Fishes of the Western North Atlantic, Edizione 1,Parte 5Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale Univ., 1948 |
Dall'interno del libro
Risultati 1-3 di 78
Pagina 227
... head appreciably less deep and much smaller in cross section than body ; nape and belly 10 mm FIGURE 60. Paralepis atlantica Krøyer . Large adult , 495 mm SL , the head naturally directed downward ; if the head is pushed upward to be ...
... head appreciably less deep and much smaller in cross section than body ; nape and belly 10 mm FIGURE 60. Paralepis atlantica Krøyer . Large adult , 495 mm SL , the head naturally directed downward ; if the head is pushed upward to be ...
Pagina 229
... head deep . Fins not formed , but the pectoral fin indicated . No coloration except for the foremost peritoneal ... head and snout increase rapidly in length , the head reaching its proportionately longest length at about 14-24 mm ...
... head deep . Fins not formed , but the pectoral fin indicated . No coloration except for the foremost peritoneal ... head and snout increase rapidly in length , the head reaching its proportionately longest length at about 14-24 mm ...
Pagina 519
... head and the widespread development of papillae on the head and anteriorly on the lateral line and body ; the color in life is iri- descent silvery black . Extreme specialization is represented by Evermannella , which has telescopic ...
... head and the widespread development of papillae on the head and anteriorly on the lateral line and body ; the color in life is iri- descent silvery black . Extreme specialization is represented by Evermannella , which has telescopic ...
Order Iniomi | 1 |
Family Aulopidae By G W MEAD | 19 |
Family Synodontidae By W W ANDERSON J W GEHRINGER | 30 |
13 sezioni non visualizzate
Altre edizioni - Visualizza tutto
Fishes of the Western North Atlantic: Editorial Board: Editor-in-chief John ... Visualizzazione estratti - 1948 |
Parole e frasi comuni
Acad adipose fin adults Alepisaurus anal fin anal fin base anal fin rays anal rays anteriorly anus atlantica barracudina Bathypterois Bermuda BLBG body bones BRANCHIOSTEGAL Bull caudal fin caudal peduncle chromatophores color coregonoides depth descr developed Distance from snout dorsal fin elongate Evermann eye diameter Fowler genus gill rakers Gulf of Mexico Günther head Hist holotype interorbital jayakari Jordan juveniles lateral line length of base Lestidiops Lestidium lower jaw Madeira maxillary melanophores membrane moderately nostrils NYZS OREGON St origin of dorsal Pacific palatine Paralepis Parr pectoral fin pelvic fin Peritoneal sections pharyngobranchial pigmentation Poey pores posterior edge posteriorly postlarvae prehaemal premaxillary Proc pseudosphyraenoides Risso Rofen Saurus scales side slender slightly spec species specimens Study Material subadult Synodus synon U.S. Fish U.S. nat upper jaw USNM ventral fins vertebrae vertical western North Atlantic width Zool