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Ovelgün, Rüdiger Frdr.

Deus Apri mirae formae 1405. Oven, J... van.

Het mikroskoop 16.

Electro-Magnetismus. - Telegraph.

s. Wonderen der schepping 164. Over de Wapenen der Dieren 261.

den kleinen witkoppigen Zaager 1221.
een vermoed. walvischachtig zoogdier 1295.

Overbeck, Joh. Adolph.

s. Glossarium melitturgicum 662. Overdijk, C...

Brief over Mormolyce phyllodes 769. Overeenkomst d. viervoet.met de and.dieren 1279. Oversigt K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Forhandl. 53.

hvad i Norge er gjort for Naturvid. 1610.
Tabellarisk, over Hvirvaldyrene 951.
Oviedo y Valdes, Gonçalo Fernandez de.
Sumario de la natural istoria de las ludias 190.
Historia gen. y nat. de las Indias 190.
Owen, D... D...

Palaeont. of the lowest Sandstone 1458.
Melonites multipora, s. Norwood, J. G. 1498.
Fossil Fish (Macropetalichthys), s. id. 1558.

s. Leidy, Jos., Extinct Mammal, and Chelonia 1579. Owen, George.

Extr. of his hist. of Pembrokeshire 518.
Letter on Locusts observ. in Wales 641.

Owen, James.

The stepping-stone to natural history 150.
Natural history for beginners 1622.

Owen, Richard, n. 1800.

Instruct. for Coll. Invert. Animals 12.

s. Belcher, E., Last of the Arctic Voyages 170. Physiology, s. Orr 227.

Sur le plan de développ. des animaux 227.
On metamorphosis 228.

On parthenogenesis 228.

Parthenogenesis, s. Prosch, V. 229.

s. Steenstrup, J. J. S., Remaerkn. 234. On the raw materials from the anim. kingdom 261. Lectures on the comp. anat. of the luvert. 295. Marine invertebr. of the Arctic Ocean 295. Ueber Zeugung wirbelloser Thiere 1637. On the generation of Infusoria 306. 1638. On a n. g. of sponge, Euplectella 317. 1639. Descr. of a n. sp. of Euplectella 317. On Lucernaria inauriculata 340. Article,.Entozoa" 366.

Remarks on the Entozoa 366.

On the anat. of Distoma clavatum 383.
Anat. descr. of two sp. of Entozoa 387.
Descr. of a n. sp. of Tape-worm 403.
Descr. of a microsc. Entozoon, Trichina 405.
Article,,Articulata“ 412.

Charact. of n. sp. of stomap. Crustacea 427.
On the anat. of Linguatula taenioides 460.
Article,,Mollusca" 804.

On the anat. of the Brachiopoda 837.
Untersuch. üb. Brachiopod., s. Schmidt, E.0.837.
Sur l'appar. de la circul, chez les Brachiopod. 837.
Sur l'anatomie des Térébratules 840.
Article,, Cephalopoda“ 859.

Descr. of some new Cephalopoda (4) 859.

On the reparation of the Shell of Argonauta 866.
Relations betw. the Argonaut and its inhabitant 866.
On the Paper Nautilus 867.

On the Shell and Animal of Argon. hians 868.
On the anat. of the Calyptraeidae 873.
On the anatomy of Clavagella 878.

On the anat. of Lithadaphus longirostris 905.
Der Nautilus Pompilius (2) 915. 916 (3).
On the anat. of Pholadomya candida 925.

On the structure of the shell of Spondylus (3) 939.
Zur vergl. Anat. d. Blutkörp. d. Wirbelthiere 961.
Lectures on the comp. Anat. of the Vert. Anim. 961.
On the Archetype of the vert. Skeleton (5) 962.
On the vertebr. structure of the Skull 962.
On origins of nerves as a homol. charact. 962.
On the nature of limbs 962.

Odontografia 962.

Lect. on compar. Osteology 962.
Ueber die exogen. Forts. der Wirbel 962.
The principal forms of the skeleton 962.
Principes d'ostéologie comparée 962.
Ueber Structur der Zähne 962.

Ganoine of some Fishteeth, s. M'Coy, F. 980.
Teleology of the Skeleton of Fishes 981.

Sur la struct. des dents des Gymnodont. (2) 1016 s. Edwards, M., Nat. affin. of Lepidosiren 1el On a n. sp. of Lepidosiren (2) 1021.

Sur l'organisation du Lepidosiren 1021.
Sur la structure des dents des Squaloïdes 1043
On the struct. of the heart in the Perennibranch.106
Characters of a n. sp. of Axolotl 1078.

On the great Sea-Serpent 1083.

On the devel. of the carapace of the Chelonia 1100. Commun. between the tympanum and palate in the

Crocod. 1109.

On the anat. of a Crocodilus acutus 1110.
Article,,Aves" 1139.

On the anat. of Buceros cavatus 1182.

On the olfactory nerves in Vultur aura 1185.
On the anat. of Corythaix porphyreolopha 1193.
Ueber den Schädel des Dronte 1200.
Observations on the Dodo 1200.

On the anat. of Pelecanus rufescens 1230.
On the anat. of Phoenicopterus ruber 1233.
On the malform. of the beak of Psitt. erythac. 1239.
Anat. von Ramphastos ariel 1241.

On the anat. of the Sula Bassana 1250.

On the skeleton of Talegalla Lathami 1251.
Article,,Mammalia" 1266.

On the characters of the class Mammalia 1266.
On the classific. of the Mammalia 1685.

Sur les os appelés temporaux 1279.

On the homolog. of the dental syst. in Mamm. 1279. On the structure of teeth 1279.

Succession of recent and fossil Mammalia 1687. Sur quelques Mammif. de l'Amér. du Sud 1288. Article,,Monotremata" 1290.

On the generation of the Marsupials 1291.

On the structure of the brain in Marsupials 1291.
On Marsupiata 1291.

Classific. of the Marsupialia (2) 1291.
Article,,Marsupialia" 1291.

On the Osteology of the Marsupialia 1291.
On the ruminant Quadrupeds 1297.

Zool. Summary of the order Edentata 1298.

Sur les dents mol. des Carnivores 1299.

On the lachrym. sinus of the Ind. Antelope 1306.
On the anat. of the male Aurochs 1316.
On the birth of the Giraffe 1318.

On the anat. of the Nubian Giraffe 1318.
On the anat, of Capromys Fournieri 1324.
On the skeleton of Capr. Fournieri 1324.
On the anat, of the Beaver 1326.
On the anat. of Cercopith. albogularis 1328.
Notes on the anat. of Cercoleptes 1328.
On the stomach of Colobus ursinus 1334.
On the anat. of Dasyprocta acuschy 1336.
On the anat. of two sp. of Dasypus 1336.
On the anat. of Dasypus Peba 1337.
On the anat. of Dasypus sexcinetus 1337.
Dissect. of Dasyurus macrourus 1337.
On the anat. of Dendrolagus inustus 1339.
On the generation of Didelphis 1339.

On Meigs's mem. on the reprod, of the Opossum 1340.
On the mammary gland of Echidna 1341.
Observations on the living Echidna 1341.
On the placenta of the Elephant 1344.
Foetal membr. and placenta of the Elephant 1344.
On the anat. of the Cheetah 1351.

Disting. pecul. of the crania of the Lion a. Tiger1332.
On the anat. of the Dugong 1356.

On the transv. proc. of the two-toothed Dolphin 1300.
On the teeth of Hydrochoerus 1360.
On the anat. of Hyrax capensis 1361.

On the anat. of the Biscacha 1363.

Remarqu. sur Coste, oeuf du Kangourou 1367.


[ocr errors]

Membr. of the uterine foetus of the Kangaroo 1367.
On Coste's descript. of a foetal Kangaroo 1367.
On the female org. of gen. of Macropus major 1368.
On the gestat. and the foetus in Macr. major 1368.
On the exist. of an Allantois in a foetal Kang. 1368.
Sur le foetus d'un Kanguroo 1368.

On the anat. of Macropus Parryi 1368.
On the anat. of the great Anteater 1378.

On the mammary glands of the Ornithorhynch. 1381.
Quelques observ. au suj. de l'Ornithorhynque 1381.
On the ova of the Ornithorhynchus 1381.
On the young of the Ornithorhynchus (2) 1381.
Ueber die Fortpflanz. des Ornithorhynchus 1381.
On the os humero-capsulare of the Ornithorh. 1381.
Remarks on Verreaux,,sur l'Ornithorh.“ 1381.
On the molar teeth of the Wart-Hog 1384.
On the anat. of the Wart-Hog 1385.
On the dentition of Phascolarctos 1385.

On the existence of two sp. of Phascolomys 1385.
Compar. of the skulls of Wombats 1385.
On the anat. of Phascol. Wombat 1385.

On the anat. of Phoca vitulina (8) 1387.
On the anat. of a female Ryzaena 1394.

On the anat. of the Ind. Rhinoceros 1394.

On the saccul. stomach in Semnopithecus (3) 1396.
On the anthropoid Apes (2) 1397.

On a n. sp. of Chimpanzee 1397.

On the great Chimpanzee 1397.

Recherch. sur le Gorille 1397.

Sur l'ostéologie du Gorilla (2) 1397.

On the Gorilla 1398. 1692.

On the anat. of the Orang-Utang 1399.
Muskeln von Simia Satyrus 1399.

On a new Orang (S. Morio) 1399.

J Sur deux crânes d'Orang-Outang 1399.
Sur le crâne d'un Simia Wurmbii 1399.

Différ. entre le S. Morio et le S. Wurmbii 1399.
On the osteol. of the Chimpanzee and Orang 1400.
Dissect. of a female Orang-Utang 1400.
Osteol. Contrib. to the nat. hist. of the Orang 1401.
On the cranium of S. Wurmbii 1401.
Osteol. contr. to the nat. hist. of the Chimp. (2) 1401.
Notice of a n. sp. of seal (Stenorh. serridens) 1404.
On the anat. of the Tapir americ, 1406.
Account of a Thylacinus 1407.

On the rudim. marsup. bones in the Thylacinus 1407.
On the anat. of the Walrus 1408.

On the anat. of Ursus Thibetanus 1410.

Observ. on three Skulls of Naloo Africans 1437.
Palaeontology 1442.

Observ. on fossils coll. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1449.
Anat, of Terebratula, s. Davidson, Th. 1519.
A descr. of certain Belemnites with soft parts 1527.
N. sp. of an extinct Dibranch. Cephalopod. 1530.
Impressions on the Potsdam Sandstone (2) 1349.
Not. of an Ichthyolite from Sheppey 1554.
On the struct. of the teeth of some foss. Fish 1554.
On british fossil Reptiles (3) 1561.
Remains of foss. Reptiles in Greensand 1561.
Monogr. on the foss. Rept. of the London Clay 1561.
Monogr. on the foss. Rept. of the cretac. form. 1561.
- Monogr. on the foss. Chelon. of the Wealden 1561.
Monogr. on the foss. Reptilia of the Wealden 1561.
Monogr. on the foss. Reptilia Suppl. 1561.
On some Reptilia from the Purbecks (2) 1561.
Om some Reptilian remains from S. Africa 1561.
On the Batracholites 1562.

Batrachoid Fossil in Brit. Coal-shale 1562.
On British Eocene Serpents 1562.
Descr. de six esp. de Tortues foss. 1564.
Sur des Chéloniens fossiles 1564.

On a fossil Reptilian Skull, Baphetes 1564.
On the cranium of Brachiops laticeps (2) 1565.
Sur le Cetiosaurus 1565.

Notes on the Dendrerpeton Acadian. 1566.
On a n. g. of Pterodact. Dimorphodon 1566.
Foss. crania disc. in S. Africa, Dicynodon (2) 1566.
On the disloc. of the tail of many Ichthyosauri 1567.
Soft parts of the Ichthyosaurus 1567.

On the Ichthyosaurus 1567.
On the bones of the hindfoot of the Iguanodon 1568.
On the foss. vert. of a serpent, Laophis 1568.
On the teeth of sp. of Labyrinthodon 1568.
Descr. of five sp. of Labyrinthodon 1568.
Ueber die Zähne des Labyrinthodon 1568.
Ophidiolites from the London clay 1569.
Descr. of remains of a gig. land-lizard 1569.
Descr.of the skull of the Placodus laticeps 1570.1697.
Sur la nature Saur, du Placodus 1570.
Descr. of a specim. of the Plesiosaurus 1570.
Descr. of the Atlas in the Plesiosaurus 1570.
On a n. sp. of Pterodactyle 1571.

On the vertebr. charact. of the Pterosauria 1571.
On remains of n. sp. of Pterodactyle 1571.
Descr. of an extinct Lacert. Rept. Rhynchosaur.1572.
On the affinity of Rhynchosaurus 1572.
Mikrosk. Unters. der Saurocephalen 1572.
Descr. of the remains of a Bird from the Chalk 1574.
On the fossil bones of Birds from the Wealden1 574.
Bone of an unknown Bird from N. Zealand 1575.
Fragm. of the femur of a gig. Bird of N.Zealand 1575.
Sur le Dinornis 1575.

Ueber die Ueberbleibsel des Dinornis 1575.
On Dinoruis (6) 1575.

On Dinornis Novae Zealandiae 1575.

On the leg of Dinornis struthioides 1576.

On the affinities of the Gastornis parisiensis 1576.
Descr. du Lithornis vulturinus 1576.

Descr. of the Mamm. remains found at Kyson 1580.
On new foss. Mamm. from the Eocene 1580.
On some Mamm. remains from the Purbecks 1580.
Descr. of some Mamm. Foss. from the Red Crag 1580.
Sur la distrib. géogr. des Mamm. éteintes 1580.
Sur les Herbivores foss, de la Gr. Bret. 1580.
On R. Harlan's Notice of new foss. Mamm. 1580.
On the extinct Mammals of Australia (5) 1580.
Report on the Brit. foss. Mammalia 1580.

Die in Engl. gefund. Ueberreste e. Vierhänders1584.
Teeth and jaws of Anthracoth. quadrupeds 1584.
Foss. tympan. Bones of four sp. of Balaena 1585.
Descr. of a foss. cran. of the Bubalus mosch. 1586.
Megaceros hibern. and Castor in the Pleistoc. 1587.
Remains of Choeropotamus from the Eocene 1588.
Descr. of a mol. tooth of Dichobune 1589.
On Dichobune ovinum 1589.

Descr. of the lower jaw of Dichobune 1589.
On Dichodon cuspidatus 1589.

On the discov. of a Mastod. Pachyd. inAustr. (2)1590.
General geol. distrib. of the Mammoth 1592.
Descr. of a tooth etc. of the Glyptodon 1593.
Account of various portions of the Glyptodon 1593.
On the extinct foss. Viverrine Fox of Oeningen 1593.
Descr. de l'Hyaenodon 1594.

Descr. of teeth of Hyopot. vectianus a. bovinus 1595.
Descr. of a Mammal a. Bird from the Lond. Clay1595.
Descr. of a n. sp. of Hyracotherium 1595.
Descr. of the jaw of the foss. Macacus 1595.
Descr. of foss. mol. teeth of a Mastodon 1596.
On the Megatherium 1598 (4). 1698.

On a collect. of Austral. Foss. with descr. of the
lower jaw of the Nototherium 1599.
Ueber Mylodon und Glyptodon 1599.
Descr. du squelette du Mylodon robustus (2) 1599.
Reply to Wagner on the genus Mylodon 1599.
Descr. of some sp. of Nesodon 1599.

Sur quelques débris foss. de Palaeotherium 1600.
On the foss. remains of Mamm.gen. Palaeother.1600.
Sur le Phascolotherium 1600.

On the foss. skull of a Mammal Prorastomus 1601.
Descr. of a Mammal, Pliolophus 1601.

On the Scelidotherium leptocephalum 1602.
Skull of a large Marsup. Carnivore Thylacoleo 1603.
On the jaws of the Thylacotherium 1603.
On Stereognathus ooliticus 1603.

On the affinities of the Stereognathus 1603.
Observ. on the Thylacotherium 1604.

Descr. du crâne du Toxodon Platensis (2) 1604.
Descr. d'une mâchoire infér. de Toxodon 1604.

[blocks in formation]

Beitr. zur genaueren Kenntniss d. Mollusken 804. Ueb. d. Geschlechtssyst. ein. Zwitterschnecken 814. Beschr. e. neuen bei Berlin gefund. Paludina 922. Paccard,


Sur les habit. de quelqu. Lépidopt. noct. 578. Pacht, Raimund.

Dimerocrinites oligoptilus 1496. Pacini, Fil.

Mecanismo di microsc. destin. alle ric. anat. 16. Ricerche sulla tessitura della Retina (2) 962. Sopra l'organo elettr. del Siluro 984.

Sur la structure de l'org. électr. de la Torpille 984. Sulla struttura dell' org. elettr. del Gimnoto 1018. Pacinotti,

s. Cimento, Giornale di fisica. Pisa 75. Packard, T...

On the retreat of Swallows 1212.

Padley, Geo.

Eutozoa (2), s. Sandie, John Gray 367. Page, D...

On the Pterygotus 1505.

On the skeleton of a seal from the Pleistocene 1601. Pagenstecher, H... Alex.

Niedere Seethiere, s. Leuckart. Rud. 294. 1637.
Trematoden, s. Hök, C. Th. 371.
Trematodenlarven und Trematodeń 372.
Erziehung des Distoma echinatum 384. 1643.

Beitr. z. Kenntn, d. Geschlechtsorg. d. Taenien 403.
Beitr. zur Anatomie der Milben 461. 1647.

Anatomie von Ixodes Ricinus 1647.

Ueber die Gattung Phytoptus 1648.
Ueber Scorpio europaeus 1648.

Anatomie des Trombidium holoser. 1648.
Ueber Perlenbildung 849. 1665.
Ueber Argonauta Argo 1666.

Chorioidealmuskel im Auge der Vögel 1677.
Begattung des Vesperugo pipistrellus 1693.

Bau einiger fossilen Schwämme 1695. -s. Capellini 1695.

Paget, John.

Verslag over de uitkomst. in de studie der anat. 228. Descript. of a n. Helix from Montpellier 898.

Paine, Thom.

Notes on the Hairy-armed Bat 1411.

Paiva, Bar. do Castello de.

Two Coleopter. from Cambogia 1660.

Palacky, F...

s. Monatsschrift der Gesellsch. d. vaterl. Mus. Prag. Jahrbücher d. Böhm. Museums 45. Palacky, Joh.

Die Verbreit. der Amphibien auf der Erde 1054. Uebers. der geogr. Verbr. der Säugethiere 1288. Palaeontographica. Dunker u. Meyer 1442.


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Des Géans de Visos 1421. Palazzotto, Bald.

Lettera int. a un Uccello, Corvus graculus 1193. Palier, J... C...

Over twee Benderen in den Bemmeler-waard gevond. 1592.

Pallas, Peter Simon, n. 1741, † 1811.

Bemerkgn. zu Linnés Syst. natur., s. Hagen 486.

s. Neue Nordische Beiträge. Leipzig 43.
Путешествіе по разнымъ Росс. 190.
Phys. topogr. Gemälde von Taurien 1626.
Mélanges zoologiques 261.

Marina varia nova et rariora 261.
Bemerk. über die Bandwürmer 370.
Einige Erinner, die Bandwürmer betr. 370.
Beitr. z. Naturg. der Skorpionspinne 470.
Ueber die Kolumbachischen Mücken 569.

On the habits of the Purple Emperor moth 598.
Phalaenarum biga 623.

Descr. Tubulariae fungosae 836.
Piscium novae species 971.

Zur Naturgeschichte des Sterlet 998.
Labraces, nov. Piscium gen. 1020.
Descr. Sciaenae jaculatricis 1041.
Lacerta apoda descripta 1101.

Descr. Quadrupedum et Avium 1164.

Beobacht. über die Zugvögel in Astrachan 1164. Die mongolische Lerche 1173.

[blocks in formation]

Tetrao arenaria 1253.

Descr. de l'Antilope grimme 1307.
Abänderungen des Bobak 1308.

Ueber die Wander. d. grossen Wassermäuse 130
Descr. du Buffle à queue de cheval (2) 1314.
Naturgesch. des Korssaks 1320.

Capra caucasica 1324.

Didelphis brachyura deser. 1339.

Sur l'Asne dans son état sauvage (2) 1345.
Equus Hemionus Dshikketaei (2) 1349.
Erinaceus auritus 1349.

Felis Manul n. sp. 1353.
Galeopithecus volans 1355.

Ueber ein Paar amerik. Sagoinchen 1357.
Descr. Leporis pusilli 1365.

Observ. circa Myrmecoph. africanam 1382.
De cranio Rhinoc, afric. 1393.
Sorices aliquot illustrati 1402.

Von dem Ursprunge der Amerikaner 1432.
Vou der Entdeck. d. Seethiers der Belemniten 1328.

De dentibus molar. foss. ignoti anim. 1580.

Ber. v. Gebein. grosser Thiere im Kasanseben 1580. De reliquiis animal. exotic. per Asiam bor. rep. 1581. De ossibus Sibiriae fossilibus 1602. Pallegoix,

Descr. du royaume Thai, ou Siam 190. Palliardi, Anton Alois.

Syst. Uebers. der Vögel Böhmens 1161. Palmer, Joh. Fyshe.

De vermibus intestinorum 367.

Palmroot, Joh.

Hierozoicon, s. Steuchius, Joh. 267. Palmstedt, Carl, n. 1785.

Ueber den lebenden Zitteraal 1018.

Palmstruch, J... W...

s. Svensk Zoologi. 280.

s. Quensel, C., Elefantens Naturalbister. 1344. Panceri, Paolo, n. 1833.

Nouv. genre de Crustac., Gyge branchialis, s. Carnalia, Emil. 439. 1646.

Dell' Ectocotile 859.

Differ. anat. tra l'Helix pomatia e fucorum 899. Pancoast, J...

Visceral anat. of Python retic.,s. Hopkinson109 Pander, Alex.

De dentium structura 1279.

Pander, Christ. Heinr., n. 1798.

s. Beiträge z. Naturk. d. Ostseeprov. Dorpat Hist. metamorph, ovi incubati 1139.

Ueber die Entwickelung des Kücbels 1139. Brief über das Megatherium 1598. Panescorse, Ferd.

Prodr. d'hist. nat. du départ. du Var. 190. Panizza, Bartol.

Osserv. antropo-zoot.-fisiol. 228.

Sulla Lampreda marina (3) 1031.

Ueber die Lymphherzen der Amphibien 1057.
Rech. sur le syst. lymph. des Reptiles 1057.
Annot. zoot.-fisiol. sopra i Rettili 1057.

s. Rusconi, M., Sistema linfat. d. Rettili 1958.
Untersuch. üb. d. Lymphherzen einig. Rept. 1064.
Sulla respirazione delle rane 1073.

Sul sistema linf. dei rettili 1077.

Structur des Herzens des Crocodilus lucius 1110.
Sopra i canali deferenti e le vesc. semin. 1279.
Panoff, D...

s. Schödler, Fr., Buch der Natur 1623.
Pannewitz, von.

Ueber Sphinx pinastri 627.

Panum, P... L...

Entstehung von Missbild. in d. Eiern d. Vögel 1677.
Panzer, Georg Wolfgang Franz, u. 1755, † 1829.
Beschr. seltner Insekten 493.

Beschr. eines Kapuzkäfers 720.
Paoli, D...

Saggio stor. crit. int. al calore animale 228.
Papel periodico de Santa Fe 109.

Papers, the literary, of Edw. Forbes 2.

and proceed. Roy. Soc. of V. Diemen's Land 109.
read before the R. S. conc. the Fresh-water-
Polypus 338.

Papon, J...

Ueber eine bei Chur beobacht. Desoria 637.
Pappe, L...

Syn.of the edible Fishes at the Cape of good hope 994.
Pappenheim, S...

Stemmata d. Gliederth., s. Dujardin, Fél.,(2) 410.
Sur le coeur des Araignées 464.

Sur les poumons des Araignées 464.
Sur l'orgauis, des Gastéropodes 852.

Rendre sensible les fibres nerv. des Gastérop. 852.
Sur les organes sexuels du Colimaçon 896.
Organ. d. I. gén. anim. vertébr., s. Vogt 965. 1669.
Corps strié chez les Oiseaux, s. Bryant 1132.
Ueb. d. Muskelfas. d. Mesometr. d. Säugeth. 1280.
Sur l'anatomie du Sarigue femelle 1340.

s. Compte rend. trav. Académ. d. Sc. Lyon 88.
Paravay, Ed...

s. Sociét. Havraise Résum. de la 9. et 10. anné 86.
Esp. de Rhinoc. mentionu. dans 1. livr. chinois 1392.
Parchappe, Max.

Structure du coeur de l'Esturgeon 998.
Structure du coeur de la raie 1035.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

On the Miliolitidae of the E. Ind. Seas 312.
Osteology of Balacniceps rex 1680.

On the nomenclature of Foraminifera 1487. 1695.
Parkinson, James C...

Organic remains fr. the former world, s. Mantell,
Gid. Algern., Atlas of fossil remains 1441.
Two new Argonauts 868.

Observ. on the Hippurites from Sicily 1533.
On the fossils coll. near Dover 1534.
Parkinson, John.

Descr. of Phasma dilatatum 645.
Parkinson, Sydney.

A journal of a voyage to the South Seas 191.
Parlatore, Filippo.

Elegio di Filippo Barker-Webb 23.

Sullo spirito delle scienze naturali 150.
Viaggio alla catena del Monte Bianco 191.

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Notice of the capture of Orthagoriscus mola 1028.
Parley, Peter.

Tales about animals 261.

Illustrations of the animal kingdom 261.
Parmentier, Ant. Augustin, n. 1737, † 1813.
Naturhist. Bemerk. über das Perlhulin 1224.
Parnell, Rich.

Contrib. to Brit. Ichthyology 994.

Contrib. to the lehthyol. of the Frith of Forth 994.
Observ. on some n. sp. of British Fishes 994.
Fishes of the district of the Frith of Forth 994.
Three u. sp. of British Fishes 994.

A new sp. of British bream 994.

Clupea alba and Raniceps trifure, in the Frith of
Forth 1007.

Observ. on the Coregoni of Loch Lomond 1009.
A new british sp. of Coregonus 1009.
Monochirus minutus n. sp. 1025.

On a n. sp. of British Fish 1025.

Trigla lucerna sur les côtes de la Gr. Bret. 1050.
Parreyss, Ludw.

Im Erzhrzgth. Oesterr. aufgefund. Conchylien 829.
Schnecken im Erzhrzgth. Oesterr. s. Strobel, 833.


Sur les ossemens foss. du lac de Burtneck 1549.
Parry, J... Fredric S...

On some n. and rare Coleoptera 696.
Descr. of some n. sp. of Coleoptera 696.

A Decade of n. sp. of Coleoptera 708.
Descr. of the male of Cheirotonus Mac Leaii 732.
Descr. of a n. g. of Lucanidae from N. Zealand 769.
Parsons, Geo.

Discov. of Müller in the org. of Vision of Ins. 412.
Parsons, Jam., n. 1705, + 1770.

A letter concern. the format, of corals 324.
On certain Shell-fish in a large stone 875.
An account of the Pholas conoides 926.
Some account of the Rana piscatrix 1023.
Observ. on animals called Amphibia 1054.
An account of a sp. of Chamaeleon 1096.
Structure of the asperae arteriae of Birds 1139.
Quadruped brought from Bengal 1308.
Animal sent from the E.-Ind. 1351.
Account of a very small Monkey 1356.
Some account of the Phoca 1386.
Diss. upon the class of the Phocae 1386.
On the double horns of the Rhinoceros 1393.
The nat. hist. of the Rhinoceros 1394.
Some fossil fruits found in Sheppey 1470.
Remarks upon a petrified Echinus 1497.
Partiot, L...

Mém. sur les Cyclostomes 881.
Partsch, Paul, n. 1791, † 1856.

s. Hörnes, Mor, Fossil. Mollusk. v. Wien 1514.
Ueber ein urweltl. Geschl. zweischal. Conch. 1530.
Parzudaki, Charles.

Descr. d'une nouv. esp. du g. Jodopleurus 1214.
Descr. d'une nouv. esp. d'Oiseau-Mouche 1226.
Ornismya Isaacsonii n. sp. 1226.
Pipra Candei n. sp. 1235.
Parzudaki, Émile.

Catal. des Oiseaux d'Europe 1164.


[blocks in formation]

Eloge of Baron Geo. Cuvier 25.

Extr. de plusieurs lettres sur le Goéland 1216.
Passac, Philib. Jér. Gaucher de.

Notice sur Pierre Belon 23.
Passerini, Carlo, n. 1793, † 1857.
Zoologische Abhandlungen 261.

Mem. sopra gl' Insetti nocivi alle piante 494.
Vantaggi l'Agric. ricav. dallo studio dell' Entom.494.
Sopra due sp. d'Insetti nocivi agli alberi 553.
Sur le cri du Sphinx tête de mort 594.
Istoria dei bruci della Lithosia caniola 615.
Sull' abitud. della Scolia flavifrons, s. Bassi 686.
Notizie rel. ad insetti coleott. dannosi 696.
Sopra due lusetti nocivi 749.

Notizie rel. a tre sp. d'insetti nocivi all' olivo 777.
Passerini, Fr...

Cenni mineral. e zool. sopra i bagui d'Acqui 191.
Paessler, Carl Wilh. Gfried., n. 1809.

s. Baedeker, Eier d. Europäisch. Vögel 1129.
Ueber Abweich. einiger Vögel 1130.
Zur Charakteristik der Eier 1130.
Oologische Beobachtungen 1130.

Beobachtungen über einige inländische Vögel 1164.
Die Brutvögel Anhalts 1164.
Ornithologisches aus Anhalt 1679.

s. Schrader. Leop., Vögel Lapplands 1166.
Die Eier der Alea impennis 1680.
Species-Dignität des Anthus cervinus 1680.
Ueber den Natteradler 1178.

Gegen Kunz über Aq. brachyd. 1178.

Verschied. Färb. d. Eier des Lanius collurio 1215.

Bemerk. Färbung der Raubvögel-Eier 1242.

Passy, Aut.

Ovula Gisortiana n. sp. foss. 1697.
Pasteur, L...

Expér. rel. aux générat. spontan. 1622.
Pastré, Thom.

Sur la cause de l'engourdiss. périod. 1280.
-De la cause de l'hybernation 1280.
Pasumot, Franc., n. 1733, † 1804.

Ossemens des carrières de Montmartre 1549.
Patellani, Luigi.

Cenni di storia naturale ed Igiene 150.
Osserv. zoot.-fisiol. sul Baco da seta 602.
Il buco dell' orso sul lago di Como 1549.

Ueber die Verwüst. der Teredo navalis 943.
Patrick, J... Shadden.

On the foss. veget.of the Sandstone of Ayrshire1470.
Patterson, Geo. M...

Phrenol. Beschr. eines Birma-Schädels 1428.
Patterson, Henry S...

The character and labours of Linnaeus 29.
s. Nott, Jos. C., Types of Mankind 1417.
Patterson, Pottin.

Voyag. d. l'Afriq. occident., s. Report ethnol. 1437.
Patterson, Robert.

On the study of natural history 150.
Introduction to zoology 261.

First steps to zoology 261. 1632.

On Medusae 327.

On Bolina hibernica 334.

On a sp. of Beroe found on the coast of Ireland 334.
Descr. of Cydippe pomiformis 336.

On the appearance of clouds of Diptera 544.
Note resp. the larva of Blaps mortisaga 719.
On the common Limpet 923.

s. Thompson, W., Fishes of Ulster 997,
Occurrence of the Hyperoodon Butzkopf 1690.

On the foss. org. remains in the coal at Wardie 1458.

Patterson, Will.

An account of a n. electr. Fish 1024.

Patti, Mariano Zuccarello.

Metodo per form. gli occhi artific, di cristallo 12.
Su vari metodi di preservaz, degli uccelli 12. 1676.
Illustraz. entomol. Siciliane 518.

Sopra due nuovi Insetti Siciliani 721.
Descr. di un nuovo Coleoptero 769.

Osserv, ornitol. sopra molti Uccelli Siciliani 1164.
Su la grande Ottarda etc. 1227.

Osserv. su di un vago Uccellino Siciliano 1250.
Pattison, S... R...

Chapters on fossil botany 1470.


s. Mém. Sociét. roy. des sciences. Turin 76.
Paul, II... B...

s. Humboldt, Cosmos 135.
Paullini, Chstn. Franz.

De arauea rara 464.

De A et 0 in alis papilionis 578.
Coenarum Helena 1001.

Bufo juxta meth. acad. descr. 1066.
De singulari monstro marino 1295.
Synopsis Cynographiae curiosae 1321.
Cynographia curiosa 1321.
Lycographia 1323.

De Asino liber 1345.
Talpa 1406.

De Talpa rubicunda 1406.
Paulsen, Chr...

s. Handbuch d. Ornithologie 1119.
Paulsen, Frdr.

Observ. microchem. cirea nonnullas anim, telas 228.
Paulsen, J... H...

s. Holböll, Ornith. Beitr. z. Fauna Gröal. 1157.
Paulsen, Sv.

Anat. Beskriv. over Delph. Phocaena 1388.
Paulsson, G. Nic.

s. Fallén, C. F., Syrphici Sueciae 570.
Paura, Raf.

Correnti elettro-chim, in animali viventi 228.
Pavie, Théod.

Mém. sur le Parsis 1427.

Pavy, Fréder. Will.

Sur la destruct. du sucre dans l'écon. auim. 228.
Payen, Anselme, u. 1795.

Sur la question des générations spoutanées 228.
Sur des animaux qui color. les marais salans 295.
Note sur les Crustacés branchiopodes 426.
Sur les Crustacés colorés en rouge 430.
Sur les causes de la color. en rouge d. marais 420.
Propriétés distinct. entre les membr. végét. et les
envelopp. des Insectes 507.

s. Loewig, Substance tern. dans 1. Tuniciers 840.
Sur la gélose et les nids de la salangane 1681.
Sur la compos. des yeux de momies péruv. 1432.

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Sur les travaux de M. Payer 2.

Sur la Nosographie des Pigeons 1190.
Paykull, Gust.

Om Djur-kännedomens historia 1610.
Beskrifn. öfver nya Svenska Insecter (2) 518.
Beskriv. over 5 Arter nye Nat-Sommerfugle 597.
Förvandl. af Noctua Parthenias 603.
Beskr. öfver ett nytt Svenskt Nattfly 618.
Öfver ett nytt Natifly Tinea Grandaevella 629.
Ett nytt Nattfly, Phalaena Tinea betulinella 629.
Anmerka. vid genus Coccinella 737.

Fyra nya Insecter af slägtet Hister 756.

N. g. och sp. bland foglerna, Dromas ardeola 1201.
Beskrifa. på en ny Fogel, Gracula nigricol. 1210.
Lanius crassirostris 1215.

Payne, C... W...

Ceylon, its products, etc. 191.
Payne, J... H...

Bee-keeping for the many 665.

Neue Arten von Conchiferen aus Corsica 829.

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