An aged princess; many days shall see her, To the ground, and all the world shall mourn her. Thou hast made me now a man! never, before To see what this child does, and praise my Maker. lords: Ye must all see the queen, and she must thank ye, Exeunt. бо 70 EPILOGUE. 'Tis ten to one this play can never please 71. brethren, i.e. the aldermen. 76. 'Has, he has. So Ff. For this play at this time, is only in ΤΟ DRAMATIS PERSONE SATURNINUS, son to the late Emperor of Rome, and after BASSIANUS, brother to Saturninus; in love with Lavinia. MARCUS ANDRONICUS, tribune of the people, and brother AARON, a Moor, beloved by Tamora. A Captain, Tribune, Messenger, and Clown; Romans. TAMORA, Queen of the Goths. LAVINIA, daughter to Titus Andronicus. A Nurse. Senators, Tribunes, Officers, Soldiers, and Attendants. SCENE: Rome, and the country near it DURATION OF TIME Four days represented on the stage, with, possibly, two intervals. Dramatis Persona. First supplied, imperfectly, by Rowe. The Ff mark the Acts but not the Scenes. The Qq mark neither Acts nor Scenes. INTRODUCTION THE first known edition of Titus Andronicus appeared Early in 1600, with the following title-page : Literary 'The most lamenta- ble Romaine Tragedie of Texts. Titus | Andronicus. | As it hath sundry times been playde by the Right Honourable the Earl of Pembrooke, the Earl of Darbie, the Earle of Sussex, and the Lorde Chamberlaine theyr Seruants. | AT LONDON, Printed by I. R. for Edward White and are to be solde at his shoppe, at the little | North doore of Paules, at the signe of the Gun. 1600. Another Quarto (Q2), printed from this, appeared in 1611. The First Folio text was printed from a copy of the Second Quarto, in which a few MS. alterations and additions seem to have been made for stage purposes. The Folio text also contains a whole scene (iii. 2.) not found in the Quartos, and probably, since it does not contribute to the action, omitted in performance. An adaptation of the play by Ravenscroft was. published in 1687 under the title Titus Andronicus, or the Rape of Lavinia. Our first explicit evidence of an 'Andronicus' play Date of Composi belongs to the year 1594. On January 23 Henslowe tion. recorded the performance of a 'tittus and ondronicus' as a 'new' play. In February a play Titus Andronicus was entered in the Stationers' Register, as well |