The History of Rome, Volume 4Longmans, Green, and Company, 1882 |
Dall'interno del libro
Risultati 1-5 di 69
Pagina vii
... provinces Judicial power of the senators Senatorial law - courts The senate and the knights The senate and religion Religion and the state Legislative influence of the senate 52 53 54 55 56 . 56 57 58 58 59 60 Initiative powers of the ...
... provinces Judicial power of the senators Senatorial law - courts The senate and the knights The senate and religion Religion and the state Legislative influence of the senate 52 53 54 55 56 . 56 57 58 58 59 60 Initiative powers of the ...
Pagina xii
... PROVINCES . Objects of Roman provincial government Degrees of provincial subjection Provincial trade Roman provincial governors Growing arrogance of Roman officials Character of unpaid governors Extortions of the tax - farmers Roman ...
... PROVINCES . Objects of Roman provincial government Degrees of provincial subjection Provincial trade Roman provincial governors Growing arrogance of Roman officials Character of unpaid governors Extortions of the tax - farmers Roman ...
Pagina xiv
... Province of religion 254 Roman piety · 255 Influence of Greek and Eastern thought and belief 256 Unchanged character of Roman religion 257 • Alleged discovery of the books of Numa 257 Maintenance of old forms and rules . 258 Political ...
... Province of religion 254 Roman piety · 255 Influence of Greek and Eastern thought and belief 256 Unchanged character of Roman religion 257 • Alleged discovery of the books of Numa 257 Maintenance of old forms and rules . 258 Political ...
Pagina xx
... vigour Defeat of Crassus Fall of Aristonicus 435 436 436 Death of Blossius of Cumæ Formation and regulation of the province of Asia 437 . 437 CHAPTER VI . CAIUS GRACCHUS . Disinterested patriotism of the XX CONTENTS OF.
... vigour Defeat of Crassus Fall of Aristonicus 435 436 436 Death of Blossius of Cumæ Formation and regulation of the province of Asia 437 . 437 CHAPTER VI . CAIUS GRACCHUS . Disinterested patriotism of the XX CONTENTS OF.
Pagina xxii
... province of Asia Miserable effects of the measure on the provincials The self - imposed task of Gracchus an impossibility Senatorial administration of the provinces Consular and prætorian provinces Probable effects of the Sempronian ...
... province of Asia Miserable effects of the measure on the provincials The self - imposed task of Gracchus an impossibility Senatorial administration of the provinces Consular and prætorian provinces Probable effects of the Sempronian ...
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Parole e frasi comuni
administration ædiles allies Alterth ancient Appius Claudius army became BOOK booty Carthage Cato censors censorship census centuries CHAP Cicero comitia centuriata comitia tributa Comp constitution consuls country tribes decree duties election established Fabius favour Flaminius foreign formal four city tribes freedmen Gracchus Greek hands Hannibalic Hannibalic war honour important influence Italian Italy knights land later Latium legions legislation Livy magis magistrates ment military service modern Mommsen moral nature nobility organization patricians peace period plebeians Plutarch political Polyb Polybius popular assembly position prætor privileges provinces Punic punishment quæstors questions reform religion religious republic republican restricted Röm Roman citizens Roman republic Roman senate Rome rule Samnite wars Scipio senatorial Servius Tullius Sicily slaves thirty-five tribes tion town trates tribunes votes wars whilst whole xxxix δὲ καὶ τῆς τῶν СНАР
Brani popolari
Pagina 449 - Ea potestas per senatum more Romano magistratui maxuma permittitur, exercitum parare, bellum gerere, coercere omnibus modis socios atque civis, domi militiaeque Imperium atque iudicium summum habere; aliter sine populi iussu nullius earum rerum consuli ius est.
Pagina 154 - Ogulnii aediles curules aliquot feneratoribus diem dixerunt; quorum bonis multatis ex eo, quod in publicum redactum est, aenea in Capitolio limina et trium mensarum argentea vasa in cella lovis lovemque in culmine cum quadrigis et ad ficum Ruminalem simulacra infantium conditorum urbis sub uberibus lupae posuerunt semitamque saxo quadrato a Capena porta ad Martis straverunt.
Pagina 408 - ... receiving allotments they were to be advanced to the rank of citizens. If the statements respecting the census of 131 B. c. and 1 25 B. c. are to be trusted, the great increase in the number of citizens must be explained in another way. It is possible ... that after the revolt of Fregellae (125 B. c.) a portion of the allies were admitted to the Roman franchise by several plebiscites. We know nothing of such plebiscites ; but it is not unlikely that the Roman senate in 125 B. c. acted on the...
Pagina 369 - Creati P. Servilius, Q. Caecilius Metellus, C. et M. Servilii - Geminis ambobus cognomen erat -, L. et A. Hostilii Catones, P. Villius Tappulus, M.
Pagina 381 - Nam Ti. Graccho invidia Numantini foederis, cui feriendo, quaestor C. Mancini consulis cum esset, interfuerat, et in eo foedere improbando senatus severitas dolori et timori fuit : eaque res illum fortem et clarum virum a gravitate patrum desciscere coegit.
Pagina 220 - Dilectum consules multo intentiore quam alias cura 8 habebant. Licinius veteres quoque scribebat milites centurionesque ; et multi voluntate nomina dabant, quia locupletes videbant, qui priore Macedonico bello aut adversus Antiochum in Asia stipendia sorte Fr.
Pagina 154 - ... Libo M. Fulvius Centumalus A. Atilius Serranus M. Baebius Tamphilus L. Valerius Tappo Q. Salonius Sarra. aedilitas insignis eo anno fuit M. Aemilii Lepidi et 12 L. Aemilii Pauli...
Pagina 274 - Mulieres damnatas cognatis, aut in quorum ma- 6 nu essent, tradebant, ut ipsi in private animadverterent in eas: si nemo erat idoneus supplicii exactor, in publico animadvertebatur. Datum deinde consulibus negotium est...
Pagina 155 - Baebio consulibus de ludis factum esset. (12) decreverat id senatus propter effusos sumptus factos in ludos Ti. Sempronii aedilis, qui graves non modo Italiae ac sociis Latini nominis. sed etiam provinciis externis fuerant.
Pagina 14 - Ipse interea milites scribere non more maiorum, neque ex classibus, sed uti cuiusque lubido erat, capite censos plerosque. Id...