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Printed by T. Burton, No. 31, Little Queen-freet,

for the Proprietors of Dodfley's Annual Register,


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FROM a series of incidents, to which mortality is at all times liable, and all men muft fometime encounter, the Annual Regifter had fallen more and more back in the time of publication. It was not an eafy matter to remedy this defect, and to overtake time, in such eventful years as the laft decade of the Eighteenth Century; amidst multiplied political intrigues, internal convulfions, and wars fo wide in their extent, and complicated in their operation. This, however, has now been completely accomplished. We close the century, without being one volume in arrears; we conclude the volume for 1800, without leaving any event to be recorded in the next, that could, with any degree of propriety, be introduced and related in the prefent volume: fo that, at the commencement of the century on which we have juft entered, we fet out, in our historical inquiries and narratives, without any encumbrance.

We congratulate our readers on that great, though fomewhat unexpected, event, which fo aufpiciously marks the commencement of the prefent æra.* The Temple of Janus is fhut: it is not unreasonable to hope that it will be long before it be again opened. A dreadful but falutary experiment, in the courfe of the


For a fummary review and character of the Eighteenth Century, and more especially at its clofe, fee the conclufion of the Hiftory of Eu rope, in this volume.


laft ten years, has been made by the nations. The rulers of states and kingdoms have been taught the danger of tyranny; the people, that of anarchy; the financier, that even commercial advantages may be too dearly purchased; the politican and ftatefman, that durable power confifts not fo much in extended territory, as compacted dominion, flourishing population, and, above all, in juftice: justice in the conduct of governments

external as well as internal.

We are henceforth, we hope, and doubt not, for many years, to be called from the miferies and horrors of war to progreffive improvement in all the arts of peace: a nobler, as well as more pleasing and profitable career of ambition, among civilized nations, than that of conqueft. The energy of our ingenious and lively neighbours will return to the arts and fciences with an elattic force, proportioned to the misguided ardour that has too long propelled them to the enfanguined field of battle. Their improvements will be our gain, as ours alfo will be theirs. May all civilized nations confociate and co-operate for the general good; for leffening calamities, increafing comforts, and advancing human nature to greater and greater excellence, both intellectual and moral!

It will of courfe become our bufinefs to watch and trace the progrefs or the viciffitudes of arts and sciences, the condition of fociety, and public opinion: a task, though more pleafing, yet not perhaps lefs difficult, than to defcribe the effects of public councils, and military operations; which, being marked by bolder and palpable lines, are more eafily difcerned, and more clearly comprehended.


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Return of Buonaparte from Egypt to France.His Letter to the Army of Egypt.-The Companions of his Voyage.Arrives at Corfica.-And at Frejus in Provence.-Enthufiaftic Joy with which he was every where received.Proceeds by Lyons to Paris.-Hopes and Confidence of the Parifians, and in general all the French centered on this military Chief.Situation of the French Republic at this Period, external and internal.State of Parties.-War in the Western Departments.Weakness and Halfmeafures of Government.-New political Changes meditated by Abbé Sieyes. -Perfonal Interview between the Abbé and Buonaparte.-Buonaparte careffed and courted by all Parties.-The Army alone courted by him.-He favours and joins the moderate PartyCharacter of Albé Sieyes.-- And of Buonaparte.-Splendid Feaft given in Honour of Buonaparte.-Project for a Change in the Government and Conflitution.-Neceffarily communicated to confiderable Numbers of the Members of both Councils.-Yet kept Secret till the Moment of Explosion.-The Council of Elders empowered by the Conflitution of 1795 to tranfport the Legislature whenever it should think Proper to any Commune within a certain Diftance of Paris.-ComVOL. XLII. [B] mand

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