Tongue far from heart) play with all virgins so. As with a Saint. Isab. You do blafpheme the good, in mocking me. Lucio. Do not believe it. Fewness, and truth, 'tis thus; Your brother and his lover having embrac'd, Expresseth his full tilth and husbandry. Ifab. Some one with child by him?- my coufin Fulict? Lucio. Is she your coufin? Ifab. Adoptedly, as school-maids change their names, By vain, tho' apt, affection. Lucio. She it is. Ifab. O, let him marry her. The Duke is very strangely gone from hence; Unless Unless you have the grace by your fair prayer To soften Angelo; and that's my Pith of business 'Twixt you and your poor brother. Ifab. Doth he fo Seek for his life? Lucio. H'as censur'd him already; Ifab. Alas! what poor And make us lose the good, we oft might win, As they themselves would owe them, Ifab. I'll fee what I can do. Lucio. But, speedily. Ifab. I will about it strait; No longer staying, but to give the mother [Exeunt. ACT II. SCENE, The PALACE. Enter Angelo, Escalus, a Justice, and attendants. W ANGELO. E must not make a scare-crow of the law, And let it keep one shape, 'till custom niw make it Their pearch, and not their terror. Escal. Ay, but yet Let us be keen, and rather cut a little, Let but your Honour know, Whom I believe to be most strait in virtue, Ang. 'Tis one thing to be tempted, Escalus, justice, That justice seizes on. What know the laws, You may not so extenuate his offence, For For I have had fuch faults; but rather tell me, Enter Provost. Escal. Be't, as your Wisdom will. Prov. Here, if it like your Honour. Ang. See, that Claudio Be executed by nine to morrow morning. Enter Elbow, Froth, Clown, and Officers. Elb. Come, bring them away; if these be good people in a common-weal, that do nothing but use their abuses in common houses, I know no law; bring them away. Ang. How now, Sir, what's your name? and what's the matter? Elb. If it please your Honour, I am the poor Duke's conftable, and my name is Elbow; I do lean upon justice, Sir, and do bring in here before your good Honour two notorious benefactors. Ang. Benefactors? well; what benefactors are they? are they not malefactors? Elb. If it please your Honour, I know not well what they are; but precise villains they are, that I am fure of; and void of all profanation in the world, that good christians ought to have. Efcal. This comes off well; here's a wise Officer. your name? Why dost thou not speak, Elbow? Y 4 Ang. Ang. What are you, Sir? Elb. He, Sir? a tapster, Sir; parcel-bawd; one that serves a bad woman; whose house, Sir, was, as they say, pluckt down in the suburbs; and now she profefses a hot-house; which, I think, is a very ill house too. Efcal. How know you that? Elb. My wife, Sir, whom I deteft before heav'n and your Honour, Efcal. How! thy wife? Elb. Ay, Sir; whom, I thank heav'n, is an honest Efcal. Doft thou detest her therefore? Elb. I fay, Sir, I will deteft my self also, as well as she, that this house, if it be not a bawd's house, it is pity of her life, for it is a naughty house. Escal. How dost thou know that, conftable ? Elb. Marry, Sir, by my wife; who, if she had been a woman cardinally given, might have been accused in fornication, adultery, and all uncleanness there. Efcal. By the woman's means? Elb. Ay, Sir, by mistress Over-don's means, but as she spit in his face, so she defy'd him. Clown. Sir, if it please your Honour, this is not fo. Elb. Prove it before these varlets here, thou honourable man, prove it. Escal. Do you hear, how he misplaces? Clown. Sir, the came in great with child; and longing (faving your Honour's reverence) for stew'd prewns; Sir, we had but two in the house, which at that very distant time stood, as it were, in a fruit-dish, a dish of some three pence; (your Honours have seen such dishes; they are not China dishes, but very good dishes.) Efcal. Go to, go to; no matter for the dish, Sir. Clown. No, indeed, Sir, not of a pin; you are therein in the right: but to the point; as I say, this miftress Elbow, being, as I say, with child, and being great belly'd, and longing, as I faid, for prewns; and having but Two in the dish, as I said; master Froth here, this very man, having eaten the rest, as I faid, and, |