great Britain. Illustrated THE STOTHARD BUNYAN.-Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 7s. 6d. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Edited by Rev. T. SCOTT. 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With Eight Coloured "It must not only take a high place among the Christmas and New Year books of this season, but is also of permanent value as an introduction to the study of Chaucer, whose works, in selections of some kind or other, are now text-books in every school that aspires to give sound instruction in English."-ACADEMY. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Coloured Illustrations and Maps, 24s. Cope's History of the Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), formerly the 95th. By Sir WILLIAM H. COPE, formerly Lieutenant, Rifle Brigade. "This latest contribution to the history of the British army is a work of the most varied information regarding the distinguished regiment whose life it narrates, and also of facts interesting to the student in military affairs. Great credit is due to Sir W. Cope for the patience and labour, extending over many years, which he has given to the work. In many cases well-exe cuted plans of actions are given."-MORNING POST. 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