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coming of the cattle. The choultny of the tant of an English village, the Indian peavillage is a shed erected for the accommo- sant is equally intelligent, and far less brutal dation of travellers, and here, in the even- than the English labourer. His manners, ing, all the gossips of the village assemble. though nearly naked, are polite and gentle. If you were there now you might hear some Advance him though in intelligence, and such talk as this, "So Gungarum jennudar he takes to lying quite naturally-lying begives his daughter to the son of Humrum comes his natural instinct; the natives of Potail." "Ho, and what has she ?" "Two this country feel no disgrace at being distolas of gold and a poney, and is very fair." covered in a lie!! You would be struck by Why! Gungarum owes the sircar 500 the want of curiosity of the Hindoo villager. rupees-what will he spend on his daugh- Let a Feringee, one of which race, perhaps, ter's marriage ?" "Humrum finds most he has scarcely ever seen, ride by him, and of the expense.' "I was at Wagapoor to he will not even lift up his head from his day, and I saw a man from Dasla, and he work to look at him. In this how different said the report in the bazaar there was, he is from the negro! And we, even from that the Nizam will pay the money he owes this, might trace a reason of the utter abto the Koompany," (alias company.) "Oh, sence of change or improvement of any if that is the case, God pity us, for he will sort, in the civil or social relations of a vilkeep the country and wring the money from lage society, which, under numerous forms us. "Poor Litchman Potail is taken to Au- of government, has remained the same for rungahad!" "How is that ?" "The Sircar 2,000 years. Truly, as Dow says, "The wanted 500 rupees of him when the grain ryot hums at his plough, hears of a new only fetched 400; and the Thannador swears form of government instituted, or the conthat poor Litchman has buried a lot of quest, perhaps, of his country, and continues money, and they have put him in chains, his hum." You will understand I am conand will try him with torture." "What fining my few remarks to the ryots, or culwill become of us? I expect to be taken tivator class. The ragamuffins in this part up next time the collector comes, but of the country are to be found everywhere, I won't wait-I'll run away, (i.e., desert who are inquisitive enough, and insolent the village.") These little quotations that enough too. So are the dirty, drunken, lying I have given you, I have heard. I have wretches of yclept servants in India; and so, introduced them to make vivid your im- too, are many other classes, if not all of pression of the simple Maratta, and could them. You may guess of the remuneration much have extended them were it necessary. of labour here, when I tell you that we get Miserable as the appearance of the village men to beat covers of guano at the rate of ten may be, it generally contains all that is re- for a small rupee, (8d., English money,) quired for an Indian farmer or peasant's for the whole day, and that they are glad of wants, and it is far from the abode of unci- the job! A labourer lives well on two pence vilized savages. The poorest village has its halfpenny a day, and this too he is paid not betail, (or immediate owner,) who is a ma- in money, but in grain. Poor wretch, he gistrate; and under him are others, each seldom gets this under the Nizam. When with some defined authority. The inhabi- his Potail is squeezed out of anything, he tants go to their allotted tasks with alacrity, takes the small wages, which has, perhaps, and there appears to be far more peace and been for months in arrear. As an instance harmony among them, than obtain in a of the present state of things, the rents of European village. Yes, too, you may hear the Umbar district were purchased a short words, perhaps of sounder sense, uttered by time ago by a native speculator, who paid a a man attired only in about as much clothes sum of money down on the nail. A few as this sheet of paper would make, than by weeks after, another speculator paid a sum some renowned reviewer or essayist, in broad of money for the same rents, to the Nizam's cloth. "Converse with minds," says one of minister. Upon this, No. 2 was sent down my favourite writers, "that are grandly to take the place of No. 1, i.e., to rob No. 1 simple, and literature seems like word- of property he had bought and paid for. catching." For my part, I would sooner Of course there was a row and a fight, which sit and gossip with old Sursojee, or the old terminated I do not know how; but I know Jemadar, before described, than sit down to that in the interim No. 1 took the opporthe finest dinner that was ever cooked, among tunity of plundering all the villages, for the a set of pompous literati. A man of small rents of which he had paid, and leaving the property, settling as a farmer, near a vil- inhabitants utterly destitute! What cared lage, might, by his strong arm, and his in- the Nizam and his minister? They had fluence as a European, protect the same, pocketed a double fee, and chuckled over and render it a perfect specimen of pastoral their swindling; no doubt, amid their happiness. As compared with an inhabi- nocturnal orgies. But all this whilst

youths, wives, and mothers were starving. agents of that body. But if any benevolent Were the people to rise against their ty- persons disposed to aid the members of his rants, British bayonets would be used, and church in ministering to the necessities of British horsemen employed to cut them the distressed, will forward packages exdown, for the Nizam is an honourable ally pressly for Waterford, to the care of Mr. of the British. It is, however, due to say, Groser, he will cheerfully receive and forthat every Englishman one meets here is ward them. Friends in Lancashire and its utterly disgusted with the Nizam and his neighbourhood, and churches in the south, government. Hyderabad is the last free could send direct, as there is a steamer every stronghold remaining to the Musulman in week from Bristol, and one or two from India, and would not, perhaps, be resigned Liverpool. Donations per post would be without a struggle. But the military spirit thankfully received by the secretary, Mrs. and courage of the men is decayed; every Wilshere, 12, Stephen-street, or the senior man of any means is engrossed entirely by deacon, Mr. Christopher Scroder, Kilmacow, debauchery, and stupified with drugs from Waterford. morning to night. How is the crescent fallen, indeed! And these, the descendents of the men over whom Acbar ruled."



THE appeal from the church meeting in this place to sister churches in the Strict Baptist Association, as contained in its last annual letter to that body, was perhaps WE have received a letter from our esteemed brother. giving an account of his noticed by the readers the Primitive Church safe arrival at Copenhagen; where he found Magazine in the November number. StrenMrs. Nilsson in the enjoyment of good uous efforts have been made to raise the health. He also left the friends at Ham- sum of £220, now necessary to meet pressburg well. "I have also had letters from ing demands, and about £156 have already Sweden," he says, " from the brethren there, been promised. Much of this however will which are very pleasing. They are allowed not be furnished, unless the whole amount to hold their little assemblies there pretty required shall be raised.

Are there not

unannoyed, and one has been added to their Christian friends around who will assist a number and one restored since I left them." cause which has struggled for upwards of Our brother had been confined to his bed twenty years against the pressure of pecuseveral days in Copenhagen by indisposition, niary difficulties, and furnish to the pastor and but at the close of his communication he his affectionate people a practical evidence states, that he is greatly recovered, and that of their Christian sympathy and kindness? he designs at once to proceed to Norway, We believe there are, because a spirit has expecting to return again to Copenhagen in

a month or six weeks.


been given us to wrestle with the Lord to
raise us up friends from among brethren
whom we know only in the gospel. The
editors of the Magazine will receive any.
communication designed for the pastor and

SERVICES were held in the above chapel,

THE Baptist Dorcas Society, Waterford, was established in 1844, and ever since that period has annually supplied various poor and needy persons of different denominations, with suitable clothing. The rules of the institution are such as must commend on Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1851, when Mr. C. themselves to every impartial and thoughtful nised as pastor of the church meeting in that Spiller, late of Bristol, was publicly recogmind. The third rule enjoins upon recipients proper care of what they receive, as it place. Service in the afternoon commenced states that any person known to pawn the at two o'clock, when Mr. D. Wassell degarments received, will not be again relieved. livered an introductory address; Mr. Thomas Winter gave the charge to the minister; Most of the funds are raised in Waterford; but almost every season the committee has and Mr. W. Gillson offered the "ordination received help from England, either in the prayer. A public tea meeting at five o'clock shape of donations from the relief fund of was held in the school room. Service in the the Baptist Irish Society, or parcels of evening commenced at half past six, when Mr. J. Clark, of Brown's Town, Jamaica, clothing from Christian friends in the country. The present pastor of the church preached a sermon to the church and connot being connected with the Irish Society, gregation. Several other ministers were cannot expect to obtain what may be sent present. We had a fine day, a large attendto the mission house for the schools, and ance, and a delightful opportunity.


ledge of the truth. He also commented, in very encouraging terms, on the peculiar adaptation of the Baptist Tract Society to meet the prevailing errors of the times, and spoke of instances of the usefulness of our tracts, which had come under his own observation.

ON Tuesday, Nov. 11, the friends here held a social tea party, at seven o'clock in the evening, to take farewell of brother I. Hendrie, who has now removed from his sphere of labour here to Glasgow. All present seemed as if they were sustaining a The report was then read by a dear deep loss by his departure. After several of brother who has been induced to take the the brethren had spoken, brother H. gave a vacant office of secretary, and whose usefulparting address, in which he briefly noticed ness, we trust, in connection with it, will be the providential circumstances which first greatly prolonged. In respect of the zeal brought him amongst us, and then showed and liberality with which it is supported, and that the time appeared to have come when the extent to which it has been blessed, the the same overruling Providence required Brighton Auxiliary is quite a pattern. May the good Lord bless it yet more abundantly. We are left now, as a church, dependent The meeting was further addressed by upon our own resources, humanly speaking, brethren Betts, of Romney-street; Wall, of for edification and instruction, yet we trust Hailsham; Baldock, of - -; Overbury, that, by the divine blessing, we shall be en- of Eagle-street; Sedgwick, of Brighton; abled to maintain a testimony for the truth and brother Thatcher. We regret we canin this quarter. Besides the baptism re- not find room this month for a larger account corded last month, we had another a fort- of the operations of this interesting Auxiliary. night after,—an aged man who surmounted some opposition, even in his own family, to follow the Lord fully.

him to remove.




THE next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 16, at Romney-street Chapel, Westminster, Public tea at five o'clock. Subject "The existing forms of ON Thursday evening, Oct. 30, a most for conference, interesting meeting was held at Astley church government." Sermon by brother Bridge. Brethren Holt, Leach, Maiden, J. H. Blake, of Trinity-street, on Dawson, and Harvey, took part in the even- faith of God's elect.” ing's engagements. The amount of subscriptions and collection was above £10. Those who best know the place and people will be able to appreciate their liberality, for we can bear them witness that they most

nobly contributed. We wish that when


Mr. Cartwright
Mr. Knight
Mr. Read, Brighton


£ S. d. 100

1 0 0

0 10 0

some of our brethren visit England, who are connected with mission service, they would call at Astley Bridge, for the benefit of such visitations would be mutual. The proceeds of the contributions will be divided between ON Wednesday evening, Oct. 20, three the home and foreign claims of the Strict persons were baptized in the Baptist meetSociety. This is one of a series of meetings ing-house, Lower Abbey-street, Dublin, by held in connection with the Northern Branch.


THE Annual Meeting of the Brighton Auxiliary to the Baptist Tract Society was held at Salem Chapel, Bond-street, Oct. 29, 1851. The chair was taken by the pastor of the church, Mr. William Savory; The meeting was numerously attended, and a very pleasing spirit pervaded it. Messrs. Betts and Overbury were present as a deputation from the parent society.

After singing and prayer by brother Reid, Mr. Savory addressed the meeting, and referred to the humble means God frequently made use of to bring sinners to the know

the pastor, Mr. Milligan, after a profession of repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. The persons immersed are expected to join the church, and are likely to become active and useful members.

BURY, LANCASHIRE.-On Lord's-day, Nov. 2, four young men were immersed on a profession of their faith in the Son of God, by Mr. J. Harvey, in the Baptist chapel, Rochdale, kindly lent for the occasion. Mr. Burchell preached a sermon before the baptism, on magnifying Christ. May he be more frequently magnified by the scriptural surrender implied in the solemn act of believers' baptism.


DIED, August 5, aged eighty-one, Mrs. Elizabeth Yeandal, a consistent and useful member of the Baptist church, Blindmore, Buckland, St. Mary, Somerset. She died in full expectation of the promises of the gospel, through her dear Redeemer.

DIED, on Sept. 22, Mrs. Betty Knight, a member of the same church, and kind and highly useful to the church, her afflicted neighbours, &c. She was greatly distressed with agonizing pains, but committed her departing spirit into the hands

of her Saviour.

These two beloved sisters in Christ were baptized together, the elder first, and the younger succeeding; so they departed. Both lived in high expectation of being gratified with seeing our new temple opened for divine worship, which they were denied, the latter only to be caried there as a corpse, both being now interred near together in our burial ground, attached to our chapel. Many of our little band of disciples have been, and some still are, greatly afflicted, and have also been denied the enjoyment of spending a few hours in that house which they longed to see dedicated to the service of the Most High God.

S. H.

Editorial Postcript.

WE had hoped that we should have been enabled to gratify our friends by the announcement that the price of the Primitive Church Magazine would be reduced to threepence, beginning with January, 1852; but the communications which we have received have not been such as to warrant this step. We stated in our last, that a reduction of our price to threepence, including the stamped copies, without an increase of sale, would make an annual deficiency of £36 128.; excluding them, the deficiency would be about £30. Now, unless the proprietors could see their way pretty clear to the meeting of this deficiency, either by a proportionate increase of sale, or by annual subscriptions, they do not feel themselves justified to incur the responsibility. The best way by far, as it appears to them, of effecting a reduction in price, is by extending the sale; as it not only would protect us from pecuniary risk, but would also promote the object which we have chiefly in view, by the diffusion of our principles. Seeing, then, that there is a strong desire on the part of many of our friends that the price of our Magazine should be reduced to threepence, the proprietors are induced to make the following offer :--To make up the deficiency which would arise from the proposed reduction, our sale should be increased by one thousand per month; but the proprietors engage that the price shall be reduced to threepence so soon as the sale is increased by five hundred per month. In making this proposal, it will be seen that the proprietors take on themselves a full half of the additional pecuniary responsibility, whilst they leave the other half to be discharged by the kind exertions of their friends. This, they think, is advancing as far as they can do under the present circumstances, and they hope it is imposing no more on their friends than they are willing to undertake. We would say therefore unto them, arise, dear friends, and do it, for the work belongeth unto you! Arise and strengthen the good cause; for the God of heaven he will prosper you! We rejoice to know that many of our friends have already anticipated our counsel by the putting forth of zealous exertion, and we cannot doubt that very many more will be induced to do the same. We shall be glad to receive from them, as early in the present month as possible, some account of their proceedings, and of the success of their labours. Will they kindly set to work immediately, and will they work with a determination in the divine strength, to be satisfied with nothing short of the accomplishment of that at which they aim? If so, the thing is done.

Printed by JOSEPH BRISCOE, 28, Banner Street, in the Parish of St. Luke, in the County of Middlesex; and published by ARTHUR HALL and GEORGE VIRTUE, 25, Paternoster Row, in the Parish of St. Faith under St. Paul's, in the City of London. -MONDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1851.

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