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will, voluntās, -tātis, F. willing, be willing, volo, velle, volui.

winter, hiems, hiemis, F.; pass the winter, hiemō, 1; winterquarters, hiberna, -ōrum, N. wipe out, dēleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētum. wisdom, sapientia, -ae, F.; consilium, -i, N.

wish, desire, be willing, volō, velle, volui.

with, in company with, cum. within, of time, expressed by abl.; of place, intus, adv.; intră, prep. w. acc.

worthy, dignus, -a, -um; it is worth while, tanti est.

wrest, extorqueō, -torquēre, -torsī, -tortum.

write, scrībō, -ere, scrīpsī, scrīptum.

writer, scriptor, -ōris, M. would that, utinam, adv. wounded, saucius, -a, -um.


year, annus, -ī, M. yesterday, hesternō diē. yet, tamen; not yet, nōndum. you, tū, vōs.

without, sine, w. abl.; be with- your, tuus, -a, -um; vester, ves

out, careō, 2.

tra, vestrum.

withstand, obsistō, -ere, -stitī, yourself, tuī.

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The figures 1, 2, and 4 after verbs indicate that the principal parts are like those of laudō, moneō, and audiō, respectively.

A., see Aulus.


ā (before cons.), ab (before vowels or cons.), abs (before të); prep. w. abl. (away from), from, by; as prefix, away, off,


abdicō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum [dicō],

tr., disoun; sẽ abdicāre, resign, abdicate, w. abl. of the office.

abdō, -dere, -didī, -ditum [dō],

tr., put away, hide, conceal, bury.

abeō, -īre, -ii, -itum [eō], intr.,

go away. abhorreō, -ēre, -ui, [horreō], tr. and intr., shrink from, be remote from, be foreign to, be averse; differ.

abiciō, -icere, -iēcī, -iectum

[iacio], tr., throw away, give up, abandon.

abiectus, -a, -um [abiciō], cast down, downcast, prostrate, overwhelmed. abs, see ā.

absconditus, -a, -um [abscondō], hidden, concealed, secret.

absēns, absentis, adj. [absum], absent, distant.

absolūtiō, -ōnis, F. [absolvō], acquittal.

abstrahō, -trahere, -trāxi, -trāctum [abstrahō], tr., draw away from.

absum, abesse, äfui [sum], be away, be distant, be ab


abundantia, -ae, F. [abundō], abundance.

abūtor, -ūtī, -ūsus sum [ūtor], dep., use up, exhaust; abuse, outrage, try.

ac, see atque. accedō, -cedere, -cessi, -cessum [ad+cēdō], intr., go to, come to, approach, be applied, Ar. 6.

accelerō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum [ad + celerō], intr., make haste, hasten.

accido, -cidere, -cidī, [ad + cado], intr., fall, happen. accipio, -cipere, -cēpī, -ceptum [ad + capiō], tr., take to, receive; hear; incur, sustain, P. 6; learn, P. 9.

Accius, -ī, M., Accius (ak'sh(y)us), a Roman poet, born 170


accommodātus, -a, -um [accommodō], suitable, fit, adapted, appropriate.

accommodō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum

[commodo], tr., adapt, suit, accommodate. accubō, -āre,

[ad + cubō], intr., lie at, recline.

near, at, at the house of, among; till, for, for the purpose of, in point of, as regards; as prefix, to, at.

adaequō, -āre, -åvi -ātum

[aequō], tr., make equal to. addō, -dere, -didī, -ditum [ad + dō], tr., put to, add.

addūcō, -dücere, -düxi, -ductum

[ad + dūcō], tr., lead to, bring to; induce, influence.

accūrātē, adv. [accūrātus], with 1. adeō, -ire, -iï, -itum [1. eō], tr.,

care, accurately.

accūsō, -āre, -āvi, ātum [ad +2.

causa], tr., blame, find fault with.

ācer, acris, acre, sharp, keen,

eager, active, severe, vigorous. acerbē, adv. [acerbus], bitterly, harshly.

acerbitās, -tātis, F. [acerbus],

bitterness, severity.

acerbus, -a, -um [ācer], bitter,

harsh, violent, severe. acervus, -i, M., heap, pile. Achaia, -ae, F., Achaia (a-kā'ya),

southern Greece.

Achilles, -is, M., Achilles, Greek

warrior and hero of Homer's Iliad.

acies, ēi, F., edge, line, battleline, array, army (in battle array).

acriter, adv. [ācer], sharply,

keenly, energetically, zealously. acroāma, -atis, N. (Greek),

sound, entertainment; performer, Ar. 9.

go to, visit; enter upon, Ar. 5. adeo, adv. [2. eō], (to this limit), so far, even, Cat., I, 2; actually.

adeps, adipis, M. and F., fat, corpulence, Cat., III, 7. adferō, adferre, attuli, adlātum

[ferō], tr., bring to, bring, apply; produce, cause, occasion, add. adficio, -ficere, -fēcī, -fectum [facio], tr., do to, treat, affect, impair; visit, honor (with); in pass., suffer, receive; supplicio adficere, punish. adfingō, -fingere, -finxi, -fictum

[fingō], tr., add, bestow, give. adfinis, -e [finis], adjoining,

connected with, implicated in. adflicto, -āre, -āvī, -ātum [freq. of adfligō], tr., shatter, trouble, distress, Cat., I, 13. adfligō, -fligere, -flixi, -flictum [fligō], tr., strike at, smite, afflict, distress, ruin.

adflō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum [flō], tr., blow, waft (towards).

āctus, -ūs, M. [agō], act (of a adfluēns, -entis [adfluō], abound

ing, rich (in), full.

play). ad, prep. w. acc., to, towards, | adgregō,-āre, -āvī,-ātum [gregō],

tr., bring together (in a admonitus, -ūs, M. [admoneō],

flock). adhibeō, -ēre, -ui, -itum [habeō], tr., (hold toward), apply, use, employ; lend, furnish, supply. adhortor, āvi, -ātus sum [hortor]

dep., encourage, urge on. adhúc, adv. [huc], hitherto, as yet, up to this time. adimō, -imere, -ēmī, -ēmptum [emō], tr., take away, deny. adipiscor, -i, adeptus sum, dep. [apiscor], (come up with), attain, obtain, secure. aditus, -ūs, M. [1. adeō],

access, approach, avenue, path. adiumentum, -i, N. [adiuvō], help, aid.

adiungō, -iungere, -iūnxi, -iūnc-
tum [iungō], tr., join to, add;
impose, confer upon.
adiuvō, -iuvāre, -iūvī, -iūtum
[iuvō], tr., help, assist.
adlicio, -licere, -lexi,


[blocks in formation]

advice, suggestion. admurmurātiō, -ōnis,





adnuō, -nuere, -nuï,
intr., nod to, nod assent.
adōrnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum [ōrnō],
tr., adorn, equip, provide.
adprobō, -āre, āvī, -ātum [ad+
probō], tr., give assent to, ap-

prove of.
adpropinquo, -āre, -āvī, -ātum

[propinquo], intr., draw near (to), approach.

adquirō, -quirere, -quisivi, -quisitum [quaerō], tr., add (to), acquire, gain.

adscribo, scribere, -scripsi, -scriptum [scribō], tr., enroll (as a citizen).

adsentio, -sentire, -sensi, -sensum [sentiō], intr., assent to, agree with.

adsequor, -sequi, -secutus sum [sequor], dep., follow up, overtake, reach; accomplish, effect, obtain, attain.

adservō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum [servō],

tr., watch over, keep, guard. adsidō, -sidere, -sēdī, [sidō], intr., take a seat, sit down. adsidue, adv. [adsiduus], constantly.

adstō, -stāre, -stiti, [stō], intr., stand near, stand by. adsuĕfactus, -a, -um [adsuēfacio], trained, accustomed. adsum, -esse, -fui [sum], be near, be present; aid, assist. adulēscēns, -entis, M. [adolēscō], young man, youth.

adulescentia, -ae, F. [adulės

cēns], youth.

calm; aequo animō, with a calm mind, with resignation.



adulescentulus, -i, M. [adulēs- | aerārium, -i, N.

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mature, full-grown. adventicius, -a, -um [adveniō], foreign.

adventus, -ūs, M. [adveniō],

arrival, approach, coming. adversus, -a, -um [advertō], (turned towards), facing, unfavorable; adversae rēs, adversity.

advesperăscit, -ere, impers., evening approaches, it grows dark.

aedificium, -i, N. [aedificō],

building, house, edifice. aedificō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum [aedēs,

faciō], tr., build.

aedēs -is, F., (a dwelling of the gods), temple; pl., (a dwelling for men), house. Aegaeus, -a, -um, Aege'an. aeger, aegra, aegrum, sick, suffering.

aegrē, adv. [aeger], with diffi

culty, reluctantly, bitterly. Aemilius, -i, M., Aemilius, a

gentile name; M. Aemilius Scaurus, consul 115 and 107


Aeneas, -ae, M., Aene'as.

aerārius, -a, -um [aes], of the


aes, aeris, N., copper, bronze, money; aes aliēnum, (another's money), debt; pl., bronze tablets.

aestās, -tātis, F., summer. aestimō, -āre, āvī, ātum [aes], tr., judge, estimate. aestus, -ús, M., heat. aetās, -tātis, F., age, old age; life.

aeternus, -a, -um, everlasting, eternal, endless.

Aetōlī, -ōrum, M., the Aetolians, inhabitants of Aetolia. Africa, -ae, F., Africa, especially the Roman province in the northern part of the continent.

Africanus, -a, -um [Africa],

African; Africanus, a surname of two of the Scipios. ager, agri, M., field, land, country.

agitō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum [freq. of agō], tr., disturb, agitate,


agnosco, -noscere, -nōvī, -nitum [ad + (g)nōscō], tr. recognize, understand.

aequë, adv. [aequus], equally; | agō, -ere, -ēgī, āctum, tr., (put

aeque ac, just as. aequitās, -tātis, F. [aequus], justice, equity.

aequus, -a, -um, even, equal;

fair, just, right; favorable,

in motion), drive, do, act, act on; aim at; speak, plead; spend (aetatem); pass., be at stake, P. 2, 6; age vērō, come now, well then.

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