Perturbative Quantum Electrodynamics and Axiomatic Field TheorySpringer Science & Business Media, 17 apr 2013 - 355 pagine This book is concerned with relativistic quantum field theory, especially QED, its most successful example. It is set in the no-man's land between the math ematically rigorous but numerically barren general field theory of the math ematical physicist and the computationally fertile but mathematically some times adventurous field theory of the more phenomenologically inclined, and it aims at demonstrating that closer contact between these two disparate cultures may be of benefit to both. Perturbative QED serves as an exam ple. It is shown how the rules of perturbative quantum field theory, one of the major tools of phenomenology, can be derived from well-defined general assumptions in a mathematically clean way, in particular, not using any reg ularizations. Special emphasis is placed on giving the infrared problem its full due. This leads, among other things, to an unorthodox method based on the local-observables approach to field theory, of describing particles and their reactions. The resulting scattering formalism is immediately applica ble to the infraparticle situation of QED by directly yielding expressions for the observable-inclusive cross sections, dispensing with the notion of an S matrix. Interestingly enough, these expressions differ somewhat from those of the conventional approach. This point will hopefully give rise to interesting and fruitful discussions. I have been working on these sorts of problems on and off for a long time. |
2 | |
4 | |
5 | 33 |
6 | 61 |
An Outline of Interacting | 67 |
7 | 84 |
The Program of Perturbation Theory 95 | 93 |
Unrenormalized Solution | 109 |
The IR Problem for Wightman Functions | 165 |
Physical States | 187 |
Particles and Their Reactions | 211 |
Particle Probes | 221 |
Interacting Particles | 239 |
Reactions 283 | 282 |
Cross Sections | 321 |
346 | |
Altre edizioni - Visualizza tutto
Perturbative Quantum Electrodynamics and Axiomatic Field Theory Othmar Steinmann Anteprima non disponibile - 2000 |
Perturbative Quantum Electrodynamics and Axiomatic Field Theory Othmar Steinmann Anteprima non disponibile - 2010 |
Perturbative Quantum Electrodynamics and Axiomatic Field Theory Othmar Steinmann Anteprima non disponibile - 2014 |
Parole e frasi comuni
1-particle 2-point function 4-vector asymptotic behaviour cancel Chap charge commutator condition consider contains contribution convergent covariant cross lines decrease defined definition derivatives Dirac equation Dirac spinor distribution electron exists expression external variables factor fermion field equations finite formalism Fourier transform free fields gauge graph Hence integral integrand interacting invariant Lemma Lorentz Lorentz group Lorentz invariance Lorentz transformation mass renormalization mass shell matrix Maxwell equations momenta momentum notation observable obtain operator p-space p₁ particles perturbation theory photon lines physical positive probe proof propagators properties quantum field theory R-part relevant renormalization replaced representation result satisfied scalar product Sect sector shown singularity space spinor subgraphs tensor term test function theorem trajectory UV problem vanishes vertex W-functions Wightman Wightman functions