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things were again brought on board the Ocean Queen, where we shall remain for a few days in the enjoyment of all our former comforts, until our boats are ready.

"I should not omit to add that on Monday morning, at the moment the whistle disturbed me from my sleep, after some hours of troubled and anxious. thought, I had just begun to slumber. During the night I could not but feel how portentous was our present horizon, and what dangers, difficulties, and privations awaited us on all hands. I greatly deplored the pressure of such thoughts, and resisted them over and over again with little success. But my compassionate Jesus helped me to look up to him as ready to help me even against myself, and to offer up myself again a willing sacrifice unto God. In this frame of mind I had sunk to sleep; and when the alarm awoke me, it was just at the moment when I seemed to be hearing the songs of angels singing, 'We live to Christ alone;' and oh, how heavenly was the impression made upon my heart! how sweet the sound still ringing in my ears, 'We live to Christ alone!' How full of meaning the words, Angels live to Christ alone!' We live to him alone, so must you. Yes, yes, my heart, my soul responded; by the grace of my blessed Saviour, I will live to Christ alone.

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"I should also mention that whilst reading the Scriptures on Sunday, every word seemed to be a volume, and truly I could say that then he opened

to me the Scriptures. Yea, I bless God, the Scriptures are become a precious treasure to me now, and I begin to verify the saying of Christ, that we must sell all we have, before we can go and purchase the field containing the treasure of God's grace and the riches of his Son. Oh! the world and Christ are opposed indeed. We must leave all if we would be his disciples: not that it is needful that we should all go into a heathen land to find the preciousness of Christ to our souls; but that all who seek after Christ should in no respect be conformed to the world. God's love cannot be felt and known but where God's will is obeyed; and his will requires of us, that we renounce the world, the flesh, and the devil, and live to God; glorifying Christ with our body and soul, which are his.

"On Saturday, in company with Captain Cooper, we took one of the Fuegians with us in the Captain's gig, and cruised about for some hours. I shot a penguin at a considerable distance off, and this for the purpose of making an impression on his mind. He seemed somewhat impressed with the sight of the wounded bird, though not much interested in the gun, or curious about it; however, he did not like that it should be brought very close to him, and seemed to have some fear of it. We took the man afterwards on board the ship, and rigged him out in trousers, shirt, stockings, coat, and cap, which one and another provided for him; we also did the same for two other

Fuegians, who came alongside the vessel in their canoes with their families. Afterwards we took the man back with us to our station; gave him the bird, which, when some of his companions, five in all, including two children, joined him, he put on the burning embers, singed the feathers, then plucked them, and having laid it on the fire again for about a quarter of an hour, it was ready cooked according to their taste; and then, borrowing a knife from one of the men, which he was honest enough afterwards to return, he dissected it, giving each one of the party a portion. These again bit off pieces and gave them to each other. And thus they devoured the whole, without the least part being left except the bones and feathers, shewing us such a specimen of rapacious voracity and expertness in dismembering and clearing the bones, as we had no conception of before. I also shot a large bird, the bald-headed vulture, which I gave them; this they carried off to their families for a repast at home. We have been disappointed in finding no fish in any of the waters about us, neither catching any ourselves, nor seeing any with the natives, with one exception only, and then only a solitary one. Yesterday, we took courage on seeing some large albatrosses in the act of devouring a large rock salmon, which they had a minute or two before caught. The absence of fish is the more important to us, as the Captain, having observed plenty with the natives when he was here

before, had fully reckoned on them, and had provided no store of animal food, not even beef and pork. One thing more to be noticed now, is the remarkable aptitude of the people at imitation. Of this we had a striking instance on Sunday last, when talking to one of the boys. Not a word we uttered, but he repeated it over; not a question we put to him, but he answered us back in our own words, and imitated our every movement, so that it was quite ludicrous to see the child, as well as tiresome to talk with him.


Tuesday, Dec. 17.-In company with Captain Cooper, we dined on shore in honor of the Captain's birthday, and to celebrate the naming of a point of land after him, called Cape Cooper. It rained nearly all the time we were at dinner, but we proceeded therewith as coolly as though we had been in the sunshine, indeed somewhat more so."

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Owing to some indispensable repairs, the Ocean Queen had been detained in Banner Cove longer than was anticipated; but the time was now arrived when she must proceed on her voyage, and take leave of the missionary settlers. They availed themselves of the opportunity for sending letters home; and a few paragraphs from one which Mr Williams addressed to his sister will interest our readers :

"December 13.

"You will see, my dear Anne, by what I have written to C., where we now are, and how we are

situated. You can enter into my feelings. You know the source which supplies my consolations, and the fountain whence my joys arise. God is all-sufficient for us, if we are his children in Christ Jesus, and put our whole trust in him. All who have hitherto inherited the promises have been strangers and pilgrims, and this, by God's grace, I am now. Rejoice therefore, my dear A., and know that all things shall work together for my good. Be not uneasy and apprehensive concerning me; but let your heart be glad that I am thus called to serve God and live to him. I believe I shall be spared to return to you again. But whatever be the will of God concerning this, we do know his will concerning our meeting together in his own presence, where there are pleasures for evermore. Then all will be lasting and secure: no more change, no more partings; but every tear will be dry, and the songs of our rapture will abound. The lap of comfort is too often the nurse of sin and sorrow, whilst the thorny path of duty, although through the wilderness, is the sure road to everlasting bliss, and fruitful in heavenly joys. Cheer thee up, then, my dear A., and seek with me first the kingdom of God, and live in the enjoyment of the love of Christ."

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"MY DEAR SISTER,-We have this day taken leave of the ship and all on board; and now, with

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