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Now, there is a direct relation between mind and matter. We have seen that the higher branches of thought have their origin in the higher organs of the brain, and they are allied to the higher planets or those farthest from the Sun; while the lower branches of thought, as of fact and things, domestic affairs, money matters, etc., have their origin in the base of the brain, and are allied to the planets nearest the Sun and Earth. And in regard to density, we may say, figuratively, that "solid facts" have considerable weight and density, and belong to Mercury, the nearest planet to the Sun, and said facts relate to the basilar organs of the brain; while philosophies and theories are very light and misty, and belong to the imaginations and to the higher planets in the system.

This idea suggests the fact that the mind is constructed in a rising scale of intelligence (and this fact is well proven), and those who have the higher elements of the mind predominating naturally have an affinity for the higher planets or zones, and are governed chiefly by the superior planets; while those who have the basilar elements of the mind predominating are governed chiefly by the smaller planets near the Earth.

Again we have seen that there is a direct relation between the nature of the planet and the organs to which they are allied; thus, Saturn is the most beautiful and sublime of the planets, and the organs of Sublimity and Ideality are allied to Saturn. Bearing this fact in mind let us carry the analysis further.

Between Mars and Jupiter is a zone of Asteroids, or small telescopic planets, which some scientists believe may have formerly been a planet that has been broken up, but it is my opinion, based on this analysis, that they never were all formed into one body. These planets, revolving in the same zone where there is danger of coming into collision with each other, suggests calamity or fear. And in the brain, between the Aspiring and Executive groups we find the organ of Cautiousness, which does not belong properly to either of these groups. Cautiousness, then, occupies the same relative position in the brain as the Asteroids do in the solar system, and we may well believe that they are allied to each other. For Cautionsness suggests fear and dread of calamity, and gives

a repulsive feeling: and if these same attributes exist in this multitude of little worlds, it may account for their not uniting in a single body or planet; that is, they repulse one another, and have no affinity. If this were true, it would be impossible for these small planets to ever collide with each other, even if a large number of them should come into close proximity in any part of their orbit.

In the above description I have endeavored to show the relation of the mind to the Solar System, and to make it as plain as possible. We must leave this part of the subject for the present and take up another branch of the science that may serve to throw some additional light on the subject.



Before we begin the study of the horoscope of Jesus Christ it may be well to explain that I am not a practitioner in astrology by any means. I do not make a business of writing nativities, or of delineating character, either by phrenology or astrology. My chief aim in studying these sciences is, and has been, to study the harmony existing between them, and unite or join them together, in case I found it practicable. And, in doing so, I have a religious purpose, which purpose is to discover if religion, as we find it in the Bible, conforms strictly to Nature's laws; and, if so, to trace out this relation and make it tangible, not only for my own benefit, but also for those who are apparently seeking God through Nature.

But in taking this means of religio-scientific study I am aware that "The world by wisdm knows not God"—that God is not discoverable by wisdom-that He is known to us only through our religious or spiritual faculties; but if through this wisdom we

are led to the very portals of faith, then it is only a step from the seen to the unseen, from darkness to light, from groveling in a world of uncertainities to a sure belief and recompense.

Early in my study of science and religion the idea occurred to me that if it be true that Christ was perfect as He was claimed to be, and if it further be true that man is governed by the solar or planetary laws, then it would naturally follow that the solar system must have been in a perfect position at the birth of Christ.

Of course, at that time; I had no definite idea as to what would constitute a perfect position of the solar system. Indeed, I was not certain but that the planets were all in one continuous string and reaching outward in one direction from the sun, and pointing, as it were, toward some one particular degree of the Zodiac. I determined, however, to set to work and investigate the case and see if anything could be learned from it.

As is indicated above, I did not begin with any preconceived ideas. I was in search of the truth and was prepared for anything. I did believe, of course, that the solar system was either in a perfect positon at that time, or else possibly that Christ was not perfect, or that astrology was a hoax, having no foundation in fact, and founded on superstition and ignorance. Therefore I determined to put the case to the crucial test of experience. To be able to compute the horoscope of Christ there was an obstacle to overcome on the very start; that is, to determine the date or time of his birth. We have two or more dates given us concerning the birth of Christ. One is that tradition or chron.. ology handed down to us by the early Christian Church, and the other is given us by history. The latter indicates that Christ was born in the year 4, B. C. The people are divided on the question, and some of the leading men of to-day declare that they are uncertain as to the exact date of the birth of Christ. The Bible makers and chronologers, however, have given way to history, and have placed the date of the birth of Christ in the year 4, B. C.

Webster says: "The most exact chronologers tell us that Christ was born in October, and not in December," and then adds:

"That learned noise and dust of the chronologist is wholly to be avoided."

Now the tradition handed down to us by the early Christian Church is this: "Christ was born at midnight between the 24th and the 25th days of December, or as we may say, December 25th, at o, oo, o'clock A. M., and this day has always been celebrated as Christmas, or the birthday of Jesus Christ. And when eight days were accomplished for the christening of the child, according to the Jewish custom, he was taken into the temple and christened, and presented to the Lord. Now this eighth day falls on the first day of January and is called New Year's day, and on this day was the beginning of our present era, or the Christian Era.

If this tradition be true, then, Christ was born on December 25th, at 0, 00, o'clock A. M., in the year I, B. C. I am satisfied now that this is the correct date as I shall endeavor to prove, from a scientific standpoint only.

Believing from the start that the Christians would be more likely to give the correct date of the birth of Christ than would the historians who paid but little attention to him, I decided to try their date first; and then, if it proved to be unsatisfacory, to try the other date also.


This being true, it naturally follows that there is much harmony existing between the science of the stars and the alleged perfection of Christ. And while the fact that Christ was perfect admits and approves that there is truth in the science of astrology, astrology, on the other hand, proves that Christ was perfect, provided he was born at this time.

This piece of experience then, when combined with these sciences as are outlined in this work, have proven to me, at least three things: 1. That the relative positon of the Solar System

Horoscope of Jesus Christ.

Born Thursday, Dec. 25. at 0,00 o'clock A. w. in the year One, B. C.

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The position of all the planete are computed in heliocentric, longitude, except the moon, which is at the first quarter and in aries, geocentric longitude.

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