Immagini della pagina

burial, 360.

burly, 394.

burned, 74, 274.
BURNEN, 274.
burst, 267.
bursten, 267.
'bus, 370.
bush, 118.

bushel, 316, 329.
business, 83. 234.
bustard, 342.
busy, 83.

but, 119, 176, 219,
220, 226, 520, 522,

533, 549.

BUTAN, 178, 220.

butcher, 338.

butt-end, 79.

C, the consonant, 132,
139, 147, 148, 149.
C=s, 162.

cab, 370.
cable, 216.
caddie, 377.
CEG, 147.
caitiff, 75, 394.
calculate, 32.
calf, 41, 315.
calisthenics, 368.
call, 59, 103, 139.
callow, 388.

came, 267.

cameless, 384.
campaign, 350, 402.

campanile, 353-

caricature, 344.
cark and care, 628 a.

Carlylese, 408.

carnage, 335.

carnal, 418.

carpenter, 75, 338.
carriage, 75, 335.
carry, 75.

cart, 113, 638 (note).
cart-horse, 601.
carve, 267.
carven, 267.
cascade, 352.

case, 75, 234, 543.
cast, 59, 267.

casten, 267, 269.
castle, 41, 75, 329.
casualty, 349.

can, 32, 36,

168, 291,

buttress, 82.

294, 587.

casuist, 366.

buxom, 32, 399.

Canaanite, 363.

buy, 228.

buzzard, 342.

by, 187, 226, 447,

521, 522, 523, 525,

[blocks in formation]

canakin, 377.
Candish, 633.
candle, III, 329.
cane, 187.
canine, 413.
cannonade, 352.
canoe, 177.
canon, 32, 369.
cantata, 353.
canteen, 343.

canto, 353.
cap, 260.
cape, 75.
Capital, 418.

capon, 111, 342.
captain, 402.
captainess, 384.
capting, 580 a.
captivate, 309.

captive and thrall, 75.
capture, 344.
caravan, 353-
carbonate, 361.
Cardinal, 418.
cards, 55.
care, 111.
careless, 605.
carelessness, 320.
carf, 267, 269.

casuistry, 366.
cat, 103, III.
catastrophe, 369.
catastrophism, 365.
catch, 288.
cate, 103.
catechism, 365.
cathartic, 420.

Cathedral, 418.
catholick, 161.
catholicism, 365.
catkin, 317.

cat-o'-nine-tails, 611.
cattle, 75, 329.
cattle-disease, 565.
caught, 288.
cause, 75, 534.
caustic, 420.
cauterize, 310.

cavalcade, 352.
cavalry, 331.
Cavendish, 633.

-cayve, 184.

CAZIEI, 134.

cc (Saxon), 147.
CEAFU, 147.
cease, 75.

CEASTER, 18, 147.
CEAW, 274.
cedarn (T.), 391.
celestial, 75.

[blocks in formation]

certitude, 362.
cesser. 332.
ch (Italian), 140.
ch (French) = sh, 134.

ch, 134, 140, 147,

148, 149, 191.

-ch, 393.

chafer, III.

chaff, 112, 147, 150,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

chastise, 347.

chastisement, 333, 347.

chastity, 75.

chattels, 56.

chaunt, 175.

chayt, 182.

cheap, cheaper, cheap-
est, 217.
Cheapside market-
side, 617.

cheer, 75.

cheesen (Dorset), 380.
chemist, 366.
chemistry, 366.
cherry, 381.

Chester, 147.

-chester, 18.

chestnut horse, 565.
chewed, 274.

cheyney, 175.

Chezy, 134.

chicanery, 134.

chick, 381.

chicken, 117, 316, 381.

chickens, 381.

chicking, 580 a.
chid, chidden, 267.
chide, 147, 267.
chief, 75, 329.
chiefly, 441.

chieftain, 402.

chivalry, 75, 134.

chlorate, 361.

chode, 267, 269.

Cholmondeley, 633.

chorus, 369.

choose, chosen, 147,

chough, 153.

christen, 305, 391.

christendom, 323.

christian, 391, 419.
christianity, 323.
christianize, 310.
chronicle, 140.

chud = I would, 255.

Chumley, 633.
chump, 187.

church, 140, 147, 148,

church-ale, 360.

churl, 41, 55, 147, 316.
churlish, 393.

Ciceter, 633.

CIDAN, 147.
CILD, 147.
Cingalese, 408.
CIN, 147.
cink, 56.
cipher, 353.

CIRCE, 147.

circuit, 75.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

considerate, 417.
Consols, 371.

consonant, 606 c.

conspiring, 585 c.
constable, 75.
constancy, 355, 356.

constant, 405.

constrain, 75.

cottage, 335.

cough, 153.
couple, 329.

could, 168, 187, 291,

294, 587.
counsell, 75, 162.

count, 32, 41.
countenance, 75.

counter, 339.

constitutionalize, 310.

consular, 418.

counter-, 606 b.
counteract, 606 b.

[blocks in formation]

counterfeit, 75, 606 b.
countermove, 606 b.
606 b.

606 b.

countess, 41, 75, 384.
country, 75, 155.
country-dance, 606 b.
country-house, 612.
courage, 75, 155.

course, 75, 234.
court, 75, 329.
courteous, 75, 409.

courtesy, 75, 78, 329.
cousin, 75, 343.
couth, 119, 168, 632.
covenant, 75.
cover, 75.
cover-chief, 75.
covetise, 345, 346.
covetize (Sp.), 346.
covetous, 409.
cow (verb), 59.
Cow, 41, 119, 315.
coward, 342.
cowardice, 345, 347.
cowslip, 119.

crab, III.

crack, 139.
cradle, 111, 316.

craft, 315.
craftsman, 607.

crag, 20.

crane, III.

crap, 267, 269.


credence, 75.

creditor, 359.

creed, 104.

creep, 267, 274, 288.
creeped, 304.

CREOPE, 274.

CREOW, 274.

crept, 274, 288.
crescive, 412.
cress, 638.
crew, 267.
crib, 12.
cricket, 334.
crime, 75.

criminatory, 415.

crisis, 369.
criterion, 369.

criticism, 365.
crochet, 334.
crock, 20.

crop, 59, 139.
crope, 267, 269.
CROPEN, 267, 269, 274.
cross-barred, 607.
crouny (inf.), 61.
crow, 267.

crowed, 274.
crown, 75.

cruel, 75, 401.
cruell, 162.

cruelty, 75.

cruppen, 267.
crusade, 352.

cu, 381.
Cudbriht, 132.

cudto, cudtono, 254.

culture, 344.

CUMAN, 118.
CUNNAN, 168.
cunningest, 422.
cupola, 353.
curate, 75, 361.
curator, 363.

cure, 75.
curious, 75.
curiosity, 357.

[blocks in formation]

darling, 318.
dart, 260.
Dartmouth, 169.

Darwinism, 365, 419.
dastard, 342.
date, 103.

daughter, 5, 10, 132,
153, 316.
daunceress, 384.
day, 10, 127, 179.
day by day, 433, 450.
dayly, 433.
days, 110, 378, 435.
daysman, 607.

days of yore, 425.
de-, 606 c.

dead, 179, 388.
DÆD-BỘT, 82.

deaf, 10.

DEAF, 274.

deal, 10, 179, 234, 288,

315, 479.

dealer, 319.

DEALF, 274.
deanery, 331.
dear, 179, 181, 388.
dearth, 317.
death, 10, 179, 181.
debate, 75.
debonair, 75.
deceave, 184.
deceit, 75.

deceive, 184.

deceiued, 146, 184.

decency, 322.
decimate, 309.

declare, 75.
decree, 341.
deed, 10, 315.
deemster, 385.
deep, 305, 430.
deepen, 305.
deep-throated, 607.
deer, 5, 41, 104, 133,
315, 382.
defence, 75, 356.
defend, defended, 303.
deficit, 363.

degree, 32, 75, 341..
dehonestation, 358.

deify, 308.
deject, 606 c.
dejectedness, 320.
delectable, 410.

DELFE, 137, 274.

delicacy, 350.

delicate, 417.
delight, 75.

delightfullest, 422.

delightsome, 399.
delinition, 358.
Delitable, 410.

delt, 288.

delve, 137, 267.
delve-ed, 274.

demand, 75.

demise, 56.

demurrer, 330.

den, 20.

denomination, 32.

deodorize, 310, 606 c.

depart, 75, 560.

departure, 344.

depend, 546.
dependent, 416.
depend upon it, 545.
deportment, 331.
deposit, 363.
depôt, 329.
Derby, 169.
derive, 75.

derogatory, 415.
Bertemouthe, 169.
Derwent, 19.

descend, 75, 560, 606 c.
describe, 75.

description, 75, 358.

desert, 75.
deserve, 75.
desirable, 403.

desire, 75.

desolate, 417.

despair, 75, 606 c.

despise, 75-

despite, 531.

despite of, 531.
despotic, 420.
destiny, 75.
destruction, 75.
desyre, 162.

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