Roman Civilization: The EmpireColumbia University Press, 1963 |
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Pagina 78
... sacred rites , and made Livia , who was already called Julia and Augusta , 216 his priestess ; they also permitted her to employ a lictor when she exercised her sacred office . On her part , she bestowed a million sesterces upon a ...
... sacred rites , and made Livia , who was already called Julia and Augusta , 216 his priestess ; they also permitted her to employ a lictor when she exercised her sacred office . On her part , she bestowed a million sesterces upon a ...
Pagina 235
... sacred games 53 and 48 events at sacred games after ad- vancing from youth to manhood , including the boxing contest in the Pythian Games at Delphi , in the Isthmian , in the Nemean , and in the Hadrianic Philadelphan at Alexandria . He ...
... sacred games 53 and 48 events at sacred games after ad- vancing from youth to manhood , including the boxing contest in the Pythian Games at Delphi , in the Isthmian , in the Nemean , and in the Hadrianic Philadelphan at Alexandria . He ...
Pagina 295
... sacred to the gods , to wit , that of the grammarians and rhetoricians , who , under the aegis of Hermes and the Muses , train the minds of the youth to gentility and civic virtue , and that of the physicians and other practitioners ...
... sacred to the gods , to wit , that of the grammarians and rhetoricians , who , under the aegis of Hermes and the Muses , train the minds of the youth to gentility and civic virtue , and that of the physicians and other practitioners ...
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Abbott-Johnson abridged acclaimed imperator accordance Adapted from LCL Alexandria Antoninus army Augustan Augustus Germanicus Berlin Papyrus Caesar Augustus Cassius Roman History Christians Claudius cohorts consul consulship Dacia declared decree deified Augustus denarii Dessau Dio Cassius Dio Cassius Roman Diocletian divine Domitian drachmas edict Egypt Emperor Caesar father FIRA fisc freedmen Gaius gods governor grain granted Greek Hadrian holding the tribunician honor imperial inscription Italy Julius kings land legions letter lord Lucius magistrates Marcus Aurelius matter military month municipal Nero Nerva nome Oxyrhynchus Papyrus persons Pius Pliny pontifex maximus praetor Praetorian prefect of Egypt Principate proconsul procurator provinces punishment rank received reign Roman citizens Roman Empire Rome sacred second century Secular Games Select Papyri senate Septimius Severus sesterces Severus slaves soldiers status Tacitus temple third century Tiberius tion Titus Trajan tribunician power Vespasian