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maxim, but it is not worthy delivering at very contemptible by misconduct. The apple was conferred on Virtue.



Well-being is a rare possession. May not the sovereign good in this world be considered as a sovereign chimera? The Greek philosophers discussed at great length, according to their usual practice, this celebrated question. The reader will, probably, compare them to just so many mendicants reasoning about the philosopher's stone.

The sovereign good! What an expression! It might as well have been asked, What is the sovereign blue, or the sovereign ragout, or the sovereign walk, or the sovereign reading, &c.

Every one places his good where he can, and has as much of it as he can, in his own way, and in very scanty meaCastor loved horses: his twin bro


ther, to try a fall--

Quid dem' quid non dem renuis tu quod jubet alter...
Castor gaudet equis, ovo prognatus eodem
Pugnis, &c.

The fable is very ingenious; it would be still more so if Crantor had said, that the sovereign good consists in the combination of the four rivals, Virtue, Health, Wealth, and Pleasure; but this fable neither does, nor can, resolve the absurd question about the sovereign good. Virtue is not a good. It is a duty. It is of a different nature; of a superior order. It has nothing to do with painful or with agreeable sensations. A virtuous man, labouring under stone and gout, without aid, without friends, destitute of necessaries, persecuted, and chained down to the floor by a voluptuous tyrant who enjoys good health, is very wretched; and his insolent persecutor, caressing a new mistress on his bed of purple, is very happy. Say, if you please, that the persecuted sage is preferable to the persecuting profligate; say that you admire the one and detest the other; but confess that the sage in chains is scarcely less than mad with rage and pain: if he do not himself admit that he is so, he completely deceives you; he is a char

The greatest good is that which delights us so powerfully, as to render us incapable of feeling anything else; as the great-latan. est evil is that which goes so far as to deprive us of all feeling. These are the two extremes of human nature, and these moments are short.


Of Good and Evil, Physical and Moral. WE here treat of a question of the Neither extreme delight nor extreme greatest difficulty and importance. It torture can last a whole life. The sove-relates to the whole of human life. It reign good and the sovereign evil are nothing more than chimeras.

We all know the beautiful fable of Crantor. He introduces upon the stage at the Olympic games, Wealth, Pleasure, Health, and Virtue. Each claims the apple. Wealth says, I am the sovereign good, for with me all goods are purchased: Pleasure says, the apple belongs to me, for it is only on my account that wealth is desired: Health asserts, that without her there can be no pleasure, and wealth is useless: finally, Virtue states, that she is superior to the other three, because, although possessed of gold, pleasures, and health, a man may make himself

would be of much greater consequence to find a remedy for our evils; but no remedy is to be discovered, and we are reduced to the sad necessity of tracing out their origin. With respect to this origin, men have disputed ever since the days of Zoroaster, and in all probability they disputed on the same subject long before him. It was to explain the mixture of good and evil that they conceived the idea of two principles---Oromazes, the author of light, and Arimanes, the author of darkness; the box of Pandora; the two vessels of Jupiter; the apple eaten by Eve; and a variety of other systems. The first of dialecticians, al

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whom he had created immortal, and to overwhelm their posterity with calamities and crimes! We do not here speak of a contradiction still more revolting to our feeble reason. How could God, who ransomed the human race by the death of his only son; or rather, how could God, who took upon himself the nature of man, and died on the cross to save men from perdition, consign over to eternal tortures nearly the whole of that human race for whom he died?.. Certainly, when we consider this system merely as philosophers (without the aid of faith) we must consider it as absolutely monstrous and abominable. makes of God either pure and unmixed malice, and that malice infinite, which created thinking beings, on purpose to devote them to eternal misery, or absolute impotence and imbecility, in not being able to foresee or to prevent the torments of his offspring.


The foundation of the system of the Manicheans, with all its antiquity, was not on that account more reasonable. Lemmas, susceptible of the most clear and rigid geometrical demonstrations, should alone have induced any men to the adoption of such a theorem as the following:---"There are two necessary beings, both supreme, both infinite, both equally powerful, both in conflict with each other, yet, finally, agreeing to pour out upon this little planet---one, all the treasures of his beneficence, and the other all the stores of his malice." It is in vain that the advocates of this hypothesis attempt to explain by it the cause of good and evil even the fable of Prometheus But the eternity of misery is not the explains it better. Every hypothesis, subject of this article, which relates prowhich only serves to assign a reason for perly only to the good and evil of the certain things, without being, in addition { present life. None of the doctors of the to that recommendation, established upon numerous churches of Christianity, all of indisputable principles, ought invariably which advocate the doctrine we are here to be rejected. contesting, have been able to convince a single sage.

The Christian doctors (independently of revelation, which makes everything credible), explain the origin of good and evil no better than the partner-gods of Zoroaster.

When they say God is a tender father, God is a just king; when they add the idea of infinity to that of love, that kindness, that justice which they observe in the best of their own species, they soon fall into the most palpable and dreadful contradictions. How could this sovereign, who possessed in infinite fulness the principle or quality of human justice; how could this father, entertaining an infinite affection for his children; how could this being, infinitely powerful, have formed creatures in his own likeness, to have them immediately afterwards tempted by a malignant demon, to make them yield to that temptation, to inflict death on those

We cannot conceive how Bayle, who managed the weapons of dialectics with such admirable strength and dexterity, could content himself with introducing in a dispute a Manichean, a Calvinist, a Molinist, and a Socinian. Why did he not introduce, as speaking, a reasonable and sensible man? Why did not Bayle speak in his own person? He would have said far better what we shall now venture to say ourselves.

A father, who kills his children, is a monster; a king who conducts his subjects into a snare, in order to obtain a pretext for delivering them up to punishment and torture, is an execrable tyrant. If you conceive God to possess the same kindness which you require in a father, the same justice that you require in a king, no possible resource exists by which,

if we may use the expression, God can be exculpated; and by allowing him to possess infinite wisdom and infinite goodness you, in fact, render him infinitely odious; you excite a wish that he had no existence; you furnish arms to the atheist, who will ever be justified in triumphantly remarking to you, Better by far is it to deny a God altogether, than impute to him such conduct as you would punish, to the extremity of the law, in men.

We begin then with observing, that it is unbecoming in us to ascribe to God human attributes. It is not for us to make God after our own likeness. Human justice, human kindness, and human wisdom, can never be applied or made suitable to him. We may extend these attributes in our imagination as far as we are able to infinity; they will never be{ other than human qualities with boundaries perpetually or indefinitely removed; it would be equally rational to attribute to him infinite solidity, infinite motion, infinite roundness, or infinite divisibility. These attributes can never be his.

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that the proposition of an immortal man is a contradiction.

If our organized body were immortal, that of mere animals would be so likewise; but it is evident that, in the course of a very short time, the whole globe would, in this case, be incompetent to supply nourishment to those animals; those immortal beings which subsist only in consequence of renovation by food, would then perish for want of the means of such renovation. All this involves contradiction. We might make various other observations on the subject, but every reader who deserves the name of a philosopher will perceive, that death was necessary to everything that is born; that death can neither be an error on the part of God, nor an evil, an injustice, nor a chastisement to man.

Man, born to die, can no more be exempt from pain than from death. To prevent an organized substance endowed with feeling from ever experiencing pain, it would be necessary that all the laws of nature should be changed; that matter should no longer be divisible; that it Philosophy informs us that this universe should neither have weight, action, nor must have been arranged by a being in-force; that a rock might fall on an animal comprehensible, eternal, and existing by his own nature; but, once again, we must observe, that philosophy gives us no information on the subject of the attributes of that nature. We know what he is not, and not what he is.

With respect to God, there is neither good nor evil, physically or morally.

What is physical or natural evil? Of all evils, the greatest, undoubtedly, is death. Let us for a moment consider whether man could have been immortal. In order that a body like ours should have been indissoluble, imperishable, it would have been necessary that it should not be composed of parts; that it should not be born; that it should have neither nourishment nor growth; that it should experience no change. Let any one examine each of these points; and let every reader extend their number according to his own suggestions, and it will be seen

without crushing it; and that water should have no power to suffocate, or fire to burn it. Man impassive, then, is as much a contradiction as man immortal.

This feeling of pain was indispensable to stimulate us to self-preservation, and to impart to us such pleasures as are consistent with those general laws by which the whole system of nature is bound and regulated.

If we never experienced pain, we should be every moment injuring ourselves without perceiving it. Without the excitement of uneasiness, without some sensation of pain, we should perform no function of life; should never communicate it, and should be destitute of all the pleasures of it. Hunger is the commencement of pain, which compels us to take our required nourishment. Ennui is a pain which stimulates to exercise and occupation. Love itself is a

All this is physical evil in relation to man, but can no more be considered moral evil in relation to God than the rage of dogs worrying and destroying one another. It is a mere common-place idea, and as false as it is feeble, that men are the only species that slaughter and destroy one another. Wolves, dogs, cats, cocks, quails, &c. all war with their respective species: house spiders devour

for the female. This warfare is the result of the laws of nature, of principles in their very blood and essence; all is connected; all is necessary.

necessity which becomes painful until it is met with corresponding attachment. In a word, every desire is a want, a necessity, a beginning of pain. Pain, therefore, is the main spring of all the actions of animated beings. Every animal possessed of feeling must be liable to pain, if matter is divisible; and pain was as necessary as death. It is not, therefore, an error of providence, nor a result of malignity, nor a creature of imagina-one another; the male universally fights tion. Had we seen only brutes suffer, we should, for that, never have accused nature of harshness or cruelty; had we, while ourselves were impassive, witnessed the lingering and torturing death of a Nature has granted man about two-anddove, when a kite seized upon it with his twenty years of life, one with another; murderous talons, and leisurely devouring that is, of a thousand children born in its bleeding limbs, doing in that no more the same month, some of whom have than we do ourselves, we should not ex- died in their infancy, and the rest lived press the slightest murmur of dissatis-respectively to the age of thirty, forty, faction. But what claim have we for an exemption of our own bodies from such dismemberment and torture beyond what might be urged in behalf of brutes? Is it that we possess an intellect superior to theirs? But what has intellect to do' with the divisibility of matter? Can a few ideas more or less in a brain prevent fire from burning, or a rock from crush-transient, that of the small-pox reigns ing us?

Moral evil, upon which so many volumes have been written is, in fact, nothing but natural evil. This moral evil is a sensation of pain occasioned by one organized being to another. Rapine, outrage, &c. are evil only because they produce evil. But as we certainly are unable to do any evil, or occasion any pain to God, it is evident by the light of reason, (for faith is altogether a different principle) that in relation to the Supreme Being and as affecting him, moral evil can have no existence.

fifty, and even eighty years, or perhaps beyond, the average calculation will allow to each the above mentioned number of twenty-two years.

How can it affect the deity, whether a man die in battle or of a fever? War destroys fewer human beings than the small-pox. The scourge of war is

with paramount and permanent fatality throughout the earth, followed by a numerous train of others; and taking into consideration the combined, and nearly regular operation of the various causes which sweep mankind from the stage of life, the allowance of two-and-twenty years for every individual, will be found in general to be tolerably correct.

Man, you say, offends God by killing his neighbour; if this be the case, the directors of nations must indeed be tremendous criminals; for, while even invoking God to their assistance, they urge on to slaughter immense multitudes of

As the greatest of natural evils is death, the greatest of moral evils is, unquestion-their fellow-beings, for contemptible inably, war. All crimes follow in its train; false and calumnious declarations, perfidious violation of the treaties, pillage, devastation, pain, and death under every hideous and appalling form.

terests which it would show infinitely more policy, as well as humanity, to abandon. But how (to reason merely as philosophers) how do they offend God? Just as much as tigers and cro

not of M. Freret, perpetual secretary of the I torment, but Academy of Belles Lettres at Paris.

codiles offend him.
God whom they harass and
their neighbour. It is only against man
that man can be guilty. A highway
robber can commit no robbery on God.
What can it signify to the eternal deity,
whether a few pieces of yellow metal are
in the hands of Jerome, or of Bonaven-
ture? We have necessary desires, ne-
cessary passions, and necessary laws for
the restraint of both; and while on this
our ant-hill, during the little day of our
existence, we are engaged in eager and
destructive contest about a straw, the
universe moves on in its majestic course,
directed by eternal and unalterable laws,
which comprehend in their operation the
atom that we call the earth.


Ir is a matter of high importance to ascertain which are the first gospels. It is a decided truth, whatever Abbadie may assert to the contrary, that none of the first fathers of the church, down to Irenæus inclusively, have quoted any passage from the four gospels with which we are acquainted. And to this it may be added, that the Alogi, the Theodosians, constantly rejected the gospel of St. John, and always spoke of it with contempt; as we are informed by St. Epiphanius in his thirty-fourth homily. Our enemies farther observe, that the most ancient fathers do not merely forbear to quote anything from our gospels, but relate many passages or events which are to be found only in the apocryphal gospels rejected by the canon.

St. Clement, for example, relates that our Lord, having been questioned concerning the time when his kingdom would come, answered, "That will be when what is without shall resemble that within, and when there shall be neither male nor female." But we must admit that this passage does not occur in either of our gospels. There are innumerable other instances to prove this truth; which may be seen in the Critical Examination

The learned Fabricius took the pains to collect the ancient gospels which time has spared; that of James appears to be the first; and it is certain that it still possesses considerable authority with some of the oriental churches. It is called "the first gospel." There remain the passion and the resurrection, pretended to have been written by Nicodemus. This gospel of Nicodemus is quoted by St. Justin and Tertullian. It is there we find the names of our Lord's accusers Annas, Caiaphas, Soumas, Dathan, Gamaliel, Judas, Levi, and Napthali; the attention and particularity with which these names are given, confer upon the work an appearance of truth and sincerity. Our adversaries have inferred, that as so many false gospels were forged, which at first were recognized as true, those which constitute at the present day the foundation of our own faith may have been forged also. They dwell much on the circumstance of the first heretics suffering even death itself in defence of these apocryphal gospels. There have evidently been, they say, forgers, seducers, and men who have been seduced by them into error, and died in defence of that error; it is, at least, therefore, no proof of the truth of Christianity that it has had its martyrs who have died for it.

They add farther, that the martyrs were never asked the question, whether they believed the gospel of John or the gospel of James. The Pagans could not put a series of interrogatories about books with which they were not at all acquainted; the magistrates punished some Christians very unjustly, as disturbers of the public peace, but they never put particular questions to them in relation to our four gospels. These books were not known to the Romans before the time of Dioclesian, and even towards the close of Dioclesian's reign, they had scarcely obtained any publicity. It was deemed in a Christian a crime both abo

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