SCENE changes to another part of the Island. Ste. Enter Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo. TH ELL not me; when the butt is out, we will drink water, not a drop before; e; therefore bear up, and board 'em, servant-monster (21); drink to me. Trin. Servant-monster! the folly of this Island! they say, there's but five upon this Isle; we are three of them, if the other two be brain'd like us, the state totters. Ste. Drink, servant-monster, when I bid thee; thy eyes are almost set in thy head. Trin. Where should they be set else? he were a brave monster indeed, if they were set in his tail. Ste. My man-monster hath drown'd his tongue in sack: for my part, the sea cannot drown me. I swam, ere I could recover the shore, five and thirty leagues, off and on; by this light, thou shalt be my lieutenant, monster, or my standard. Trin. Your lieutenant, if you list; he's no standard. (21) Servant-Monster.] The Part of Caliban has been esteem'd a signal Instance of the Copiousness of Shakespeare's Invention; and that he had shewn an Extent of Genius, in creating a Person which was not in Nature. And for this, as well as his other magical and ideal Characters, a just Admiration has been paid him. I can't help taking notice, on this Occafion, of the Virulence of Ben. Jonson, who, in the Induction to his Bartlemew Fair, has endeavour'd to throw Dirt, not only at this single Character, but at this whole Play. " If there be never a Servant Monster in the "Fair, who can help it, (he says,) nor a Nest of Anticks? He is loth to " make Nature afraid in his Plays, like Those that beget Tales, Tempests, " and such like Drolleries, to mix his Head with other Mens Heels." Shakespeare, as the Tradition runs, was the Person who first brought Jonfon upon the Stage; and this is the Stab we find given in Requital for such a Service, when his Benefactor was retreated from the Scene. A Circumstance, that strangely aggravates the Ingratitude. But this surly Sauciness was familiar with Ben; when the Publick were ever out of Humour at his Performances, he would revenge it on them, by being out of Humour with those Pieces which had best pleas'd them.- - I'll only add, that his Conduct in This was very contradictory to his cooler Professions, " that " if Men would impartially look towards the Offices and Functions of a " Poet, they would easily conclude to themselves the Impossibility of any " Man's being the good Poet, without first being a good Man. Ste Ste. We'll not run, monsieur monster. Trin. Nor go neither: but you'll lie like dogs, and yet say nothing neither. Ste. Moon-calf, speak once in thy life, if thou beeft a good moon-calf. Cal. How does thy honour? let me lick thy shoe; I'll not serve him, he is not valiant. Trin. Thou lieft, most ignorant monster, I am in case to justle a conftable; why, thou debosh'd fish thou, was there ever man a coward that hath drunk so much sack as I to-day? wilt thou tell a monstrous lie, being but half a fish, and half a monster? Cal. Lo, how he mocks me: wilt thou let him, my lord? Trin. Lord, quoth he! that a monster should be such a natural! Cal. Lo, lo, again; bite him to death, I pr'ythee. Ste. Trinculo, keep a good tongue in your head; if you prove a mutineer, the next tree - the poor monster's my subject, and he shall not suffer indignity. Cal. I thank my noble lord. Wilt thou be pleas'd to hearken once again to the suit I made to thee? Ste. Marry, will I; kneel and repeat it; I will stand, and so shall Trinculo. Enter Ariel invisible. Cal. As I told thee before, I am subject to a tyrant, a forcerer, that by his cunning hath cheated me of the Island. Ari. Thou lieft. Cal. Thou lieft, thou jesting monkey, thou; I would, my valiant mafter would destroy thee; I do not lie. Ste. Trinculo, if you trouble him any more in's tale, by this hand, I will fupplant some of your teeth. Trin. Why, I faid nothing. Ste. Mum then, and no more; proceed. Cal. I say, by forcery he got this ifle; From me he got it. If thy greatness will Revenge it on him, (for, I know, thou dar'st, But this thing dare not.) Ste. Ste. That's most certain. Cal. Thou shalt be lord of it, and I'll serve thee. Ste. How now shall this be compast? canst thou bring me to the party? Cal. Yea, yea, my lord, I'll yield him thee afleер, Where thou may'st knock a nail into his head. Ari. Thou lieft, thou canst not. Cal. What a py'd ninny's this? thou scurvy patch! I do beseech thy greatness, give him blows, And take his bottle from him; when that's gone, He shall drink nought but brine, for I'll not shew him Where the quick freshes are. Ste. Trinculo, run into no further danger: interrupt the monster one word further, and, by this hand, I'll turn my mercy out of doors, and make a stock-fish of thee. Trin. Why, what did I? I did nothing; I'll go further off. Ste. Didst thou not say, he ly'd? Ari. Thou lieft. Ste. Do I fo? take you that. [Beats him. As you like this, give me the lie another time. Trin. I did not give thee the lie; out o'your wits, and hearing too? A pox o' your bottle! this can sack and drinking do. A murrain on your monster, and the devil take your fingers. Cal. Ha, ha, ha. Ste. Now, forward with your tale; pr'ythee, stand further off. Cal. Beat him enough; after a little time I'll beat him too. Ste. Stand further. Come, proceed. Cal. Why, as I told thee, 'tis a custom with him I'th' afternoon to fleep; there thou may'st brain him, Having first seiz'd his books: or with a log He's but a fot, as I am; nor hath not One spirit to command. They all do hate him, As As rootedly as I. Burn but his books; And that most deeply to consider, is The beauty of his Daughter; he himself Calls her a non-pareil: I ne'er faw woman, But only Sycorax my dam, and she: But the as far furpasses Sycorax, As greatest does the leaft. Ste. Is it so brave a lass? Cal. Ay, lord; she will become thy bed, I warrant, And bring thee forth brave brood. Ste. Monster, I will kill this man: his daughter and I will be King and Queen, save our Graces: and Trinculo and thy felf shall be Vice-Roys. Doft thou like the plot, Trinculo? Trin. Excellent. Ste. Give me thy hand; I am sorry, I beat thee: but, while thou liv'st, keep a good tongue in thy head. Cal. Within this half hour will he be asleep; Wilt thou destroy him then? Ste. Ay, on my honour. Ari. This will I tell my master. Cal. Thou mak'st me merry; I am full of pleasure; Let us be jocund. Will you troul the catch, You taught me but while-ere? Ste. At thy request, monster, I will do reason, any reason: come on, Trinculo, let us fing. [Sings. Flout 'em, and skout 'em; and skout 'em, and flout em; Cal. That's not the tune. thought is free. [Ariel plays the Tune on a Tabor and Pipe. Ste. What is this same? Trin. This is the tune of our catch, plaid by the picture of no-body. Ste. If thou be'st a man, shew thy self in thy likeness; if thou be'st a devil, take't as thou lift. Trin. O, forgive me my fins! Ste. He that dies, pays all debts: I defie thee. Mercy upon us! Cal. Cal. Art thou afraid? Ste. No, monster, not I. Cal. Be not afraid, the ifle is full of noises, Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight, and hurt not? Sometimes a thousand twanging instruments Will hum about mine ears, and sometimes voices; That, if I then had wak'd after long fleep, Will make me fleep again; and then in dreaming, The clouds, methought, would open, and shew riches Ready to drop upon me; that when I wak'd, I cry'd to dream again. Ste. This will prove a brave kingdom to me, where I shall have my mufick for nothing. Cal. When Profpero is destroy'd. Ste. That shall be by and by: I remember the story. Trin. The found is going away; let's follow it, and after do our work. Ste. Lead, monster; we'll follow. I would I could see this taborer. He lays it on. Trin. Wilt come? I'll follow Stephano. [Exeunt. SCENE changes to another Part of the Island. Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Anthonio, Gonzalo, Adrian, Gon. Francifco, &c. B My old bones ake: here's a maze trod, indeed, Through forth-rights and meanders! by your patience, I needs must rest me. Y'R lakin, I can go no further, Sir, Alon. Old lord, I cannot blame thee, Do not, for one repulse, forego the purpose That you refolv'd t'effect. Seb |