Fishes of the Western North Atlantic, Edizione 1,Parte 3Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale Univ., 1948 |
Dall'interno del libro
Risultati 1-3 di 22
Pagina 37
... ANSP 25471 ; 4 , from Delaware River at Torresdale , Philadelphia County , Pennsylvania , in fresh water , November 1911 , ANSP 44298-44301 ; 3 , 470-580 mm FL , from Delaware River , March 29-31 , 1913 , USNM 125816-125818 ; 22 I young ...
... ANSP 25471 ; 4 , from Delaware River at Torresdale , Philadelphia County , Pennsylvania , in fresh water , November 1911 , ANSP 44298-44301 ; 3 , 470-580 mm FL , from Delaware River , March 29-31 , 1913 , USNM 125816-125818 ; 22 I young ...
Pagina 58
... ( ANSP 646 ) and the other is definitely an A. sturio ( ANSP 645 ) , 15 inches long ( 380 mm ) FL . The latter has a fontanelle , 10 shields ( including nuchale ) in the dorsal row , and 30 shields ( including supracleithrum ) in the ...
... ( ANSP 646 ) and the other is definitely an A. sturio ( ANSP 645 ) , 15 inches long ( 380 mm ) FL . The latter has a fontanelle , 10 shields ( including nuchale ) in the dorsal row , and 30 shields ( including supracleithrum ) in the ...
Pagina 81
... ANSP 25371 ( in alco- hol ) ; from peninsular Florida , in TU , ANSP , and AMNH collections . Distinctive Characters . Like L. oculatus , L. platyrhincus differs from L. osseus and L. spatula by the presence of numerous dark spots on ...
... ANSP 25371 ( in alco- hol ) ; from peninsular Florida , in TU , ANSP , and AMNH collections . Distinctive Characters . Like L. oculatus , L. platyrhincus differs from L. osseus and L. spatula by the presence of numerous dark spots on ...
MAPS | 1 |
Names of Bones by G W Mead and Margaret G Bradbury | 20 |
Order Lepisostei by R D Suttkus | 61 |
19 sezioni non visualizzate
Altre edizioni - Visualizza tutto
Fishes of the Western North Atlantic: Editorial Board: Editor-in-chief John ... Visualizzazione estratti - 1948 |
Parole e frasi comuni
abund Acad adipose fin adults Amer anal fin Atlantic Salmon base of caudal base of pelvic Biol body bony fishes brackish Brazil Bull Canada Capelin caudal fin Caudal peduncle Clupea coast color depth descr diameter dorsal fin eggs Fin rays Fish Comm Florida Fowler fresh water fulvescens genus gill rakers Gulf Gulf of Maine head Hildebrand Hist Jordan and Evermann Labrador Lacépède Lake length Lepisosteus Linnaeus lower jaw lower limb mandible margin maxillary mouth Newfoundland North opercle orig origin of anal oxyrhynchus Pectoral fin pelvic fins Philad Poiss posterior Postorbital pounds Proc Proportional dimensions Quebec range refs River rows salt water scales scutes Shad silvery spawning species specimens Study Material Sturgeon synon teeth Trout type local U. S. Bur U. S. Comm U. S. Fish U. S. nat USNM Ventral scutes vertebrae Vladykov young Zool