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combinations; for, it being once furnished with fimple ideas, it can put them together in feveral compofitions, and fo make variety of complex ideas, without examining whether they exift fo together in nature. And hence I think it is that thefe ideas are called notions, as if they had their original and conftant existence more in the thoughts of men than in the reality of things; and, to fuch ideas, it fufficed that the mind puts the parts of them together, and that they were confiftent in the understanding, without confidering whether they had any real being; though I do not deny but feveral of them might be taken from obfervation, and the existence of feveral fimple ideas fo combined, as they are put together in the understanding. For the man who firft framed the idea of hypocrify might have either taken it at first from the obfervation of one who made show of good qualities which he had not, or elfe have framed that idea in his mind, without having any fuch pattern to fashion it by; for it is evident, that in the beginning of languages and focieties of men, feveral of those complex ideas, which were confequent to the conftitutions established amongst them, muft needs have been in the minds of men before they exifted any where else; and that many names that ftood for fuch complex ideas were in ufe, and fo thofe ideas framed, before the combination they stood for ever existed.

§3. Sometimes got by the Explication of their Names. INDEED, now that languages are made, and abound with words ftanding for fuch combinations, an ufual way of getting these complex ideas, is by the explication of thefe terms that ftand for them. For, confifting of a company of fimple ideas combined, they may, by words ftanding for thofe fimple ideas, be reprefented to the mind of one who understands thofe words, though that complex combination of fimple ideas were never offered to his mind by the real exiftence of things. Thus a man may come to have the idea of facrilege or murder, by enumerating to him the fimple ideas which thefe words ftand for, without ever feeing either of them committed.

§4. The Name ties the parts of mixed Modes into

one Idea.

EVERY mixed mode confifting of many diftinct fimple ideas, it feems reasonable to inquire whence it has its unity, and how fuch a precife multitude comes to make but one idea, fince that combination does not always exist together in nature To which I anfwer, It is plain it has its unity from an act of the mind combining those several fimple ideas together, and confidering them as one complex one, confifting of thofe parts; and the mark of this union, or that which is looked on generally to complete it, is one name given to that combination. For it is by their names that men commonly regulate their account of their diftinct fpecics of mixed modes, feldom allowing or confidering any number of fimple ideas to make one complex one, but fuch collections as there be names for. Thus, though the killing of an old man be as fit in nature to be united into one complex idea as the killing a man's father, yet, there being no name standing precifely for the one, as there is the name of parricide to mark the other, it is not taken for a particular complex idea, nor a diftinct species of actions, from that of killing a young man, or any other man.

$5. The Caufe of making mixed Modes. Ir we should inquire a little farther, to fee what it is that occafions men to make feveral combinations of fimple ideas into diftinct, and, as it were, fettled modes, and neglect others, which, in the nature of things themfelves, have as much an aptnefs to be combined, and make diftinct ideas, we fhall find the reason of it to be the end of language, which being to mark or communicate mens thoughts to one another with all the difpatch that may be, they usually make fuch collections of ideas into complex modes, and affix names to them, as they have frequent ufe of in their way of living and converfation, leaving others, which they have but feldom an occafion to mention, loofe, and without names that tie them together; they rather choofing to enumerate (when they have need) fuch ideas

as make them up, by the particular names that stand for them, than to trouble their memories by multiplying of complex ideas with names to them, which they fhall feldom or never have any occafion to make use of.

§ 6. Why Words in one Language have none answering

in another.

THIS fhows us how it comes to pass that there are in every language many particular words, which cannot be rendered by any one fingle word of another. For the several fashions, cuftoms, and manners of one nation, making feveral combinations of ideas fimilar and neceffary in one, which another people have never had any occafion to make, or perhaps fo much as take notice of; names come of course to be annexed to them, to avoid long periphrases in things of daily converfation, and fo they become so many diftinct complex ideas in their minds. Thus ispanos amongst the Greeks, and profcriptio amongst the Romans, were words which other languages had no names that exactly answered, because they flood for complex ideas, which were not in the minds of the men of other nations. Where there was no fuch custom, there was no notion of any such actions; no use of such combinations of ideas as were united, and, as it were, tied together by those terms; and therefore in other countries there were no names for them.

§7. Why Languages change.

HENCE alfo we may fee the reatons why languages conftantly change, take up new, and lay by old terms; becaufe change of cuftoms and opinions bringing with it new combinations of ideas, which it is necellary frequently to think on, and talk about, new names, to avoid long defcriptions, are annexed to them, and fo they become new fpecies of complex modes. What a number of different ideas are by this means wrapped up in one fhort found, and how much of our time and breath is thereby faved, any one will fee, who will but take the pains to enumerate all the ideas that cither reprive or appeal ftand for; and, instead of either

of those names, ufe a periphrafis, to make any underftand their meaning.

8. Mixed Modes, where they exift. THOUGH I fhall have occafion to confider this more at large when I come to treat of words and their use, yet I could not avoid to take thus much notice here of the names of mixed modes, which, being fleeting and tranfient combinations of fimple ideas, which have but a fhort exiftence any where but in the minds of men, and there too have no longer any existence than whilst they are thought on, have not fo much any where the appearance of a conftant and lafting existence, as in their names; which are therefore, in these fort of ideas, very apt to be taken for the ideas themselves. For if we fhould inquire where the idea of a triumph or apotheofis exifts, it is evident they could neither of them exist altogether any where in the things themselves, being actions that required time to their performance, and fo could never exist altogether; and as to the minds of men, where the ideas of these actions are supposed to be lodged, they have there too a very uncertain exiftence; and therefore we are apt to annex them to the names that excite them in us.

$9. How we get the Ideas of mixed Modes. THERE are therefore three ways whereby we get the complex ideas of mixed modes. 1. By experience and obfer vation of things themselves. Thus, by feeing two men wrestle or fence, we get the idea of wrestling or fencing. 2. By invention, or voluntary putting together. of feveral fimple ideas in our own minds; fo he that first invented printing or etching had an idea of it in his mind before it ever exifted. 3. Which is the most ufual way, by explaining the names of actions we never faw, or notions we cannot fee; and, by enumerating, and thereby, as it were, fetting before our imaginations all thofe ideas which go to the making them up, and are the conftituent parts of them. For having, by fenfation or reflection, ftored our minds with fimple ideas, and, by uf, got the names that ftand for them, we can, by those names, reprefent to another any com

plex idea we would have him conceive; fo that it has in it no fimple ideas but what he knows, and has with us the fame name for. For all our complex ideas are ultimately refolvable into fimple ideas, of which they are compounded and originally made up, though perhaps their immediate ingredients, as I may fo fay, are alfo complex ideas. Thus the mixed mode, which the word lie ftands for, is made of thefe fimple ideas: 1. Articulate founds. 2. Certain ideas in the mind of the fpeaker. 3. Those words the figns of thofe ideas. 4. Thofe figns put together by affirmation or negation, otherwife than the ideas they stand for are in the mind of the speaker. I think I need not go any farther in the analyfis of that complex idea we call a lie. What I have faid is enough to fhow that it is made up of fimple ideas; and it could not be but an offenfive tediousness to my reader, to trouble him with a more minute enumeration of every particular fimple idea that goes to this complex one; which, from what has been faid, he cannot but be able to make out to himfelf. The fame may be done in all our complex ideas whatsoever, which, however compounded and decompounded, may at last be refolved into fimple ideas, which are all the materials of knowledge or thought we have, or can have. Nor fhall we have reafon to fear that the mind is hereby ftinted to too fcanty a number of ideas, if we confider what an inexhauftible ftock of fimple modes number and figure alone affords us. How far then mixed modes, which admit of various combinations of different fimple ideas, and their infinite modes, are from being few and fcanty, we may eafily imagine. So that before we have done, we fhall fee that nobody need be afraid he fhall not have fcope and compafs enough for his thoughts to range in, though they be, as I pretend, confined only to fimple ideas received from fenfation or reflection, and their feveral combinations.

§ 10. Motion, Thinking, and Power, have been moft mo


It is worth our obferving, which of all our fimple ideas have been moft modified, and had moft mixed modes made out

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