Bangkok Review, Volume 2,Edizione 8Bangkok Review, 1935 |
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Pagina 19
... airplane is here now . Abyssinia owns eight air- planes , not particularly modern . In proportion to her size ... airplanes will appear in the clouds . Every nation involved will lose , no matter which nation or group of nations ...
... airplane is here now . Abyssinia owns eight air- planes , not particularly modern . In proportion to her size ... airplanes will appear in the clouds . Every nation involved will lose , no matter which nation or group of nations ...
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Abyssinian Addis Ababa Adigrat Adowa Africa Akhenaten angina pectoris Ankhesenamen army Bangkok Bangkok Review beautiful Berbera boat bomb bombardment boy's British buns capital caught cave Chattu-LU-isch Constantine cripples dangerous daughters disease Djibouti doctors Egypt Emperor England Eritrea Ethiopia film flying foreign French Somaliland Fritz Mandel front frontier germ German girls Government heart Hittite Hollywood Horemheb human husband INCIDENTS AND EVENTS Italian advance Italy Japan Japanese Joana Kiesley kilometres per hour KING TUT'S WIDOW League of Nations learned Livia Lona London long thoughts Longfellow look machine gun Makale Manea married ment million mother mountain Mussolini never October Pharaoh planes plural poet Premier Queen radio railway sent sheep ships Shub Sir Humphrey song speed Stuart Chase Sugag surgeon Swatow tablet thing thoughts of youth tion troops Tutankhamen's union vampire vessels wife wind's wolves women young youth are long