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A., abridged for Aulus; a. d. ante diem; | Ab-čo, Ivi or Yi, Xtum, ire, v. n., I go off, go a. u. c. = anno urbis conditae.

▲, ǎb, prp. c. abl., off, from, by, (a before words beginning with a consonant, ab before words beginning with a vowel ; ab is au in aufero and aufugio.) It denotes,

1. Place: ab eo loco; a sole, out of the sun; a stirpe, fundamentally; usque a capite, from the very beginning;

2. Time: ab hora tertia; a pueritia; a prima pugna, since the first combat;

3. An agent from whom an action proceeds, or by whom it is performed: a düs omnia facta sunt, all things have been made by the gods; a natura, by nature;

4. Cessation, prevention, keeping off, leaving off, deterring, delivering from: desistere a defensione, to give up the defence: aliquem ab injuria deterrere, to deter any one from injury;

5. A source or origin: quod tibi debet ab Egnatio, what he owes thee from the hands of Egnatius.

Xbăcus, i, m., board, table.
Ab-dico, 1 (dicare), v. a., I give up, resign,
lay down, renounce, abdicate; a. se ma-
gistratu, praeturā, dictaturā, to resign the
magistracy, &c.

Abdo, idi, itum, 3 (dare, to put, do), v.

a., I remove, I hide; aliquem, aliquid in loco, in locum; a. se, to hide one's self; a. se literis, in literas, to bury one's self in learning.

Ab-dùco, ri, ctum, 3 (ducere, to draw), v. a..

I draw, pull off; I lead off by force, force away; aliquem a, de, e loco, I entice away.

Xb-horreo, ui, 2, v. n., I differ much, I vary, away; a. e vita, to die.

depart from; abhorret a meis moribus, it
is not at all my custom.

Ab-jicio, jěci, jectum, 3, v. a. (jacère), I
throw away, throw; I throw down, pros-
trate, debase, humble; I throw aside, lay
by, remove; a. animum, to be disheart-
ened or discouraged, to despond.
Ab-jūro, 1, v. a., I deny falsely upon oath,
I forswear.

Ab-lātus, a, um, part. (aufero; latus = le-
vatus), taken away, removed.
Ab-origines, um, m. pl. (ab origine), the
first inhabitants of Latium; original in-


Abs-cido, idi, isum, 3 (caedo), v. a., I cut off, cut; figur. I deprive of. Ab-scindo, idi, issum, 3 (scindere), v. a., I tear Absens, tis, part. (absum), absent, not here, off, rend away, cut off, cut, part asunder. out of sight, gone away, wanting. Ab-similis, e, adj.. unlike, dissimilar; mostAb-solūtus, a, um, part. (absolvo), let loose; ly with a negation: haud a., non a. adj., free, unrestrained; acquitted, discharged, released; finished, completed; Absolvo, vi, ûtum, 3, v. a., I set at liberty, perfect, absolute.

discharge, absolve, liberate, release; in law: I acquit, c. abl., gen., or de; I finish, complete, bring to a close; a. rem Abs-tînentia, ae, f. (abstineo), an abstaining paucis, to despatch in a few words. from, abstinence, moderation, discreet


I Abs-lineo, ui, tontum, 2 (teneo), 1, v. n., abstain from, am free from, a thing; 2, v. a., I keep or ward off, I hold back, restrain.

Ab-străho, ari, actum, 3, v. a., I drag, draw,
tear, pull off or away, take away by

Ab-sum, abfui, abesse, to be absent, out of
the way, to be distant; figur.: to be far
from, i. e. not to have, to be free from,
not to belong to, to be disinclined to, to
be wanting.
Absurdus, a, um, adj. (=surdus, earless),
disagreeable to the ear, harsh, grating;
absurd, foolish, foreign from the purpose
or subject; adv., absurde.
Ab-undantia, ae, f. (abundans), abundance,
plenty, copiousness, exuberance

Ab-unde, adv. (abundus), abundantly, copi-
ously, largely.

Ab-útor, ūsus sum, 3, v. n., c. abl., 1, I
use up, consume by using, waste, run
through; passively, to be consumed, used
up; 2, I use otherwise, contrary to orig-
inal intention; 3, I abuse, turn to im-
proper use, apply to a wrong end.
Ac, conj. = atque, and (mostly before con-
sonants, seldom before a vowel or 4).
Acădēmia, ae, f., a place near Athens, where
Plato taught philosophy; hence the aca-
demical philosophy and sect.
Ac-cêdo, cessi, cessum, 3 (ad-cedo), v. n., I
draw near to, approach, arrive at, come
to, accost; I ain added, joined, annexed;
with ad, c. dat., and c. acc.
Ac-cendo, ndi, nsum, 3 (ad, * cando, I make

to glow, whence candeo), v. a., I set on
fire, set fire to, light up; figur. I excite,
inflame, stir up.

Ac-ceptus, a, um, part. (accipio), accepted, received; adj., acceptable, grateful, pleasing.

Ac-cerso. See arcesso.

Ac-cessus, us, m. (accedo), an approaching,
drawing near to, a coming.
Ac-cido, idi, isum, 3 (ad, caedo), v. a., I cut
off, cut, lop, cut down, fell.
Ac-cido, idi, 3 (ad, cado), v. n., I fall down
at or before; most frequently impers., ac-
cidit, it happens, occurs, falls out; accidit
praeter opinionem, it happened unawares;
si quid alicui accidat, if anything should
happen to one.

Ac-cipio, epi eptum, 3 (ad, capio), I receive,

take; I receive, treat, entertain; I com
prehend, understand, hear; I am sensible
of, feel; voluptatem accipere, to feel pleas-
ure; I admit of, approve, accept of.
Ac-clīvis, e, adj. (ad, clivus), up-hill, steep,
rising, ascending.

Ac-clivitas, atis, f. (acclivis), a bending up-
wards, steepness, ascent, acclivity.
Ac-commõdātus, a, um, part. (accommode),
adapted; adj., suitable, proper, intended,
calculated for.

Ac-commodo, 1 (ad, c.), I adapt, adjust, fit;
I apply, accommodate.
Ac-cûrātē, adv. (accuratus), diligently, elab-
orately, carefully, attentively, accurately.
Ac-curro, cucurri and curri, cursum, 3 (ad,
curro), v. n., I run to.

Ac-cũso, 1 (ad, causa), v. a., I accuse in
judgment, I arraign, impeach, blame,
reprimand, aliquem, aliquem crimine, ali-
quem alicujus rei, de re; I complain of,
blame, chide, find fault with.

Acer, äcris, äcre, adj. (aceo), sharp, sour,
tart, pungent, acrid; figur. : sharp, brisk,
powerful, vehement; of men: fiery, fu-
rious; severe, austere; valiant, gallant;
strenuous, diligent; of mind: acute,
keen, penetrating; of actions: violent;
of war: cruel.
Acerbe, adv. (acerbus), sharply, keenly,
harshly, bitterly; figur. : cruelly.
Acerbus, a, um, adj. (acer), harsh, sour, tart,

unripe; figur.: cruel, severe, hard; of
sounds: harsh; of disposition: austere,

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Xcies, ei, f., the sharp edge or point of any-
thing: a line of soldiers, file, squadron;
an army in battle-array; a fleet in battle-
array; a battle, fight, action; figur:
keen eyesight; force, power, prowess,
might, weight, influence; acuteness,
discernment, shrewdness of inte lect,

Acinus, i, m., and ăcinum, i, n., criginally:
a germ, seed; a grain, kernel, grape,
raisin, berry.
Ac-quiesco, evi, čtum, 3 (ad, quiesce), v. n., !

repose, take rest; figur.: I rest, have
rest, find rest; I acquiesce in, dwell

with delight upon, am pleased or delighted with; with in, c. abl., and c. dat. Acriter, adv. (acer), vehemently, keenly, sharply, eagerly; attentively, clearly, intensely; valiantly, stoutly, vigorously; exceedingly, very; severely, cruelly. Acta, ōrum, n. pl. (ago), acts, actions, deeds; acts, decrees, resolutions; acta publica, public records.

Actio, onis, f. (ago), motion; action, operation; management, negotiation, business, treaty; in oratory: the action or delivery of a speech; a speech before a court, accusation, information, charge; an action

at law.

Actor, oris, m. (ago), agent, doer, perform

er; actor, comedian, player; pleader. Aculeus, i, m. (acus), sting; prickle; figur. : sharpness, sophistry, a cutting remark. Acйo, ui, útum, 3 (acus), v. a., I point, sharpen, whet; figur.: I sharpen, incite, excite, exercise; I stimulate, rouse, provoke, instigate.

Acûtus, a, um, part. (acuo), pointed; adj., | sharp-edged, prickly; figur.: sharp, shrill, piercing, pungent, biting penetrating; of the mind: quick.

acute, subtile, ingenious,

Ad, prp. c. acc., to, unto; 1, to a place, thing, or person; ad urbem venire, to come to town; ad meridiem spectans, looking to the south; cum Senatus ad Caesarem accederet; ad hoc, besides this; ad verbum, word for word; ad summum, to the highest degree; ad extremum, ad ultimum, at length, at last; also near, as ad Romam near Rome; 2, till a time, or action; ad quoddam tempus, till a certain time; ad hiemem, towards the winter: vita ad spem servanda, life to be preserved for hope; 3, for quvad, quod attinet ad, as far as regards, in whatever pertains to. Ad-aequo, 1, v a., I equal, make equal; adaequare famam alicujus, to render one's self as famous as any one; adaequare se alicui virtute, to put one's self on a par with any one in virtue; adaequare virtutem cum fortuna, to be as brave as one is fortunate.

Ad-ămo, 1, v. a., I begin to love, fall in love with.

Ad-dico, zi, ctum, 3, v. a., I adjudge, assign, make over, surrender; addicere aliquem morti, to condemn, doom one to death;


figur. I consent to, approve; I devote; a. aliquem ad jusjurandum, to force, compel one to take an oath.

Ad-do, didi, ditum, 3 (ad, dare), v. a., I add; I throw, cast in or upon, mingle with; figur. a. alicui animos, to fire one's courage; a. fidem rei, to confirm, corroborate, give credibility to a thing. Ad-duco, uri, uctum, 3, v. a., I conduct, bring, fetch; I bring on, induce, cause, occasion; I draw to, tighten, straiten; I bring to, straiten, reduce; a. aliquem in angustias, to bring one into difficulty; a. in judicium, to bring to trial, arraign, sue, summon before a court of justice; I induce, persuade. Ad-ductus, a, um, part. (adduco), brought, conducted, &c.; adj., contracted, wrinkled.

Ad-co, ivi and ii, itum, ire, 1, v. n., I go near, come; adire in jus, to go to law; 2, v. a., I go to, I approach, go up to; Ad-eō, adv. (for ad id), so far, to such a defigur.: I undertake, undergo, incur, adopt. gree, insomuch; so long; adeo dum, a. usque dum, a. donec, a. usque ut, usque a. quoad, till, until; also = vero, but


Ad-equito, 1, v. a., I ride up to, or near to a Ad-hibeo, ui, itum, 2 (habeo), v. a., 1, I place or person.

adopt, use, employ; 2, I adapt, apply; 3, I bring, bring on; 4, I offer, pay, give; 5, I behave to, treat; 6, I add, join; a animum, to attend to; a. se, to conduct,

carry one's self.

Ad-hûc (= ad hoc), adv., 1, hitherto, thus far, as yet; usque a., till now; 2, beyond that, more than that, more still; 3, still, as yet, even yet.


Ad-go, egi, actum, 3 (ago), v. a, I drive, drive in, plunge, thrust, impel; I bring, conduct; figur.: 1 force, compel; adigere aliquem ad, or in jusjurandum, to oblige one to make oath; a. aliquem jurejurando, to bind one by an oath. Ad-imo emi, emptum, 3 (emo), v. a., I take away, remove, deprive of, deny. Adipiscor, eptus sum, 3 (apiscor), v. dep. a., I acquire, get, procure, obtain possession of; with the acc. of a person, to arrive at, come up with, reach, overtake; figur. I attain, understand. Ad-itus, ús, m. (adeo), approach, entry,


access; the place by which one ap-
proaches or enters; the power of meet-
ing or conversing with one; figur.: an
entrance, way, means, opportunity.
Ad-jício, jěci, jectum, 3 (jacio), v. a., I cast
towards or against, I apply to; I add ;
figur.: I apply, devote.

Ad-jungo, junzi, junctum, 3, v. a., 1, I add,
join, adjoin, unite, annex; figur. : I pro-
cure; I conciliate; 2, I yoke.
Ad-jútor, ōris, m. (adjuvo), an aider, helper,
assistant, promoter; a partisan.
Ad-jūvo, jūvi, jūtum, 1, v. a., I help, aid,
assist, succor.

Ad-mănică!um, i, n. (manus), what holds
like a hand, a prop, stay, used to support
vines and fruit-trees.

Ad-ministro, 1, v. n., I minister, attend, serve, work; 2, v. a., I administer, manage, conduct, direct, govern, pay attention to, regulate.

Ad-mīrābilis, e, adj. (admiror), worthy of
admiration, admirable, wonderful, mar-

Ad-mirātio, onis, f. (admiror), the act of ad-
miring, admiration, amazement, wonder;
respect, reverence, veneration.
Ad-miror, atus sum, 1, v. dep., 1, v. n., I
wonder greatly, I marvel, I am aston-
ished, amazed, surprised; 2, v. a, I
wonder at, I admire, look at with as-
tonishment, regard, or esteem.
Ad-mitto, misi, missum, 3, v. a., I send to or
onward, push forward, give rein to go on,
let or suffer one to do something, suffer
something to be done; I give admittance,
adopt, choose; I admit, consult; I com-
mit something; I permit, allow; I re-
ceive, admit.

Ad-modum, adv. (modus), in full measure,
much, very, exceedingly; in good truth;
just, exactly, altogether.
Ad-moneo, ui, itum, 2, v. a., I remind, put
in mind, warn, admonish, advise; ali-
quem de re, aliquid, ad, ut, ne, acc. c. inf.
Ad-mõnitus, ūs, m. (admoneo), an advising, |
suggesting, intimating, warning, advice;
instigation, exhortation.

Ad-moreo, mōvì, mōtum, 2. v. a., I put near,
bring near to, apply, bring in contact
with; figur. I employ, apply, admit.
Ad-murmuro, 1, v. n., I murmur, whisper
at; c. acc. with or without ad.
Ad-nitor See annitor.

Xd-olescens, entis, part. (adolesco), growing,
increasing, young; subst. m. and f., a
young man, youth, one past the state of
boyhood, a young woman.
Ad-olescentia, ae, f. (adolescens), youth, the
age succeeding boyhood.
Xd-õlescentŭlus, i, m. (adolescens), dim., a
young man, youth, stripling.
Ad-ŏlesco, člēvi, and Ŏlui, ultum, 3 (-lo,
olesco, I grow, related to alo, I nourish),
1, v. n., I grow, grow up, increase;
figur.: I grow, increase, advance, be-
come greater; 2, v. a., I fasten or join

Ad-ŏrior, ortus sum, 4 (orior, I spring), I
start; v. a., I begin, commence : 1 ap-
proach, accost; I attempt, try, take in
hand, undertake, go about; I attack,
assail, invade.

Ad-orno, 1, v. a., I ornament, embellish,
adoru; I put in order, furnish, provide,
prepare; figur.: I arrange, draw up,
prepare; I honor.
I pray,
Ad-oro, 1 (oro, I pray), v. a.,
by prayer, pray for; I adore, worship,
revere, venerate; I honor.

Adrămyttēnus, a, um, adj., of or belonging
to Adramyttium.

Ad-scisco, ivi, itum, 3, v. a., I take, receive

something with approbation, approve, re-
ceive as true; I receive or admit one in
some character, as something (citizen,
ally. son, etc.); I take, draw, or receive
any person or thing to myself, I appro-
priate to myself.

Adspicio. See aspicio.
Ad-sum, adfui, adesse, v. n., to be present,
at hand, here; c. dat., to aid, assist,
stand by.

Ad-ultěr, èri, m. (adulor, I fondle), a
fondler, seducer, debauchee; an adul


Ad-ultus, a, um, part. (adolesco), grown up; adj., perfect, mature, ripe; full, confirmed, rooted.

Ad-věho, vezi, vectum, 3, v. a., I conduct,

carry, import from abroad, convey. Ad-věnio, vēni, ventum, 4, v. n., I come, come to, arrive, arrive at, come to hand, Ad-venticius or ventïtius, a, um, adj. (st venio), come from abroad, foreign, adventitious.

Ad-vento, 1 (advenio), v. freq. n., I com frequently, arrive at.

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