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stock, and all the living that he had. Innumerable instances of a similar nature might be mentioned. Great joy prevails universally at the thought that poor Heathens are likely soon to be in possession of a Bible; and you

deemer's Kingdom. I embrace | he sold them all, and gave evcthem all as the beloved and electry farthing he got for them to of God, as friends and brethren wards it; and this was his whole in Christ, let them be of whatever name, or belong to whatever church or denomination. The more distant the countries, and the more different the outward forms and establishments are, the more I rejoice, if I am privileged to hear, that our ever-faith-will never hear a prayer put up, ful Lord and Saviour is gathering from amongst them a flock of believing people. Truly, God has a numerous Army of Reserve in England, who do not bow before the Baal of the age, nor sacrifice to the God of the times. Let all who know his name, glorify him for this mercy! May the peace of God, and the all-currence comes to us well ausufficient grace of our Lord Je-thenticated.

without a petition for the Bible Society and Heathen Nations.” (p. 60.)

From the Christian Observ CT.

THE following striking oc

On Saturday,

sus Christ be with you all!" | June 22d, being the day on which (p. 45.)

We add one more extract: it is taken from a letter dated in North Wales, Feb. 22, 1805.

a large fair is held at Wellington in Shropshire, the house of WILLIAM and ANN SWIFT was opened for the purpose of selling "There are none of our poor beer for two or three days at the people willing to live and die fair. But their house was used, without contributing their mites not merely according to the protowards forwarding so glorious a fessed intention, for accommodesign. Their zeal and eager- dating strangers who frequent ness in the good cause, surpass- the fair: it was also kept open es every thing I have ever be- at night for the purposes of danfore witnessed. On several oc- cing, drunkenness, chambering, casions we have been obliged to and wantonness. To speak of check their liberality, and take the enormities committed achalf what they offered, and what cording to statements, the truth we thought they ought to give. of which there is not the least In very many instances, servants reason to doubt, would be to have given one-third of their wa-speak of such things as ought ges for the year. In one instance, not to be so much as named" aa poor servant-maid put down mong Christians. But the eye one guinea on the plate, being of God was upon these midone-third of her wages: that it night, or rather sabbath-mornmight not be perceived what she ing drunkards, revellers, and put down, she covered the guin- blasphemers: and, oh! what a ea with a halfpenny. One little sight for a God of infinite purity boy had with much trouble, rear- and holiness! He could not but ed a brood of chickens; when view them with just displeasure, the collection came to be made, even though he had continued to


exercise his long-suffering to- attendants in a pathetic exhortawards all of them. He chose, tion well suited to so solemn and however, to make one of them awful an occasion. On the folan awful monument of the dan-lowing sabbath, the Rev. Mr. ger of following such courses. Gauntlett, one of the curates of Ann Swift, the mistress of the the town, preached a sermon to house, and a partaker in all the a very crowded and attentive iniquities which were practised congregation, from Prov. xiv. $2, in it, after calling for damnation The wicked is driven away in upon her soul, suddenly exclaim- his wickedness: but the righted" O Lord, O Lord, I am eous hath hope in his death.' dying!" and was instantaneous- One of the men present at the ly removed into the world of death of Mrs. Swift had imbibed spirits, and before the tribunal the principles of "Paine's Age of that God whom she was thus of Reason," and publicly proawfully dishonoring! On the fessed infidelity. Let the profane following Tuesday, her corpse and presumptuous tremble at the was taken into the church-yard justice and holiness of that God amidst a large concourse of peo-against whom they are sinning; ple, and the Rev. Mr. Eyton, and let the penitent adore his the vicar of the parish, who, in long-suffering and distinguishthis particular instance, read but ing mercy for giving them time, a very small part of the burial opportunity, and grace to reservice, addressed the numerous pent."

Dec. 16.

Donation to the Missionary Society of Connecticut.

Rev. Asa Carpenter contributed in new set-


[blocks in formation]


A NARRATIVE on the subject of truth abundant occasion for re-
Missions and a Statement of
the Funds of the Missionary
Society of Connecticut, for the
year 1805.
Addressed by the
Trusteess of the Society, to the
Ministers and People of the

joicing in the goodness of the
Lord, and for praise and thanks-
giving to the Father of mercies,
and God of salvation.


The services performed, under the auspices of the Missionary Society of Connecticut, the year past, have not indeed been so great as in some preceding years. The Trustees however derive great satisfaction from the reflection, that this has not arisen from a want of liberality in the good people of the State, in contributing as largely as in former years to the support of missions, and a consequent diminution of the annual income of the Society; nor, as they trust, from a want of faithfulness on their part in discharging the duties devolved upon them. It is to be as

HE Trustees of the Missionary Society of Connecticut desire again to call the attention of the ministers and people of the State, to the important subject of missions. To all who feel concerned for the eternal welfare of their fellow men, the subject will ever be interesting; and it will afford them satisfaction to hear of any instance of success, with which a gracious God sees fit to crown the labors of those who are engaged in propagating a knowledge of the Re-cribed to the difficulty of procudeemer, and of the way of salvation through him. Although the Trustees have nothing peculiar ly new and striking to communicate on the subject, yet the continued smiles of the great head of the Church upon the missionary cause for another year, afford to the friends of VOL. VI. NO. 8.

ring suitable persons to employ as missionaries; and this diffi culty has arisen from two sources, an unusual call for Candidates for the ministry among the old settlements, and an increase of the number of missionaries employed by other Missionary Societies. So that M m


on the whole, though fewer per- Mr. Badger's journal to Sept. sons may have been laboring last has been received. under the direction of the insti-the latter end of November, 1804, tution in this state, yet as other to the latter end of May, 1805, Societies, by the increase of their he travelled about 700 miles; funds, have been enabled to ex-preached 87 sermons; attended tend the fields of their labors, 7.Church meetings; admitted and to support more missiona-several persons into communion ries, the services performed du- with the Churches; administerring the year, among the new ed the sacrament of the Lord's settlements, have execeded these supper twice; baptized one aof any former year. dult and 11 children; attended many conferences and meetings for prayer; visited and catechi

May that God who disposes people to afford pecuniary aid, for the promotion of so import-sed schools; attended funerals, ant an object, raise up and qualify a competent number of laborers for his vineyard, which is continually becoming more extensive!

and visited many families. In June he went on a mission to the Wyandot Indians, from which he returned in August. An account of this mission will be given in the sequel of this Narrative.

In their former Narratives, the Trustees have mentioned the County of Trumbull, in the In the fall of 1804, Mr. RobState of Ohio, (commonly called bins, having recovered from a teNew Connecticut) as being a dious fit of sickness, entered part of the country which, in again on his missionary labors; their view, claimed particular and from that time to Septemattention. They therefore, some ber 12th, 1805, the date of his time since, voted statedly to em- last letter, he itinerated over the ploy three missionaries at least, greater part of the County, and in that territory. In pursuance visited and preached in nearly of that vote, the Rev. Messrs. all of the settlements, in several Joseph Padger and Thomas Rob- of which there never had been a bins have continued there thro' sermon preached before. He the year; and the Rev. David administered the Lord's supper Bacon was there from the begin- twice; babtized one adult and ning of March last till the latter 8 children; admitted several end of November; itinerating as persons into Churches, and a missionary part of the time, preached nearly 200 sermons; and preaching statedly in Hud- besides attending conferences, son the other part, supported by visiting schools and private famthe people of that place. Ano-ilies, administering consolation ther missionary would have been to the sick and dying, and attensent there, to labor a certain por-ding funerals. Owing to ill health, tion of the time in the service of the Society, and the residue to preach in some particular towns, where the people wished to employ him, but a suitable person has not yet been found for that purpose.

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the latter part of the
mer, his labors were less a-
bundant than they would have
otherwise been.

Mr. Bacon returned from his mission to the Indians at Michillimakinak, in December 1804

meet every Sabbath, for public worship, in many of the towns, and in several of them measures are adopting for the settlement of gospel ministers, and the regular and stated administration of Christian ordinances. The labors of missionaries have doubtless had a very considerable influence in producing these effects. This certainly furnishes a powerful motive for the continuance of those labors; and it is hoped will be an inducement

and in January, 1805, left Hart- | opposition, the people regularly ford for New Connecticut, where he arrived the beginning of March, after a very fatiguing journey. At Cadarogus, on lake Erie, he was detained some time by bad weather. Here he had an interview with some of the Seneca Indians, who have a village near that place; and at their request he went and preached to that benighted people, many of whom discovered a disposition to hear the word of salvation, and to be enlightened in the truths of the gospel. Hav-to the people of this State to coning arrived at Hudson, where tinue their contributions, that the his family was, he soon entered Trustees may have the means on his labors as a missionary, of gratifying the wishes, and aidand from that time to Novembering the endeavors, of the judi21st, when he left the County, he itinerated 19 weeks in the service of the Society, preaching every Sabbath, and many other days of the week, and performing other ministerial services as opportunities presented. The residue of the time he preached statedly to the people of Hudson. It is expected that in the spring he will again go to that country, being reappointed for another year, as are also Messrs. Badger and Robbins. The Rev. Calvin Chapin is likewise appointed a missionary to the same field. (The Missonaries to the County of Trumbull unite in representing that territory as rapidly settling; and as being a field where missionary labors are greatly needed, and where there is a prospect that under the blessing of God much good may be done by them. Most of the settlers are as yet friendly to religious institutions; but others of them are opposed to the introduction of the worship of God and the observation of the Sabbath. But notwithstanding their

cious, steady and serious inhabitants of that County, in checking, as far as human means shall be conducive to that effect, the spread of infidelity and all false principles, and of promoting a knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus.) Although the fervor of the late revival there has abated, its happy effects continue; and in the town of Canfield there has been an awakening the year past, and some hopefully born into the kingdom of the Redeemer. In this place the work of God was not attended with those remarkable bodily impressions which have characterised the late revivals in the southern States, and which were common in Austinburgh and its vicinity. On the whole, from other sources of information, as well as from the journals of the missionaries themselves, there is abundant reason to believe not only that they have been faithful, but also that much good has been done by them.

(The western Counties of the State of New-York, and the nor

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