212 FENCING Familiarized; or, A New Treatise on the Art of Small Sword, by J. Oiver, with text in French and English. 14 large folding plates, 8vc, half bound. 78 6d 1856 213 FITZHERBERT (Mrs.) Memoirs of, with an Account of her Marriage with H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, afterwards King George IV., by the Hon. Chas. Langdale. Port., 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 10s 214 FISTIANA, or The Oracle of the King, comprising a Defence of British Boxing, a brief History of Pugilism, Practical Instructions for Training, with a Chronology of Prize Battles from 1780 to 1840, Scientific Hints on Sparring, etc., by the Editor of "Bell's Life," plates. 12mo, cloth, VERY SCARCE. 215 GAY (John) Fables. Numerous vignette illustrations, by Kent, Wootton, etc. Vol. 1, Tonson, 1746, and vol. 2, with fine plates by Gravelot. Knapton, 1747. 2 vols, 8vo, old calf binding. 12s 216 GAY (John) Fables. In ITALIAN and ENGLISH, translation by G. F. Giorgetti. 8vo, half bound. 3s 6d 158 1841 1773 217 GAY (John) Plays, with an Account of the Author. Portrait, sm. 8vo, calf gilt. 4s 6d Tonson, 1760 218 GAY's Chair: Poems never before printed, written by John Gay, Author of the "Beggar's Opera," with a Sketch of his Life from the MSS. of the Rev. J. Baller, edited by Henry Lee, to which are added two new tales, the "World" and "Gossip," by the editor. Plate of the chair, 12mo, calf neat. 7s 6d 219 GESTA Rhomanorum cum Applicationibus Moralisatis ac Misticis. Sm. folio, gothic letter, panel calf, red edges, VERY RARE. 41 108 1820 1493 Les Gesta Romanorum sont un recueil d'historiettes ou de contes empruntés a la Littérature Sacrée, aux traditions Orientales et aux fables accréditées en Europe au Moyen Age. On a longtemps ignoré le nom de l'auteur, de cette compilation, mais un passage du 18e dialogue du livre intitulé " 'Dialogus Creaturum nous le révele par ces mots, Elimandus in Gestis Romanorum.- Vide BRUNET. 1824 220 GESTA ROMANORUM, or Entertaining Moral Stories, invented by the Monks as a Fireside Recreation, and commonly applied in their Discourses from the Pulpit, translated from the Latin, with Observations and Notes, by the Rev. Charles Swan. 2 vols, post 8vo, half bound, gilt tops. 18s 221 GODWIN (William) Inquiry concerning Political Justice. FIRST EDITION, 2 vols, 4to, half bound, uncut edges. 10s 1793 221a GODWIN (William) Thoughts on Man, his Nature, Production, and Discoveries. 8vo, clean in boards, uncut. 7s 6d 1831 222 GOLDSMITH (Oliver) The Vicar of Wakefield, 32 exquisite illustrations by William Mulready, P.A. Sq. 8vo, whole bound, brown morocco neat, panel backs, gilt edges. 30s Van Voorst, 1855 223 GOLDSMITH (Oliver) Poetical Works, illustrated by wood engravings from the designs of C. W. Cope. T. Creswick, J. Č. Horsley, R. Redgrave, and Frederick Tayler, MEMBERS OF THE ETCHING CLUB, with a Biographical Memoir, and Notes on the Poems, edited by Bolton Corney. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, cloth. 15s 1846 224 GOLDSMITH (Oliver) Essays. FIRST EDITION, engraved title by Isaac Taylor, 12mo, calf binding, gilt coronet on back, red edges. 10s Printed for W. Griffin, 1765 225 GRAVELOT's PLATES.-Corneille (Pierre) Theatre, avec des Commentaires, etc. (par Voltaire) illustrated with numerous beautiful plates by GRAVELOT, 10 vols, 8vo, French calf. 21 2s 1776 226 GREVILLE Memoirs (The) A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV., and King William IV., by the late Charles C. F. Greville, edited by Henry Reeve. 3 vols, 8vo, neatly bound, half blue calf, gilt tops. 11. 10s 1874 First edition, containing many passages which in subsequent editions were suppressed or modified. 227 GREVILLE Memoirs, The same. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols, cloth. 11. 2s. 6d 1874 228 GRISET's CUTS.-The Purgatory of Peter the Cruel, with 36 humorous coloured illustrations by Ernest Griset. 4to, cloth, 78 6d 1868 229 HALLIWELL (J. O.) Historical Account of the New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, the last Residence of Shakespeare, handsomely printed on fine thick paper, with numerous illustrations, SEALS, TOKENS, FACSIMILES, &c. Folio, cloth, uncut. 25s *** Only a small number printed. 1864 230 HAMERTON's (Philip Gilbert) Etchers and Etching, the rare first edition, beautifully printed on ribbed paper, with exquisite etchings, in the elegant half blue morocco binding as issued. Roy. 8vo. 10l. 10s 1868 1876 231 HAMERTON's (Philip Gilbert) Etchers and Etching, beautifully printed on ribbed paper, with 12 exquisite etchings. NEW EDITION. Roy. 8vo, cloth, extra gilt, gilt top. 21. 2s 232 HAMERTON's the Sylvan Year, 20 etchings by the author and other artists, FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top. 15s 1876 233 HAMERTON's Life of J. M. W. Turner, 9 etchings by A. Brunet Debaines. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 88 6d 1879 234 HAMERTON's Isles of Loch Awe, and other Poems, illustrations. 12mo, cloth. 5s 1859 235 HAMERTON's Twenty Examples of Modern Etching, by Seymour Haden, Palmer, Flameng, Heseltine, Lucas, and other artists, with Notes by P. G. Hamerton. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. 11. 5s out of print 1875 236 HAMILTON (Lady) Memoirs, with Illustrative Anec- dotes of many of her most particular Friends and distinguished Contemporaries, fine portrait after Romney, post 8vo, half red calf 237 HAMILTON.-Nelson (Lord) Letters to Lady Hamilton with a Supplement of interesting Letters by distinguished charac- ters. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf neat. 12s 1814 238 239 HANNAY (James) Satire and Satirists, Six Lectures. 1854 240 HARE (Augustus J.) Walks in London, 2 vols; Walks 1875-78 241 HARE's Memorials of a Quiet Life, WITH THE SCARCE 1876 242 HAWTHORNE (Nathaniel) Our Old Home, FIRST EDI- TION. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d 243 HAZLITT (W.) Lectures on the English Poets, delivered at the Surrey Institution. 8vo, boards, UNCUT EDGES. 7s 6d 244 HELPS (Sir Arthur) Friends in Council, first edition. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 15s 245 HELPS' The Conquerors of the New World, first edition. 246 HELPS' Oulita, the Serf, a Tragedy, first edition. 12mo, 247 HINDERWELL (Thomas) History and Antiquities of Scarborough and the Vicinity, map and plates. Roy. 8vo, calf. 248 HOGARTH'S Works, from the Original Plates, Restored A genuine early copy. The impressions bear a most marked differ- 249 HONE's, Fairbairn's other Tracts profusely illustrated, 1820-21 Contents.-Royal Rumping-Non Mi Ricordo-Royal Fowls-A Groan 250 HONE (W.) Ancient Mysteries described, especially the English Miracle Plays, including Ecclesiastical Shows, Festivals of Fools and Asses, Guildhall Giants, &c., numerous engravings, first edition. 8vo, boards, uncut. 78 6d W. Hone, 1823 251 HONE (William) Three Trials for publishing Three Parodies, viz; John Wilkes' Catechism; The Political Litany; and the Sinecurist's Creed. 8vo, boards, uncut. 2s 6d 252 HOOD (Thomas) Up the Rhine, FIRST EDITION with most Post 8vo, half green morocco neat, panel humorous illustrations. 58 1818 1813 1833 back, gilt top. 21s Baily, 1840 253 HORACE in London, consisting of Imitations of The First Two Books of The Odes of Horace, by James and Horace Smith. 12mo, original boards. uncut. 254 HORNE (R. H. Author of Orion) Exposition of the False Medium and Barriers excluding Men of Genius from the Public, portrait. Post 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 255 HOUARD (M.) Traités sur les Coutumes Anglo-Normandes qui ont été publiés en Angleterre depuis IXme jusqu'a XIVme Siècle. 4 vols, 4to, French calf. 11. 1s 256 HOWITT (William) Visits to Remarkable Halls, Battle Fields, &c., numerous illustrations. uncut. 11. 18s Paris, 1776 Places, Old 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 1840-42 257 HOWITT (W.) Rural Life of England, woodcuts by Bewick and S. Williams. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. 15s 1862 258 HOWITT (William) The Northern Heights of London, or Historical Associations of Hampstead, Highgate, Muswell Hill, Hornsey and Islington, woodcut illustrations, thick 8vo, cloth, scarce. 20s 1869 259 HOWITT (W.) History of the Supernatural in all Ages and Countries. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, uncut, out of print. 158 1863 260 HOWITT (W.) Colonization and Christianity, a History of the Treatment of Natives by the Europeans. Post 8vo, cloth. 58. 1838 261 HUGHES (Thomas) The Scouring of the White Horse, or the Long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk, amusing illustrations by Richard Doyle, first edition. Sq. 8vo, original gilt cloth cover. 7s 6d 1859 1830 262 HUISH (Robt.) Private and Public Life of George IVth, plates. 2 vols, 8vo, calf (loose in cover). 15s 263 HUME and SMOLLETT's History of England, with the fine series of PORTRAITS of the Kings by Worthington. 13 vols, 8vo, beautifully bound in smooth yellow calf extra, gilt backs and sides, marbled edges. 5l. 10s Oxford Classics, 1836 264 HUISH's Memoirs of Queen Caroline, interspersed with Original Letters and other Documents hitherto unpublished, 2 vols; also The TRIAL of Queen CarOLIÑE, on charges of Adulterous Intercourse, the whole Illustrated by Explanatory Notes, and embellished with numerous portraits, plates, &c. 4 vols, 8vo. 1l. 1s. 1821 265 HUNT (LEIGH) WORKS, Comprising: Jar of Honey, Italian Poets, Men, Women, and Books, Old Court Suburb, Wit and Humour, Imagination and Fancy, Book for a Corner and Correspondence, together 12 vols. Post 8vo, uniformly half bound blue morocco extra, panel backs, gilt tops, a handsome set. 6l. 16s 6d 1846-62 266 HUNT (Leigh) Amyntas, a Tale of the Woods, from the Italian of Torquato Tasso, FIRST EDITION. 12mo, boards, UNCI T. 108 1820 267 HUNT (Leigh) Bacchus in Tuscany, a Dithyrambic Poem, from the Italian of Francesco Redi, with Notes, original and select, FIRST EDITION. 12mo, boards, Uncut. 15s Printed for John and H. L. Hunt, 1825 268 HUNT (Leigh) Classic Tales, serious and lively, with Critical Essays on the Merits and Reputation of the Authors, BY LEIGH HUNT, beautiful engravings after David Wilkie, Robert Hunt, R. Westall, and others. 5 vols, 12mo, calf. 11. 1s. 1806-7 269 HUNT (Leigh) Critical Essays on the Performers of the London Theatres, including General Observations on the Practice and Genius of the Stage, engraved title, FIRST EDITION. 12mo, boards, uncut edges, SCARCE. Printed by John Hunt, 1807 270 HUNT (Leigh) Feast of the Poets, with Notes and other Pieces in Verse, FIRST EDITION. 12mo, boards, UNcut. 15s 108 James Cawthorn, 1814 271 HUNT (Leigh) Jar of Honey, illustrated by Richard Doyle, FIRST EDITION. 8vo, blue morocco extra, gilt edges. 11. 1s 1848 272 HUNT (Leigh) Jar of Honey, Another copy, in original illuminated cover. 178 6d 1848 1834 273 HUNT (Leigh) London Journal, numerous plates, some proofs by Nash and Blore inserted. Folio, cloth. 178 6d 274 HUNT (Leigh) Poetical Works. 8vo, half calf. 8s. 6d. E. Moxon, 1832 275 HUNT (Leigh) The Liberal, Verse and Prose from the South. 2 vols, 8vo, boards, UNCUT, scarce in this state. 11. 1s J. Hunt, 1822 276 HUNT (Leigh) The Liberal. 2 vols in one, half calf 1822 neat. 128 6d 277 HUNT (Leigh) The Months, descriptive of the Successive Beauties of the Year, first edition. 12mo, boards, uncut. 108 C. and J. Ollier, 1821 278 HUNT (Leigh) Readings for Railways, or Anecdotes and other Short Stories, first edition. 12mo, boards. 5s 1849 |