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night1 I was cried by the crier in Ottery, and in two villages near it, with a reward offered for me. No one went to bed; indeed I believe half the 2 town were up all the night.

To return to myself.3 About five in the morning, or a little after, I was broad awake, and attempted to get up and walk; but I could not move. I saw the shepherds and workmen at a5 distance, and cried, but so faintly, that it was impossible to hear me thirty yards off. And there I might have lain and died; for I was now almost given over, the ponds and even the river having been dragged. But, providentially,10 Sir Stafford Northcote, who had been out1l all night, resolved to make one other trial, and came so near that he heard me crying.1 He carried me in his arms for nearly a quarter of a mile, when we met my father and Sir Stafford Northcote's servants. I remember, and never shall forget, my father's face as 13 he looked upon me while I lay in the servant's 14 arms-so calm, and the tears stealing down his face; 15 for I was the child of his old age. My mother, as you may suppose, was outrageous with 16 joy.


Meantime in rushed

a young lady, crying out,17 "I hope you'll whip him,18 Mrs. Coleridge." This woman still lives at Ottery; and neither philosophy nor religion has been able to conquer the antipathy which I feel towards her, whenever I see her.

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was put to bed,1 and recovered in a day or so.2 But I was certainly injured, for I was weakly and subject to ague for many years after.-S. T. COLERIDGE, Biographia Literaria.



One of the most popular of Samoan amusements is pigeon catching. There are places in the wood' expressly prepared for and devoted to the sport from time immemorial, called Tia. Great preparations are made for the expedition, which may 10 remain on the hills for a month or more. Pigs, yams, 11 taro, and breadfruit are cooked in abundance; and nearly all the people of the village accompany their chiefs. 15 Arrived at the Ita (Tia), the bush is cleared off,13 huts run up, and stones placed to form the circle 14 round which the chiefs sit in ambush, under green boughs cut fresh every day from the trees. By his side 15


1 Put to bed, zu Bette gebracht. 2 In-so, translate ungefähr nach einem Tage.

8 I-injured, transl. es hatte mir jedenfalls geschadet.

4 Subject to ague, dem kalten Fieber unterworfen; for, here während, and after, darauf.

5 Form in German the compound expression pigeons-chase. Samoa is one of the Navigator islands.

6 Most popular — amusements, beliebtesten Bergnügungen auf Samoa; pigeon catching, Laubenfang.

7 Arrange in German, 'In the wood there are places, called Tia.' Expressly-for, die eigens dazu eingerichtet find. Place to the sport devoted after immemorial.

For, here ju. The following noun may be retained in German.

10 The notion of possibility may here be expressed in German by wohl, and or more rendered by auch länger.

11 Yams, Yamswurzeln. These plants, which belong to the genus Dioscorea, form, when prepared, a nutritious food. The same is the case with the plant taro, which is of the genus Arum, and called in German der schildförmige Aron, or simply Taro. The expression breadfruit may be translated literally.

12 Chief (of savages), Häuptling. 13 The off, wird das Buschholz weggeschafft; to run up (huts), auf schlagen.

14 Turn and circle by 'and stones placed in a circle.' 15 By his side, neben sich, to be placed after pigeon.


each chief has his tame pigeon, perching on a stick about three feet long, and with some fifty yards of string attached to its legs; 2 and before him lies a bamboo, thirty or forty feet in length, to the small end of which is fastened a net bag.5 When all is ready, and after a drink of ava all round, the tame pigeons are thrown up to fly together, while the chiefs hold the strings in their hands, and with a gentle jerk make them wheel round and round the circle very prettily. The wild pigeons are attracted, and fancying they are hovering over food flock in amongst them. One chief after another then raises his net to entangle the wild birds, and the man who 10 catches the greatest number is the winner. To him11 all the others of the company give whatever was agreed 12 before the game began generally a quantity of food, or so many roots of ava;13 all which is again by him divided amongst his companions, and indiscriminate feasting 14 fellows.-W. T. PRITCHARD, Polynesian Reminiscences.


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Ruc; make—circle, lassen sie...herum freisen.

8 Attracted, say angelockt: fancying=since they believe (that) 9 Food (of animals), Futter; flock in, so mischen sie sich.

10 Translate the man who simply by wer, and winner by Sieger.

11 Place to him after give. 12 To agree, here bestimmen; before the...began, vor Anfang des.

13 Turn so ava by 'so and so many ava-roots,' and all-divided by which he all again...divides.'

14 Indiscriminate feasting, eine allgemeine Schmauserei.



A lady 1 looked out of a bow-window, where some fowls 2 and joints of meat were hanging up, and said:

"Is that the little gentleman from Blunderstone?” "Yes, ma'am,"4 I said.

"What5 name?" inquired the lady. "Copperfield, ma'am," I said.

"That won't do," 6 returned the lady. "Nobody's dinner is paid for here7 in that name."

"Is it Murdstone, ma'am?" I said.

"If you're Masters Murdstone," said the lady, "why do you go and give another name first?”

I explained to the lady how it was, who then rang a bell and called out, "William! show the coffee-room;"10 upon which a waiter came running out of the kitchen 11 on the opposite side of the yard to show it,12 and seemed a good deal surprised when he found 13 he was only to show

it to me.

It was a large long room, with some large maps 14 in it. I doubt 15 if I could have felt much stranger 16 if the maps

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had been real foreign countries, and I cast away1 in the middle of them. I felt it was taking 2 a liberty to sit down with my cap in my hand on the corners of the chair nearest the door, and when the waiter laid a cloth on purpose for me, and put a set of castors on it, I think I must have turned red all over with modesty.



He brought me some chops and vegetables, and took the covers off in such a bouncing manner that I was afraid I must have given him some offence. But he greatly 10 relieved my mind by putting11 a chair for me at the table, and saying very affably, "Now, six-foot,12 come on!"


I thanked him, and took my seat 13 at the board; but found it extremely difficult to handle 14 my knife and fork with anything like dexterity, or to avoid 15 splashing myself with the gravy, while he was standing opposite," staring so hard,17 and making me blush in the most dreadful manner every time I caught his eye.18 After watching me into the second chop,19 he said:

1 Cast away, say verschlagen worden wäre. Turn in the middle of them by 'in their midst.'

2 It was taking, transl. baß ich mir damit...erlaubte, and turn to hand by whilst I sat down, the cap in the hand.'

3 Corner, here Rand; nearest, zunächst.

4 Laid-me, eigens für mich den Lisch bedte; to put, here stellen.

5 A set of castors, eine Platt menage. The letter g is pronounced in this word as in French, but the vowel e is also heard.

6 I think I must, so muß ich wohl; to turn red with, erröthen vor; all over, über und über.

7 The nearest approach to the term chop is in German Rippchen, the diminutive of Rippe, rib. In some parts of Germany a chop is called eine Carbonade or Hammel Cotelette. The last word is neuter when spelt without the final e.


O Cover, here Deđel; in—manner, mit solcher Heftigkeit.

9 Render here must by the pre

sent conjunctive. To give offence, beleidigen; some, say irgentwie. 10 Greatly, here bedeutend; relieved my mind, beruhigte mich. 11 See Int. p. xv. . II., a, and use the imperfect of putting and saying.

12 A literal translation of the term six-foot would here be quite inadmissible. We may substitute the expression Herr Riese as an equivalent for the waiter's ironical designation, and render come on by komm Er her.

13 Took my seat sat down, board, here Tafel.

14 To handle, handhaben; with— dexterity, irgendwie mit Geschicklichkeit. 15 Supply the pronoun es before to avoid, and see for the word gravy page 66, note 9.

16 Opposite, transl. mir gegenüber. 17 Staring so hard, mich so starr angloßend.

18 Every-eye, so wie ich seinen Blicken begegnete.

19 It is impossible to render the clause After-chop literally. We may translate it by nachtem seine

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