Christi Libri quatuor. Londini, the perpetuall Reioyce of the Godly euen in 1827. 18mo. 6s. A very neat edition, edited by Charles Butler of Lincoln's Inn, who has prefixed a life of Kempis. Cum Vita T. à Kempis per Heribertum Rosweyden. Edinb. 1757.32mo. 5s. A very elegant and correct edition from Ruddiman's press.-Interpret. (Latino Sermone elegantiori) per Sebast. Castellionem. Cantab. 1685. 12mo. 5s. This book, for 300 years, has continued to be the favourite companion of devotional readers of all communions and opinions. 'It is the finest work that hath proceeded from the pen of man, the gospel being of divine origin.' Fontenelle. KEMPIS, Thomas à. Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ, translated | from the Latin, with an Introduction and Notes by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, D.D. London, 1828. 8vo. 11. 1s. An elegant edition, illustrated by six plates, including Salvator Mundi after Guercino. Fifty copies were printed upon LARGE PAPER. Other Versions. A Treatyse of ye Imytacion and Folowynge of Cryst, compyld in Laten, by Johnn Gerson and translate by Mayster Wyllyam at Kynson Doctor of Diuynyte at the speciall Request and Commaundement of Pryncesse Margate Moder of Kynge Henry the VII. and Countesse of Rychemount and Derby. London (by W. de Worde). 4to. The three first books 96 leaves, the fourth book, 18 leaves. London by Richarde Pynson. 4to. Books 1-3, Q 4, A and B in octaves, the rest in sixes. • The forthe Boke.' 18 leaves. Towneley, pt. i. 533, 92 London, by R. Pynson, 1503-4. 4to. White Knights, 1749, 117. 5s. - London, by R. Pynson, 1517. 4to. Books 1-3 end on the reverse of the leaf after Qii. The forthe boke' on the third leaf after sign. ciii. London by Robert Redman. 16mo. folios Clxxxv. The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis. Southwarke by Johan Redman. 16mo. London by Robert Wyer. 16mo. This edition contains the fourth boke.' Newly examyned, corrected and imprinted. And a lytell deuoute morall Doctryne called the spiritual Glasse of the Soule. London by Thomas Godfray. 16mo. Inglis, 843. this Life.' -London, by H. Denham. The Imitation of Christ, three Bookes newly translated, &c. by Tho. Rogers. Lond, 1584.16mo. Inglis, 842, 4s. -Lond. 1589. 16mo. -London, 1592. 24mo. -London, Of the Following of Christ, paraplırased into English Verse. London, 1694. Bindley, pt. iii. 1549, 2s. 6d. Sotheby's in June, 1827, 12. The Christian's Pattern; or, a Treatise of the Imitation of Christ, translated by George Stanhope, Dean of Canterbury. London, 1696. 8vo. -1698. 8vo. -1711. 8vo. 1721. 8vo. - 1727. 12mo. -1742. 8vo. 1759. 8vo. - 1772. 8vo. - Aberd. 1779. 12mo. -London, 1793. 8vo. -1809. 8vo. The Works of Thomas à Kempis; containing a Treatise of the Imitation of Christ and other Pieces. London, 1710-21. 8vo. 2 vols. with plates by Vandergucht. 12s. The Christian's Exercise, translated by Robert Nelson. London, 1715. 8vo. 58. 1717. 8vo. with plates by Vandergucht. Select Pieces of Thomas à Kempis. Edinb. 1721. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. The Christian's Pattern, translated by Lec. London, 1760. 8vo. 3s. Of the Imitation of Christ, in three Books; wyth the Book of the Sacrament, translated by John Payne. London, 1763. 8vo. 5s. The Imitation of Christ; in three Books. By Thomas à Kempis. Translated from the Latin by John Payne. With a recommendatory Preface, by Thomas Chalmers, D.D. Glasgow, 1822. The Life of Thomas à Kempis. See BUTLER, Charles, of Lincoln's Inn. KENDALL, E. A. An Argument for construing largely the Right of an Appellee of Murder, to insist on Trial by Battle; and also for abolishing Appeals. Second Edition revised and enlarged. Lond. 1818. 8vo. Hibbert, 4404, 5s. A third edition appeared in 1818. Letters to a Friend on the State of Ire The Folowing of Christ, by Richard Whit-land, the Roman Catholic Question, and the forde. London, by J. Cawood, 1556. 16mo. Gough, 1937, 17. 4s. 1585. 16mo. The Imitation or Following of Christ, by Thomas Kempise, amended and polished by Seb. Castalio, and englished by Edward) H(ake). London, 1567. 16mo. Dedicated to Thomas Duke of Norfolk. White Knights, 2248, 12s. -London, 1568. 16mo. joined is A short pretie Treatise touching Ad Merits of constitutional religious Distinctions. 8vo. 3 parts. Sotheby's in March 1817, 171. 17s. See Ames' Typog. Antiq. by Herbert, ii. 1115. iii. 1804. Wood's Athen. Oxon. by Dr. Bliss, i. 485-6. Warton's History of Eng lish Poetry, 8vo. iv. 259. Ritson's Bibl. Poet. 261-2. Brydges' Brit. Bibl. ii. 150-7. KENN, Thomas, Bishop of Bath and Wells. London, 1721. 8vo. 4 vols. 11. 1s. With portrait by G. Vertue. Brindley, pt. ii. 1094, 12. 9s. This divine's Manual of Prayers has passed through many editions. A short Account of the Life of Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells, by W. Haw kins. London, 1713. 8vo. With portrait by G. Vertue. 4s. 6d. James. Epithalamium Caroli II. et Catherinæ Magnæ Britanniæ, &c. Regum. Edinb. 1662. 4to. 7s. Daphnidis et Druydum Reditus, Ecloga Bucolicâ celebratus. Aberdoniæ, 1662. 4to. 7s. James. A Description of the Antiquities and Curiosities in Wilton House. Illustrated with twentyfive Engravings of some of the capital Statues, Bustos, and Relievos. Salisbury, 1769. 4to. Brockett, 1813, 10s. 6d. Fonthill, 3787, 21. 7s. 6d. Heath, 4701, 12. 1s. Bindley, pt. ii. 2333, 8s. Dent, pt. ii. 569, date 1786, russia, 12. 1s. John. The Historie of Calanthrop and Lvcilla. By John Kennedie. Edinb. 1626. small 8vo. Pp. 120. Bibl. Anglo.-Poet. 412, imperfect, 24. 12s. 6d. A theological Epitome, or divine Compend, apparently manifesting God's great Love and Mercie towards Man, &c. Edinb. 1629. 12mo. In verse. Gordonstoun, 1328, 27. 28. John. A complete System of astronomical Chronology, unfolding the Scriptures. London, 1762. 4to. 15s. The dedication to the king, prefixed to this work, was written by Samuel Johnson. Kennedy published several other works relative to chronology. Matthew, LL. D. A chronological, genealogical and historical Dissertation of the Royal Family of the Stuarts. Paris, 1705. 8vo. Lloyd, 702, 14s. Fonthill, 1476, 12. 11s. See HAY, Richard. Quintine. An Oratioune set furth be Master Quintine Kennedy, Commentator of Cosraguell, ye Yeir of God 1561. Edinb. 1812. small 4to. 10s. 6d. Printed in black letter from the original MS. in the Auchinleck Library. Boswell, 3233, 17. Ane compendius Tractive conforme to the Scripturis of Almychtie God, Ressoun and Authoritie, declaring the nerrest and only Way to establiche the Conscience of ane Christiane Man, in all Matters (quhilks ar in Debate) concerning Faith and Religioun, sett furth be Maister Quintin Kennedy, Commendator of the Abbay off Crosraguell, and dedicat to his deerest and best beluiffit Nepuo Gilbert, Mester of Cassillis. In the Zeir of God, ane thousand fyve houndreth fifty aught Zeris. 4to. Lieut. Col. Vans. Researches into the Origin and Affinity of the principal Languages of Asia and Europe. 1827. 4to. William. Annals of Aberdeen, from the Reign of King William the Lion to the End of the Year 1818; with an Account of the City, Cathedral and old University of Aberdeen. London, 1818. 4to. 2 vols. 41. 4s. KENNET, Basil, D. D. Romæ antiquæ Notitia: or, the Antiquities of Rome. 8vo. This work, which has gone through numerous editions, is now superseded by that of Adam. The Lives and Characters of the ancient Grecian Poets. London, 1697. 8vo. Roxburghe, 9162, 5s. An Essay towards a Paraphrase on the Psalms, in Verse; with a Paraphrase on the third Chapter of the Revelations. London, 1706. 8vo. 4s. Twenty Sermons on several Occasions, preached before the Society of Merchants in Foreign Parts. London, 1715. 8vo. 4s. An Exposition of the Apostles Creed, according to Bishop Pearson, in a new Method, by way of Paraphrase and Annotations. 8vo. White, Bishop of Peterborough. Parochial Antiquities attempted in the History of Ambrosden, Burcester, and other adjacent Parts in the Counties of Oxford and Bucks. Oxf. 1695. 4to.
James I. by Cambden. 6. The History of This laborious compilation 'will be duly valued, as long as ecclesiastical history bears any repute amongst us.'-Nicolson. Hib-containing the Reigns of K. Charles I. to bert, 4355, 12. 4s. Steevens, 1717, 32. 3s. Dowdeswell, 438, 34. 38. Nassau, pt. i. 2347, russia, 37. 4s. Dent, pt. ii. 570, morocco, 42. 4s. Bindley, pt. ii. 2493, 42. 10s. Brockett, 1814, russia, 87. 15s. Willett, 1305, 112. 118. LARGE PAPER, extremely rare. A copy is in the library of A. Nicholson, Esq. Collation. Title, one leaf; epistle dedicatory to Sir William Glynne, Bart. 6 pages; preface, 8 pages; antiquities, including appendix, pp. 703; general index, 30 pages; a glossary, 116 pages. Pages 553-4 are omitted. Plates. -1. Three Roman urns and a patine. p. 23. 2. The rectory house at Islip. p. 51. 3. The seat of Sir William Glynne, Bart. p. 55. 4. Ambrosden Church. p. 431. 5. The seat of Mr. John Coker. p. 509. 6. Burcester Church. p. 559. 7. Borstall. p. 679. 8. 9. Seat of Sir John Walter, Bart. pp. 682, 3. -Greatly enlarged from the Author's mss. Notes. Oxford, 1818. 4to. 2 vols. Edited by the Rev. B. Bandinel, D.D. Prefixed is a portrait of Kennett, by James Fittler. Pub- lished at 67. Hibbert, 4356, 32. 11s. Drury, land, illustrated with Notes, and the Effigies of the Kings and Queens. The second Edition corrected; with This work was collected by White Ken- net, Bishop of Peterborough. The preface to this second edition was written by Hughes, and the additional notes, signed J. S. are generally attributed to Strype. See Nichols' Literary Anecdotes. Marquis of Towns- hend, 1930, 12. 11s. 6d. Hibbert, 4586, 37. 8s. Willett, 1360, 47. 14s. 6d. Bindley, pt. ii. 201, 47. 14s. 6d. Contents. Vol. I. 1. Beginning with the History of Britain to William the Conqueror, by John Milton. 2. From the Conquest to the End of King Ed- ward III. by Samuel Daniel. 3. The Reigns of K. Richard II. K. Henry IV. V. and VI. all new writ in Mr. Daniel's Method. 4. The Reign of K. Edward IV. by John Habington. 5. The Lives of K. Edward V. and Richard III. by Sir Thomas Moore. 6. The Life of K. Richard III. by George Buck. 7. The Life of K. Henry VII. by Francis Lord Bacon. Vol. II. 1. The History of K. Henry VIII. by Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury. 2. The Life of K. Edward VI. by Sir John Hayward. 3. The Life of Q. Mary, by Francis Godwin, Bishop of Here- ford, translated by J. H. 4. The History of William III. inclusive, 'all new writ by a learned and impartial Hand' (i. e. Bishop Kennett), gave rise to Roger North's Exa- men, in which the author is most severely handled. -The former Edition. London, 1706. folio. 3 vols. Edwards, 572, 22. 18s. Dent, pt. ii. 316, russia, 4l. 1s. Roxburghe, clesiastical and civil. London, 1728 or 1744. folio. vol. 1. This useful volume contains Matters of Fact delivered in the Words of the most au- thentic Books, Papers and Records digested in exact Order of Time. With proper Notes and References towards discovering and con- necting the true History of England from the Restauration of K. Charles II.' Bindley, pt. ii. 202, 11. 11s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 2179, 17. 18s. Hibbert, 4587, 21. 8s. Dent, pt. ii. 317, 27. 16s. LARGE PAPER. 31. 3s. Colla- tion. Pp. 938, besides dedication to the The Case of Impropriations, and of the Augmentation of Vicarages and other insuf- A Sermon at the Funeral of William Duke of Devonshire, in the Church of All Hallows in Derby, on Friday, Sept. 5, 1707, with some Memoirs of the Family of Caven- dish. London, 1708, 8vo. 3s. 6d. -1797. 8vo. 6s. Best edition. The greater portion was destroyed by fire. Bindley, pt. ii. 1108, Bibliothecæ Americanæ Primordia: an Attempt towards laying the Foundation of an American Library. London, 1713, 4to. 6s. Life of Dr. White Kennett, Bishop of Pe- terborough. With several original Letters. The State of the printed Hebrew Text of the Old Testament con- These valuable dissertations preceded Dr. Kennicott's celebrated collation of Hebrew MSS. and his edition of the Hebrew Bible. Bp. of Ely, 579, 15s. 6d. Dr. Kennicott's dissertations were translated into Latin by M. Teller. Lips. 1756-65. 8vo. 2 vols. Gosset, 2894 and 5, with ms. notes, Critical Dissertations on the Tree of Life Enquiry into the Meaning of the Text, The printed Hebrew Text of the Old Testament vindicated. By Fowler Comings, M. A. London, 1753. 8vo. 2s. The Integrity of the Hebrew Text, and many Passages of Scripture vindicated from the Objections and Misconstructions of Mr. Kennicott. By Julius Bate. London, 1755. 8vo. Gosset, 340, 9s. Christian Fortitude. A Sermon before the University of Oxford. By Benj. Kennicott. Oxford, 1757. 4to. Remarks on Mr. Kennicott's Sermon, entitled Christian Fortitude. With a particular Examination of the Preface. London, 1757. A Dialogue between Doctor Cunningham Mr. Kennicott's Method of correcting the and Sir Charles Freeman, Bart. containing printed Hebrew Text. 1760. 8vo. A View of Mr. Kennicott's Method of cor recting the Hebrew Text, with three Queries formed thereupon. By George Horne (Bishop of Norwich). Oxford, 1760. 8vo. The Nature of a true Zeal considered; with a View to the present Design of collating the Hebrew MSS. A visitation Sermon preached at Norwich, Aug. 19, 1760. Henry Goodall, D.D. 8vo. By By A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Kennicott. An Answer to a Letter from the Rev. T. Two Letters to the Rev. Dr. Kennicott, vindicating the Jews from the Charge of corrupting Deut.xxvii. 4. London, 1762.8vo. A second Letter to the Rev. Dr. Kennicott. By T. Rutherforth, D.D. Lond. 1763.8vo. Remarks on a Letter from the Rev. Dr. Kennicott, to the Printer of the General Evening Post. By Richard Parry, D.D. With the Letter itself, and another that occasioned it. London, 1763. 8vo. The Case between Gerizim and Ebal fairly stated. By Richard Parry, D.D. London, 1764. 8vo. 1s. A Sermon on Isaiah vii. 13-16. With Notes. By Benj. Kennicott. Oxford, 1765. 8vo. A Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, May 19, 1765. By Benjamin Kennicott, D. D. With Notes on the Sermon, on Psalms 48 and 89, and on some late Reflections of the Ld. Bp. of Gloucester. Oxford, 1765. 8vo. 1s. 6d. THICK PAPER. Another Defence of the Unity, wherein St. John's Introduction to his Gospel, and his Account of the Words being made Flesh, are considered. With a few Remarks on some very late notable Publications, particularly those of Dr. Benjamin Dawson and Dr. Kennicott. Lond. 1766. 8vo. A critical Dissertation on Isaiah vii. 13, 14, 15, 16. in which the Sentiments advanced by Dr. Kennicott, in a Sermon lately published, and by several other Writers, are candidly and impartially examined. Lond. 1767. 8vo. Observations on the 1st Book of Samuel, ch. vi. v. 19. By Benj. Kennicott, D.D. Oxford, 1768. 8vo. Remarques critiques sur 1 Samuel, Ch. vi. ver. 19. Par B. Kennicott, Docteur in Théologie. 1769. 8vo. The ten annual Accounts of the Collation of Hebrew MSS. of the old Testament; begun in 1760 and compleated in 1769. By Benjamin Kennicott, D.D. Oxford, 1770. 8vo. 4s. Gosset, 2897, 5s. Letter of Mr. the Abbot of***, Ex. Professor of the Hebrew Language in the lated from the French. Paris, 1772. 12mo. Rome, 1771. 8vo. The real author was Dumay, an unprincipled Jew, who pretended to be converted to Christianity. A new and faithful Translation of Letters from Mr. l' Abbé ***, to the Rev. Dr. Benj. Kennicott. With an introductory Preface and an Appendix. London, 1773. 8vo. 3s. 6d. This translation was done by William Stevens, Esq. F. S. A. and Treasurer of Queen Anne's Bounty. A Letter to a Friend, occasioned by a French Pamphlet lately published against Doctor Kennicott, and his Collation of the Hebrew MSS. London. 1772. 8vo. P. J. Bruns de Libello contra Kennicott. Romæ, 1773. 8vo. Notæ criticæ in Psalmos 42, 43, 48, 89, a P. J. Bruns. Lipsiæ, 1772. 8vo. Gosset, 2901, 6s. Remarks on the critical Parts of a Pamphlet lately published entitled 'Letters to the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Kennicott, by Mr. l Abbé Hebrew Professor in the University of***. By George Sheldon, M.A. 1775. 8vo. Critica sacra, or a short Introduction to Hebrew Criticism. By Benjamin Kennicott, D.D. London, 1774. 8vo. Benjamini Kennicotti Epistola ad Joh. Dav. Michaelem de Censura primi Tomi Bibliorum Hebraicorum nuper editi in Bibliotheca ejus Orientali, Parte XI. Oxon. 1777. 8vo. Dissertatio generalis in vetus Testamentum Hebraicum. Oxon. 1780. folio. Bp. of Ely, 1009, 4s. 6d. Editionis veteris Testamenti Hebraici cum variis Lectionibus brevis Defensio, contra Ephemeridum Goettingensium Criminationes. A. Benj. Kennicott, D.D. Oxon. 1782. 8vo. The Sabbath, a Sermon, by B. Kennicott, D.D. Second Edition. 1783. 8vo. -Ox-tess of. A choice Manuall of rare ford, 1781. 8vo. Benj. Kennicotti Dissertatio generalis in vetus Testamentum Hebraicum. Curavit P. J. Bruns. Brunsvici, 1783. 8vo. A reprint of Dr. Kennicott's dissertatio generalis annexed to his second volume of his edition of the Hebrew Bible. Gosset, 2903, 16s. Remarks on select Passages in the Old Testament: to which are added eight Sermons. By the late Benjamin Kennicott, D.D. Oxford, 1787. 8vo. 6s. Gosset, 2904, 8s. This work contains translations of XXXII Psalms. A translation of Psalms XLII and XLIII. on a single sheet, varying a little, was privately printed about 1766. Kennion, Edward. An Essay on Trees in Landscape. 1816. 4to. Seven parts 10s. 6d. each. KENNY, W.S. A practical Chess Grammar; or, an Introduction to the Game of Chess. London, 1817. 4to. 7s. Chess Exercises; intended as a Companion and Sequel to the practical Chess Grammar. London, 1818. foolscap 8vo. 7s. KENRICK, William, LL.D. A new Dictionary of the English Language: to which is prefixed, a rhetorical Grammar. By William Kenrick, LL. D. London, 1773. 4to. 10s. This work is principally directed towards the correction of orthoepy, but the plan is complicated and incorrect. A Review of Dr. Johnson's new Edition of Shakespeare: In which the Ignorance or Inattention of that Editor is exposed, and the Poet defended from the Persecution of his Commentators. By W. Kenrick. London, 1765. 8vo 3s. 6d. A very illiberal and virulent attack. A Defence of Mr. Kenrick's Review of Dr. Johnson's Shakespeare; containing a Number of curious and ludicrous Anecdotes of literary Biography. By a Friend. London, 1766. 8vo. 2s. 6d. An Examination of Mr. Kenrick's Review of Mr. Johnson's Edition of Shakespeare (by Barclay, a Student of Oxford). London, 1766. 8vo. Field, 488, 4s. Introduction to the School of Shake speare, held on Wednesday Evenings, in the Apollo, at the Devil Tavern, Temple Bar. To which is added, a Retort courteous on the Critics, as delivered at the second and third Lectures. London, 1773. 8vo. Field, 502, 3s. 6d. This critic published poems, plays, and other writings, mostly contaminated by a style vituperative and malignant. KENT, Elizabeth Talbot, Coun and select Secrets in Physic and Chirurgery. The twelfth Edition. 1659. 12mo. 5s. The Kentish Fayre, or the Parliament sold to their best Worth. Rochester, 1648. 4to. A dramatic satire. Rhodes, 221, 11s. The Kentish Angler, or the young Fishernman's Instructor: shewing the Nature and Properties of Fish which are generally angled for in Kent. Canterb. 1804.12mo. Kentish Poets: a Series of Writers in English Poetry, Natives of, or Residents in, County of Kent: with Specimens of their Compositions, and some Account of their Lives and Writings. By R. Freeman. 12mo. 2 vols. 15s. KENYON, Lord. Notes of Cases in K. B. and other Courts, from 1753 to 1757, taken and composed while at the Bar. London, 1819-25. royal 8vo. 2 vols. Published from the original mss. and arranged for the press, with notes, references, and an index by J. W. Hanmer. A Sketch of the Life and Character of Lord Kenyon, late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. London, 1802. 8vo. KEOGH,.Botanologia universalis Hibernica. Corke, 1735. 4to. KEPLER, John. An Account of the astronomical Discoveries of Kepler, including an historical Review of the Systems which had successively prevailed before his Time. By Robart Small, D. D. London, 1804. 8vo. 6s. KEPPEL. G. Travels in Babylonia, Assyria, Media and Scythia. London, 1827. 8vo. 2 vols. Hibbert, 4411, 16s. |