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A-pěrio, ĕrui, ertum, 4 (ab. pario), v. a., | Ap-põsĭtus, a, um, part. (appone), applied,

I bear off, take off, uncover, open, set
open; I unveil, display, discover, dis-
close, show; I render accessible; apc-
rire se, to show one's self, to appear.
X-pertus, a, um, part. (aperio), uncovered;
adj., open; naked; public; clear, mani-
fest, distinct, evident, appearing; sin-
cere, faithful, trusty, frank, candid, hon-
est; adv., aperte.

Apex, icis, m., point, top, summit.
Apts, is, f., the bee; gen. pl., apium and

Ap-părātus, a, um, part. (apparo) prepared;
adj., ready, provided, furnished, equip-

Ap-părātus, ūs, m. (apparo), a preparing, getting ready, furnishing, preparation; equipment, furniture, apparatus; splendor, magnificence, show.

Ap-pareo, un, itum, 2 (ad, pareo), v. n., I
appear, come in sight, am seen, make my
appearance; I am present, attend, as-
sist; apparet, it is clear, evident, certain,
manifest, plain.

Ap-pello 1 (ad *pellare, to call), v. a., I call,
name, term; I speak to, address, accost;
I call upon, invoke, entreat, beseech; I
appeal from one judge to another; I call
to account, accuse.
Ap-pello, puli, pulsum, 3 (ad, pello), v. a., I |
drive to or towards; navem ad littus ap-
pellere, to go close to the shore, to land;
absol., I go near, approach, make for (of
ships); figur. I apply, devote.
Ap-petens, entis, part. (appeto), begging;
adj., desirous of, longing after, fond of;
covetous, greedy; c. gen. : alieni appe-
tens, greedy after what belongs to others.
Ap-pěto, ivi and ü, itum, 3 (ad, peto), v. a.,
I beg for, wish for, desire eagerly, covet;
I approach, draw near; I try to get,
catch at; assail, assault, attack.
Ap-plico, āvi, ātum and icui, icītum, 1 (ad,
plico), v. a., I apply, bring near to, or in
contact with, attach; of ships: I direct,
steer, bring near; I join, add.
Ap-pōno, osui, ŏsitum, 3 (ad, pono), v. a., I
place near or by the side of, I apply to,
bring in contact with, attach, add; I ap-
point, I suborn; I lay, place; I serve
up or set before one at table

added; adj., contiguous, near, similar;
figur. inclined to: proper, suited, con-
venient, well adapted.

Ap-probo, 1 (ad, probo), v. a., I approve,
applaud, commend, praise; I prove, con-
firm, make evident.
I ap-
Ap-propinquo, 1 (ad, prop), v. n.,
proach, draw nigh, come on, approxi-


Aprilis, is, m. (akin to apricus), the month of April.

Aptus, a, um, part. (apo), seized, fastened; adj., added to, tied, connected; joined together, compacted, composed; well-arranged; adapted, fit, proper, suitable, convenient.

Apud, prep. c. acc., at, close by, near, with, by, among; apud aliquem, in one's house,

or in one's writings; apud se esse, to be in one's senses.

Aqua, ae, f. water; aquă et igni interdicere

alicui, to forbid any one water and fire, i. e. to banish him.

Aquatio, onis, f. (aquor), the act of fetching
water, a watering.

Aquila, ae, f., an eagle; the standard of a
Roman legion.

Aquitānus, a, um. adj., of or belonging to
Aquitania, Aquitanian.


Ara, ae, f., any elevation of earth or stone,
a hearth, an altar.
Arabs, abis, m., an Arab, Arabian.
ad, bite), one who
Arbiter, tri, m. (ar
goes near, a witness; a spectator, spy:
an arbitrator, umpire, judge, mediator.
Arbitrātus, us, m. (arbitror), judgment,
opinion, will, choice; direction, guid


Arbitrium, ii, n. (arbiter), the judgment or sentence of an arbitrator; decision, determination; will, pleasure, choice, disposition.

Arbitror, 1 (arbiter), v. dep. a., I judge, think, am of opinion.

Arbor, ŏris, f. (akin to robur), a tree. Arbustum, i, n. (arbor), a thicket of trees, a shrubbery, an orchard planted with


Arcesso, Ivi, Itum, 3 (ar for ad, cie), v. in-
tens. a., I call, send for, invite, summon;
I arraign, accuse; figur.: I repeat.
Ap-porto, 1 (ad, porto), v. a., I bring or car- Archilochius, a, um, (Archilochus), adj., Ar

ry to, conduct, convey.

chilochian; severe, bitter, acrimonious.

Aretus, better artus, a, um, part. (arceo), | Aretinus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to

kept; adj., strait, tight, narrow, restrained, confined, close; adv., arcte or artë. Ardens, tis, part. (ardeo), burning; adj., fiery, hot; figur.: eager, ardent, impatient, glowing.

Ardenter (ardens), adv., hotly, ardently, ea-
gerly, keenly, earnestly.

Ardeo, arsi, arsum, 2 (aridus), v. n., I am |
on fire, I burn, blaze, shine, glitter; fig-
ur.: I am afflicted, troubled, tormented;
I burn with love.

Ardor, ōris, m. (ardeo), heat, fire; daz-
zling brightness, splendor; figur.. eager-
ness, ardent desire, ardor, impatience.
Arduus, a, um, adj., high, lofty, steep, diffi-
cult to reach; figur.: difficult, hard,
troublesome, arduous.

Ārea, ae, f. (akin to ara and arena), a piece of ground, an open space, plain, field, area, square or place in a city; a yard,


Argentum,i,n.; silver; silver-money, money.
Argius, a um, adj., belonging to Argos, Ar-

Argumentum, i, n. (arguo), a proof, reason,
an argument; a sign, token, mark, evi-
dence; circumstance, reason, cause; the
subject-matter, a theme or subject.
Aridus, a, um (areo), adj., dried up, dry,
parched, thirsty, arid, lean, meagre.
Aries, étis, m., a ram ; a battering-ram
Arista, ae, f., the beard of corn, the awn;
an ear of corn.

Armă, ōrum, n. pl. (arv), 1, tools for labor-
ing the ground, instruments of husband-
ry; 2, arms both offensive and defen-
sive; arms for defence; 3, war, warfare;
battle, fight.

Armamenta, örum, n. pl. (arma), implements or utensils for any purpose; in ships: tackling, oars, sails, &c.

Armātûra, ae, f. (armo), armor of any kind; armed men, soldiers.

Armātus, a, um, part. (armo), armed; adj.,
equipped, accoutred; figur.: furnished,

Armo, 1 (arma), v. a., I arm, fit out, equip;
I fit, strengthen, fortify.

Xro, 1, v. a., I labor at the earth, till, plough;
I cultivate, farm ;
I reap.
Aroma, ătis, n., a spice.
Arpinas, ätis, adj., of or belonging to Arpi-



rouse, excite,

Aretium, a city of Etruria.
Ar-rigo, exi, ectum, 3 (ad, rego), v. a., I lift
or set up, erect, raise;
animate, encourage.
Ar-rōgans, tis, part. (arrogo), arrogating;
adj., proud, haughty, insolent, arrogant;
adv., arroganter.

Ar-rògantia, ae, f (arrogans), pride, haugh-
tiness, presumption, arrogance.
Ar-rŏgo, 1 (ad, rogo), v. a., 1 claim or
attribute to myself unjustly, arrogate; I
confer, bestow.

Ars, artis, f., the method or way; an art, faculty; contrivance, skill, ability; science, profession, occupation; a quality, malae artes, bad qualities; contrivance, exertion, industry; fraudulent contrivance, deceitful art, stratagem. Articulus, i, m. (artus), dim., a small joint; a joint or knot.

Artificium, ii, n. (artifex), an art, trado;
artfulness, craft, fraud.
Artus. See arctus.

Artus, us, m., a joint in the bones of ani-
mals; a limb.

Arz, arcis, f., a hill, top of a hill; a castle,

fortress, citadel; a town, city; figur.: a

bulwark, shelter, refuge. Ascendo, endi, ensum, 3 (ad, scando), v. a. and n., I ascend, mount, climb. Ascitus (adsc.), a, um, part., v. adscisco. Ascensus, ûs, m. (ascendo), an ascent. Aspectus, us, m. (aspicio), a looking at, a

beholding, sight; countenance, look, as-
Asper, èra, ĕrum, adj., rough, rugged,
pect, air; appearance, figure, color.
harsh, craggy; tart; figur.: unpolished,
uncouth; stubborn: cruel, savage; so-
vere, abusive; troublesome, calamitous;
stormy, perilous.

Aspernor, 1 (ab, spernor), v. dep. a., I turn
away from, reject, avoid, spurn; I de-
Aspicio, exi, ectum, 3 (ad, specio), v. a. and
spise, disdain, contemn.
n., I look at, behold, see.
As-sentātor, ōris, m. (assentor), one who
assents; a flatterer.

As-sentio, ensi, ensum, 4, and as-sentior, en-
sus sum, 4, v. dep. n. and a., I assent, ap-
prove, agree, c. dat. and c. acc.
As-sequor, cutus sum, 3 (ad, sequor), v. dep.
a., I come up with, arrive at, reach,
join, find; figur.: 1 gain, obtain, com-



pass, procure; I equal, reach, match; I perceive, understand, comprehend. As-sideo, edi, essum, 2 (ad, sedeo), v. n., sit down near or by the side of; I am at hand, ready to assist.

As-sido, sēdi, 3 (ad, sido), v. n., I sit down, sit by.

As-siduus, a, um, (assideo), adj., constant in attendance upon one; assiduous, industrious, diligent, constant, persevering;

dere animum, and attendere absol., to attend, give heed, mind, apply one's mind to.

At-tentus, a, um, part. (attendo), stretched towards; adj., attentive, sedulous, diligent; adv., attente.

At-tèro, trivi, tritum, 3 (ad, tero), v. a., I rub against or upon; I impair by rubbing, chafe, wear away by use ; I bruise, crush ; I wear, weaken, impair, destroy.

frequent, continued, incessant; adv., as-At-tineo, tinui, tentum, 2 (ad, teneo), v. a.,


As-sisto, stiti, 3 (ad, sisto), v. n., I stand
near, stand by, c. dat. and c. acc.;
stand upright; I aid, assist, c. dat.
As-sue-facio, eci, actum, 3 (assuetus, facio),
v. a., I accustom, habituate, inure, accus-
tom to, c. abl., inf., dat.

As-suesco, evi, etum, 3 (ad, suesco), v. n.
and a., I accustom, inure myself to; I
accustom, habituate, inure.

Astrum, i, n., a star; a constellation; the


Astutia, ae, f. (astutus), craftiness, archness, knavery; circumspection, address, wariness.

Athenienses, ium, m, the inhabitants of Athens, the Athenians.

At, conj., but, yet; at least; indeed, to be

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I hold, keep, keep hold of; I occupy, watch, guard; I pertain, appertain, touch, relate to; I am useful or expedient; quod attinet ad, with respect to. At-tingo, tīgi, tactum, 3 (ad, tange), V. L, 1 touch, come in contact with; I reach, I touch arrive at; I touch, border upon ; lightly upon, treat slightly of; I relate, concern, belong to.

At-tribuo, ui, ütum, 3 (ad, tribue), v. a., I

bestow, give, attribute, ascribe, impute; I assign, subject; I add ; I pay. Auctio, ʊnis, 1. (augeo), an increasing, enlarging; an auction, public sale. Auctor, ōris, m. and f. (augeo), an author,

creator; a founder, establisher, inventor; an author, writer of a book; a reporter, announcer, informant; an adviser; approver; instigator, promoter.

Atheniensis, e. adj., of or pertaining to Ath- Auctoritas, ātis, f. (auctor), an increasing,

ens, Athenian.

Athlēta, ae, m,, a wrestler, prize-fighter.


Atque, (ad, que), conj., 1, And; the same as ac and et, and most commonly used before vowels; 2, Than, after comparatives and comparative adverbs, as magis, secus, aliter, alius, aliorsum, contra, contrarius; | 3, As, after acque, similiter, juxta, aequus, similis, dissimilis, par, talis, idem, and the like; simul atque, as soon as ; 4, And that to, and indeed, especially.

producing; authority, force, weight, interest; influence, credit, reputation, esteem, regard, dominion; power. Auctus, is, m. (augeo), increase, growth, augmentation.

Auctus, a, um, part. (augeo), increased ; adj., large, great, only in the comparative. Audăcia, ae, f. (audaz). boldness, impudence, audacity; courage, valor. Audaciter, and audacter (audar), adv., boldly, courageously, impudently, auda. ciously.

Atqui, conj., but, but yet, and yet, how- Audax, ācis (audeo), adj., bold, confident,


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Atrèbas, ătis, an Atrebatian. Caes. IV. 35.
Atrocitas, atis, f. (atror), cruelty, severity,

Atrox, bcis (trux), adj., raw, crude; atro-
cious, savage, fierce, barbarous, cruel.
At-tămen, conj., but, but yet, for all that,

At-tendo, di, entum, 3 (ad, tendo), v. a., I

stretch, stretch towards, extend; atten

, resolute, courageous, audacious, daring,
Audeo, ausus sum, 2, v. n., I go towards, I
venture, dare, presume; c. sec. I at-
tempt, undertake.
Audiens, entis, part. (audio), hearing, adj.,
obedient: subst., a hearer.

Audio, ivi, itum, 4, v. a., I hear, perceive
or learn by the ear, I hearken, listen; {
regard, approve : I obey hene audire, It
be praised; mala audire, to be blamed

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Augeo, auzi, auctum, 2, v. a., I increase, amplify, augment, enlarge; I provide, equip, adorn, exalt, dignify; I advance, promote, enrich; I heighten, exaggerate; I praise, commend, extol.

money, avarice, covetousness; insatiable
desire of, thirst after.

Xvārus, a, um (aveo), adj., greedy, covet-
ous, avaricious, stingy, sordid.
Ave. See Aveo.

I grow, thrive, I

Aveo, 2, v. a., I desire earnestly, wish, long
Aveo, and haveo, 2, v. n.,
for, covet.
A-versus, a, um, part. (averto), turned
am well, happy.
away; adj., inverted, reversed: figur.:
alienated, averse, contrary, hostile.

Augesco, 3 (augeo), v. n., I grow greater, I A-verto, ti, sum, 3, v. a., I turn off or away, increase, swell, rise.

Augur, ŭris, m. (avis, gurrio), a priest who foretold events by explaining the singing of birds, an augur; a diviner, soothsayer.

Augŭrium, ii, n (augur), the interpretation of the singing of birds, the art of augury; an omen drawn from the singing of birds; a forewarning, prediction, presentiment.

Aula, ae, f., a courtyard; a royal palace; in aula, at court; the attendants at the palace, the court.

Aureus, a, um (aurum), adj., of gold, golden; gilded, gilt.

Aur-iga, ae, m. and f. (aurea, bridle, ago),
a charioteer, driver.

Auris, is, f., the ear; figur.: judgment, taste.
Aurum, i, n., gold.

Auspicium, ii, n. (ausper), a watching of
birds, a token of some event, taken from
the actions of birds; a consulting of the
auspices, augury.

Auster, tri, m., the south wind.
Aut, conj., or; aut -
aut, either

partly ― partly. Au-tem, conj., 1, also, likewise; 2, but, however, nevertheless; but now, but then.

Avidus, a, um (aveo), adj., greedy, desirous,
avert, remove; I alienate, estrange.
Avis, is, f. (akin to aquila), a bird.
eager; covetous, avaricious; adv., ǎvide,
A-volo, 1, v. n., I fly away; I flee away,

Avus, i, m., a father's or mother's father,
grandfather; an ancestor.


Balbus, a, um, adj., stammering, stuttering, lisping.

Băleāris, e, adj., of or belonging to the Baleares, Balearian, Balearic. The Baleares or Balearic islands consist of Majorca, Minorca, and a few small islands near them on the east coast of Spain. They were so called from a Greek word signi fying to cast; because their inhabitants were very expert in the use of the sling. Balteus, i, m., and balteum, i, n., a belt, girdle; sword-belt.

or; Barbarus, a, um, adj., barbarous, barbaric,
not Greek or Roman, foreign; wild, un-
Basis, is, f., a base, a pedestal.
cultivated, uncivilized, rude, barbarian.
Beātus, a, um, part. (beo), blessed; adj.,
happy; rich, opulent, wealthy, prosper-
ous; making happy, charming; figur.:
Bellicōsus, a, um (bellicus), adj., warlike,
copious, abundant; adv., beātē.
soldierlike, valiant.

Autroniānus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to

Auxiliāris, e (auxilium), adj., assisting, aid-
ing, succoring, auxiliary; auxiliares mi-
lites, auxiliary troops.

Aurīliārius, a, um (auxilium), adj., aiding, Bellicus, a, um (bellum), adj., relating to helping; auxiliary.

war; warlike.

quarrel, war, wage war, carry on war. Bellua. See belua.

Auxilior, 1 (auxilium), v. dep. n., c. dat.: Bello, 1 (akin to pellare, to cry), v. n., I cry,
I assist, help, aid, succor.
Auzliium, ii, n. (augco), assistance, help,
succor; auxiliary troops, auxiliaries.
Avăritia, ae, f. (avarus), greedy desire of

Bel'um, i, n., cry, quarrel, war; battle,
fight; contest.

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Bellus, a, um, adj., clear, of light color,
fine, beautiful, handsome, pretty, neat;
elegant, convenient, charming; pleasant,
sweet, well, in good health; good; po-
lite, well-bred, amiable; adv., bellē.
Belua and bellua, ae, f. (akin to balo), any
large beast; a brute, beast.
Běně (bonus), adv., fiuely, well; largely,
profusely; successfully, happily very.
Běně-fícium, ii, n. (bene, facio), a kindness,
favor, benefit; aid, means; a confer-
ring of any favor or office, a promotion.
Běně-volentia, ae, f. (benevolus), benevo-
lence, goodness, kindness.

Bibo, bibi, bibitum, 3, v. a., I drink; I drink in, imbibe.


Căcûmen, înis, n., the peak or point, top or
summit of anything.

Cădăver, ĕris, n. (cado), a carcass, corpse,
dead body.

Cado, cecidi, câsum, 3, v. n., I fall; I fall,
die in battle; I fall to the ground, go to
ruin, decay, perish; I fall out, happen,


Căducus, a, um (cado), adj., ready to fall,

falling; frail, perishable.

Caedes, is, f. (caedo), a cutting, felling; a striking, blow; murder, slaughter.

Bestia, ae, f., any mammiferous animal, a Caedo, cecidi, caesum, 3, v. a., I cat, ent down, lop, fell; I strike, beat; I kill, I sacrifice. beast, wild beast. slaughter, destroy; Caelo, 1 (caelum), v. a., I carve figures in relief, on wood, stone, or ivory. Caesar, ǎris, m., a Roman family name in the Julian gens.

Bí-duum, i, n. (bis, dies), a period of two days.

Bi-ennium, ii, n. (bis, annus), a space of two years.

Bini, ae, a (bis), adj., two and two, two by


Bi-partito (bipartitus), adv., into two parts.
Bi-pedālis, e (bis, pes), adj., two feet long,
wide, or thick.

Bis, adv., twice; on two occasions.
Bonitas, atis, f. (bonus), goodness, excel-

lence; kindness, benignity; filial piety.
Bõnum, i, n. (bonus), any good, or blessing;
bona, orum, goods, property, effects.
Bónus, a, um, adj., fine, good; fortunate,
happy; fit, apt, suitable, convenient;
skilful, practised; brave, gallant; well-
disposed, friendly; large, considerable;
boni, orum, the good, just, upright, patri-
otic. Compar. melior, superl. optimus.
Brachium, i, n., the fore-arm, the arm be-
tween the hand and the elbow; the
whole arm; a bough of a tree.
Brevis, e, adj., short, brief; of short dura-
tion, transitory; brevi, abl., shortly, soon
after, in brief, in a few words.
Brevitas, ātis, f. (brevis), brevity, shortness;

Breviter (brevis), adv., shortly, in brief, in
a word; in a short time.
Britanni, drum, m., the inhabitants of Bri-
tania, the Britons.
Britannia, ae, f., Britain.

Brundisinus, a, um, adj., of Brundisium,

Bruttius, a, um, adj., sc. ager, Bruttium.

Caespes, and cespes, itis, m. (caesus), a turf,


Călămitas, ātis, f., a hurt, damage, injury,
calamity, disaster.

Călămĭtõsus, a, um (calamitas), adj., hurt-
ful, ruinous, destructive; hurt, injured,
unfortunate, hapless, unhappy.
Calculus, i, m. (calı), dim., a pebble, small
stone, particle of gravel.

Calendae, or kälendae, ārum, f. (calo), the
first day of the month, the calends.
Callidus, a, um (calleo), adj., cunning, art-
ful, skilful, experienced, shrewd; mali-
ciously cunning, crafty, subtle.
Callis, is, m. and f. (cello, cille), a path,
footpath, way, road.

Calo, onis, m. (cala, stick), a soldier's boy
or drudge, who bore the sticks for pitch-
ing tents; a slave, drudge.
Călăr, ōris, m. (caleo), warmth, heat; fig-
ur.: heat, ardor, vehemence.
Calumnia, ae, f. (calvo), wily, deceitful con-
duct; chicanery, cunning conduct to in-
jure another; slander, aspersion, calum-


Căměra, ae, f., a vault, an arched ceiling of

Camers, tis, adj., of Camerinum, a town in
Umbria, Camertian.

Campester, tris, tre (campus), adj., of or be
longing to a p'ain or field, level, flat
Campus, i, m., a flat, level plain, open

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