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(See Page 117.)


WHEN the idea of attempting to educate the Native Females of this country was first suggested, it appeared to be an undertaking so vast in its object and so hopeless in its nature, that many of the inost zealous promoters of institutions for the improvement of India hesitated as to the expediency of the measure. Difficulties presented themselves on every side, such as seemed to preclude all rational expectation of success: the labour, too, appeared to be interminable; and it was even feared, that the effort to raise contributions for so apparently desperate a cause might not have a favourable influence on Missionary Exertions in general. On the arrival, however, of a suitable person from England, who had consecrated herself to this specific object, the plan was proposed; and a commencement actually made, in the face of all discouragements. A full year has now elapsed, since the Calcutta Committee of the Church Missionary Society resolved on supporting Miss Cooke, in her endeavours to introduce the blessings of education among the Native Females of Bengal.

The Committee announce, with unfeigned thankfulness to God, that much greater success than could have been anticipated has hitherto attended the undertaking.


number of Female Schools already established is FIFTEEN; and ELEVEN


ERECTED. In all these schools, for some time after their establishment,

the attention is exclusively given to reading and writing; but as soon as a class has been formed who can read lessons in the Bengalee Book of Fables, instruction in needle-work is held out to the Girls as a reward, with a promise that they shall receive the usual remuneration for the work done.

As the fruits of industry began to be enjoyed, the desire of learning to work became greater; so that in six schools, where some proficiency has been made, about 80 dozen of dusters have been hemmed, and some have become eapable of executing finer work.

In a few of the schools, knitting has been also introduced. Many applications have been made by Women unconnected with the Schools, for permission to attend in order to learn needle-work; but no female is taught to work, until she has made some progress in reading and writing.

Upward of 300 Female Children are now under a course of instruction. As the schools increase, the want of Teachers is naturally felt; and, in this respect, the schools begin to be productive. At first, only one woman could be found capable of teaching. Since the schools were opened, a respectable Widow has qualified herself for the charge of one of the new schools, and three Young Women are preparing themselves to act as teachers.

The Committee have, indeed, every encouragement to proceed. While, therefore, they acknowledge,

with great thankfulness, the liberality by which they have been enabled to enter upon this arduous career, they feel assured that the disposition to give support to the cause will gather strength from its success. Under this impression, they would most respectfully and earnestly solicit the contributions of the community IN FURTHER prosecution of their plans.

The time is arrived when a CENTRAL SCHOOL is urgently wanted. Hitherto Miss Cooke's initiatory labours have been carried on among detached schools, some of them separated from each other by considerable distances; in the superintendence of which she has been indefatigable, visiting as many as her time and strength would admit, every day. As her schools increased, the labour of efficient teaching became proportionably greater. It is now become important to provide for the more easy and effectual management of her enlarged numbers. With this view, it is proposed to erect a school in some central spot, to be called the "Central School for Native Female Education." At present, Miss Cooke has to repeat often the same lessons

to a Few at once; whereas in a school centrally situated, the first classes might assemble from all the schools after their morning lessons, and receive together the instruction now given in detached parties. The sav ing of labour would thus be considerable, and the improvement of the children would also be much more rapid. The advantages of such a school are indeed too obvious to need specification.

The Committee, therefore, solicit the attention of their friends and the public to this point; and hope to be enabled to add the important measure of a Central Establishment, in aid of the schools already so au spiciously commenced. The benefits which must be conferred on Native Society by the improvement of the Female Character will be felt by all and, now that the first difficulties have been removed, and Providence has so clearly opened the way for attempting this desirable object, the united motives of humanity, policy, and Christian Benevolence urge us to go forward.

(Signed) D. CORRIE, Secretary. Calcutta, Feb. 1823.

(See Page 120.)



It is well known that, hitherto, the concerns of the Church Missionary Society have been conducted by a Committee, appointed originally from home, who applied the Annual Pecuniary Grants of the Parent Institution to the support of the Missions at Calcutta and other places in this Presidency; and that although the friends of religion have for several years substantially contributed

to the cause, yet they have not been


ENGAGED in the work. In Europe, it is scarcely practicable to do more than associate for the purpose of prayer and forming collections for Missionary Objects; but, here, being on the spot where myriads of our fellow-creatures bow down to idols, and witnessing their degradation and misery, something more is required from Christians than pecuniary con

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tributions; something which may tend to engage them in practical Missionary Details, and thus interest their hearts and unite their hands in helping forward the work of the Lord. The manifest advantages of such an union must, indeed, appear to every reflecting mind. May it not be feared, that much of that indifference to Divine Things, which is so visible in these parts, is to be ascribed to the want of zeal for the cause of Christ? and that because Professing

Christians are backward to LABOUR for the Redeemer, therefore many spiritual blessings are withheld from them? It is, certainly, an ascertained fact, that Associations for the extension of the Gospel abroad have been productive of the best effects in England: the minds of many young persons have been roused to inquire after the Gospel for themselves the zeal of Christians has been called forth-and many have had reason to bless God for the good which they have themselves received, while labouring, according to their ability, to communicate the knowledge of Divine Truth to their perishing fellow-creatures.

The Church Missionary Committee, therefore, availing themselves of the facilities afforded by the arrival of the Rev. Isaac Wilson' among them, are anxious that no delay should take place in forming an Association for the purposes above mentioned.

[On Thursday the 31st of July, at the Church Missionary Meeting, after Evening Service at the Mission Church, notice was given, that the time for maturing an Association in connection with the Church Missionary Committee appearing to be fully arrived, the friends of that Society were requested to consider how that measure might be most effectually accomplished.

After some discussion on the na

ture and immediate objects of the Association, it was agreed that the further consideration of the subject should be postponed until Monday Evening, the 11th of August, when the friends of the measure were requested to meet again for the purpose of digesting the Rules of the Association.

On Monday Evening, the 11th of August, a Meeting accordingly took place, when Resolutions were provisionally adopted, and the final establishment of the Association deferred till the next Church Missionary Meeting on the 28th of August, in order that time might be allowed for making them generally known.]

Formation of the Association.

At a Meeting held on the evening of Thursday, the 28th of August, in the Old-Church Room, after attending the Weekly Lecture in the Church, the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted :

1. That the cordial thanks of this Meet

ing be given to the Rev. Isaac Wilson, for his Sermon preached on this occasion.

2. That the friends of the Church Mis

sionary Society here assembled, deeply impressed with the call now made upon them, deem it their duty as Christians, to co-operate, as far as their circumstances and abilities may allow, with the Missionaries of that Society resident in Calcutta, in promoting the propagation of the Gospel around them.

3. That, with this view, we form ourselves into an Association, in connection with the Corresponding Committee of the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East, to be denominated the CALCUTTA


4. That the objects of this Association shall be those of the Parent Institution; comprehending, therefore, whatever may tend to advance the Missionary Cause, according to its ability and resources; and, especially, to call forth the zeal of welldisposed persons in the Established Church -to support Missionary Exertions-to collect, and disperse as widely as possible information connected with Missionary Subjects and to superintend Schools for the poor Native Christians and the Natives of India in general.

3. That all persons subscribing statedly to the Association (to whatever amount) be considered Members; and, as such, be supplied with a copy of the Corresponding Committee's Quarterly Publication.

6. That the business of the Association be under the management of a President Vice-Presidents-a Treasurer-a Secretary -and a Committee, consisting of not less than twelve Laymen Members of the Established Church, and all Clergymen of the Church of England contributing to the funds of the Association, and all Missionaries of the Church Missionary Society; with power to associate with themselves any friends of the Society, who may be willing to collect contributions in aid of the Association.

7. That Meetings for the despatch of business take place once a month, on the Tuesdays immediately preceding the Church Missionary Meetings, which fall on the last Thursday in the month; five members being

competent to act.

[blocks in formation]

J. Richardson, M. D'Rozario, W. E. Rymer, J. Sheriff, T. A. Vickers, J. Wood.

W. Harper, H. C. Lee, J. Murray, 10. That a General Meeting of the Association be held annually, on a day to be fixed hereafter; when a Report of the Proceedings of the Year shall be read, a statement of the Receipts and Disbursements presented, and a new Committee chosen, eight of whom shall be appointed from the old Committee, and four from the general body of Members.

Address to the Christian Public in behalf of the Calcutta Church Missionary Association.

So many well-adjusted plans for the benefit of mankind have never been so extensively called into active operation as in the present day.

For a long time, the zealous labours of Christians were confined to objects more immediately within

their own sphere, and nearer home; but, of late years, new measures have diffused, and the willing co-adjutors been adopted, information has been of religion and truth have eagerly listened to the calls of human misery and the promotion of vital godliness.

In such noble works of benevolence, the Members of the Established Church have taken an enterprising and praise-worthy part: under their fostering care, many plans for the best interests of our fellow-creatures have been formed, and persevering efforts made to spread the knowledge of our adorable Saviour. Yet, considering that much was still unattempted, some Clergymen of the Established Church, above twenty years ago, planned a Society, in strict harmony with their own sentiments as Churchmen, and in perfect conformity to that standard of Apostolic Doctrine and Discipline which the Articles and Homilies so beautifully express. This they called the "Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East." Since its establishment, several thousand Heathen Children have been educated under its patro. nage-Missionaries have been sent forth to preach the Gospel-and many have been converted to Christianity,

As there are various claims upon this Society, its friends have solicited the general aid and co-operation of the Members of the Established Church to procure Subscriptions, and enable them to meet the increasing demands of the Society's operations. Persons thus uniting themselves for the purpose of assisting the objects of the Parent Institution are called Church Missionary Associa tions; and they are now so very general, that every County in England has its Association. By this means much Christian Feeling is elicited, united prayer is offered for the conversion of Heathens, and large contributions are raised for sending the Gospel among Gentile Nations.

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posed with the urgent calls

his country, and followexample of our friends at o, e dave formed ourselves into Aal Association to be called the CALQUITA CHURCH MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. The Resolutions affixed to

this Address will fully explain the nature and design of the institution; and we feel persuaded that every candid reader will forcibly see, that the appeal which we now make to our friends is both plain, reasonable, and necessary. The awful scenes of Idolatry which we daily witness, and the great want of instruction among those immediately near us, are subjects which urge upon us the importance of an Association like this. While we acknowledge, with thankfulness, what has been already done for the Church Missionary Society in Calcutta, we cannot but deeply feel that very inadequate means have been attempted in behalf of those, who are not yet brought within the pale of the Christian Church.

Anxious, therefore, to call forth the zeal of well-disposed persons to assist us in this work, we would press upon them the necessity of friendly co-operation and support, in order to carry forward with success the various objects of the Association. The Church Missionary Society has done much in this country by the establishment of Schools &c.; yet, hitherto, nearly all the expenses have de

volved upon the Society at home. We have no doubt but the case will be materially altered, as soon as our friends see what we are doing to better the condition of Heathens by religious and general education.

There is one consideration, which

renders this appeal peculiarly forcible to every individual residing in India. The Natives of this country do not require us to feed and clothe them: their temporal wants are ge nerally supplied by themselves. The principal call upon us, therefore, isto benefit them by affording the means of instruction, and thus make them wise in time and happy through eternity.

It is a striking fact, that the Members of the Established Church, according to their numbers and resources, have done less to support Missionary Exertions in connection with their own Establishment, than

any other body of Christians. But
we trust that a spirit of more general
activity is diffusing itself among us;
and that we shall not only cordially
approve the wise and liberal mea-
sures which have been adopted for
meeting the spiritual wants of those
among whom Providence has placed
us, but also become fellow-helpers in
the cause of our adorable Redeemer.
Secretary to the Association.

Calcutta, Sept. 9, 1823.

(See Page 121.)



ON Monday the First of December
1823, a Meeting of the Friends and
Supporters of the Church Missio-
nary Society was held in the Old
Church Room, for the purpose of



G. Udny, Esq. opened the business of the Meeting, by adverting to the operations of the Church Missionary Society at this Presidency. He stated, that, in 1807, the Society voted 2501.

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