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embarked for Galle in a small brig, they had an opportunity of visiting, from Tutecoryn, on the opposite coast of the Peninsula, their Brethren Rhenius and Schmid at Palamcottah. During the absence of the Missionaries on occasion of the Anniversary, four of the SCHOOLS were suspended. On their return, three were re-opened; and, in February, the Seven Schools had 261 Scholars, one of them having 12 Girls. In April, the Schools were nine in number; and are reported, in June, to be in a flourishing state as to Scholars, and encouraging as to progress. At the close of the year, Mr. Knight reported

For the last four or five months, in addition to hearing catechisms, reading, &c., on the Sabbath-Day, I have examined every individual child at the close of the month; and, instead of paying the Masters for the numbers in attendance, as heretofore, I have paid them according to the actual progress of each child through the month, which is regularly registered at each examination, and serves as an effectual check against deception. For this plan, I am indebted to my American Brethren. During the last year, I have opened two New Schools; one of which is large and prosperous, the Master being very efficient.

The obstacles to Female Education around him are found by Mr. Knight to be much fewer than he had expected. Between 60 and 70 Girls attend School with regularity; and, on Sundays, from 30 to 50 are present at Public Worship. He writes

The progress of many of them, in reading and committing to memory, is quite encouraging; and I trust that we shall live to see even greater things.

Mr. Knight had taken a few Children to board; but the marriage of his Sister with the Rev. Daniel Poor, of Tillipally, had, for a time, deferred the secution of his plan. By his own subsequent marriage, however, with Mrs. Richards, he says


My prospects in my Missionary Work, especially with regard to the instruction of females, is much enlarged. We shall soon be able, I hope, to take children to support and educate, according to the plan recommended by the Committee; and to enter on other plans of usefulness, which, while alone, I could not attend to: and I humbly pray that the Lord may succeed our united endeavours. My dear partner is blessed

with more than an ordinary share of health and energy of mind; and, having considerable acquaintance with the Native Language, she will be under very favourable circumstances for forwarding the objects of the Mission.*


The trials of this Mission, it is well known, have been great-second only, indeed, to those of the West-Africa Mission, though from a very different cause. The Committee are happy, however, to state that there are no grounds of serious discouragement. The Mission has disburthened itself of some incumbrances which pressed heavily upon it; and has continued to receive, during the year, accessions of real strength, in truly pious and devoted Labourers.

His Excellency Sir Thomas Brisbane continues to co-operate most kindly with Mr. Marsden in promoting, in every way, the interests of this Mişsion; which, after all its trials, at this moment gives better promise of an ultimate reward to patient labour than at any time since its establishment. On the arrival of the Rev. Henry Williams in February of last year, His Excellency readily granted permission to Mr. Marsden to proceed with Mr. Williams, on his Fourth Visit to New Zealand; and assured the Committee, in a Letter of April the 29th, addressed to the Secretary, of his with Mr. Marsden in such measures as he might find it expedient to adopt in New Zealand for the good of the Mission. His Excellency added

I am deeply sensible of the dilemma in which the Committee is involved in their affairs in that quarter: still, I shall never cease to cherish the hope, that the same kind Providence, which has blessed the labours of their other Missionaries, will yet allow the light of the Gospel to shine through the present apparent gloom.

Mr. Williams I have repeatedly seen, and I am most favourably impressed in his behalf: he will proceed to

• Various additional particulars, relative to the Ceylon Mission, have appeared, since the Anniversary, at pp. 454-461 of the Missionary Register for October.

New Zealand, accompanied by my most cordial wishes of success in his arduous labours.


Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, whose arrival was stated in the last Report, continued at Parramatta till the 1st of January of last year; and were then placed, till they should proceed to New Zealand, in charge of an Institution, formed in 1814 by the Governor, for the civilization and instruction of the Native Black Children: it was first established in Parramatta; but has been lately removed to a distance of about twelve miles.

Mr. Marsden, with the Rev. Richard Hill, and the other friends of the Society in the Colony, have felt much interest in the Aborigines of New SouthWales, and have been desirous that the Society should render every practicable aid in any measures which might be undertaken for their benefit. In a conversation with Governor Macquarie, previous to the formation of the Native Institution in 1814, Mr. Marsden stated that he was authorised by the Society to assist any plan that was likely to benefit the Aborigines; but no demand was made on the Society. A School was opened at Parramatta ; but the situation being found inconvenient, the Committee who conducted it recommended, in the close of 1821, that it should be removed; and that on the spot where it has since been fixed, workshops, schools, and a Place of Worship should be erected; with the reservation of 500 acres of land for the use of the Institution, in the allotment of farms to the Natives. The Committee further recommended, that the assistance offered by Mr. Marsden from the Society, which offer had been renewed by him, should be accepted.

In March 1822, a Resolution was passed by that Committee, requesting the Society to send out a Master and Mistress for the instruction of the Aborigines, and the superintendence of the Native Settlement. The arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, in October of that year, led to their being provisionally


appointed to this duty; and the Native Children were, in consequence, removed from Parramatta tó the New Settlement on the 1st of January of last year. Soon after Mr. Williams's arrival, in February, he visited the Institution; and thus speaks of it, in a Letter to the Secretary of March 10, 1823:—

Mr. and Mrs. Clarke are in a situation likely to be extensively useful. We paid them a visit in their Black Settlement, where they are deeply engaged in, and much delighted with their work; though they are quite in the bush, with but a few sheds for the women and children. A substantial Building is in preparation, but will not be finished for six months. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke have great attachment to their work and the Society. In the question of remaining here, they wish to act entirely under the direction of Mr. Marsden. In July, Mr. Williams wrote

Mrs. Clarke, for these three months past, has been a great sufferer. While at the Native Institution, the dwelling being neither wind nor water tight, she was too much exposed; and had, in consequence, successive inflammations in her chest. She was, therefore, removed to our house at Parramatta. The greater part of the time she was confined to her bed; and, for the whole of this period, in a greater or less degree, has had repeated abscesses forming in her breast. The pain was extreme; so much so, that she has been delirious for many days together: but her patience has equalled her pain, and given unto many a lesson not soon to be forgotten.

Mr. Clarke had, in the mean while, a difficult duty to discharge. He had charge of 12 Native Children, with Public Instruction twice on Sundays among the Europeans; and had often 150 miles to ride on horseback during the week. Mr. Williams thus speaks of him in the above Letter of July :

Mr. Clarke has had much to struggle with: but, under his indefatigable care, the children have been advancing in knowledge; and the dwelling for them, which is a fine substantial building, 70 feet in length, will soon be finished. I think it may be said, that had not Mr. Clarke been on the spot to take this duty, it had long since fallen to the ground; or rather never would have been raised above it. Mr. Clarke has also officiated as Chaplain on the Sabbath to the Government Gangs in the neighbourhood. Great order and vigilance prevail in his establishment. At this place we are now leaving him, where Mrs. Clarke will soon join him.

It had been intended that Mr. and Mrs. Clarke

should accompany Mr. and Mrs. Williams to New Zealand'; but Mrs. Clarke's illness having occasioned unavoidable delay, and in the mean while Mr. Clarke's continued care of the Native Institution becoming, for the present, indispensable, it was at length determined that they should not proceed to New Zealand, more particularly until the state of Shunghee's mind had been ascertained, that Chief having been led to suppose that Mr. Clarke would be at his service to make and repair his guns. His friends having, therefore, sailed without them, he continued his care of the Native Institution. Of its state he thus writes, in October :

The Natives are, I believe, the poorest objects on the habitable globe. I have seen the miserable Africans first come from the holds of Slave Ships; but they do not equal, in wretchedness and misery, the New Hollanders. I have in some measure been the means of removing from the minds of a few of them the prejudice excited by the Heathenish conduct of those around them calling themselves Christians, and have the pleasure of seeing ten or twelve regularly attend the Service here on the Lord's Day. We have now a commodious Mission House, with room to accommodate at least Sixty Native Children. I had 12 under my care, but one promising little Boy died. I have as good hopes respecting them, as I should have of as many European Children.

On Mr. Marsden's return from New Zealand, about two months after Mr. Clarke wrote this Letter, the altered circumstances of that Mission induced him to take measures for Mr. and Mrs. Clarke's proceeding to their original destination. It was with reluctance that they were withdrawn from the Native Institution; but the state of the New-Zealand Mission seemed plainly to call for their assistance there. The Committee will gladly render, in future, every practicable degree of aid to the Native Institution, and the Aborigines of New South Wales.


With Mr. Marsden and Mr. Williams, a carpenter, Mr. Fairburn, who had before been at New

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