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tuted by the use we make of our liberty-this by no means excludes the value of evangelical privileges, for which we can never be thankful enough. it is obvious, that thefe do not render one a good man: it is the improvement of these. If they are abused, the man is worse than if he had never enjoyed fuch privileges.

NEEDI beg it may be observed, further, that the gospel fuffers no difparagement by our difcarding the notion of vicarious punishment? A notion unworthy of the glorious gospel, and fo

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reign to it. Our falvation is not founded on vicarious punishment, but on the obedience and worthinefs of our bleffed and benevo→ lent Saviour. He was obedient even unto death. And therefore, for his fake, and in bonour of him, penitent finners, who return to the path of righteoufnefs, are not only forgiven, but are admitted into eternal life: which, whoever enjoys, he receives it as "the gift of God, through Jefus Chrift our "Lord;" who, according to the wisdom and the grace of God, lived for us, and died for us;

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whose name we ought evermore to honour and bless.

HAVING prefented these Hints to the Reader, I do, now, earneftly recommend to him this excellent book: and may the great and good God help him to profit by it!



AFTER endeavouring to

fhew that Mr. M's no

tion of our falvation by Jefus Chrift (tho' efpoufed by many very refpectable perfons befides himself) is a mistaken notion, it seems, on further confideration, incumbent on me to express a little more fully what I take to be the fcriptural falvation.

It is, in my apprehenfion, twofold. It confists, first, in that light or instruction which Chrift brought into the world, together with the powerful in


fluence of his fublime example; whereby men are, or may be faved, from ignorance, fuperftition, folly and wickednefs; and whereby they are, or may be made partakers of that happinefs, which is derived from genuine religion only: -here, likewife, are included all thofe illuftrious privileges freely bestowed upon profeffing Chriftians in common, and intended as means of improvement; fimilar to those conferred upon the Ifraelites, and intended for the fame purpose *. This is properly falvation. In this sense,

* See Taylor on the Romans.

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