Immagini della pagina

How are adjectives, signifying motion or tendency
to a thing, construed?

What do proprior and proximus govern ?
What does idem govern? What in prose? What
would be improper? What do we likewise say?
What is the third case governed by adjectives?
The fourteenth rule? Examples.
How is this ablative governed?

What other case do dignus, indignus, &c. govern?
What is said of macte?

What does the fifteenth rule regard?
What is the fifteenth rule? Examples.
Which are construed with the genitive only?
Which with the dative only?

Which with the genitive more frequently?
Which with the dative more frequently?
Which with both promiscuously?

Which with a preposition?

Government of the Verb Sum.

What is the sixteenth rule? Examples.

What words are excepted? Repeat the three observations.

The seventeenth rule? Examples.

This is more frequently used than what other construction?

The eighteenth rule. Example.

What other verbs have two datives after them?
What are the three observations?
The nineteenth rule? Examples.

The twentieth rule? Examples.

What is the sign of the ablative in English?
What does the positive with magis govern?
How is the ablative here governed?

How otherwise may the comparative be construed?
When is the conjunction quam elegantly sup-

How is it elegantly placed?

For what is nihil elegantly used?

Is the comparative ever repeated?

How is the relation of sameness or equality ex-

In what case is the defect or excess of measure put?
What does the twenty-first rule regard?
The twenty-first rule? Examples.

What do adverbs qualify? Are they also joined to

What is remarked of the position of the adverb?
To what are two negatives equivalent?
What chiefly deserves attention in adverbs?
Which are joined to the positive? Which to the

To what is quam joined? To what is facile joined?
To what is longe joined? With what mood is cum
joined? Dum? Dum and donec, for usquedum?
Quoad for quamdiu, and quoad until?
Postquam or posteaquam? Antequam ?
Quasi, ceu? &c.

Utinam, o si, ut?

Quin for cur non ?

What does the twenty-second rule regard?
Repeat the twenty-second rule? Examples.

Repeat the adverbs of time that govern the geni


Repeat the adverbs of place that govern the genitive, and of quantity.

What is said of instar and ergo?

Why are these adjectives thought to govern the genitive?

What is remarked of pridie? And what of en and ecce?

In all these examples what is understood?

[blocks in formation]

What is the twenty-fourth rule?

Repeat all the prepositions, with the English; and the examples?

What is the English of a patre?

How do you say in Latin, from a father?
What is the English of absque? &c.

Which preposition is placed after the noun? Ans.
Tenus. Any other? Ans. Sometimes cum, and
then it is joined to the word which it governs?
Does tenus ever govern any other case?
What is added to prepositions governing the abla.

What is the twenty-fifth rule?

Distinguish in governing the accusative and the ab lative? Examples.

What is the English of sub? super?

When are prepositions reckoned adverbs? Examples.

In these cases, what is implied?

What other adverbs are construed with the accusa

Distinguish a and e, ab and ex. Examples.
Are prepositions ever understood? Is the word gov.
erned ever understood? Examples of both.
When is the latter more frequently the case?
The twenty-sixth rule? Examples.
How do you say, O good man?" &c.
The twenty-seventh rule? Examples.
How do you say ah me? &c.

Which interjections are joined with the vocative?
Which with the accusative?

What is the remark on interjections?
What is understood in heu me miserum?

The twenty-eighth rule? Examples, with the En

What is the first observation? The second? The third?

The twenty-ninth rule? Examples.

If the substantives are of different persons? genders?
To what is this applicable?

If the substantives signify things without life?
What is the genus?

What is the fourth observation? and the fifth?
What is remarked after the fifth observation?
What is the figure syllepsis? See page 166.
The thirtieth rule? Examples with English.
What is the remark on interrogatives? And qui?
What is the note?

When have etsi, tametsi, &c. the indicative, and
when the subjunctive mood?
What is said of correspondent conjunctions?
When is ut elegantly omitted?
How are ut and quod distinguished?
When is ut taken in a negative sense?
When is ne taken in a positive sense?
What does the thirty-first rule regard?
Repeat the thirty-first rule, with the examples.
When do neuter verbs govern the accusative?
And when have they an ablative?

What is the second observation? The third? and
the fourth?

What does the thirty-second rule regard?

What do derivative adverbs govern? Give the ex- Repeat it, with examples. amples.

What does the twenty-third rule regard?

What other verbs govern the genitive? Are they construed differently?

Repeat the rule, including all the prepositions which How is the genitive after verbs really governed? govern this case.

Repeat the thirty-third rule, with examples.

[blocks in formation]

What is the thirty-sixth rule? Repeat the five parts.

What verbs added? What excepted?

What is the first observation? What the second?

To these what may be added?

What is the fourth observation? and the fifth?
What is the thirty-seventh rule? Examples.
What is the first observation? and the second?
What is the thirty-eighth rule? Examples.
What do egeo and indigeo govern?
How is the ablative here governed?
What is the thirty-ninth rule? Examples.

What are added to these? What does potior gov-
ern? and sometimes what other case?
What is the fortieth rule? Examples.

Is the preposition ever repeated? Which do not

Which construed only with the preposition?
-Do any
admit other prepositions? Do any govern
two cases?

When does this rule take place?

What is the subject of the forty-first rule? Re-
peat it.

In what other manner is the infinitive governed?
Is the governing word ever understood?

Is the infinitive itself ever omitted?

What was the infinitive called by the ancients?

In what cases does it supply the place of a noun?
Give examples.

What different construction is used?
After what English verbs may to be omitted?
How may it be rendered in Latin? Give examples.
Which is better English, a house to let, or to be let?
What is the subject of the forty-second rule? Re-
peat it with the example.
What is the English sign?

What does the accusative depend upon?
Repeat the third observation. The fourth, the fifth.
What is the forty-third rule? Examples.
What do passive participles often govern?
Exosus, perosus, and pertesus? Verbals in bun-


Which verbs form a periphrasis?

Fiftieth rule. Supine in u?

What is the first observation? The second? The third?

Repeat the four circumstances.

Fifty-first rule. Price, in what case? What ex-

When the substantive is added?
How is the ablative governed?

Fifty-second rule. Manner and cause? How is this
ablative governed?

What is the ablative of concomitancy? What is the adjunct?

When we express the matter of which a thing is made?

Fifty-third rule. Measure or distance?

After what words is the accusative or ablative put?
How governed?

When we express the measure of more things
than one?

When is the genitive used? The accusative? The ablative?

Time? Time when? How

The excess or difference?
Fifty-fourth rule.

Precise time? Continuance? Circumstances how

The abverb abhinc ?

Fifty-fifth rule. Verbs governing two cases? Examples.

Which are the verbs of accusing? What other case have they after them? What is said of crimen and caput? Many verbs of accusing are how construed?

What do they sometimes govern?

Fifty-sixth rule. Examples. Which are the verbs of valuing?

Aestimo governs? Equi and boni? How is this
genitive governed?

Fifty-seventh rule. Repeat the examples.
How is this rule otherwise expressed? Examples.
How else are these verbs construed?
What is the second observation?
Verbs, signifying motion or tendency to a thing.
Is the accusative ever understood? What is said
of to in English?

Fifty-eighth rule. Examples.

Which are the verbs of asking? of teaching?
Celo? How otherwise are these verbs construed?
How is the accusative of the thing governed?

Which are elegantly construed with a participle in Fifty-ninth rule. Example.

How are gerunds construed? Examples.
Repeat the forty-fourth rule with the examples.
What does this gerund import? What is often
understood? What is the forty-fifth rule? How
is the gerund in di governed?

Is it construed with the genitive plural?
Forty-sixth rule. The gerund in do of the dative?
Is the adjective ever understood? Examples.
Is the gerund ever governed by verbs?
Forty-seventh rule. The gerund in dum of the


Is this gerund governed by other prepositions?
What does it depend upon and govern?
Forty-eighth rule. The gerund in do of the ab-

What does this gerund resemble?


Which gerunds may be turned into participles?
In changing gerunds, what case is used? Examples
in the genitive, dative, and accusative.
gerunds not changed? What exception ?
Forty-ninth rule. Supine in um? How elegantly

When joined with iri?

Is this supine put after any other verbs?

How else may the meaning of this supine be expressed?

Which are the verbs of loading? of binding? of unloading? loosing? depriving? clothing? unclothing?

How is the ablative governed? Expressed? or un-

Do any of these verbs govern other cases?
Sixtieth rule. Examples.

Has the active ever three cases?
Passive verbs how construed?
Preposition when understood? How is per used?
What cases do passive verbs govern? Videor?
Induor, amicior? &c. Neuter verbs? Passive imper-
sonals, how applied?

What cases do they govern?
Sixty-first rule. Examples.

What verbs are used impersonally in the passive,
and what case do they govern? Examples.
When are potest, cœpit, &c. used impersonally?
What verbs are used both personally and imper-

What is said of the pronoun it, and of the Latin
Infinitive? Is the dative understood?
Sixty-second rule. Examples. The paragraph?
In what case do some think mea, tua, sua, &c. to be?
With what nominatives are interest and refert

With what adverbs are they construed?

What verbs agree in the present, but are differently Explain the seven kinds with examples. conjugated

Which have a different quantity? Which verbs agree in the preterite? Which verbs agree in the supine?


From what are adverbs derived first?

Repeat the seven particulars of the obsolete conju- How do they end?


DERIVATION AND COMPOSITION OF VERBS. From what are verbs derived?

What are denominative verbs? What imitative? Give examples.

Name the three kinds of verbs derived from other verbs?

What do frequentative verbs express? Of what conjugation are they? How formed?

Have deponent verbs frequentatives?

Give the examples of frequentatives irregularly formed?

Give examples of frequentatives formed from other frequentatives.

What is the remark on frequentatives?

What are inceptive verbs? How formed from verbs? How from nouns? Of what kind are they? What conjugation? What do they want?

What are desiderative verbs? How formed? Of what conjugation? What parts are wanting? What are diminutive verbs? What intensive? Name the four things with which verbs are compounded? What changes are made?


What is a participle? Why so called?
How are participles declined?
What do participles in dus import?
How many participles have Latin verbs?
What participles have not the Latins?
How is this defect supplied?

How many participles have neuter verbs?

Have some neuter verbs participles of the perfect tense?

What is the remark on neuter passive verbs?
What is said of ausus?

How many participles have deponent and common verbs? Give examples.

What is the remark on perfect participles of deponent verbs?

What is the remark on participles compounded with in signifying not? Explain the double sense and derivation of incensus, infectus, invisus, and indictus.

When do participles become adjectives? Examples. May participles be used as nouns? What is understood?

What is said of many words in alus, itus, utus? Explain verbal adjectives in bundus. How formed? What do they denote?


What are gerunds? How declined? What case wanting? What is the remark on the gerunds? Give examples. What change of letters? Supines have what signification? How may they be applied? What are their terminations? In what sense are the supines used?


What is an adverb? How many classes?
How is the first class divided? How many fold are
adverbs of place? Explain each, with examples.
How many fold are adverbs of time? Explain each,
with examples?

How is the second class of adverbs divided?
What do those called absolute denote?
Explain the eleven kinds with examples.
What do those adverbs which are called compara-
tive denote ?

From what second? What is said of these? What is the termination of those derived from the first and second declensions? and from the third? How is the neuter of adjectives taken? What is often understood? From what third? Examples. From what fourth? Examples. What are these last? From what fifth?

What adverbs are compared?

How does the positive end? and the comparative?
and the superlative? What is the remark?
How are adverbs compounded?
Repeat the four observations.

[blocks in formation]

What is syntax? What is the division of syntax?
Define concord. Define government.
Repeat the nine general principles of syntax.
What is the first, second? &c.

What is the division of sentences? Define each.
What is there in a simple sentence?
What is the subject? What is the attribute? Give
the examples.


Of what is a compound sentence made up?
What is it called? What is a period?
What are members and clauses?
Repeat the first observation.
Repeat the second observation.

By what means are sentences compounded: Give the example.

How many are the concords? What is the first? What is the second? The third? The fourth? Repeat the first concord.

What is the first rule? Repeat all the examples. To what else does this rule apply?

What is the first observation? The second? The third? The fourth?

Is the substantive ever understood? What then is the adjective? Always?

Does an adjective ever supply the place of a substantive?

Does a substantive ever supply the place of an adjective?

What substantive is usually understood after the adjectives primus, medius? &c.

Ought the adjective or substantive to be placed first in Latin?

When is the substantive elegantly put first?
What is the second concord?

Repeat the second rule, with all the examples.
Of what person are ego and nos? tu and vos? ille,
and all other words?

When is the nominative of the first and second person omitted? When expressed?

What supplies the place of the nominative? What is sometimes added? Why? What does the infinitive often supply? With what may a collective noun be joined? When a collective noun is joined with a singular verb, what does it express? And when joined with a plural?

Of what gender will be the plural adjectives when joined to collective nouns?

What is the third concord?

Repeat the third rule cum omnibus exemplis.
Repeat the fourth rule.

Repeat the ten observations cum omnibus exemplis.
Must the relative always have an antecedent?
What then may it be considered?

When the relative is placed between two substantives of different genders?

When the relative comes after two words of different persons?

How is the antecedent implied?

Is the relative ever omitted?

Does the case of the relative ever depend on the antecedent?

What is said of the adjective pronouns?

What is said of interrogative and indefinite adjec tives?

What is remarked of the translation of the relative? How is it construed?

What is subjoined to the construction of the relative?

In what case is the answer? Examples.

What is the meaning of the contraction sc.? Ans. scilicet for scire licet, you may know or understand.

Repeat the fifth rule, with all the examples.
What does this imply?

What verbs most frequently have the same case af-
ter them as before them? First? Second?
What cases only are placed after these verbs?
When these verbs are placed between two nomina-
tives, with which do they agree?

What is the remark concerning the infinitive mood and the verb licet?

Explain the poetic licences which are not to be used in prose.

What is the fourth concord?
What does the sixth rule regard?
Repeat the sixth rule, with the examples.

What is the seventh rule, and what does it regard?
What relation is expressed by the genitive?
How is it elegantly-turned?

When may the substantive be taken in an active and a passive sense?

What is the third observation?

Is the dative ever used for the genitive?
What is the fifth observation?

How is the genitive often rendered in English?

How are substantive pronouns governed?
And how adjective pronouns?

When a passive sense is expressed what do we use? What have the possessives meus, tuus, &c. after them in the genitive?

When are the reciprocals sui and suus used?
The eighth rule? The examples?
How is the ablative here governed?

Repeat the phrases in which the genitive only is
used; and those in which the ablative only is
used; and those in which both are used.
Which occurs more frequently in prose?
Repeat the four ways of phrasing the same sense of
the words vir præstans ingenium.

Describe the Greek construction. What is its name?
What is understood? Give examples.
What does the ninth rule regard?
Repeat the ninth rule, with the examples.
Is this manner of expression elegant?

What do adjectives which thus govern the genitive generally signify?

What are plus and quid thought to be?

What do nihil and the neuter pronouns govern? and what not?

What do plural adjectives of the neuter gender govern?

What is the general remark?

What is the tenth rule? Examples?
What are opus and usus?

What is understood to govern the ablative?
Do they ever govern the genitive?

Is opus ever used as an adjective?
How is it elegantly used?

With what is opus joined, and how is it often placed?

GOVERNMENT OF ADJECTIVES. What does the ninth rule regard?

What is the ninth rule? Examples.

Repeat the five classes of adjectives which govern the genitive? What other adjectives are added? How are verbals in ns used?

What is the difference between patiens algoris and algorem?

Do any of these vary their construction?
How is the genitive governed? Do these adjectives
contain the force of substantives?
Twelfth rule? Examples?
What is the meaning of partitives?
To these add what?

Partitives agree in gender with what?
How is the genitive here governed?
How are partitives otherwise construed?

What case in the singular do partitives govern?
When are comparitives used? When superlatives?
What words are applied to two? What to three or

What is the second case governed by adjectives?
What does the thirteenth rule regard?
What is the thirteenth rule? Examples.
How otherwise may this rule be expressed?
Repeat the nine classes of adjectives which belong
to this rule. What is added?

What do verbals in bilis and dus govern?
Do any passive participles govern the dative?
How are verbals in dus often construed? How per-
fect participles;

Is the dative properly governed by adjectives?
Have substantives ever a dative after them?
What adjectives govern the dative or the genitive?
What adjectives govern both cases?

What do adjectives of usefulness or fitness govern?
Have any of them a double construction?
Repeat the three ways in which adjectives signify.
ing affections of the mind are construed?
How is audiens construed?

How are adjectives, signifying motion or tendency to a thing, construed?

What do proprior and proximus govern?
What does idem govern? What in prose? What
would be improper? What do we likewise say?
What is the third case governed by adjectives?
The fourteenth rule? Examples.
How is this ablative governed?

What other case do dignus, indignus, &c. govern?
What is said of macte?

What does the fifteenth rule regard?
What is the fifteenth rule? Examples.
Which are construed with the genitive only?
Which with the dative only?

Which with the genitive more frequently?
Which with the dative more frequently?
Which with both promiscuously?

Which with a preposition?

Government of the Verb Sum.

What is the sixteenth rule? Examples.

What words are excepted? Repeat the three observations.

The seventeenth rule? Examples.

This is more frequently used than what other construction?

The eighteenth rule. Example.

What other verbs have two datives after them?
What are the three observations?

The nineteenth rule? Examples.

The twentieth rule? Examples.

What is the sign of the ablative in English?
What does the positive with magis govern?
How is the ablative here governed?

How otherwise may the comparative be construed? When is the conjunction quam elegantly suppressed?

How is it elegantly placed?

For what is nihil elegantly used?
Is the comparative ever repeated?

How is the relation of sameness or equality expressed?

In what case is the defect or excess of measure put?
What does the twenty-first rule regard?
The twenty-first rule? Examples.

What do adverbs qualify? Are they also joined to nouns?

What is remarked of the position of the adverb?
To what are two negatives equivalent?
What chiefly deserves attention in adverbs?
Which are joined to the positive? Which to the

To what is quam joined? To what is facile joined?
To what is longe joined? With what mood is cum
joined? Dum? Dum and donec, for usquedum?
Quoad for quamdiu, and quoad until?
Postquam or posteaquam? Antequam ?
Quasi, ceu? &c.

Utinam, o si, ut?

Quin for cur non ?

What does the twenty-second rule regard?
Repeat the twenty-second rule? Examples.

Repeat the adverbs of time that govern the geni


Repeat the adverbs of place that govern the genitive, and of quantity.

What is said of instar and ergo?

Why are these adjectives thought to govern the genitive?

What is remarked of pridie? And what of en and ecce ?

Repeat the examples under each preposition, with the English.

What is the English of ad astra?

How do you say in Latin, to the stars? &c. &c. Write the examples.

Is ad ever used adverbially?

What is the English of apud? ante? &c. What are added to prepositions governing the accu⚫ sative?

What is the twenty-fourth rule?

Repeat all the prepositions, with the English; and the examples?

What is the English of a patre?

How do you say in Latin, from a father?
What is the English of absque? &c.

Which preposition is placed after the noun? Ans.
Tenus. Any other? Ans. Sometimes cum, and
then it is joined to the word which it governs?
Does tenus ever govern any other case?
What is added to prepositions governing the abla.

What is the twenty-fifth rule?

Distinguish in governing the accusative and the ablative? Examples.

What is the English of sub? super?

When are prepositions reckoned adverbs? Examples.

In these cases, what is implied?

What other adverbs are construed with the accusa tive?

Distinguish a and e, ab and ex. Examples.
Are prepositions ever understood? Is the word gov
erned ever understood? Examples of both.
When is the latter more frequently the case?
The twenty-sixth rule? Examples.
How do you say, O good man?" &c.
The twenty-seventh rule? Examples.
How do you say ah me? &c.

Which interjections are joined with the vocative?
Which with the accusative?

What is the remark on interjections?
What is understood in heu me miserum?

The twenty-eighth rule? Examples, with the En glish.

What is the first observation? The second? The third?

The twenty-ninth rule? Examples.

If the substantives are of different persons? genders?
To what is this applicable?

If the substantives signify things without life?
What is the genus?

What is the fourth observation? and the fifth?
What is remarked after the fifth observation?
What is the figure syllepsis? See page 166.
The thirtieth rule? Examples with English.
What is the remark on interrogatives? And qui?

What is the note?

When have etsi, tametsi, &c. the indicative, and
when the subjunctive mood?
What is said of correspondent conjunctions?
When is ut elegantly omitted?
How are ut and quod distinguished?
When is ut taken in a negative sense?
When is ne taken in a positive sense?
What does the thirty-first rule regard?
Repeat the thirty-first rule, with the examples.
When do neuter verbs govern the accusative?
And when have they an ablative?

What is the second observation? The third? and
the fourth?

In all these examples what is understood?
What do derivative adverbs govern? Give the ex- Repeat it, with examples.

What does the thirty-second rule regard?

What does the twenty-third rule regard?

What other verbs govern the genitive? Are they construed differently?

Repeat the rule, including all the prepositions which How is the genitive after verbs really governed? govern this case.

Repeat the thirty-third rule, with examples.

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