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She will not quench, and let instructions enter
Where folly now possesses? Do thou work :
When thou shalt bring me word she loves my son,
I'll tell thee, on the instant, thou art then
As great as is thy master: greater,—for
His fortunes all lie speechless, and his name
Is at last gasp: return he cannot, nor
Continue where he is: to shift his being
Is to exchange one misery with another;
And every day that comes, comes to decay
A day's work in him. What shalt thou expect,
To be depender on a thing that leans,-
Who cannot be new built, nor has no friends,

[The QUEEN drops the box: PISANIO takes

it up.

So much as but to prop him?—Thou tak'st up
Thou know'st not what; but take it for thy labour:
It is a thing I made, which hath the king
Five times redeem'd from death: I do not know
What is more cordial :-nay, I pr'ythee, take it;
It is an earnest of a further good


That I mean to thee. Tell thy mistress how
The case stands with her; do't as from thyself.
Think what a chance thou changest on; but think
Thou hast thy mistress still,-to boot, my son,
Who shall take notice of thee: I'll move the king
To any shape of thy preferment, such
As thou 'It desire; and then myself, I chiefly,
That set thee on to this desert, am bound
To load thy merit richly. Call my women:
Think on my words. [Exit PISANIO.]—A sly and
constant knave;

Not to be shak'd: the agent for his master;
And the remembrancer of her, to hold
The handfast to her lord.-I have given him that,
Which, if he take, shall quite unpeople her

a Think what a chance thou changest on; &c.] Thus the old text, which has been changed to,


"Think what a chance thou chancest on; "-
"Think what a change thou chancest on."

Looking at the context, we should prefer reading,

"Think what a chance! thou changest one; but think
Thou hast thy mistress still,-to boot, my son."

You only change the service of your master for mine; retain your old mistress, and have my son for friend beside. Chance, it must be remembered, in old language meant fortune, luck, &c.

Liegers for her sweet;] This apparently signifies, ambassadors to her lover.

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Will my lord

say so ?

IACH. Ay, madam; with his eyes in flood with

It is a recreation to be by,

And hear him mock the Frenchman. But, heavens know,

Some men are much to blame.

Not he, I hope.
IACH. Not he: but yet heaven's bounty towards
him might

Be us'd more thankfully. In himself, 't is much;
In you, which I account his,-beyond all talents.
Whilst I am bound to wonder, I am bound
To pity too.

IMO. What do you pity, sir?
IACH. Two creatures heartily.

Am I one, sir?

You look on me: what wreck discern you in me Deserves your pity?


Lamentable! What,

a Continues well my lord his health, beseech you?] This is invariably punctuated,

"Continues well my lord? His health, beseech you?" But does not continue here, import, preserve, as in "Measure for Measure," Act IV. Sc. 3?


"And how shall we continue Claudio."
In himself, 't is much;

In you,-which I account his,-beyond all talents.] "All talents," or we mistake, means here incalculable riches. The bounty of heaven towards him is great in his own endowments; in its gift of you, it is beyond all estimation. By the ordinary pointing, however,

"In you.-which I account his, beyond all talents,-
Whilst I am bound," &c.

th word talents is made to signify accomplishments, and the

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Since doubting things go ill, often hurts more
Than to be sure they do: for certainties
Either are past remedies; or, timely knowing,
The remedy then born,-discover to me
What both you spur
and stop.
Had I this cheek
To bathe my lips upon; this hand, whose touch,
Whose every touch, would force the feeler's soul
To the oath of loyalty; this object, which
Takes prisoner the wild motion of mine eye,
Fixing it only here:-should I (damn'd then)
Slaver with lips as common as the stairs
That mount the Capitol: join gripes with hands
Made hard with hourly falsehood (falsehood, as
With labour); then by-peeping in an eye,
Base and unlustrous as the smoky light
That's fed with stinking tallow ;-it were fit
That all the plagues of hell should at one time
Encounter such revolt.

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IACH. Let me my service tender on your lips. IMO. Away!-I do condemn mine ears that have

So long attended thee.-If thou wert honourable,
Thou wouldst have told this tale for virtue, not
For such an end thou seek'st, as base as

Thou wrong'st a gentleman, who is as far
From thy report, as thou from honour; and
Solicit'st here a lady that disdains

Thee and the devil alike.-What ho, Pisanio!-
The king my father shall be made acquainted
Of thy assault; if he shall think it fit,
A saucy stranger, in his court, to mart
As in a Romish stew, and to expound
His beastly mind to us,--he hath a court
He little cares for, and a daughter whom*
He not respects at all.-What ho, Pisanio!
IACH. O happy Leonatus! I
may say
The credit that thy lady hath of thee
Deserves thy trust, and thy most perfect goodness
Her assur'd credit!-Blessed live you long!
A lady to the worthiest sir, that ever
Country call'd his! and you his mistress, only
For the most worthiest fit! Give me your pardon;
I have spoke this, to know if your affiance
Were deeply rooted; and shall make your lord
That which he is, new o'er: and he is one
The truest manner'd; such a holy witch,
That he enchants societies into him:a
Half all men's hearts are his.

(*) First folio, who.

You make amends.

(4) First folio, men.

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IACH. He sits 'mongst men, like a descended* god:

He hath a kind of honour sets him off,
More than a mortal seeming. Be not angry,
Most mighty princess, that I have adventur'd
To try your taking of a false report; which hath
Honour'd with confirmation your great judgment
In the election of a sir so rare,

Which you know, cannot err: the love I bear him
Made me to fan you thus; but the gods made you,
Unlike all others, chaffless. Pray, your pardon.
IMO. All's well, sir: take my power i' the court
for yours.

IACH. My humble thanks. I had almost forgot
To entreat your grace but in a small request,
And yet of moment too, for it concerns
Your lord, myself, and other noble friends,
Are partners in the business."

Pray, what is 't?
IACH. Some dozen Romans of us, and your


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b Are partners, &c.-] Who is understood, partners."

-"Who are

3 A

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Enter CLOTEN and Two Lords.

CLO. Was there ever man had such luck! when I kissed the jack, upon an up-cast to be hit away! I had a hundred pound on 't: and then a whoreson Jackanapes must take me up for swearing; as if I borrowed mine oaths of him, and might not spend them at my pleasure.

1 LORD. What got he by that? You have broke his pate with your bowl.

2 LORD. [Aside.] If his wit had been like him that broke it, it would have run all out.

CLO. When a gentleman is disposed to swear, it is not for any standers-by to curtail his oaths, ha?

2 LORD. No, my lord; [Aside.] nor crop the ears of them.

CLO. Whoreson dog!-I give him satisfaction? Would he had been one of my rank!

(*) First folio, gave.

a When I kissed the jack,-] In the game of Bowling, or Bowls, the small bowl which is aimed at, was sometimes termed the Block, or the Jack, but more often the Mistress.

b And you crow, cock, with your comb on.] A cock's comb was one of the badges of the household fool, and hence the compound

2 LORD. [Aside.] To have smelt like a fool. CLO. I am not vexed more at any thing in the earth,-a pox on 't! I had rather not be so noble as I am; they dare not fight with me, because of the queen my mother: every Jack-slave hath his belly-full of fighting, and I must go up and down like a cock that nobody can match.

2 LORD. [Aside.] You are cock and capon too; and you crow, cock, with your comb on. CLO. Sayest thou?

1 LORD. It is not fit your lordship should undertake every companion that you give offence to.

CLO. No, I know that: but it is fit I should commit offence to my inferiors.

2 LORD. Ay, it is fit for your lordship only." CLO. Why, so I say.

1 LORD. Did you hear of a stranger that's come to court to-night ? +

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